King Valley Equestrian | Businesses
King Valley Equestrian
Phone: +61 401 783 401
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25.01.2022 - Quand mon instructeur me répète:Redresse tes épaules et ouvre ta poitrine !" Il ne m'apprend pas seulement à avoir une bonne position. Il m'apprend que dan...s la vie il faut toujours marcher droit et affronter les problèmes la tête haute. - Quand mon instructeur me demande de descendre mes jambes et de les garder bien près du cheval, il m'apprend que dans la vie on n'admet pas de distractions et qu'il suffit de peu pour dévier de son chemin. - Quand mon instructeur me ditTrop de mains, ne t'accroche pas aux rênes !" Il m'apprend à donner et non à prendre, dans le plus grand respect des autres. - Quand il fait la grosse voix et qu'il me répète à l'infini : Regarde vers l'avant dans la direction où tu veux aller !" Il m'apprend l'importance de se fixer des objectifs et de ne jamais les perdre de vue pour les réaliser. - Quand je demande de passer à l'allure ou au mouvement supérieure et que mon instructeur dit que je ne suis pas prêt, il m'apprend que dans la vie il faut toujours respecter son rythme et ne jamais brûler les étapes. - Quand je tombe et que je remonte, j'apprends qu'il y a toujours des revers, des moments où on s'emballe, mais l'important c'est de se relever plus déterminé qu'avant. - Si je retiens mon souffle pendant une reprise et qu'il me dit en plaisantant respire ! Tu es violet !"Je comprends qu'il faut laisser couler les émotions pour s'en débarrasser. - Quand à la fin du cours je suis content du travail accompli et que mon instructeur me ditBravo, remercie ton professeur je sais qu'il ne fait pas référence à lui même mais à mon cheval. - Maintenant vous, vous qui regardez passer un cavalier en selle, continuez à dire que l'équitation n'est pas un sport car c'est le cheval qui fait tout. Je suis d'accord avec vous. - L ' équitation n'est pas un sport. C 'est une grande leçon de vie. Traduction libre d'un texte de Maria Grazia Pispico
25.01.2022 What an amazing opportunity for a very special rider! Message Jess to be considered
25.01.2022 Even when we are on a strict buying policy we must read the new Horse Deals Anybody else the same?
24.01.2022 Super excited to be able to get back into the swing of things. Of course I will maintain hygiene and sanitation as much as possible. Message to book now! Happy riding and stay safe
23.01.2022 WIN A LESSON - ACTIVITY 2 Today lets look at horse body parts! Look at the below photo and list as many parts as you can! Its half a point towards a lesson per part. Either print the photo and list it or just write the letters and part on another piece of paper ... Its important to know horse riding is more than just riding. Thats the fun part- but there is also the theory. Its the theory put in to practise. To be able to properly ride you must be able to properly care for your pony. To properly care, you must know the points of the horse, what they do and how they move to ensure the best care for your pony. Share and Tag friends who have kids that would have fun with these activities To enter - - Entrants must like King Valley Equestrian Page - Entrants must be under the age of 14 - Take a photo of your completed task and post it in the comments on the activity post as your entry. Winner will be announced on 13 April 2020
23.01.2022 2020 Just thought I would provide an update on the services that we offer here at KVE. KVE provides the opportunity for riders to extend their knowledge and competency in basic flat work, dressage and showing. We also offer professional care, education and campaigning of your horse. Its not a numbers game to us - your best friend will be our priority for the duration of its stay and we will work one on one with you for the best outcome. professionalism as well as high ...quality care. Services include; - Campaigning: whether it be for long or short term for competitions or just bringing your horse back into work. - Educating: We aim to work with you to reach your goals - whatever they may be. - Sales preparation: Trying to prepare your horse for sale but dont have the time or ability? We can help! We also help by advertising, sharing and aim to help you find the perfect home for your friend. Lessons: We provide private and group lessons aiming to work on everything from basics to laterals. We come to you to work in your environment. Lessons are $50. Group fees can be discussed. A small travel fee may apply. We also have the gorgeous Poppy who is available for kids lessons. We provide the pony and gear. You provide child, boots and helmet (can be discussed). Poppy is 11.3 and the perfect darling to teach your little one to ride. Poppys lessons are $60. Our educating, campaigning and sales services range from $200 to $350 a week and include ponies through to hacks! We deal with all types, faults and areas. If you have any other questions or looking at a different service please feel free to message us on Facebook to see what we can do for you! Hope to hear from you all and look forward to the year ahead as KVE continues to grow.
22.01.2022 The round yard is up and running! Kel had first try today. Can’t wait to see where this little man goes!
21.01.2022 Super excited to welcome Bamborough Kelvin to the team! This little man is my project for the girls first pony. He is so cute with personality plus! Cant wait to get working with him in the new year
21.01.2022 WIN A LESSON - ACTIVITY 1 Today lets look at horse face markings! Please draw me 3 horse heads with 3 different face markings! Dont forget to color them in and name them. Get creative and colourful! ... I cant wait to see what you all come up with! Share and Tag friends who have kids that would have fun with these activities To enter - - Entrants must like King Valley Equestrian Page - Entrants must live within an hour of Wangaratta - Entrants must be under the age of 14 - Take a photo of your completed task and post it in the comments on the activity post as your entry. If you would prefer you can inbox your entry. Winner will be announced on 13 April 2020
20.01.2022 A great article! Something to remember - Horse Riding is more than just riding. Its a partnership which requires a bond and working together
20.01.2022 Be right back... going for a swim Who else is swimming in their paddocks following all this glorious rain?
19.01.2022 My heart horse was my darling Albie. He taught me to ride, not sit in the saddle and look pretty. As good as he was, he was still a psycho at times and loved to throw in a rear just when I would start to relax. And don’t get me started on jumping Tell me about your heart horse I know we fall in love with them all but the one who you hold that unique connection with
16.01.2022 After a freezing cold and wet morning we finally got some limited sunshine at Ballarat Agricultural Show today coming home with first and reserve campion rider and placings in all classes. Thanks to all the organisers and the sponsors for a fantastically ran show considering the weather. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend with their ponies
15.01.2022 Hands up if this is you? I have just simplified my feeds and am loving the progress
15.01.2022 How long are your training sessions? What is the breakdown - Warm Up, Schooling, Cool down?
15.01.2022 Oh we can dream
14.01.2022 Archie This beautiful boy is here for some TLC. Its amazing how much he has transformed in only 2 weeks. We still have a lot to work on but he is sweetest guy, just wanting to be loved forever
12.01.2022 UPDATE Unfortunately due to the current situation KVE iOS unable to continue with the School a holiday program. It will be cancelled until the next suitable holidays for the safety of our riders, families and employees. All of us at KVE is wishing you all the best during these tough times. Enjoy this time as an excuse to soak in family and horse time. School Holiday Program... These school holidays KVE is excited to bring a a new program. Options available and can accommodate to your needs/abilities. 3 hour intensive ($125)- Includes 1 and a half hour private lesson. Also your little rider gets to experience what it is like having their own pony. From catching to grooming and saddling you to a private lesson, your little one gets to experience a snap shot of the basics. Snacks and drinks provided. Full day ($235)- Experience what it is like to have a pony for a day. From morning feeds, to riding to putting Poppy away to bed, your little rider will get to experience it all. Including 2 x 1 hour lessons plus a trail ride. The day will start with feeding, grooming and riding, followed by lunch. After lunch we will get to wash Poppy pending weather), clean some gear and the paddock (very basic - I promise will only be for 10 minutes. Not slave labour but its important for riders to see all the little boring jobs it takes too). We will discuss saddlery and gear as well as rugs and basic care of the pony. Then its on to our second lesson for the day followed by packing up and putting Poppy away for dinner. Snacks, drinks and Sandwiches provided. These programs are designed for riders working towards their own horses. If your wanting to work on something else, it can be discussed and likely accommodated. AVAILABLE DATES- Tuesday 31st March - FULLY BOOKED Thursday 2nd April Tuesday 7th April Thursday 9th April - FULLY BOOKED Dates are sure to go fast. DM to book
12.01.2022 Now it is daylight savings I am now able to offer lessons during the week starting from 5.30. PM to book as spots are filling fast!!
12.01.2022 Strong words to remember from Trevor Woodward - Just quickly, harmony firstly comes from your own mindset then understanding the mechanics of riding then you develop feel then refinement, plus the all-important ingredients of applying the training scales; ... rhythm, suppleness, contact, impulsion, straightness, and connection are the essential ingredients to create harmony.
12.01.2022 Very excited for the new round yard to arrive! Only 2 more agistment spots available. Get in quick to secure your spot! - paddocks with self water troughs - safe timber fences with Hotwire - 21m Round Yard... - 27 acres to ride - show Jumps - Access to heaps of trails in the beautiful King Valley - Full care available upon request See more
11.01.2022 One for the multiple horse owners or paddock mates lets see the difference between your horses! - Who has the most nick names? - Kel - Pickiest eater? - Archie - Who sleeps the most? - Kel... - Who is the sneakiest? - Kel - Who is the most sensitive? - Archie - Who is the daredevil? - Poppy - Who is the cleanest? - Poppy - Most dramatic? - Archie - Who talks the most? - Poppy - Most protective? - Archie - Oldest? - Archie - Youngest? - Kel - Who loves everyone? - Archie - Who is likely to cause you to lose your mind? - All of them - Makes you laugh the most? - Kel - Most likely to stay with you if you fall - probably none - Most likely to buck you off? Kel - Tallest? - Archie - Smallest? - Kel - Most likely to hurt you on purpose? none - Most injuries? - None - Most successful? - All in different aspects - Best on the trail? - Poppy - Prettiest? Kel - Most likely to get anxiety? - Archie - Who is the most laid back? Poppy For all those who have more than one copy, paste and tag me in your answers x
09.01.2022 WIN A FREE LESSON As we arent able to continue with the holiday program, I thought it might be fun to do some activities from home that will keep the kids entertained and also teach them. I will be posting a number of activities over the next 2 weeks. Each activity completed is one entry into the drawer to win a free lesson! Please note - lesson will be given at your property within half an hour travel of Wangaratta on your horse or on our school pony Poppy. ... To enter - - Entrants must like King Valley Equestrian Page - Entrants must be under the age of 14 - Take a photo of your completed task and post it in the comments on the activity post as your entry. If you would prefer you can inbox your entry. Winner will be announced on 13 April 2020 Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays and staying safe and healthy
09.01.2022 I see countless numbers of riders and trainers who use various leverage devices to make a horse put its head in a certain place, by employing more force than th...e horse can withstand. Whether draw reins, tight side reins, various bitting rigs, strong bits, specifically designed to create pain, all of which are predicated on some degree of obtaining submission through coercion. But I have also watched some of the truly great riders, those who have a combination of a deep, supple seat, combined with a subtle, feeling set of hands, and they NEVER need those things---Never, not ever. And the people who do use them will have 101 reasons why its OK, but the real reason is that they use force when they lack the skill to get it done without force. This post may annoy some----But if you are one of those annoyed, I would urge you to spend time with better riders, and learn how they do it-----
08.01.2022 WIN A LESSON - ACTIVITY 3 Today lets have some fun! Choose one of the colouring in sheets below, print it out and colour it in! If you dont have a printer you can draw a picture instead. Get creative and colourful! You can use whatever you have at home - think colouring, cutting, pasting, texture etc I cant wait to see what you all come up with!... Share and Tag friends who have kids that would have fun with these activities To enter - - Entrants must like King Valley Equestrian Page - Entrants must be under the age of 14 - Take a photo of your completed task and post it in the comments on the activity post as your entry. Winner will be announced on 13 April 2020
08.01.2022 WIN A LESSON - ACTIVITY 5 FINAL ACTIVITY Happy Easter everyone To celebrate Eater, choose one of the colouring in sheets below, print it out and colour it in! If you dont have a printer you can draw a picture instead. Get creative and colourful! You can use whatever you have at home - think colouring, cutting, pasting, texture etc ... This is your last chance to win entries to the draw! All entries must be in by Tuesday (I have extended it a day because of Easter) I cant wait to see what you all come up with! Share and Tag friends who have kids that would have fun with these activities To enter - - Entrants must like King Valley Equestrian Page - Entrants must be under the age of 14 - Take a photo of your completed task and post it in the comments on the activity post as your entry. Winner will be announced on 13 April 2020
08.01.2022 Something to make you smile on this Monday! We are still open for business
08.01.2022 Until Poppy I was strictly a gelding girl Who has a mare that needs a pre-work chat?
07.01.2022 At KVE we aim to share our love and passion for horses to whoever wants to experience the best lifestyle, friendships, partnership and experiences many could never even dream of
05.01.2022 Morning rides before the sun gets too hot
05.01.2022 Another huge weekend at TMP Equestrian. We had riders of all ages and abilities yesterday with some of the riders working on lunging, their first ever canter, and the perfect sitting trot. Everyone is constantly improving and working so hard. And today was spent at Newcombe Whittington Show. A huge congratulations Erin who won her very first broad sash winning Reserve Champion Rider. I am so proud of all the riders! Now to curl up on the couch and catch up on Horse Deals for this month
04.01.2022 We are back into the swing of things at KVE. The weekend was spent instructing at Benalla Pony Club working on preparing for their upcoming Horse Trials. Limited availability for lessons so get in quick!
03.01.2022 I think everyone knows this feeling at the moment. Stay dry everyone!
03.01.2022 WIN A LESSON - ACTIVITY 4 Today, Draw me a saddle and label as many parts of the saddle as you can! It can be any type of saddle. BONUS POINT - List 4 types of different Saddles for an extra entry ... I cant wait to see what you all come up with! Share and Tag friends who have kids that would have fun with these activities To enter - - Entrants must like King Valley Equestrian Page - Entrants must be under the age of 14 - Take a photo of your completed task and post it in the comments on the activity post as your entry. Winner will be announced on 13 April 2020
03.01.2022 Just found this fantastic article and diagram explaining bending and turning and the importance of having the horse connected between your inside leg and outsid...e hand. ‘MORE INSIDE leg!’ or ‘more outside rein’ is a common comment by Trainers and coaches. (I say it all the time ) What does it really mean? It means that your inside leg creates the energy when riding, and your outside rein regulates it. The inside leg, being at the girth, asks the horse to bend around it. Then the outside rein is there to elastically maintain the horse’s shape around the inside leg, by supporting the inside aid so the horse doesn’t move away from the leg. Your inside leg and outside rein should constantly be talking to each other and coordinate. If you were to only use the inside leg for instance, without the support from the outside rein (and leg), the horse would move away from the leg instead of around it, and he would fall out through his outside shoulder. Using the outside rein and leg we can support the outside of the horse. The inside rein is used as a direction by opening the hand to guide the animal to the direction your wanting to go. By turning your body and shoulders your horse will find it easier to turn and bend around the inside leg. Of course, it’s not just the inside leg and outside rein that’s doing all the magic. They are just individual instruments in the orchestra of aids that combined creates the symphony of harmonious riding. But they do play important parts of the beat. If you want to be sure you’re riding on your outside rein: Do a shoulder in, and let go of the inside rein. In walk, trot, and canter. The movement should not be disturbed if you’re coordinating the aids correctly. *correct bend shown on the right of the diagram
02.01.2022 It has been a big few weeks at TMP Equestrian with riders out and about at Pony Club and Cobram show. It is fantastic to see how much the confidence has improved with this duo.
02.01.2022 I hope this is everyone out there today with their horses #crazyhorsegirl
02.01.2022 Congratulations to Sarah and Leanne Wicks for winning a free lesson! Contact me via pm to claim your prize! Thank you so much to everyone for entering our competition! Stay tuned as more will be up for grabs soon
02.01.2022 A bit of food for thought as you head out to your ponies today
01.01.2022 Wishing everyone a safe and happy new year! Thank you all for your support with this adventure. I cant wait to follow everyones progress into the new year
01.01.2022 Troughs going in, fences going up. New agistment coming soon. Only 3 paddocks available. Full care or self care available. Message me to secure a spot
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