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Kirk Health Solutions in Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia | Medical and health

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Kirk Health Solutions

Locality: Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia

Phone: +61 400 325 703

Address: 451 Commercial Street West 5291 Mount Gambier, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Becoming somebody, being noticed for something, being loved. The high number of people chasing these things, the desire they believe is driven by "i so wish to become someone" so often has an underlying drive of "i wish i could be me". Unlock your awesome. Be the best version of you. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating ... Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . #life #lessons #growth #development #strength #beyou #beawesome #be #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

25.01.2022 You can't, nor should you try to, force others to respect you. You may achieve hollow feelings of power through a creation of fear in others, but this is them respecting you. So, respect can not be forced, and Disrespect does not need to be tolerated. Being disrespected doesn't need to be met with force and aggression, often that approach will actually be detrimental. Sometimes just a simple calm statement of "i feel disrespected by that" can change a situation completely, or... even "Not Cool Dude" short simple powerful. To be respected you may find you first need to respect yourself and that may be as simple as not accepting disrespect. I gift you with "Not Cool Dude" as three self empowering words to show respect to yourself. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #life #lessons #empowering #respect #growth #development #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker #mountgambier #southaustralia #australia #online See more

25.01.2022 We fear not the dark, we fear what may be. With your back to your enemy, your demons, how can we know how big, or small, they actually are. The thing you fear made bigger by not seeing it. Thinking about it to a point where it consumes you in the shadow you allowed it to create. If you wish to find clarity through calm, you need to address what follows you around; or you will forever be blanketed by the cold of the shadows, and are likely to drag innocent souls into that fee...ling, creating pain to justify things. It is time. Not time to come out of the shadows, it is time to allow those shadows to diminish to point where they have no negative impact on your future. It's time. Be a better you. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #fear #demons #dark #face #courage #growth #betteryou #future #improve #develop #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker #mountgambier #southaustralia #australia #online

24.01.2022 Typically on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday mornings each week i like to share some thoughts. I sip my coffee and share what comes to mind at the time. I don't read inspiring and motivational books, nor listen to those empowering pod casts. What i share each time is me, what i have experienced and what i believe is right at the time. Well, today, i have nothing that i feel is good to share. I am not sorry, it happens. This moment will not define me, it is merely a moment.... Never let an uncomfortable moment influence your future. Don't make long term descisions based on short term emotions. You know, all those commonly shared phrases. Have a great day, they happen too. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #nothing #empty #shortterm #moment #honest #life #living #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

24.01.2022 There is an awareness of the challenge to get out your comfort zone to experience something new, it is commonly spoken of, and posted about. What if we take the attention away from the introverts for a moment, and encourage the extroverts to step out of their comfort zone. Sit quiet and listen, encourage others with your silence. Look, observe, process. As an extrovert, you may be infact missing a lot, by doing so much. Additionally, when either of these occurrences present, aware of your response, it will dramatically effect the outcome and likelihood of re-occurance. The "oh, look whose finally speaking up" (or finally doing a certain thing), is hurtful to the introvert. "Are you ok, is something wrong, why are you quiet?" Is hurtful to the extrovert who is stepping back for a moment. Your response to someone stepping out of their comfort zone, will have dramatic effect whether their comfort zone can grow, or they rush back to their identity that makes you comfortable because it benefits you in some way. If you want someone to experience something new, you need to allow it to happen. Encourage growth. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #introvert #extrovert #comfortzone #allow #encourage #grow #life #lessons #embracelife #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

23.01.2022 We spend so much time torn between these thoughts. You will likely never honestly know how people see you, because if you do find someone aware enough of others to openly share how they see you, it is one person's view, based on what their life has made them aware of. . How you want to be seen.... can you really answer that, with those fleeting moments that you feel maybe people are seeing you as what you want them to believe, leaves them blinded to the beautiful aspects of w...ho you are, so you continually try to adjust your performance, leaving you feeling lost again. . How you see yourself, or aspects of yourself, ebbing and flowing by the moment, influenced by emotions that are triggered by external stimulus. I'd like to say that you need to focus on being rather than seen, to which you may feel all empowered and stuff, until you come to the realisation that being is only achievable by allowing others to be. . So i leave you one word to finish the week, start the weekend, influence your change.... Calm. Others will feel safe to be, you will be able to be, as you experience calm. That is another post in it self. Have a great day. . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . #life #lessons #being #deepthoughts #philosophy #journey #growth #allowing #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

23.01.2022 I am a someone's father. I am someone's grandfather. I am someone's husband. I am someone's son. I am a man. Being a positive male role model is something I strive to be. Men have emotions. Men can be vulnerable. Men can be subject to domestic violence. 76% of suicides are men, not from being too weak, from being expected to be too strong and subject to pain they felt at that moment they could no longer endure. Message, ring, contact a man today to remind them it is OK to b...e a man. Remind them that father's are important, son's are important, men's lives are important and they are loved. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #menshealth #male #rolemodel #father #son #grandfather #grandson #reachout #life #love #compassion #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #mountgambier #southaustralia #australia See more

21.01.2022 An emotional response is required for greater investment. A common statement being that lessons are learned through hard times. Well, i put it to you, that lessons are also learned with the help of love and laughter. The emotions that attach to the lessons are likely to be evoked when we are required to call upon what we obtained from that lesson; knowledge, experience, understanding..... all connected to emotions. So, unless you are being taught a life lessons that you had b...een refusing to learn, you should make an effort to attach positive emotions with learn, it is a great thing. A funny little saying, a humorous gesture, a happy memory. That way each time you are required to call upon that lesson, the emotion attached is positive, allowing for greater achievement. I suppose simply put it is ..... positive passion perpetuates powerful progression.......... or something like that. . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . #love #laughter #learning #lessons #positive #passion #perpetuates #powerful #progression #gym #exercise #lifestyle #education #martialarts #lifelessons #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

19.01.2022 Misery enjoys company. Think about that for a moment. Additionally, Happiness is Contagious. Please do not feel like this post is telling you to bury your pain, or ignore someone else's pain; this is to encourage you to give yourself, and others, a moment of happiness, a smile, a laugh. It has been a challenging year for many, not just because of a virus, or government decisions, or what every conspiracy theory that is around, there seems to be many people with stories of suf...fering from 2020. You have a choice this Christmas as everyone gathers around, revisit those emotions again and again (remember Misery enjoys company) or take a break, have a laugh, focus on some positive. Tell a story, share a dream. How you start a conversation will change your day, and the day of those around you, make it a positive one. It's up to you. You can be the positive impact on your own life, and others. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #life #lessons #growth #laughter #smiles #family #christmas #conversations #happy #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

18.01.2022 Luke developing his own brand further with some Fresh Merch. Follow his page, help support the young fella as he establishes himself further in the competitive health/fitness industry

18.01.2022 As of Monday the 14th of December, ALL clients who attend our premises are required to scan in using the QR code provided. The only exception is if you do not own a smart phone, in which case you are required to write your details (Name, Date, Time, Phone Number) on a sheet, we can not do this for you. Should you have a issue with these measures, possibly due to your beliefs, we are unable to have you on our premises. Additionally, we have no provision for changing into exer...cise clothing, so you will need to train in what you arrive in. You are only permitted to have with you, what you need (drink, towel, smart phone, etc), there is no provision for bags etc. For those attending our business for treatment, your therapist will be wearing a mask during the treatment process. You are also recommend to bring your own towels. All attending our premises will be temperature tested on arrival. Please remember, there is no allowance for variation. If you feel you are unable to meet these requirements, do not attend, being turned away is awkward for everyone involved. We are all in this together, let's do what we can to enjoy life. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 See more

15.01.2022 This trait of expecting others to be like us, is a common breakdown in relationships (colleagues, family, friendships etc). The person who is genuinely honest is left disheartened when the same honesty isn't shown in return. Those who always consider others are left struggling with people being selfish. People who have a tendency to lie, struggle to trust others as they feel they are being lied to. Cheaters sabotaging their relationships in fear they are going to be cheated ...on. Please also note that this is not a post about Liars & Cheaters, typically they have experienced some trauma that has lead to them believing that it is a necessary trait for survival, hopefully to be worked through at some stage. This is a reminder, others aren't you, good and/or bad, remember that. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #life #lessons #people #traits #behaviour #decisions #choices #outcomes #whoareyou #relationships #interactions #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

14.01.2022 Open Classes, Specialised Classes, Private Groups and Personal Training, all available at our office with Luke from Game 2 Train

14.01.2022 The all too common scenarios of "no one hears me" or "you didn't say That". These are indicators that you may were never really communicating. You were either talking in a manner that a presenter does, in the expectation an audience is listening, or you were listening with pre-set information while merely choosing the words to hear that back up what you think you already know. Effective Communication will change your life. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #communication #listening #hearing #saying #effective #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

13.01.2022 When someone has found themselves is a situation that is uncomfortably foreign to them, a useful coping mechanism is to audibly share their pain through conversation. Unfortunately this is the point where people feel the competition starts. With responses including "I've had worse", "I have worse", "*insert name here* has it worse" or the classic "it could be worse" where the respondent can't think of an example straight away but are pretty sure you can be outdone. Should so...meone be repeating the same woes for an extended period with no indication of seeking effective guidance, I understand your frustration, and recommend you direct them to sources of help. Be aware if something is fresh, and a person is struggling, your dismissal of their pain by making it a competition, can spiral them deeper into more intense traumatic response. Be kind, show compassion, your response will change a life, one way or another. . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #life #lessons #pain #trauma #listen #hear #guide #assist #support #journey #movingforward #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker #mountgambier #southaustralia #australia #online See more

13.01.2022 What are you sacrificing to invest in? Money is simple, you get paid $25 per hour, so if you want to buy a new phone that costs $2000, you are sacrificing 80 hours of your life to invest in that product. What about your health? How much time will you sacrifice toward preparing better food? Doing exercise etc, and what is the value of the reward? And your relationships? How much, and what quality of time is being sacrificed for your partner, your kids, your friends and what va...lue do you put on the reward for this time? As you enter the next lap of the sun, according to the calender year, think about where your time will be spent. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #newyear #newyearsresolution #new #you #time #choices #life #love #actions #consequences See more

10.01.2022 Spacial awareness training. 1st part: seeing your target without starring at your your target, eyes focussed forward 2nd part: knowing where your feet are, stability through kicks 3rd part: opponent awareness, seeing the counter attacks without looking at them. .... No, not great foot work, not great strikes etc etc, a work in progress, and a bit of fun while training alone. . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #boxing #martialarts #karate #sparing #coach #mentor #thisisme See more

10.01.2022 Imagine a society where the "go to" conversations were people's success. Not financial success, nor the list of possessions they have; their success as humans. Compliments on who they are. Their friendship qualities, their parenting qualities, their relationship qualities, their relationship with themselves, their energy. Share people's success stories, each chapter of growth and development. Sharing only the darkest chapter of someone's life with others is more of an example... of who you are, than who they are. Share the victories. Share the growth. Share the care. Share The Care. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #sharethecare #life #growrh #development #story #chapter #progress #life #living #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker #mountgambier #southaustralia #australia #online See more

09.01.2022 There are those people that make training that little extra bit more entertaining. Under estimate your opponent at your own peril. . Check the focus in the eyes. .... . #martialarts #karate #boxing #personaltrainer #strengthandconditioning #goals #achievegoals #discipline #dedication #focus #mountgambier #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme See more

08.01.2022 During my talks on bullying and harassment, i am often met with groups ranging from late teens through to early 60s. This question will typically arise, do i think the older generation coped better with bullying? Before i answer the question (which i wont on here today), i get the groups to consider the differences from then to now. The attack at school in the 80s may have consisted of an extremely hard punch, or many, pushed to the ground, maybe a kick and move on. The process starts immediately, yes there was often more, but breaks in between. Now it may be a text message, followed by comment in a group chat, then tagging you in derogatory posts, then encouraging others to do the same. A thousand flicks to the ear, the constant whisper only you can hear, the flys that constantly land on your face but you just cant stop them, the mosquito that buzzes you during the night, biting you and buzzing you preventing your sleep and you can't comprehend that it will ever end. Remind me again how you understand, because you were bullied 40 years ago and your ok, without mentioning your drinking problem or many failed relationships. Tell me how you understand what bullying is now. The thousand flicks, thousand whispers, relentless flys, never ending mosquitos. You can not define a bully by how they look, modern bullying is open for everyone to exploit. Bullying is not OK. Look out for young ones. Talk. . . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . . #life #lessons #growth #fear #stopbullying #support #mentalhealth #mountgambier #southaustralia #australia #online #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

08.01.2022 Doing our part to ensure best practice for COVID-19 precautions . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions ... Since 2006 . #covid_19 #precautions #safe #healthy #bestpractice #dotherightthing #weareallinthistogether #scan #qr See more

07.01.2022 Merry Christmas from the Team at Kirk Health Solutions . .... Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . #christmas #christmascheer #love #hugs #happiness #joy See more

07.01.2022 Class is ON. Monday the 28th of December . . 1 Life - Level Up... . . #gym #exercise #gymfam #training #weights #cardio #hiit #geek #fitgeek #beyourself #fitness #mountgambier See more

06.01.2022 With every treatment, every training session, every coaching/mentoring encounter I provide, i learn more, get excited and scared all at the same time. What can be influenced physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually should never be understated. The requirement to remain humble through these processes, to keep ego at a minimum, is paramount in ensuring there are minimum to no detrimental effects or blocks put into place. For this reason I would like to thank eve...ryone that has trusted me to provide you with treatment, training and/or education, it is very humbling to have the opportunity to work with so many wonder souls. . With deeper appreciation of the effects of all interactions, it can the change the way you ineteract with others and what interactions you accept in your life. That is a whole other post. . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006. . #thanks #gratitude #appreciation #treatment #training #education #gym #exercise #massage #bowen #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

05.01.2022 Treating Training Educating. What does that mean? Registered with national governing bodies for Therapists and Fitness Professionals. Maintaining the minimal 20 hours of continuing education per year per governing body to gain the levels on public liability and professional indemnity insurance to maintain recognition. Keeping up with the world of being a qualified Trainer and Assessor. . What else is in a fee. Maintaining a premises to work from. Additional insurances. Admin...istration time, bookings, payments etc. A person to take care of the administration to allow more time to ensure you can get an appointment sooner. Equipment purchases and upkeep. Laundry and cleaning. Knowledge, experience and understanding. Innovative Effective Health Solutions. . When you book a time, it is a time slot opposed to a time amount. This keeps things running smoothly, ensuring we are ready to go for you at your allocated time. . Cancelled times are charged at the minimal amount we could make for that time (under 13/senior fee), if we can refill the time slot you won't be charged. . As you have read, a lot is invested to ensure the time you have with us is of a great value to you. The money you are investing in yourself by hiring our services helps balance things. You can always make more money, our time is finite, as is yours. We provide you the best services we can to help you achieve your goals, that's what you are investing in. . Fees (as of June 1st 2021) Standard Consultation $75 Under 13 / Seniors $55 . Strength & Conditioning, Training and Education sessions are negotiated based on needs, location, numbers, time commitment etc. . All other exercise requirements are now met by Luke @game2train working predominately from our premises. . Kirk Health Solutions Treating Training Educating Innovative Effective Health Solutions Since 2006 . #time #investment #fees #costs #timeslot #foryou #yours #you #healthgoals #wellness #wellbeing #heath #massage #bowen #treatment #strengthandconditioning #mountgambier #southaustralia #australia #online #coach #mentor #raw #sharing #thisisme #presenter #speaker See more

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