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King Konc Concreting Services in Yass, New South Wales | Home improvement

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King Konc Concreting Services

Locality: Yass, New South Wales

Phone: +61 411 524 788

Address: Colls Close 2582 Yass, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Ready to roll for tomorrows concrete, now all the services have been lowered and relocated #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #yassconstruction #ruralliving #canberra #canberraconstruction #concriteconcrete #concrete #concreteaustralia #concretelife #concretelove #countrylifestyle @ Yass, New South Wales

25.01.2022 Another happy client, broomed apron with spoon drain & placement of ripped out shed slab #kingkoncconcrete #localbusiness #broomandzoom #shedslab #ruralliving #boralconcrete #concrete #concreteconstruction #rocksolid #countryliving #hilltopview #canberraregion #cretelife @ Carwoola

25.01.2022 Wishing all the mothers out their a happy Mothers Day #mothersday #itsyourday #mumsofinstagram

25.01.2022 Another day another pour. Snapped out 84m2 on this windy day. Leaving only 1 last small pour for tomorrow and this project is complete #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #cretelife #covefinish #concrete #downhilldriveway #lockthehubsin #windydays #thanks #totheboys #1pourtogo @ Yass, New South Wales

25.01.2022 Had a short deadline but we got it done. Nice 260m2 waffle slab in beautiful #yassvalley Olsson-Crete and myself were very happy to be done and dusted and out of the heat #kingkoncconcrete #concrete #yassconstruction #localbusiness #boralconcrete #workingtogether #concretehouseslab #gaveiteverything

24.01.2022 A fairly straight forward 45m2 ready for tomorrows pour 1st up #kingkoncconcrete #boralconcrete #localbusiness #canberraconstruction #actregion #ruralliving #countryliving #shedslab #concrete #concretelife #concreting @ Carwoola

23.01.2022 60m2+ Soapstone driveway in and finished. Ripped out and replaced in 24hours, clients were really happy with the end result. Went in a lot easier than it came out #kingkoncconcrete #qpcconcrete #gungahlin #concrete #colouredconcrete #drivewayreplacement #yassvalley #localbusinessesworkingtogether #gottowaittodriveon #ontothenextproject #canberraconstruction #attentiontodetail @ Nicholls, Canberra

23.01.2022 Massive non stop 104m2 pour today, but thanks to the amazing help today we got it all done and under control #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #cretelife #covefinish #formworkonthefly #waitingtime #concrete #thanks #totheboys #characterbuilding #tismacrete #dunnconcreting @ Yass, New South Wales

23.01.2022 Snuck in a small 30m2+ driveway this afternoon, after helping out another company pour a driveway and externals #kingkoncconcrete #canberra #canberraminimix #earlystartlatefinish #busybees #concretetheworld #smallbusiness #greygold #canberraconstruction #yassvalley #canberrabuilders #chasinggoals @ O'Connor

22.01.2022 Added the finishing touches to this clients property of 120m2 5% black oxide concrete. Got lucky with the great weather conditions and quality concrete from @hqconcrete. Thank you to @jason.micallef.921 @dunn_concreting and Kayson concrete for all your help over the past few days #kingkoncconcrete #canberraconcrete #localbusiness #canberraregion #hillviewhouse #covefinish #swirlsgetthegirls #concreteconstruction @ Carwoola

22.01.2022 Rip out and replace driveway was todays task. Nasty big tree has done its magic and destroyed this very nice expo job. Tomorrow we pour and give the clients a driveway they can finally drive on #kingkoncconcrete #exposedconcrete #concretesawcutting #longdayprepping #colouredconcrete #tocome #qpcconcrete #localbusiness #canberralife #conquered #yassvalley @ Nicholls, Canberra

22.01.2022 Mondays challenging task is prepped and ready for the 1st truck. 3 years this client has waited for a driveway and connecting paths #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #concrete #concreteconstruction #concretedesign #concretelife #concretelove #concretedriveway #tegraconcrete #localbusiness #workinglocally #gettingmynameoutthere #rurallife @ Yass, New South Wales

20.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Lest We Forget

20.01.2022 Nice easy 70m2 of Broomed grey concrete. Key joints and saw cuts make pour days very simple #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #yassconstruction #localbusiness #canberrasurrounds #canberraregion #concrete #golocal #trustlocalbusinesses #concreteconstruction #broomandzoom #broomfinishconcrete #thankstotheboys #nowthewaitinggamebegins @ Yass, New South Wales

20.01.2022 Another challenging day done and literally dusted. 118m2 of grey cove delivered to these clients who now finally have a driveway and connecting paths #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #concretelife #hammerandtong #localbusiness #yassvalleycountryside #covefinishdriveways #harddayswork #pullinguphill #dryasabone #itsonlymonday #ontothenextproject #thankstotheboys @ Yass, New South Wales

20.01.2022 More work means more storage area. A simple 5x7 shed slab at home came with a lot more challenges were beneath the eye. Thanks to Dunn Concreting and Olsson-Crete for the help #kingkoncconcrete #yasstown #localbusiness #canberraregion #shedslab #yassvalley #mudvalley #sinkingship #hadmydoubts #justmyluck #gotthereintheend #lotsofcompaction #expansion

18.01.2022 Backyard rejuvenation, from scrappy mulch and tree roots to a great entertaining area around a fire pit #kingkoncconcrete #coveandbroomfinish #brovefinish #qualityoverquantity #cretelife #greyconcrete #concretefirepit @ Theodore, Australian Capital Territory Thanks Tismacrete and Clint Dunn

18.01.2022 Got down 100+m2 today for these fantastic clients, who were robbed of a decent sized driveway. We were happy to delivery exactly what they needed #kingkoncconcrete #canberraconstruction #localbusiness #concretedriveway #concrete #concreteconstruction #yassvalley #countrytocity #frontage thanks to #dunnconcreting and #olssoncrete for your help @ Kaleen

17.01.2022 Spreading our advertising wings and going old school in local paper #kingkonc #Yassvalleytimes #yassandsurrounds #screedlife

17.01.2022 Finally got this 240m2 slab in Denman with 32m2 of internal walls. With some awesome pumping from @pioneer_concrete_pumping and fantastic concrete from #qpcconcrete,Olsson-Crete and us got this slab conquered in great time. #kingkoncconcrete #mijoccorporation #denmanprospect #localbusiness #canberraconcrete #concreteconstruction #concretelife #canberrabuilding #splitlevelhouse #formwork #canberraconcreters #newhome #australianarchitecture #construction #instagood

16.01.2022 Hopefully solved these clients problems of water flooding their garage. Nice 40m2 of concrete should stop it. Will be back to add the trench for the ag line to really send the water out of here. Thanks to Dunn Concreting for their help #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #yassvalleycountryside #localbusiness #sunshine #concrete #concretecontractor #drainsareforrain #evengotaplumberout#broomandzoom #agriculturalengineering @ Yass, New South Wales

16.01.2022 Footings all filled with crete, lasered to height and screeded flat for the brickies to come in so we can get onto this slab #kingkoncconcrete #cretelife #westbelconnen #suburbs #knockdownrebuild #canberrabuilder #monaromix #footingspecialist #thanksdunnconcrete #ontothenextone @ Holt

16.01.2022 Was good to turn it down a notch after a very busy few months to do a private job in Yass. Had 2 crews going today, excavations and steel fixing. Smashed it #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #localbusiness #concrete #concretedriveway #concreteconstruction #covefinish #sleepin #yassconstruction @ Yass, New South Wales

16.01.2022 It may not have been the biggest of pours but it was a returning client wanting more concrete done. And thats priceless for us. A turning bay, a alfresco extension and clothesline pad #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #yassconstruction #localbusiness #concrete #canberraconstruction #canberraregion #countrylife #concriteconcrete #broomandzoom #itsthelittlethingsthatmatter #thanksdunnconcreting @ Yass, New South Wales

16.01.2022 With today’s efforts this comes to a total of 3 slabs and 650m2 of concrete layed and finished in 1 week for King Konc Concreting and Olsson-Crete. Let’s see what can happen next week

16.01.2022 We hope everyone is enjoying their very close Easter this weekend. With the world being so crazy its nice to be with the ones that mean the most in life to help put everything into perspective #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #eastertime #canberrabusiness #actregion #familytime #familytimeisthebesttime

15.01.2022 56m2 poured and then snuck in another 24m2 today, a good day turned into a long day but its helped for the rest of the weeks pours #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #melbournecuppourday #everydayisapourday #concrete #cretelife #everydayimshovelling #solideffort #fromtheboys #thankyou #countryliving @ Yass, New South Wales

15.01.2022 Adding some good old concrete for this carport/shed area for these lovely clients. Just need to lay down the last bit of mesh and drop edge boards and we are ready for Yasss finest concrete #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #yassconstruction #localbusiness #canberraregion #countryliving #countryview #countrylife #farmhouseliving #concrete #concreteconstruction #concretelife #concriteconcrete @ Good Hope, New South Wales, Australia

14.01.2022 Been very busy between working out in the subdivision helping others and squeezing in a few of my own stuff. A few things coming up in the next couple of weeks so we will be more attentive in keeping everyone up to date #kingkoncconcrete #shedslab #burnishfinish #40degreeheat #cretelife #concretetheworld #ginninderry #yassvalley #tegraconcrete #hansonconcrete #boralconcrete #monaromix #kerblife #fightingtheelements #greygold #countryliving #waterstopscracking @ Everywhere In the World

14.01.2022 Finally had a break in the weather to get this slab down. Was a nice 230m2 slab to start the week Thanks to help from Olsson-Crete we are on to the next one #kingkoncconcrete #canberrabusiness #canberraconcrete #concreteconstruction #concretelife #yassvalley #localbusiness #concretehouseslab #canberrabuilding #concreteporn

14.01.2022 New truck is almost complete, new plates came today and new racks coming soon

12.01.2022 Nice 76m2 of cove finish paths and a 10,000L water tank slab. Smooth sailing and quality concrete supplied from Concrite Yass #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #localbusiness #concretelife #canberrabusiness #countryliving #greygold #covefinish #broomandzoom #concretelovers

11.01.2022 402m2 waffle slab plus 55+ lineal metres of footings for the years 1st pour. Only 7100m2 to go on this project Thanks to @olsson_crete and the boys from GOLDCRETE we worked effortlessly together to handle this 50 metre long slab #kingkoncconcrete #localbusiness #concretelife #concrete #canberrabusiness #canberra #caseymarkettown #kingsland #elevatedliving

11.01.2022 Well the 1st section of this 4 stage pour is over and done, without a hitch. The next stage isnt until next week but that will give us time to saw cut and prep the next bay #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #yassconstruction #canberraregion #concretelife #concriteconcrete #broomandzoom #broomedfinish #countryliving #rurallife #ruralliving #countryside #countrysideandfarmlife #dunnconcreting #thankyou @ Good Hope, New South Wales, Australia

10.01.2022 We hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful time with family and friends. It’s nice to turn it back a few notches, relax and remember why we all get up and work so hard...Family #kingkoncconcrete #easter #familytime #chocolate #longweekend #playtime

10.01.2022 All wrapped up this Broomed finish driveway for this lovely client. Weve given her the best driveway for such an awkward block design. Thank you to Dunnconcreting and Kayson concreting for your help, you have excelled #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #yassconstruction #countryliving #curvature #broomandzoom #broomfinish #concretelife #concrete #concreteconstruction #aroundthebend #canberraregion #localbusiness #ontothenextone @ Yass, New South Wales

09.01.2022 A nice big driveway extension and parking area, with a couple of tie in concrete extensions. All ready for the concrete tomorrow #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #localbusiness #canberrabusiness #concretelife #broomandzoom #bigfrontage #canberraconstruction #concretedriveway #curvedconcrete #concretecontractor @ Kaleen

08.01.2022 Been waiting almost 9 months for this builder, but finally got there. An easy 190m2 slab to start the week strong. Thanks to @pioneer_concrete_pumping for the great service and @monaromix_concrete for an early finish #kingkoncconcrete #concretelife #localbusiness #concreteslab #mondaymood #canberrabuilding #longtimewaiting #construction #crete #concretepumping #cbrcanberra @olsson_crete @ Strathnairn

08.01.2022 The final touches to 293m2 of driveway and externals done and dusted #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #cretelife #concrete #covefinish #countryliving #yeehaw #thanks #totheboys #ontothenextone @ Yass, New South Wales

08.01.2022 This weeks project coming along nicely. 56m2 prepped for tomorrows pour in Yass. Only another 210m2+ to go #kingkoncconcrete #greygold #yassvalley #workinglocally #cretelife #moresteelthanmosthouses #concreteporn #earlystartlatefinish #countryliving #localbusiness @ Yass, New South Wales

07.01.2022 Finally able to say @olsson_crete and myself have finished off this new house driveway and externals. The rain has prolonged this completion by over a week. Driveway was 1st last Friday followed by these stairs and services pads all made easy with @hqconcrete . #kingkoncconcrete #canberrabuilding #mijoccorporation #localbusiness #canberralocals #canberrabusiness #canberratradies #concreteconstruction #concretelife #hqconcrete

07.01.2022 First of a few joint venture projects with Olsson Crete. 1 of 5 townhouse waffle slabs. With the help from the man with all the work Corey from Layed Out Concrete with helping get the concrete down. On to the next one tomorrow #kingkoncconcrete #localbusiness #yassvalley #yassvalleybusiness #olssoncrete #canberraconcrete #concretelife #concretefinisher #wafflepod #helpingothershelpsyou #gooddayforit #windyday #ontothenextone

05.01.2022 Finally got permission to pour this little project weve had planned for a couple of months now. Thanks very much to Dunn Concreting and the Mighty Little Concrete Pump #kingkoncconcrete #morespacemorethings #yassvalley #localbusiness #yassconstruction #yassvalleybusiness #yassvalley #shedlife #concrite #linepump #bigpiers @ Yass, New South Wales

05.01.2022 What a great year 2019 has been for #kingkoncconcrete wed like to once again thank all our clients, work colleagues and friends that have helped us through the year and finish up strong. And what better way than being able to help out some mates today and squeeze in 1 more extra pour today. Stay safe everyone, enjoy the much needed break with friends and family and see you all next year for an even bigger year #concrete #greygold #cretelife #localbusiness #csgmitchell #canberraminimix #kaysoncrete #dunnconcreting #tismacrete #areyouguysopentoday #slaythegrey #broomandzoom #specialdelivery @ Canberra Sand And Gravel Mitchell

04.01.2022 Section 2/4 went smoothly as the 1st pour totalling 98m2. We wont be back for a few months until job site is ready for the next 2 back. But be back next week for saw cuts #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #yassconstruction #countryliving #concriteconcrete #localbusiness #canberraregion #sunnydays #broomandzoom #broomfinishconcrete #concretelife #concreteconstruction #rurallife #howstheserenity #wellbeback #thanks #dunnconcreting @ Good Hope, New South Wales, Australia

04.01.2022 Managed to chance our luck with the rain and finish up this 550m2 block of units in Casey, with 42 lineal metres of footings. Thanks to the boys that helped completing this slab and James from #lupopumping. We’ll be back here after Easter to start on the next stage #kingkoncconcrete #localbusiness #canberrabusiness #concrete #concreteconstruction #concretejungle #canberrabuilding #canberrabuilder #building #wafflepod #justbeattherain @ Casey Market Town

02.01.2022 Added the final touches to this 100m2+ driveway with some subtle sawcuts. This random stipple finish driveway has straight lines, curves, spoon drains, storm water drains, drop edges the works. The clients were over the moon about their new driveway #kingkoncconcrete #localbusiness #keepitlocal #yassvalley #yassvalleybusiness #concrete #covefinish #sawcuts #newdriveway @ Yass, New South Wales

02.01.2022 So stoked with the fabricated racks for the truck done by Adams Fabrications #Greenfabsteelworks. Gave him a couple of pictures for the design and bang on delivered it #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #localbusiness #localtolocal @ Yass, New South Wales

02.01.2022 3 house slabs - 5 blokes - 1 week What a bloody good effort it was to finish the year this strong. Can’t wait for 2021 #kingkoncconcrete #concrete #concretelife #concreteslab #concretelove #canberrabuilders #localbusiness #canberralocals #canberratradies

02.01.2022 Another repeat customer, this time weve prepped 120m2 of externals ready for some HI-Quaility black oxide concrete #kingkoncconcrete #canberraconcrete #canberraregion #hqconcrete #blackoxide #canberralife #concrete #queanbeyanareas #thankskaysonconcrete for saving the prep day@ Carwoola

01.01.2022 All prepped and ready for some concrete, making the best of an awkward block size #kingkoncconcrete #yassvalley #yassconstruction #rurallife #localbusiness #concrete #concreteaustralia #broomandzoom #broomfinishconcrete #doneproperlythistime #chooselocal #concriteconcrete @ Yass, New South Wales

01.01.2022 Chanced our lucky with the weather and got away with it. Nice easy 200m2 slab thanks to @monaromix_concrete 1 more slab to go and that’s it for the year #kingkoncconcrete #localbusiness #canberraconstruction #concrete #mijoccorporation #waffleslab #whatrain #riskitforthebiscuit #luckyday #concretelife #canberrabusiness #canberralife #canberrabuilding

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