Kim Vuga Love Australia or Leave Party | Public figure
Kim Vuga Love Australia or Leave Party
Phone: +61 407 844 111
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21.01.2022 "At the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day of the eleventh month each year, as a nation, we pause to contemplate the sacrifice of all who have died in the service of our nation.
19.01.2022 FAKE ACCOUNT ALERT Someone has set up a fake Facebook account using my profile photo from my Kimberly Vuga account. The Kimberly Vuga account was set up as a spare account and is legit - although my real name is Kim. This account is still operational, however I don’t use it. ... It appears that when you share a post off the page you are sent the message below. Just, ignore the message - or delete their message. Please don’t visit their profile. Most people will recognise from the message that it is spam. Thank you for bringing this to my attention
19.01.2022 ** JOIN US BECOME A MEMBER TODAY FREE MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE ** We would love to have you on board! It’s time......... Australia needs a change! Our politicians cannot or will not lead! Our lawmakers have lost their way! Our country is being sold off to overseas interest piece by piece! We must do everything in our power to leave the UN. It’s time to rid Australia of the curse of the UN. Our homeless numbers are in the thousands, while billions of tax payer’s dollars are given away in foreign aid! We need your help to make a difference. JOIN US! If you haven’t joined our party yet we have FREE Membership now open to all states and territories, we would love to have you on board. Please feel free to take up our offer for FREE MEMBERSHIP. We would love to have you come on board! FREE MEMBERSHIP HERE: CHECK OUT OUR POLICIES: Have you had a gut full of our current political leaders? Do you want to see a change? It will be the very decisions that we make today that will impact on Australia and future generations.... JOIN US TODAY! Regards, Kim Vuga #KimVugaLoveAustraliaOrLeaveParty
13.01.2022 Scott Morrison said today that the COVID-19 vaccine will not be mandatory, saying it was "not the government's policy and has never been the government's policy". While I am definitely not an anti vaxer I certainly would like to wait and see what happens to those who are willing to try it. Maybe China should try it first ... What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
12.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who contacted me after I posted the video yesterday re: The SAS inquiry. From every day Australian’s and the many who have or are still serving in the Australian Defence Force, you certainly let me know how you felt and gave me further insight. Many ex serving members and current members are absolutely furious how the government is handling the inquiry into our SAS. ... It’s not the inquiry that has pissed them off, it’s the way in which the government is handling the matter. Other’s have said if they were called up to go to a war zone, they would tell the Defence they can stick it (words to that effect). Another has said if he was a part of the investigation he would be asked to be court martialed and demand it go through the chain of command in Defence. When asked what they thought about the upcoming Anzac Day, a few said that they believe the diggers are so disgusted that some won’t even bother marching next ANZAC day. Everyone is absolutely furious that the Afghan families will be financially compensated. Acknowledging that our wounded men and women in Defence can’t even get the assistance they need when they come home. I still have quite few emails and messages to answer. I will try to get through them tonight. Thank you Like I have already said, We should be building our military up, not tearing them down.
09.01.2022 Let’s do this! Love Australia or Leave Party believe in the 'Death Penalty' for ... Sex offenders Crimes against children Murderers Drug Traffickers Terrorists Arsonists It's time....... #DeathPenalty #BringBackTheDeathPenalty Share if you agree?
09.01.2022 Today is the day our government is dropping a bombshell in relation to alleged war crimes in Afghanistan. The redacted version of the Brereton Report will be released sometime today. This will have dire consequences in more ways than you think!... I have my own views on the investigation. Some, might agree, some won't. But here is what I have to say about it. Have a listen and let me know what you think? Send me a message in my inbox, in the comments or via email [email protected] #sas #adf #australia #NationalSecurityRisk #suicidalawareness
07.01.2022 So many sacrificed everything for us so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today. We will remember them. Lest we forget.
04.01.2022 Huh! Here we go! I stand with our defence
03.01.2022 **Welcome to all our new members! We have been inundated the last 2 months with memberships from all over Australia with quite a few from Victoria. Victorian memberships are growing! ... We are hoping to set up branches in a few of the State’s and Territories very soon. If you think you have what it takes to be a leader or part of a committee I would love to talk with you. All new members who joined last week, just letting you know that I have finally caught up and your membership card will be in the mail first thing Monday morning. Thank you We are definitely growing! Thank you for your patience xo ** JOIN US BECOME A MEMBER TODAY FREE MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE ** We would love to have you on board! It’s time...... Australia needs a change! Our politicians cannot or will not lead! Our lawmakers have lost their way! Our country is being sold off to overseas interest piece by piece! We must do everything in our power to leave the UN. It’s time to rid Australia of the curse of the UN. Our homeless numbers are in the thousands, while billions of tax payer’s dollars are given away in foreign aid! We need your help to make a difference. JOIN US! If you haven’t joined our party yet we have FREE Membership now open to all states and territories, we would love to have you on board. Please feel free to take up our offer for FREE MEMBERSHIP. We would love to have you come on board! FREE MEMBERSHIP HERE: CHECK OUT OUR POLICIES: Have you had a gut full of our current political leaders? Do you want to see a change? It will be the very decisions that we make today that will impact on Australia and future generations.... JOIN US TODAY! Regards, Kim Vuga #KimVugaLoveAustraliaOrLeaveParty
03.01.2022 The Australian government said: They WILL pay compensation to Afghan families whose loved ones were allegedly murdered by Australian soldiers. Up to 3,000 soldiers could be stripped of their meritorious unit citation.... The Special Operation Task Group will have it’s meritorious citation taken away. ALL medals will be reviewed. SAS Squadron will be wiped from the Defence Force. The Australian government WILL pay compensation to Afghan families ‘even’ before the investigations start - LET THAT SINK IN! Our government has thrown our soldiers under a bus! It is appalling and absolutely bloody shameful what our government has done! We should be building our Defence force up! NOT tearing it down! #IStandWithADF
01.01.2022 We are 33 years ahead in our population rates, 33 years behind in infrastructure and the ability to continue to sustain and look after our own. We need to 'halt' ALL immigration until such time our country is out of debt, along with banning ALL Islamic Immigration permanently to keep Australia safe and sustainable. YES WE'RE FULL!... Check us out #LookAfterOwnBackYard #AustraliaMatters #KimVugaLoveAustraliaOrLeaveParty