KinderGym SA in Adelaide, South Australia | Sports
KinderGym SA
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 8 8294 8288
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25.01.2022 Did you know KinderGym is Back! Term 3 is about to start, so it is the perfect time to book into your local affiliated KinderGym club now! Find a Local Affiliated Club Here >>
24.01.2022 Toot-toot! Have you checked in on your KinderGym buddies? Stay connected!
22.01.2022 How are you? Need to get the kids moving? We have got you sorted, check this crawling activity card out! Crawling teaches children to use both sides of the body equally while strengthening arms and leg muscles. ... #TheHomeOfFundamentalMovement #KinderGymAtHome
22.01.2022 Hi There! We have another week of KinderGym @ Home. It is all about moving to music. When our little ones move to music, it helps their coordination and brain development. It also assists with sound recognition and teaches rhythm and rhyme. KinderGym provides a fun and safe environment with nationally accredited early childhood Leaders to support and guide your child. So whatever developmental stage your child is at, you can rest assured that at KinderGym they are for life. #MusicAtHome | Don’t forget to tag and send us videos. When able to do so, head back to your local affiliated club or join your local affiliated KinderGym program here >>
21.01.2022 #Repost @blackwood_kindergym HIP-HIP HOORAY ITS KINDERGYM DAY!!!
21.01.2022 @ ! KinderGym puts the fun in learning fundamental movement skills! Don’t delay contact your local Affiliated KinderGym and book a spot for Term 4 now! >>
20.01.2022 What a week! KinderGym’s 40 year celebrations have gone off with a bang! Thank you to all our Affiliated Clubs that have celebrated in their own KinderGym sessions with our little members. Yesterday we finished the week with the Leader Function at The Unley Hotel. It was a lovely afternoon, lots of reminiscing with past and present leaders. ... Thank you to everyone who attended, the vibe and atmosphere was wonderful. Congratulations to everyone on 40 years of KinderGym! #TheHomeOfFundamentalMovement #KinderGymTurns40
20.01.2022 Drumming! What a fun activity! This activity card can be used in many different songs and rhymes. Music and Rhyme helps to build your child’s language skills and moving to music additionally helps develop their coordination! Try this activity card at home! ... #MusicAtHome | Don’t forget to tag and send us videos. When able to do so, head back to your local affiliated club or join your local affiliated KinderGym program here >>
18.01.2022 KinderGym SA will be at the Adelaide Pregnancy Babies and Children's Expo this weekend! Pop in to say hi to our KinderGym Leaders!
18.01.2022 Grownups, guess what? Visit our page tomorrow to join our KinderGym @ Home session. We will be focusing on BALANCE! ... When you child balances, they develop postural control and body awareness. Balance is essential to all movement and a foundation skill for motor development. #TheHomeOfFundamentalMovement #KinderGym@Home
17.01.2022 . , ! Raelene has been a KinderGym Leader for 20 years and still is heavily involved in the KinderGym today. Be inspired by her story.... Discover more about KinderGym >> #TheHomeOfFunadmentalMovement #KinderGymTurns40
17.01.2022 Hiya! It’s time to go on a Grand Adventure with @ . We all know how much our little ones love to think up imaginative stories while playing. This week we are taking them on a car adventure! Creative play is wonderful for building their imaginations and problem solving skills! ... KinderGym provides a fun and safe environment with nationally accredited early childhood Leaders to support and guide your child. So whatever developmental stage your child is at, you can rest assured that at KinderGym they are learning for life. #CreativePlayAtHome | Don’t forget to tag and send us videos. When able to do so, head back to your local affiliated club or join your local affiliated KinderGym program here >>
17.01.2022 As affiliated Gymnastics SA members our KinderGym SA community can additionally access an amazing conference put on by our friends at Gymnastics NSW. The KinderGym Leaders Congress is focused on , but the best thing is that you can participate in the comfort of your own homes! KinderGym Conference, Saturday 15, August | 12.30pm - 4.00pm (ACST) ... This professional development opportunity is only open to Leaders and Coaches working within affiliated clubs. Find out more & Register >>
16.01.2022 Have you and your little one tried Hopscotch before? What a great way to get up and moving these school holidays.
15.01.2022 ! KinderGym puts the fun in learning fundamental movement skills! Don’t delay contact your local Affiliated KinderGym and book a spot for Term 4 now! >>
13.01.2022 Heyo One of the important milestone for your little one! It just doesn’t get them from one toy to the next, it develops muscles in head, neck, arms, back and legs! WOW Not to mention improving their gross and fine motor skills!... Join our accredited Leader with our KinderGym @ Home session on crawling! #TheHomeOfFundmentalMovement #KinderGymAtHome
13.01.2022 Out of this world! This weeks activity card is creating a new world and your very own space ship! Creative play is important for your child’s development and is great for solving problems and building confidence! ... Try this activity card at home! #CreativePlayAtHome | Don’t forget to tag and send us videos. When able to do so, head back to your local affiliated club or join your local affiliated KinderGym program here >>
13.01.2022 Pregnancy, Babies and Children Expo! Come say hi to our KinderGym Leaders at the @pbcexpo this weekend! We have some fun take home activity cards for all ages!
13.01.2022 This weekend we have our 2021 Education Conference to upskill our KinderGym leaders, to ensure your little ones are being provided with the best learning outcomes through their KinderGym Programs. This year we have some great opportunities for our leaders to learn more about the importance of movement milestones for growth and development.We look forward to seeing you at KinderGym in term 1. Our accredited KinderGym Leaders can register NOW >> Link in bio
12.01.2022 Hooray! Another week of KinderGym @ Home. We are back to improve our static balancing. Balance is an essential skill for fundamental movement development. The more you practice balancing, the more confident and competent your little one will get! KinderGym provides a fun and safe environment with nationally accredited early childhood Leaders to support and guide your child. So whatever developmental stage your child is at, you can rest assured that at KinderGym they are le...arning for life. #StaticBalancingAtHome | Don’t forget to tag and send us videos. When able to do so, head back to your local affiliated club or join your local affiliated KinderGym program here >>
11.01.2022 How cute do the Official KinderGym T-Shirts look! There is still time to get yours by enrolling your little one into your local affiliated KinderGym! Find your local KinderGym Here >> : Seacliff KinderGym
11.01.2022 Leap into KinderGym in 2021! As your local KinderGym starts to prepare for the year ahead, we love to provide opportunities for our KinderGym Leaders to upskill and further their knowledge. In January we have two great workshops for our KinderGym Leaders to attend: Childhood Development Early Speech and Language Development with Dr Karyn Carson - An introduction to early speech and language development in children up to five years of age, including emergent literacy development and the role of play. Fundamental Movement - Importance of movement milestones for growth and development. A Physiotherapists perspective. Our accredited KinderGym Leaders can register NOW >>
10.01.2022 To all the KinderGym Dad's - Happy Fathers Day!
09.01.2022 The achievements over the past 40 years of KinderGym are momentous, more than 180,000 South Australian children have been socially, cognitively, emotionally and physically developed through the program. This week we recognised the organisations and individuals for their services to the KinderGym Community. ... Congratulations to all Award Winners. Meritorious Service to the Community Award Winners: Karen Baxter Jane Harper Marilynn Rayner Annie Rohrlach Colonel Light KinderGym Loxton KinderGym Riverland Gymnastics Academy Seacliff KinderGym Tea Tree Gully Gymsports Meritorious Service for the Development of KinderGym Award Winners: Cate Birch Patricia Blanks Heather Mooney Raelene Osborn Meritorious Service for the Strategic Administration and Promotion of KinderGym Award Winners: Graham Dodd Grant Harrison Christine Nightingale Dr Carole Pinnock Kerrie Smith #TheHomeOfFundamentalMovement #KinderGymTurns40
09.01.2022 | ! To celebrate KinderGym turning 40 we are giving away a free term of KinderGym at your local affiliated club. All you need to do is 4. Share your favourite KinderGym Image or Video ... 5. Follow & Tag @KinderGymSA and your local affiliated KinderGym club 6. Hashtag #KinderGymTurns40 Winner will be contacted by KinderGym SA by Monday, 9 November 2020. We can wait to see all your amazing KinderGym images or videos! *This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Facebook/Instagram.* #TheHomeOfFundamentalMovement #KinderGymTurns40
09.01.2022 . Eddie and Katrina share their thoughts on how KinderGym is a safe activity that lets children grow and learn at their own pace. KinderGym is an inclusive activity that supports individual development of each child. Activities are tailored to each child’s age and stage of development. Discover more about KinderGym >> Australian Olympic Team ... Australian Paralympic Team #TheHomeOfFundamentalMovement #KinderGymTurns40
08.01.2022 ! As children learn to , they use both sides of their body. This is called cross patterning. Cross patterning builds and develops both sides of the brain! Children are also building their gross motor skills and developing confidence. KinderGym provides a fun and safe environment with nationally accredited, early childhood Leaders on hand to support and guide your child. So whatever developmental stage your child is at,... you can rest assured that at KinderGym they are learning for life. Don’t delay, contact your local Affiliated KinderGym and book a spot for Term 4 now! >>
07.01.2022 James loves KinderGym he gets to "roll, dance, twirl... and tumble". Do you have little ones at home that also love rolling, dancing twriling and tumbling, if so! #BounceBackIntoGymnastics with KinderGym in Term 3. Find your local KinderGym and book in now >>
06.01.2022 KinderGym community we can do this. Stay strong
06.01.2022 . Balancing is the ability to maintain control of a particular body position, to maintain control it requires good static and dynamic balance. Balancing is an essential skill for fundamental movement development. The more you practice balancing, the more confident and competent your little one will get! KinderGym provides a fun and safe environment with nationally accredited early childhood Leaders to su...pport and guide your child. So whatever developmental stage your child is at, you can rest assured that at KinderGym they are learning for life. Don’t delay, contact your local Affiliated KinderGym and book a spot for Term 4 now! >>
06.01.2022 Childhood Development Early Speech and Language Development with Dr Karyn Carson - An introduction to early speech and language development in children up to five years of age, including emergent literacy development and the role of play.Our accredited KinderGym Leaders can register for her session HERE >>
05.01.2022 Have you booked into KinderGym for Term 3? KinderGym has many great benefits for your little ones. They make new friends as do you, all while working on the fundamental skills including fine and gross motor skills. Find your local affiliated club now >>
04.01.2022 ! is an incredibly important building block for motor skill development and is a joyful activity that will have your kids smiling. A jump can be broken down in three parts: take-off, flight and landing. Your little one is learning a lot whilst bouncing around! When jumping they are:... . - Jumping is a cardiovascular exercise and gives the heart a healthy and organic workout. . - When kids jump, it involves virtually all major muscle groups in the body. . - Jumping helps kids understand their body better. Both sides of the brain and body work together to maintain balance and coordination. KinderGym provides a fun and safe environment with nationally accredited early childhood Leaders on hand to support and guide your child. So whatever developmental stage your child is at, you can rest assured that at KinderGym they are learning for life. Don’t delay, contact your local Affiliated KinderGym and book a spot for Term 4 now! >>
04.01.2022 Term 1 is getting closer!! Be sure to get your tiny tornado enrolled into KinderGym! Find a local affiliated club near you today >>
03.01.2022 ! activities are important to develop the vestibular system which is essential for balance and motor control. Not only is fun, it also helps to improve your child’s proprioceptive sense; this is their ability to have body awareness.... KinderGym provides a fun and safe environment with nationally accredited early childhood Leaders to support and guide your child. So whatever developmental stage your child is at, you can rest assured that at KinderGym they are learning for life. Don’t delay, contact your local Affiliated KinderGym and book a spot for Term 4 now! >>
03.01.2022 KinderGym @ Home will help you get the little ones active, while still learning fundamental movement skills. Balance increase your child’s confidence in gross motor activities and enhances their self-esteem. Balance along at home with Raelene our qualified KinderGym Leader! ... #TheHomeOfFundamentalMovement #KinderGymAtHome
03.01.2022 KinderGym SA is excited to announce one of our member benefits for 2021 members. Your children will be receiving a KinderGym SA Height Chart. A great way to track your child’s growth over time! Your Affiliated KinderGym will pass them on once your 2021 registration fee is paid. If you have received yours, please share a picture below!
03.01.2022 YAY! KinderGym has started for 2021. We would love to see what your tiny tornadoes have been getting up to in their sessions. !
02.01.2022 Happy Easter! How many easter eggs, can your child find in the picture?
01.01.2022 How awesome is this Ninja Warrior Themed KinderGym Session Port Pirie Regional Gymnastics Academy! To join your local affiliated KinderGym click here: Don’t forget to pay your membership at your local club to get a Free Official KinderGym T-shirt for your little one!
01.01.2022 Smiley faces from some little ones at Loxton KinderGym! Hooray to the first week of Term!
01.01.2022 Twister! At KinderGym we always have fun ways to practice our fundamental skills, but also make it SUPER fun for the little ones. This activity card is no exception! Try this at home with your munchkin and join in yourself for some fun! ... #StaticBalancingAtHome | Don’t forget to tag and send us videos. When able to do so, head back to your local affiliated club or join your local affiliated KinderGym program here >>
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