Kirana Colleges | Businesses
Kirana Colleges
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25.01.2022 Kick start your career in the growing childcare industry with a nationally accredited Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care. Visit :
25.01.2022 Kirana offers a wide range of #businessmanagement courses to build on your existing skills, from certificate to diploma level, for those wishing to work in #administration, human resources, customer contact, or management. We are here. Study Business #Management with us, enquire today! RTO ID 52247 ... Want more information;
25.01.2022 Thanks Chelsea East for your kind words! Congrats !
24.01.2022 A qualification in #mentalhealth reflects the roles of workers who provide self-directed recovery for those that have a mental illness or #psychiatricdisability RTO ID 91428 ... Interested in this course?
23.01.2022 As we are all patiently waiting to see how this year of uncertainty unfolds, one thing is certain a lack of productivity has increased like wildfire causing us to have extra time on our hands and not knowing what to do with this extra time. Now seems to be the best time to prepare ourselves for the future by learning a new course and gaining qualifications that will lead to employment, post-isolation.
23.01.2022 Do not disturb.. I am currently in a state of relaxation! RTO ID: 52247
22.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day!
22.01.2022 Knowledge is power. #knowledge #learning #education #life #lessons #grow #power #success #australia
22.01.2022 Welcome to our Certificate IV in Mental Health! This course will provide you with the knowledge and the skills to implement into your new career path as a Mental health Support Worker, NDIS Support Worker or Mental Health Outreach Worker. Want more information?
21.01.2022 It is time to put your best foot forward! #Listen to your inner voice! RTO ID 52247
21.01.2022 Its Mothers Day this weekend so dont forget to call your mum!
21.01.2022 Completed your Diploma/Certificate? Looking for employment? Our Courses get you job ready in your desired field! So if you have the skills and knowledge, all you need is the career! Here are some tips to get your first job after college!
21.01.2022 2021 has approached us and this year is your year! Make the most out of 2021 and get job ready in a career you are passionate about, Kirana Colleges offers an extensive range of qualifications, Enquire with us today! RTO ID 52247
21.01.2022 Did you know that mental health and gut health are directly linked? ... (RTO ID 52247) See more
20.01.2022 #Health(ish)Tip Did you know that chocolate actually boosts your mood? Cocoa contains a #substance that increases those '#feelgood' chemicals called #endorphins, providing a #natural high in your body! What a delicious way to boost your mood! ... What flavour of your #chocolate is your favourite? See more
20.01.2022 Bear is looking for a fresh start in 2021, any suggestions on what you think he might like? RTO ID 52247
20.01.2022 Thanks Melanie for your kind words! We love hearing from our #students! RTO ID: 52247
20.01.2022 Online training is a big thing now! Read our blog to find out how it can easily fit into your lifestyle
20.01.2022 Bushra completed a qualification in Early Childhood Education. "It was a great experience to study online with Kirana Colleges. My Teacher Sheralyn Dix was so supportive and helpful throughout the course. She is the best teacher, she guided and encouraged me to complete my Diploma. The student support always helped whenever I need it. I highly recommend Kirana Colleges." Thank you Bushra for your 5-star review! We wish you the best of luck with your career in Childcare.... RTO ID: 52247
19.01.2022 Introducing our new Kirana Colleges course! A Certificate IV in Mental Health is intended for individuals who want to work in the community services sector, as well as for those who have experience in this sector that want to complete vocational education to enhance their professional knowledge, skills and practice to expand career opportunities. Enquire now about our Certificate IV today! ... RTO ID: 91428
19.01.2022 National Family Day Care Week: National Family Day Care Week offers a chance for the family day care sector to unite and celebrate the amazing work of educators and approved services in shaping the lives of more than 142,400 children around the country.
18.01.2022 Always keep a journal with you, you never know when you might want to write something down. RTO ID: 52247
18.01.2022 Certificate III in Individual Support (Home & Community) offers the practical and theoretical skills to become a Residential or Community House Worker. You will complete 13 units in total (7 core units and 6 elective units). Interested in the above? Click the link below to find out more
17.01.2022 Once you complete your #Diploma of Early Education and #Care, you can pursue further education at one of our top leading universities like: @griffithuni @MurdochUniversity and @UOSQ RTO ID 91428 ...
17.01.2022 At Kirana Colleges we believe you can change the world by starting with yourself. RTO ID 91428... Head to:
15.01.2022 Our blog post is now live 5 things you should know before starting your career as a Disability Support Worker. Link in bio
14.01.2022 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day seeks to prevent elder abuse incidents by giving targeted information and encouraging community participation on a broad scale.The day is about all of us working together to bring greater recognition of the mistreatment of older people wherever they live, and to highlight the need for appropriate action.
14.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all our students who are also dads!
14.01.2022 Australias Biggest Morning Tea: May is Australias biggest Morning Tea month. Thursday 28th May is the official day but you can host an event anytime throughout May or June. Its simple, fun and best of all for a great cause! All you need to do is set a date, brainstorm some morning tea ideas, invite your guests and raise money to help support the fight against cancer.
13.01.2022 Here are a few tips to help you "Ace your next childcare job interview". Read the article: #childcare #job #career #interview
13.01.2022 All of our Kirana Colleges early childhood trainers have had years of experience working in early childhood education and care roles. If youre studying ECEC - ask your trainer any questions you have about working in the industry - they have the experience to help you.
13.01.2022 R U Ok Day is the day we highlight the importance of checking with friends and family if they are ok. Reach out and ask those close to you Are you OK?. For information on how to help someone who needs support go to the R U Ok Day website
13.01.2022 One of our students describes her journey on achieving a Diploma in Community Services!
13.01.2022 Be instrumental in improving the quality of life of those in need. Choose a career in high demand Aged care industry. Explore courses: #agedcare #homecare #elderlycare #seniorcare #health #eldercare #disabilitycare #healthcare #dementiacare #nurse #childcarecourses #communityservicecourses #australia
13.01.2022 Is fear and anxiety of COVID-19 taking a toll on your mental health? Here are a few easy to follow tips on looking after your mental health:
13.01.2022 Thank you Sarah for your five star review! We wish you the best in your career.
12.01.2022 National Day of the Family: National Families Week is a time to celebrate with your immediate family, make contact with your extended family and friends and share in the enjoyment of family activities within the wider community. It is a time to celebrate the meaning of family and to make the most of family
12.01.2022 Studying online can be a daunting prospect to many. Motivation, accessibility to mentors, guidance and feedback are some of the key concerns for the students. Rolene had similar concerns before she took an online course at Kirana College. Today, she has successfully completed her Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and is now pursuing her Diploma of ECEC. In her own words, Rolene explains how our dedicated mentorship program helped her achieve her accredited certification. You can also find a course to help you achieve your career aspirations. Visit Learn today, Lead tomorrow. #KiranaCollege #earlychildhoodeducationandcare #childcare #courses
12.01.2022 We love celebrating achievements, thank you Jasmine and best of luck with your new career! RTO ID: 52247
11.01.2022 Sick of studying at home? Research has shown that if you sit at a café and study, the ambience and vibe of the place will increase retention of your notes. ... (RTO ID 52247)
11.01.2022 Feeling a little disorganised? Why not take a cleaning break this afternoon and organise your desk.
11.01.2022 Sabina recently completed her Certificate III in Individual Support with Kirana Colleges. In her own words, she explains how our team reassured and helped her throughout the restructuring of course and work placement due to COVID 19. #individualsupport #careerchange #career #kiranacolleges #education #skills #agedcare #childcare #disability #support #training #covid #coronavirus #learning
10.01.2022 Choco-hazelnut chia pudding : By adding coconut milk, chocolate hazelnut spread and fresh oats on the top, you can make a superfood dessert, that's delicious and healthy.
10.01.2022 Meet Stanley, one of the most caring and kindest dogs of them all. He provides support to those that need it the most like those with a disability or need mental health support. ... RTO ID 91428
09.01.2022 Are you preparing for a job interview to work in Mental Health? A Mental Health Support worker usually works alongside doctors, nurses, and other health workers to ensure their client is living their best life. Prepare yourself for your interview with our list of questions and answers that will help you impress your future employer!... Link: #Hiring #HumanResources #jobinterviewquestions #jobopportunity RTO ID: 52247
09.01.2022 If you are thinking of a career in childcare then this video is for you. Find out everything about the industry, average salary, career opportunities and qualification required for a career in childcare in this less than one minute video.
08.01.2022 Standing desks? Have you heard of them? They offer several health benefits including burning more calories then sitting down. One study found a reduction in blood sugar spikes in people who used standing desks.
08.01.2022 Always keep a journal with you, you never know when you might want to write something down.
07.01.2022 We would just like to wish all our students a very #HappyNewYear! Here is to a fresh start and a brand new #chapter in our lives for those starting with us this year. Welcome to the Kirana family and we hope you have an enjoyable #year! ... RTO ID 91428
07.01.2022 We all need to play our part to stop the spread of COVID-19. Remember: 1. Maintain 1.5 metres social distancing. 2. Dont shake hands or exchange physical greetings. 3. Practise good hand hygiene. Please share other suggestions you think will help in the comment box below.
07.01.2022 If you currently have writers block, it can be difficult to progress with an essay, creative piece or assignment. Taking a study break and going outdoors can help get your brain thinking with the increase in blood flow. Take a walk today and notice the difference! What is your go to trail for walking?
07.01.2022 Having a great trainer can transform not only your learning experience but how you take those skills into your work life. Heres to all our fantastic Kirana Colleges trainers and our students!
07.01.2022 Its Seniors Week and a great time to consider doing online training in aged care. If youre interested in getting skilled in aged care go to
07.01.2022 Washing our hands properly will help stop the spread of Coronavirus.
06.01.2022 Our blog post is now live 5 things you should know before starting your career as a Disability Support Worker. Link in bio RTO ID: 52247
06.01.2022 World Environment Day: World Environment Day aims to be the worlds biggest and most widely celebrated environmental action event.
05.01.2022 A mother of 3 and a full-time employer, Chelsea East, had some words to describe our very own Early Childhood Education trainer, Sheralyn Dix. We here at Kirana Colleges want to congratulate Chelsea on her fantastic achievement on gaining her Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care!
05.01.2022 Today is Infant Mental Health Awareness day where the focus is on the specific needs of babies and toddlers.
04.01.2022 You are never too old to learn something new! Boost your confidence and career prospects with a range of courses: Reach your potential.
04.01.2022 Whether you are a full time working professional, own a business, have family obligations or just want to avoid long commute, online study offers the flexibility to achieve your educational and career goals. Need some more motivation? Here are some tips to help you stay motivated and master online study!
04.01.2022 Attitudes towards #mothers' employment have changed significantly within the last few years. The Australian Institute of #Family Studies noted found that over 50% of #Australians agree that a working mother can still establish a great #relationship with their #child, just as much as a mother who does not work. RTO ID: 52247
04.01.2022 There are over 177,000 people currently employed as Disability Support Workers in Australia. In 2024, there will be over 222,300 employees working in this sector. There is a very large demand for skilled employees, so now is the right time to get in touch with us and start your career in Disability Support. RTO ID: 52247
03.01.2022 #Studyanywhere at #anytime with Kirana Colleges. RTO ID: 52247
03.01.2022 Make the most of your time at home and get skilled. Read our blog to find out more
03.01.2022 Good education has the power to change lives. Learn today for a better tomorrow. Utilize your time wisely and #learn a new skill today. Browse courses to help you reach your career goals: ... #learning #education #learn #school #teaching #motivation #study #fun #training #knowledge #student #students #teacher #art #life #success #covid #inspiration
02.01.2022 Do you have leftover coffee beans? Why not ground them up and make them into a scrub? 1. Mix together 1/2 cup fresh ground coffee and 1/2 cup brown sugar.... 2. Add 1/2 cup coconut oil into the coffee mixture Enjoy! See more
02.01.2022 World Kindness Day - 13th November. There are so many random acts of kindness we can do today such as: smile at a stranger, hold the door open for someone, call a friend and listen to them. How will you be kind today? ... See more
02.01.2022 With determination and hard work you can overcome any obstacles. #motivation #determination #education #learning
02.01.2022 The more you learn, the more your grow! Reach your potential. #KiranaColleges
02.01.2022 May the force be with all of our Kirana Colleges students today
01.01.2022 2021 is here and now is the time to focus on our resolutions for the year! No more looking in the past! What are some of your 2021 goals? RTO ID 91808
01.01.2022 The aged care sector is one of the fastest growing industries with a growth rate of five percent year on year. Kirana colleges offers a range of aged care courses for those wishing to be aged care workers. Want more information?
01.01.2022 The Dual Certificate III in Individual Support and the Certificate IV in Ageing will give you the best head start to your career in aged care! Package the courses together to save time, whilst gaining vast #industry #knowledge with 140 hours of work placement! Sound interesting? Speak to one of our Course Consultants today. ... RTO ID 52247 Want more information:
01.01.2022 No more looking in the past! What are some of your 2021 goals? RTO ID 52247
01.01.2022 Volunteering is such a terrific way to be part of your community whilst also helping you obtain new skills. Are you volunteering anywhere?
01.01.2022 Here at Kirana Colleges, we monitor trends and keep up to date with current growth of different sectors. That is why we offer a Certificate III and a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care. Within these courses you will learn about implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour, promote Aboriginal and-or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety, develop positive and respectful relationships with children and best of all learning the basics of your dream career b...y completing work placement in a regulated child care centre. RTO: 52247 Want more information?
01.01.2022 Help make a positive impact on the world with a career in Community Services. Watch the video below to see how you can help people with a certificate in Community Services!
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