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Kiri-lee’s Daily updates

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24.01.2022 Kiri-Lee's Covid-19 Home Rehab journey Day 41 Kiri-Lee has been home for nearly a week and is doing well. She has found being home and able to see her family really good therapy. She has had home modifications done to support as much independence that is possible at the moment and Shannon has stepped up and is caring for Kiri-Lee whilst Michael works. Kiri-Lee has OT and physio in the home 5 days a week and each day we see improvement. Currently Kiri-Lee is having a C.T. sca...n to determine if she has had a stroke or the paralysis is due to nerve damage. Both are known side effects now with covid-19. All is ticking along in the Ryder household. You all stay safe as we move to gathering in small groups and please do not become complacent. Cheers Carlene

17.01.2022 Kiri-Lee's Covid-19 Home Rehab Journey Day 99 Well this past few weeks have been tough for Kiri-Lee and not much fun. She continues with physio and OT.... There has been numerous Specialists and Dr's appointments since my last post. One in particular, the Neurologist performed 2 tests a Electromyography & a nerve conduction test. Needless to say there were some tears shed, some words were uttered and Kiri-Lee was and still is in significant pain. At today's date Kiri-Lee still has left sided paralysis affecting her upper arm, shoulder, neck, buttock, lower left leg, all of which has hindered her mobilization to a degree. She still uses a wheelchair for most outings and at home she uses a walking stick. In the next couple of weeks Kiri-Lee will get the results of all the scans, electro & nerve conduction etc. I will keep you posted. A huge thanks goes to Shannon who takes Kiri-Lee to all her appointments and continues to provide day to day care for her while Michael is working. See more

16.01.2022 Happy Tuesday Everyone :) And what a great day it is. This week I had 2 appointments. One with my GP and the other with the Sleep technician. The appointments were to have them sign off on lifting the restrictions for me to drive. And guess what??? They did.... I am now officially able to drive. WOOHOO!!!! Have a great day everyone and be safe. See more

16.01.2022 I cannot believe we are in October already. Where has this year gone? I was recently diagnosed with Severe Sleep Apnoea, with a count of 61 stoppages per hour. This means that I stopped breathing once every minute or just under. 2 weeks ago I picked up my new sleep machine which I have used every night. It is a lot quieter than I thought it would be and is very comfortable to wear. I had a phone appointment with the sleep clinic on Friday and found out that my stoppages have... dropped from 61 per hour to 0.8 per hour. WOW!!!! I feel refreshed, am able to focus better and many people have told me that I sound like my old self again. When I was diagnosed I was disqualified from driving, this came as a huge blow as my Occupational Therapist had just sent a report to my doctor 'recommending' me being able to drive again. (It has been over 7 months now since I have driven) So I now have a Skype appointment with the Sleep specialist on Tuesday who will be signing me off to drive, (I hope), then it is off to my GP to get her sign off. So I am crossing my fingers that come Tuesday afternoon I will be able to drive again. Cross your fingers, legs, arms and anything else you can for me Be safe XXX See more

14.01.2022 Good morning Kylie, I hope you're all well at your home. Kiri-Lee's Covid-19 Hospital journey Day 28.... We have been to visit Kiri-Lee this morning and she is feeling brighter in herself. She has settled in to the rehabilitation unit and is doing what is asked of her. H Kiri-Lee's left arm and leg will take much therapy before she is setting a cracking pace again but she is up to it. Her respiratory Physician visited whilst we were there and is comfortable with her progress. Well it's raining outside folks so please take care and do not be complacent with your social distancing. Regards Carlene

14.01.2022 I have been fortunate to meet a lovely local lady who was also on the Ruby Princess. She like me also caught Covid-19, was placed into a 2 week coma at Fiona Stanley and unfortunately has very similar long term effects as myself. Sadly this is where the similarities end. Unlike me she did not have the support network that I was blessed with. To you all I say this..... Thankyou for being there, thankyou for all your support, thankyou for your calls, your messages and your Thankyou to my family, to my friends, my collegues and to all the friends of friends. Thankyou for also being there supporting each other. From the bottom of my heart, Thankyou See more

13.01.2022 Hi Everyone. It has been a great day today with Mark McGowan's announcement that effective the 8th of December those from VIC and NSW will not have to quarantine. For us this means that my son Daniel can come home for Christmas and have time to spend with family and friends. We all still need to stay vigilant and wash those hands and practice our social distancing. We hear about people getting Covid and recovering, but there is more to this virus and what it can do to your b...ody long after the virus has left the body. I was asked by A Current Affair to talk about what everyone is calling 'Long Covid' and how it affects the body. You will also get a chance to hear a little of Brigitte's story, a lovely lady I have met who was also on the Ruby Princess.


11.01.2022 Kylie would you please post this to Kiri-Lee's updates? HugCarlene

10.01.2022 A woman who survived COVID-19 -- but has been left with crippling complications -- is pleading with people not be complacent.

10.01.2022 I was asked to give a interview regarding my progress and how I feel about the new information with the Covid-19 vaccine. Hope you are all keeping safe and well xxxx

09.01.2022 Good morning everyone. This morning I was asked to give an update on my progress by 6PR radio. Thankyou again to you all for your continued love and support. Xxx



05.01.2022 Stroke surge: Reports of strokes in the young and middle-aged not just at Mount Sinai, but also in many other hospitals in communities hit hard by the novel coronavirus are the latest twist in our evolving understanding of the disease it causes. The numbers of those affected are small but nonetheless remarkable because they challenge how doctors understand the virus. Even as it has infected nearly 2.8 million people worldwide and killed about 195,000 as of Friday, its bio...Continue reading

05.01.2022 Kiri-Lee's Covid-19 Hospital journey Day 31 It's three days since my last post and there has been small gains in that time. I believe however small, progress is progress. Kiri-lee is at a point now where she is seeing her children & hubby for the first time. Brett visited this morning, Daniel and Steff this evening and tomorrow Shannon & hubby Mike tomorrow. It has been very challenging for Kiri-Lee being separated from most of her family, since she woke from her coma.... Now that she can see her immediate family and with their love and encouragement I believe she will be home before long. I will post again soon. You all stay safe and do not be complacent. Cheers Carlene

03.01.2022 And so the blame game continues...

03.01.2022 Sorry I have not posted in a while. My days have been filled with Physio, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and now Hydrotherapy. I have just completed a interview with the Australian Financial Review and once I have a copy I will post here for you to read. In the meantime I hope you enjoy the picture of me in one of my Physio sessions. (Photo courtesy of Peel Health Campus - I was interviewed and Photo's taken for their annual report). Be safe and don't forget to wash those hands and practice social distancing. Love to you all

02.01.2022 12 months on and what a year of highs and lows it has been. This time 365 days ago, Mike, Shannon and me were just arriving at the covid clinic at Fiona Stanley hospital in Perth. Little did we know what the next 16 days had in store for not just me but my family, friends and the wider community, many who I would soon be lucky to meet. Over those 16 days family held each other tight, friends became like family and stranges became new friends. Little did I know when the told me that I was going into a induced coma, that I would wake up to a changed world. So many have followed my Journey and I have received so many messages from all over the country, messages of Love, hope and kindness. I wish I could come to you with news that I am fully recovered but unfortunatly that is not the case. Although I have come so far since waking from the coma, I still have a long journey ahead to get close to what I was pre covid. My hope is that the next 12 months is Kinder to us alI. Love Always Kiri See more

01.01.2022 Five months on, still living the Ruby Princess nightmare Fiona Carruthers Travel editor...Continue reading

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