Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation in Sydney, Australia | Community organisation
Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9051 1690
Address: 139-141 Morehead St 2017 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Likes: 4208
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25.01.2022 Tonight at 8pm on ABC TV + iview
25.01.2022 Uncle Harold kicking off our first Friday Funny for 2021! Happy Friday everyone! #fridayvibes #fridayfunny #fridaymood #unclejokes #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #truthtelling #intergenerationalhealing #laughterisgoodforthesoul #laughteristhebestmedicine #dadjokes
25.01.2022 The deadly KBH Uncles doing MEC sessions of truth telling at George’s River College - Peakhurst
24.01.2022 Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation is looking for mob who have a passion for working with community. We hire Disability Workers throughout Sydney by offering flexible, casual positions to suit your lifestyle whether you are studying or have family commitment. We're hiring Disability Support Workers in Sydney... Locations include: Sydney's CBD Waterloo/Redfern & surrounding suburbs Sydney's south west Bankstown/liverpool & surrounding areas Western Sydney Mount druitt /Blacktown & surrounding areas KBHAC is looking for enthusiastic team members who can practice our trauma informed and culturally safe practices within community. KBHAC will be running information sessions where you can learn more about what hiring vacancies are available as well as meet the team. For more information contact our friendly staff on 02 9051 1690 [email protected] #ndisprovider #ndissupport #KBHAC #sydney #employmentopportunities #jobvacancies #NDIS
23.01.2022 Happening tonight We're really excited about hitting the couch at 8:30pm to watch Looky Looky Here Comes Cooky on NITV and SBS VICELAND! A songline for 21st century Australia the show is a fresh look at the Cook legend from a First Nations’ perspective (about time) featuring the hilarious comedian and slam poet Steven Oliver Official and a host of outstanding Indigenous singer/songwriters including Mo’Ju, Kev Carmody, Birdz, Alice Skye, Daniel from A.B. Original and Fred L...eone. Check out the preview below
23.01.2022 Let’s keep our young mob safe In case you missed it Nooky (Yuin) and Mi-kaisha (Darumbal) have just released a deadly video to encourage our young people to continue to stay COVID safe. 18-35 year olds have the highest COVID-19 infection rates, so it's important to stay 'One point 5' away.... #OnePoint5 #KeepOurMobSafe #COVID19 #AANSW
22.01.2022 We’ve found a NEW SPACE! It’s so exciting seeing the new space starting to come together! We’ll keep you posted on the progress and when our moving day will happen! Special thanks to the hard work of @imperiumbuild & @andrewsouthwoodjones ... #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #truthtelling #intergenerationalhealing #mobhelpingmob #nonprofit #renovation #watchthisspace
22.01.2022 Uncle Bobby is bringing us another Friday Funny!!! #fridayfunny #fridayvibes #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #truthtelling #intergenerationalhealing #laughterisgoodforthesoul #laughteristhebestmedicine #dadjokes #unclejokes #naidoc2020 #naidoc #alwayswasalwayswillbe
22.01.2022 Sadly our week in Moree comes to an end. Yarns with family, community, old and new friends made this trip to Gomeroi Country a special one. We remember the KBH Uncles who as boys were kidnapped from here, the uncles who were sent to properties here and the uncles who returned here and whose families will always be part of the KBHAC Family. Unlocking our past to free our future, the journey continues. . #miyaybirray #dhiiyaancentre #PiusX #AboriginalAffairsNSW #truthtelling
21.01.2022 Lest We Forget - Remembrance Day 2020 during NAIDOC Week, let’s honour all who protected... #naidoc2020 #naidocweek #remembranceday #truthtelling #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #intergenerationalhealing #lestweforget # #neverforgotten #anzacs #protectors #warriors
21.01.2022 Another great resource from our friends at the Healing Foundation. A continuing and deeper understanding of the experiences of our Stolen Generations elders is so important as they continue their journey of truth telling and healing
20.01.2022 Something to watch on a Sunday afternoon This virtual time machine is allowing people to see what Indigenous Australia looked like before colonisation with Bilbie Virtual Studios. Created by the amazing Brett Leavy a descendant of the Kooma people whose traditional country is bordered by St George in the east and Cunnamulla in the west, Brett’s dedicated his working life to cultural knowledge recording and the industry of communications. His digital work seeks to represent ...the arts, cultural stories, heritage, traditional knowledge and histories of First Nation people using new, immersive and interactive technologies. Keeping with the theme, there's a lot of discussion around the changing of place names back to their traditional names (what a great step that would be) and the article below is a great resource for those interested in what significant places were known by the traditional custodians of that land
20.01.2022 We second and third that
19.01.2022 The fight for justice continues and how powerful would it be for the site of Kinchela Boys Home to be returned to our Uncles to become the healing centre they want it to be Yesterday August 16 marked a very significant day in the fight for Aboriginal land rights. On that day in 1975 then Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam poured soil into the hands of senior Gurindji man Vincent Lingiari to mark the return of more than 3,000 square kilometres of the Wave Hill cattle station to ...his people. 54 years earlier on 23 August, the Gurindji people of the Northern Territory made their name across Australia with the 1966 Wave Hill Walk-Off. A landmark event that inspired national change: equal wages for Aboriginal workers, as well as a new Land Rights Act. Although it did take almost two decades, the Gurindji also became one of the first Aboriginal groups to reclaim their wider traditional lands. Many people know a small part of the walk-off story because of the song From Little Things, Big Things Grow about 200 stockmen, house servants and their families who walked off Wave Hill Station on 23 August 1966, in protest at appalling pay and living conditions. What is not widely known is that the walk-off followed more than 80 years of massacres and killings, stolen children and other abuses by early colonists. Mervyn Bishop #Indigenous #Aboriginal #FirstNations #TorresStrait #Australia #Gurindji #VincentLingiari #GoughWhitlam #WaveHillWalkOff
19.01.2022 We’ve had our first full week back! Last year was a big year but we’re ready for 2021!!! Visit us at and signup for our updates and stay up to date with what we’re up to! #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #truthtelling #intergenerationalhealing #newyearnewbeginnings #newyear #freshfriday
17.01.2022 Is there more you want to know about your family roots and history? August is Family History Month and this free service is available
14.01.2022 This week was National Stress Awareness Week - make sure to checkin on yourself and others! Let’s walk this walk together in good mental health! #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #truthtelling #mobhelpingmob #intergenerationalhealing #mentalhealth #healing #nationalstressawarenessweek #wellbeing #keepingitreal
14.01.2022 Friday Funny time with Uncle Willy! #fridayfunny #unclejokes #fridayvibes #fridaymood #laughterisgoodforthesoul #laughteristhebestmedicine #truthtelling #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #intergenerationalhealing
13.01.2022 Uncle Willy with this week’s #fridayfunny #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #truthtelling #intergenerationalhealing #dadjokes #unclejokes #fridayvibes #laughteristhebestmedicine #laughterisgoodforthesoul #blakanddeadly
13.01.2022 Didnt get a chance to have your say then come and join us. Spend time with Survivors their descendants and community yarning about the Apology and what you wish can happen going forward.
13.01.2022 Can’t believe it was two weeks ago that Benny The MEC was out at Kimberwalli! Department of Education & Kimberwalli participants were able to hear from some of the Uncles, see the Kinchela Boys animation and experience the Mobile Education Centre! #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #intergenerationalhealing #truthtelling #education #australianhistory #kimberwalli #nsweducation #mobileeducation #thewheelsonthebus #deadlyuncles
12.01.2022 Keeping with the theme of looking after our young mob, the link below is a great resource for yarning with your kids about the impacts of COVID-19. It’s very easy for kids to feel overwhelmed by all the news floating through social media and these tips can help you navigate through some of the questions.
10.01.2022 BEFORE DURING Watch This Space!!! We’ve been working hard to get the new space ready! Excited for the next stage! Our doors are still open at our 631 Elizabeth St, Waterloo Office! #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #intergenerationalhealing #TruthTelling #renovation #watchthisspace # #gettingready
10.01.2022 Join us at Kempsey Train Station or on Facebook live at 10am to honour the Stolen Generations this #nationalapologyday #alwayswasalwayswillbe #sovereigntyneverceded #truthtelling #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #intergenerationalhealing #intergenerationaltrauma #australianhistory #aboriginal #torresstraitislander #nationalapologyday2021 #nationalapologyanniversary
10.01.2022 #FreeTheFlag Many of you mob have probably been following the issues around the copyright currently placed on the Aboriginal Flag. It's come to a head over the last week with the announcement that during the AFL Indigenous Round this weekend the flag won't be displayed at AFL grounds due to copyright laws.... A non-Indigenous business, WAM Clothing purchased the rights to the flag's design in 2018, and has since courted controversy for profiting from its cultural significance. Created by Indigenous artist Harold Thomas in 1971, the flag was granted 'Flag of Australia' status in 1995, under the Flags Act 1953, however copyright or licensing was not pursued by the government and we now find ourselves in the position that licensing fees need to be paid to both WAM Clothing and Harold Thomas for it's reuse. There's a petition currently active to have this issue resolved and for the federal government to intercede to make changes to the current system and potentially purchase the rights to the flag.
09.01.2022 Thanks to the Kempsey Neighbourhood Centre Inc for hosting lunch today for some of the KBHAC Board members as well as showing us the 'Healing Hearts' initiative which allows family to make their own headstones for their loved ones who have passed. Hopefully we will be able to do this with the KBH families as well.
09.01.2022 Our deadly Uncle Widdy & KBHAC Chairman sharing some words on January 26th... #truthtelling #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #intergenerationalhealing #firstnations #survivalday #january26 #australiaday #blakhistory #australiahasablakhistory #DayOfMourning
07.01.2022 New Office site visit by some of our deadly Uncles yesterday! #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #truthtelling #intergenerationalhealing #renovation #watchthisspace #gettingready #deadlyuncles #kbhsurvivors #survivors #
06.01.2022 A big shout out to KEMPSEY NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE INC and Rotary Club of Kempsey - District 9650 - Club 4813 for helping out today for the 13th Anniversary of the Apology in Kempsey. We appreciate your support today and in the future.
06.01.2022 Today is the 13th Anniversary of The National Apology, a day to honour Stolen Generations Survivors & acknowledge their descendants and families. Today also marks 1 year since we launched the KBHAC Mobile Education Centre!!! #nationalapologyday #truthtelling #sovereigntyneverceded #alwayswasalwayswillbe #cultureandcommunity #stolengenerations #survivors #reconciliation #mobileeducation #themec #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #intergenerationalhealing #theweheelsonthebus NSW... Department of Education Carriageworks #aboriginalaffairsnsw NSW Aboriginal Land Council Aboriginal Legal Service The State Library of New South Wales Cootamundra Aboriginal Girls' Training Home Link-Up NSW AH&MRC of NSW AbSec Nsw Department Family & Community Services Message Stick Group Kevin Rudd thereserein Georgina Harrison Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council Tasman Keith NSW AECG Inc. See more
05.01.2022 NDIS DOMESTIC SERVICES LIGHT DUTY CLEANING SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation Connecting Abilities program is still running at this time and is available to anyone who is on the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme, applying for the NDIS or currently ineligible. Have a yarn with our NDIS team on (02) 9051 1690 or email [email protected] if you need some help around the home.... * All COVID-19 safety protocols are practised during light duty cleaning services *
05.01.2022 A day to be recognised and celebrated #culture #alwayswasalwayswillbe #resilient
04.01.2022 Are you accessing the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme through Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation or wanting to receive NDIS support in the future The NDIS is currently reviewing the support coordination service model and they want your feedback. The NDIS is evolving and you can be a part of that change. ... Just click on the link below to submit your feedback and if you're interested in discussing support coordination through KBHAC call us on 9051 1690 or email [email protected]
03.01.2022 Watch This Space! Exciting things coming! #watchthisspace #truthtelling #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture... #intergenerationalhealing #intergenerationaltrauma #mobtakingcareofmob See more
02.01.2022 Something for our Uncles and Descendants to look forward to during COVID-19 until we can get together face to face.
02.01.2022 Have you met Benny? aka The MEC The Mobile Education Centre has had a tech update! Very rewarding seeing our Deadly Uncles' Truth Telling in such an engaging and dynamic Education tool! Special Thanks to the CDC Buses, CDC NSW, for housing our Benny! #unlockingourpasttofreeourfuture #truthtelling #intergenerationalhealing #kinchelaboys #koori #FirstNations #indigenoushistory #australianhistory... #education #thewheelsonthebus ##watchthisspace See more
01.01.2022 Please come and join on Monday to have your say!
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