Kinetic Balance Physiotherapy in Noarlunga Centre | Physical therapist
Kinetic Balance Physiotherapy
Locality: Noarlunga Centre
Phone: 83263681
Address: 1 Lovelock Drive 5168 Noarlunga Centre, SA, Australia
Likes: 694
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25.01.2022 Some very interesting research!!! Posture and smart phone use has not been linked to neck pain and injury in young adults!! #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #physio #phone #smartphone #posture #neck #injury #pain #notcorrelated #repost @physionetwork ... Posture and time spent using a smartphone are not correlated with neck pain and disability in young adults! Here are some of the key points from the new Bertozzi study - reviewed for us by Steve Kamper (PhD) and featured in this month’s issue of our Research Reviews:This study assessed the cross-sectional association between neck pain and smartphone use in university medical students. There was no relationship between daily duration of smartphone use or neck flexion during smartphone use and neck pain. The lack of association found is likely not due to bias in the study.What does this mean clinically for you? Kamper says this in his summary: Given popular interest in links between smartphone use and neck pain, it is quite possible that clinicians will encounter patients with neck pain with concerns, or perhaps concerns for their children (who may or may not have neck pain). In these cases, it is probably reasonable to consider smartphone use as part of the assessment in the same way as any other aggravating or relieving activity. Members: go read the full review now.Not a member yet? Get the key takeaways from the latest Physio research - every month [ ]. See more
24.01.2022 Thankfully we are out of lockdown and are able to return to gyms and are hopefully getting back to sport soon!! Today we are introducing an excellent exercise routine to challenge your flexibility and balance!! This routine will also challenge the ankle ligaments which is a great way to build strength and reduce the risk of ankle ligament sprain!! This is an excellent exercise for athletes, especially netballers and footballers!! To really challenge yourself with it try to ex...tend your knee as far as you can when you are holding your foot!! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the clinic to see how we can help you!! #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #balance #yoga #ankle #stability #netball #football #exercise #flexibilty #sport #strength #challenge
22.01.2022 A great study highlighting muscle atrophy in young men!! This study shows how quickly we can have a drop off in muscle strength when we do not use our muscles and keep active!! This is especially important for those that are undergoing surgery and highlights the importance of rehab following any surgery!! #physio #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #muscle #wasting #musclewasting #braces #inactivity #activity #strength #loss ... #repost A great study looking at how quickly muscle atrophies when you do not use it . This is very relevant to those who by surgeon orders where a brace and/or crutches are required pre-operatively and/or post operatively . The young healthy men (average age 20 years old) in this study saw that thigh muscle atrophy occurred quite quickly with changes evident within 2 days. This then continued at a similar rate (~0.8% total muscle loss/day) over the next 5 days, with the quadriceps undergoing more atrophy than the hamstring muscles . Mobilising as soon as allowed is best however even during the immobilisation period there is a lot that people can do to reduce their overall atrophy . Name us your favourite methods down below!
22.01.2022 An excellent infographic highlighting a range of yoga poses that can help to manage back pain and mobility whilst assisting you to be more comfortable for sleep!! We highly recommend that you consult with your therapist before engaging in exercise to ensure you are working at an appropriate level for your injury!!! #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #yoga #yogaflow #stretching #backpain #back #pain #management #repost @backpaintip... Share & Save for Later Follow @backpaintip for daily pain management tips Find this helpful? Share it with your friends! Turn on post notifications so you never miss a post! Now have a deep and relaxed sleep Do not forget to save it for later and tag someone who need this. #yoga #forwardfold #yogagram #yogagirl #flexiblegirl #summeryoga #summersolstice #stretching #yogaismytherapy #weekend #weekendvibes #108sunsalutations #loveyoga #yogisofinstagram #yogaeverydamnday #hamstringflexibility #breatheinbreatheout #sleepbetter by @darebeecom
21.01.2022 Running Strength Class 6pm Every Wednesday At our new home South Adelaide Football Club!! ... Remember to Book Online to secure your place #somuchexcitement #kineticbalancephysio #newlocation #greatvibes #southadelaidefc #strength #runners #run #benefits #comejoinus
20.01.2022 Glute strength is important to prevent and rehab many injuries to the low back, hips and lower limb muscles (particularly hamstrings). Research has shown that hip thrusts generate more glute activation than squats!! This indicates that if we want to build glute strength then we should consider including hip thrusts!! As always we recommend that you consult your therapist before commencing any exercise to ensure that it is suitable for you!!... #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #glutes #glutestrength #muscle #activation #muscleactivation #squats #hipthrusts #exercise #strengthening #injuryprevention #infographics #repost A popular study by Bret Contreras (the model in the picture) looking at the %MVIC of certain muscle groups during the back squat and the hip thrust . The study used 13 trained women performing their estimated 10 rep max in the back squat and the barbell hip thrust . The study found significantly greater activation in the glute max and bicep femoris than the back squat. This is useful in a lot of cases where for whatever reason if we’re unable to perform or load the back squat sufficiently, we are able to use the barbell hip thrust to help our lower limb development . This is particularly useful in our populations with FAI or other hip issues where the depth of their back squat will be limited . It is to be noted however that the loads used were the participant’s estimated 10RM, ie relatively light loads. It’ll be interesting to see whether this will remain the same in heavier loads and whether this increased activation will lead to increased lower limb development . Learn more about hip rehabilitation and performance in our High Performance Hip Masterclass . Link in bio
19.01.2022 We are looking for a Full-Time Physio to join our growing clinic! Please share if you know anyone that this might be suitable for.
17.01.2022 A fantastic infographic illustrating a rehab program for Achilles’ tendon injury!!! Make sure you consult your therapist to work our which exercises are suitable for you!! #physiotherapy #physio #physicaltherapy #achilles #rehab #load #program #exercise #gym #repost @physionetwork ... Achilles Tendon Loading Progression Learn what exercises provide the lowest to the highest loads on the achilles tendon.We summarised a recent study looking into this.The relative load ranking of the exercises provide the clinician with some simple exercise strategies for progression or regression when rehabilitating an achilles tendon injury.Click the [ ] to read our summary, plus download this great infographic Photo by @dr.caleb.burgess See more
17.01.2022 Great effort girls!!! We know you’ll get em next time!!
14.01.2022 This is an excellent exercise for improving shoulder function!!! This exercise is called a bear crawl and challenges you to control the smaller muscles around your shoulder blade (scapula) which is imperative for control of shoulder movement!!! You can increase the difficulty of this exercise by adding a resistance band around your wrists.... As always we recommend consulting with your therapist prior to commencing any exercise!! #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #shoulder #rehabilitation #scapula #control #strength #proprioception #prevention #shoulderworkout #exercise
12.01.2022 Shoulder Instability: Some days it can feel like you are just holding it together.. Great news! It doesn’t have to feel like that. A progressive program designed specifically for your needs is a very effective way of reducing pain and instability in shoulders! #kineticbalancephysio #shoulder #instability #exercise #rehabilitation #physio #physiotherapy #ow #relocate #dislocation #subluxation #atraumaticinstability #canbefixed #letsdothis
10.01.2022 Alex put a ring on it! Our wonderful Physio @shaw_can_physio and his partner Tee announced that they are getting hitched This is fantastic news for a lovely couple. We wish you all the best
10.01.2022 So the world has changed again in Adelaide this afternoon!! At this stage these changes allow the clinic to return to business on Monday!! Please do not hesitate to contact the clinic or book online to receive the Physiotherapy care that you need!! We are still offering Telehealth appoints for those that are not comfortable leaving their house in these challenging and evolving times!! Today we will leave you with another great stretch taken from yoga!! This will stretch your ...back and legs whilst challenging you to control your balance!!! Stay safe everyone and we will be open and ready to assist where we can on Monday!!! #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #yoga #warriorpose #open #monday #covid_19 #lockdown #earlyend #back #legs #challengingtimes #stretch
09.01.2022 It’s not just a simple rolled ankle!!! Make sure you have it assessed and strengthen the ankle to prevent chronic instability as a reduction in pain does not mean that we have ankle function!!! It’s important that you speak to your therapist so that you don’t fall in to the 40%!!! #physio #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #ankle #anklesprain #injury #recurrence #chronic #instability #rehab #strengthening #exercise #gym #therapist... #repost There are countless moments in all sporting levels and codes where an athlete rolls their ankle and the staff shrug it off as a simple ankle sprain . Unfortunately if not managed correctly these can cause further issues down the track . Feeling better is not the equivalent of having the ankle functionally better . Take the time to complete your rehabilitation and make sure you’re not part of the 40%! . Upgrade your rehabilitation skills by signing up to the Learn.Physio Journal Club for free . Otherwise check out our courses, we have some amazing content coming your way in the New Year
08.01.2022 Make sure you chat to your therapist and complete your rehabilitation program before returning to sport!! This can reduce your risk of re-injury when returning to sport!!! #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physio #acl #reinjury #sport #returntosport #exercise #program #infographic #repost Almost 25% rerupture rate for young athletes returning to high level pivoting sports . There’s a lot of literature and research done on rehabilitation and reducing second acl injuries however it’s also important to note the psychological side behind it . Having to go through 9-12 months of rehabilitation again after having your confidence that you’ve built up shattered . How do you overcome it? . Our latest Insights Episode featured Christian Welch and Madi Browne, 2 athletes who have been able to come back after ACL reruptures . Learn the psychological battles they had and how we as a profession can better support those through their journey . Insights link will be found on our Journal Club page of Learn.Physio See more
06.01.2022 USE IT OR LOSE IT!!!! A great post that shows the benefit of maintaining activity on your muscle mass and fitness as we age!! It is always important to keep exercising and being active as if we stop being active we lose the ability to be active!!! #physiotherapy #physio #exercise #ageing #useitorloseit #keepfit #stayhealthy #keepactive ... #repost @trustmephysiotherapist Use it or loose it! Great post by @mindphysique: "Preserve Muscles While Aging by @mindphysique SHARE-FOLLOW . Aging is commonly associated with functional decline, loss in strength and muscle mass, and falls that result in fractures. It is found that "exercise modulates the morbidities of muscle aging" . Here are some typical MRI scans of a 40 year old triathlete, a 70 year old triathlete, and a 74 year old sedentary man (very low levels of exercises) . As you can see from the infoG, the sedentary man accumulated a lot more adipose tissue during his lifetime and failed to preserve his lean muscles, whereas the 70 year old triathlete still held onto his gains . Never stop exercising! . Make sure to follow @mindphysique for fitness tips . . . #mindphysique #fatlosstip#fitnessuk #buildmuscle#buildmuscles#musclebuilding#fitnesstrainer#pushpull#pushpullegs#fitnesstips#trainingtips#hamstringworkout#hamstrings#legday#lowerbodyworkout#bodybuild#bodybuildinglifestyle#bodybuildingaddict
06.01.2022 As we have come to the end of our shoulder series we thought we would give you a quick recap of how wonderful Physio can be when suffering from Shoulder problems! The main thing we want to highlight is that the latest evidence suggests that Physiotherapy treatment for shoulder conditions is as effective as cortisone injections or shoulder surgery! If you are experiencing pain, stiffness or reduced function, you don’t have to put up with it! Let’s fix it ... #kineticbalancephysio #welove #shoulders #nomorepain #physio #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #letsfixit #rehabilitation #exercise #rangeofmotion #pain #stiffness #function #whatsnext
06.01.2022 We know what we are doing tomorrow!!! #relax #destress #stressrelief #benefits #nap #health #wellbeing #repost @rethinkingphysiotherapy... Taking a power nap can be a good idea for several reasons Who’s power napping tomorrow? #mondays See more
05.01.2022 We are back and we want to start by wishing everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year!!! We hope that everyone has enjoyed the holidays and stayed safe over that period!! We wanted to kick off the new year by showing you all a series of stretches that are excellent for stretching your back and hips to improve your movement following all of the holiday celebrations. This is a series of exercises that take you from a cat-cow stretch to child’s pose!!... The clinic is open and operating so please do not hesitate to contact the clinic if you need assistance!! Once again we hope everyone has had a fantastic holiday season!! #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #yoga #stretching #yogaflow #back #backstretch #childspose #catcow #holidays #holidayseason #mobility #flexibility #flexibilitytraining #yogapractice #yogaposes
04.01.2022 [AC Joint Tear] Grades and Management For all of our contact sport folk. This is quite a common injury.... It’s important that a health professional gives you an understanding of the severity of the injury and the appropriate path to recovery. AC Joint injuries, if not managed well, can be a niggling and ongoing problem. #acjoint #acjointrehab #physiotherapy #sportsphysio
01.01.2022 As physiotherapists we are constantly being challenged with new ideas!! Recently research has highlighted the importance of calf strength, particularly the soleus, in ACL rehabilitation and the prevention of reinjury!! Make sure you are involving your calf in ACL rehab and not missing a vital part of the recovery process!!... #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #acl #aclrecovery #aclrehab #calf #sartorius #strength #new #research #repost This study looked at anterior shear force and valgus joint reaction during a single leg drop landing task . The muscles that contributed the most to reducing shear force on the knee were obviously your hamstrings but also your soleus muscle . If we were to look at muscles that opposed the valgus moment the soleus is also up there with the glutes in performing this role . Rehabilitation of the calf complex is criminally under-rated and as a result they’re under-rehabbed . The calf complex has such a vital role in absorbing and producing force during running and jumping, however it does not have the luxury that other muscles have in being targeted through compound movements such as the squat . Make sure that you’re loading the calf appropriately and that you’re taking them beyond your standard 3x12 single leg calf raise . Learn how to optimise rehabilitation by joining the Learn.Physio Journal Club for free today. Link in bio . Visit Learn.Physio and watch our ACL masterclass to take your ACL rehab to another level
01.01.2022 It’s a tough time in Adelaide at the moment as we come to the end of the first day of lockdown!! As a clinic unfortunately we are unable to open at this stage to support our wonderful clients!! However, we want to encourage everyone to take this opportunity to embrace their health and well-being to continue to stay safe and with peace of mind during this challenging time. To assist with this we provide an example of a yoga flow called a sun salutation!! It is a great series o...f movements that will help to stretch your body and keep you well rested and refreshed!!! Stay strong Adelaide we can get through this together!! If anyone needs to chat or requires any support the clinic is offering Telehealth consults to assist anyone that wishes to have support!!! #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #yoga #relaxation #sunsalutation #sunsalutations #lockdown #stretching #relaxation
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