Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch
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24.01.2022 John and I went out in rather rough conditions yesterday on Survey 49 - the forecast was so wrong, we almost didn't go but are glad we persevered with the condi...tions as we were rewarded with around 45-50 Bottle-nosed Dolphins enjoying the lumpy seas and surfing the swell. We decided not to go out into deeper water to find the Common Dolphins so only went to Dashwood. It would normally take us around 20-25 minutes to get there from Emu Bay - it took us nearly 1.5 hours !!!!! I've identified 38 animals - I was amazed that I had so many decent images with the way the boat was pitching and rolling, I thought they'd be mostly out of focus. There was a brand new baby too !!! The lumpy conditions didn't take away from the beautiful colours of the water at Dashwood. The only downside is we both have very tired and aching joints and muscles - old age creeping up on us LOL :P Phyll Bartram Emma Holman Dorothy Howson Lynn Ramsey Lynn Smith Peter Fuller Kimberley Jade Crocker Mark Culleton Stefan Koplin Sue Severin Anne Bob Nicholls Chloe Buiting
24.01.2022 It was a beautiful day, and great conditions, to join in THE BIG DUCK BOAT TOURS Southern Ocean Adventure Tour. We first came across a pod of Bottlenose Dolphin...s fishing, mating, and putting a good display near Yilki Reef / Wright Island. We had a very quick sighting of a pod of Common Dolphins just south of the Bluff. It was fantastic to see not 1 but 2 White Bellied Sea Eagles also. Apparently they had been sighted there regularly over the last week. The to complete a great trip, we came across another pod of Bottlenose Dolphins enjoying the slight swell near the Breakwater. Thanks BIG DUCK BOAT TOURS, Lachie and Maddie for a great morning :) See more
22.01.2022 Have a Hoodie!?!! So happy with our new warm and snuggly #sportscentre #ramo hoodies... ....just in time for our #victorharbor Survey 110 on the mighty The Bi...g Duck Boat Tours Thankyou so much @raw.sun.photography and our wonderful #hoodie #model....our #superstar #dolphinwatch #manager Nedra Haines! www.sportscentre.com.au Please contact us if you would like to keep warm and cosy purchasing a Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch hoodie. #thankyou #dolphins #citizenscience #conservation #volunteers #hoodies #clothing #keepingwarm #dolphinresearch #kangarooisland #victorharbor #encounterbay #fleurieupeninsula #missionblue #hopespot #thinkblue #southernocean #greatsouthernreef #southaustralia @kimarineadventures @ausocean @mission_blue @sealinkki @ozonehotelki @greatsouthernreef @goodwill_wine @ Victor Harbor, South Australia
21.01.2022 A fantastic morning on the water for SURVEY 110... Thanks for everyone who was out on THE BIG DUCK BOAT TOURS for a great survey ... and a special thanks to SS Dan, Sophie and Ian...
19.01.2022 Colour coordinated Archies, sea, sky....and....our logo on the new hoodies! Archies on #dolphinwatch Love our Archies Footwear ! www.archiesfootwear.com.au... Thankyou #family ! #Thankyou #Archies ! Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch #happyfeet #happysunday #thongs #flipflops #blue #favourite #archsupport #footposture #wholebodyalignment #flatfeet #neverfeltsogood #happyme #dolphins #citizenscience #conservation #northcoast #kangarooisland #authenticki #emubay #dashwoodbay #smithbay #savesmithbay #missionblue #nobluenogreen #thinkblue #letsdoit
18.01.2022 It was a fantastic tail slapping 110 survey. The weather and conditions were good and the Bottlenose Dolphins didn't disappoint. We observed tail-slapping, jumping, wave surfing, bow riding and feeding. A big thanks to everyone who assisted in this Survey and also THE BIG DUCK BOAT TOURS SS Dan, Sophie and Ian for a great ride.
16.01.2022 Not such a common experience!! Shortbeaked Common dolphins....often fleeting, fast, very active and difficult at times to photograph..... but always wonderful ...to observe occasionally on our coastal surveys. A special treat when they interact with wonderful Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures and The Big Duck Boat Tours crew and volunteers on surveys, providing opportunities to closely observe behaviours and details plus further data input for our evolving regional catalogues. #Survey 216 on #kangarooisland at beautiful #NorthCape Pure joy and delight! Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch #shortbeakedcommondolphin #hopespot #missionblue #drsylviaearle #dolphins #citizenscience #volunteers #greatsouthernreef #thinkblue #nobluenogreen #conservation #dolphinlove #love #gratitude @mission_blue @greatsouthernreef @sealinkki @authentickangarooisland @thewildsouth_ @jungle_doctor @goodwill_wine Andrew Neighbour Sue Holman Ro Anna Phil Smith Chloe Buiting Jan Buiting
16.01.2022 Citizen Science data collection in action in the magnificent Mission Blue Kangaroo Island North Coast Hope Spot! Incredible #volunteer effort #dedication and #...commitment by wonderful #dolphin #champions John and Sue Holman in Maggie (47 #northcoast #surveys to date since March 2019!) now joined by wonderful #dolphinwatch #superstars Phil Smith and Ro Anna Horbelt in the Tinny! Long term volunteer Sharon Sharp from WDC - The Port River Dolphins visiting #kangarooisland and kindly helping with the #dolphinmonitoring and Ro capturing the team hard at work! #THANKYOU #love #gratitude Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch #missionblue #greatsouthernreef #hopespot #thinkblue #oceanstories #commondolphins #bottlenosedolphins #citizenscience #conservation @kimarineadventures @ausocean @greatsouthernreef @sealinkki @goodwill_wine @authentickangarooisland @southaustralia @thewildsouth_ @adelaidedolphinsanctuary @portriverdolphins
15.01.2022 Happy Sunday! Today sure feels like a #happyday ! #happysunday #happyeverything... #hope #love #peace #joy #faith #gratitude #unity #justice #equality #healing #climatechange #election2020 #dolphins #bottlenosedolphins #happyjumps #dolphinlove #citizenscience #conservation #hopespot #missionblue #bluehope #nobluenogreen #thinkblue #letsdoit Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures
13.01.2022 "Cool Swimmings"....... Keeping cool on a very hot Friday .....with dolphins. #happyfriday #happyweekend... #happyeverything Thankyou so much Gary Bell of #kidigicam #coolrunnings #heatwave #keepcool #friday #feelgoodfriday #fridayvibes #fridayfeeling #breathe #justbe #allwillbewell #dolphins #bottlenosedolphins #kangarooisland #southaustralia #greatsouthernreef #cetaceans #citizenscience #conservation #missionblue #hopespot #drsylviaearle #thinkblue #nobluenogreen #oceanstories #love #gratitude Mission Blue AusOcean Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures Great Southern Reef @authentickangarooisland SeaLink Kangaroo Island @citsci_oz @goodwill_wine @southaustralia @thewildsouth_ Ozone Hotel Kangaroo Island
13.01.2022 Sunday smiles.....and ..... sealions! Working on our #VictorHarbor nearly 10 years #data #review and up pop these #specialtreats thanks to our wonderful #dolp...hinwatch #volunteer #photographer Roger Foster from #Survey 84 February 2018. THANKYOU dear Rog for endorsing our wonderful operational #partners The Big Duck Boat Tours in the magnificent #fleurieu and for all your amazing #datacollection help and support .....and .....for making us #smile!! Looking forward to celebrating being back out on the mighty #bigduckboattours in #victorharbor together ...soon we hope! . #happysunday #happyweekend #happyeverything Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch #sealions #australiansealions #endangeredspecies #encounterbay #southaustralia #greatsouthernreef #southernocean #southaustralia #citizenscience #conservation #thinkblue #love #gratitude @victorharborsa @welcometovictorharbor @victorharborvisitorcentre @victortimes @encountervictorharbor @southaustralia @sealinkki @ausocean @greatsouthernreef @mission_blue @sealbay @goodwill_wine @ Encounter Bay, South Australia, Australia
11.01.2022 Dolphin watching Sundowners with gorgeous Goodwill Wine. Mmmmmm...yes please! If you are keen to stock up on fantastic #goodwillwine for #Christmas NOW is... the time! Our first order came with a delightful thankyou card from David Laity, Founder and CEO of Goodwill Wine. (and a lovely bottle of hand sanitiser!) Thankyou so much David and your fantastic team! Your story and amazing work are inspiring and we are so grateful for your help and support, and to be included in such an incredible group of amazing charities and Not for Profits ..and... your wines are very special! We look forward to being very good #customers and huge forever #fans! Good causes. Great wines. www.goodwillwine.com.au Stock up for the holiday season with FREE SHIPPING* on your next order from Goodwill Wine! And for every bottle you buy, 50% of the profits are donated to us. Get your Christmas wine shopping done here and use the code FREESHIPNOV at checkout: https://goodwillwine.com.au//kangaroo-island-victor-harbor *Valid on orders over $100. Excludes NT, WA & TAS. Code expires midnight Sunday 15th Nov. #thankyou #cheers #foragoodcause #charityfundraisingwine #winewithheart #christmasshoppingmadeeasy #drinkforgood #shopwithimpact #sundowners #wineoclock #wineonline #forabetterworld #dolphins #dolphinwatch #pelicanlagoon #kangarooisland #citizenscience Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch @kimarineadventures @bigduckboattours @sealinkki @ausocean @animozworld @ Pelican Lagoon Kangaroo Island
10.01.2022 On the wings of Angels..... #happyfriday #friday #angels #angelswings #dolphinlove #fridaytreat #loveinthetimeofcorona #SAlockdown #thankyou #itwillpass #tak...ecare #keepsafe #allwillbewell #breathe #justbe #love #peace #joy #faith #gratitude Thankyou so much wonderful volunteer / photographer Kerry Hart ....collecting wonderful #dolphin #data on our #citizenscience #surveys on the fabulous The Big Duck Boat Tours! #shortbeakedcommondolphins #victorharbor #citizenscience #encounterbay #greatsouthernreef #thinkblue #conservation @ausocean @mission_blue @sealinkki @welcometovictorharbor @victorharborsa @southaustralia @officialfleurieupeninsula @fleurieuapp @fleurieulivingmagazine @fleurieucoast @fleurieucoastmadebynature @goodwill_wine
09.01.2022 Oceans connect us all. Our wonderful Swedish volunteer @evaferntoft looking fabulous....and keeping warm and cosy in the depths of a Northern winter in our new ...#sportscentre hoodies! www.sportscentre.com.au We miss you dear Eva Ferntoft ! Thankyou for all your wonderful #love #care and #support from across this wonderful #world. We hope you can finally return to your #island #home in #2021 #oceans #oneworld #dolphinwatch #dolphins #volunteer #supporter #sweden #citizenscience #conservation #missyou #thankyou #love #gratitude #takecare
08.01.2022 These are better photos of the new polo shirts
08.01.2022 REPEAL OF REGULATIONS VOTED DOWN A very dark day for South Australian conservation David Speirs MP, Steven Marshall, Vickie Chapman MP. Mark Parnell MLC: "Natio...nal Parks represent the very best of our natural environment. That’s why we love them so much and take special care to look after the plants and animals that make up these wonderful places. "Last night, our National Parks were delivered a cruel blow when the Marshall Liberal Government, supported by SA-Best [Connie Bonaros MLC Frank Pangallo MLC] and Advance SA [John Darley MLC] (all former Xenophon MPs), voted to allow unlimited private tourism development inside Flinders Chase National Park on Kangaroo Island. Under the new rules, any tourism development valued at over $1million inside the National Park, no longer needs planning consent, will not be subject to any consultation and is protected from community challenge. Any vegetation in the National Park that the developer wants to clear for buildings, roads, tracks, fire-breaks etc will no longer be assessed by the Native Vegetation Council, but will be approved by a public servant answerable to the Planning Minister. "The Government has made it clear. They want to open up our Parks to private developers and they are prepared to throw out proper planning and environmental assessment in the process. Under the slogan of reimagining our Parks, the Liberals and their supporters envisage a future where our Public Parks become Private Playgrounds." See more
06.01.2022 Think blue.....and green......and.....dolphins!!! #missionblue #hopespots #thinkblue #bluehope #hope #nobluenogreen #opal #newyear #2021 #newbeginnings #ocea...nstories #oceanoptimism #marineconservation #kangarooisland #northcoast #greatsouthernreef #southaustralia #dolphins #citizenscience #conservation #letsdoit #love #gratitude Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures The Big Duck Boat Tours Mission Blue AusOcean SeaLink Kangaroo Island @authentickangarooisland @greatsouthernreef @goodwill_wine @whalesorg @thewildsouth_ @fleurieuapp @officialfleurieupeninsula
05.01.2022 Thankyou so much wonderful Kangaroo Island Surf .......from us and the dolphins!! Such amazing help, sponsorship and support for Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch means...... everything! Love and gratitude.
05.01.2022 Dolphins in danger! It’s that time of the year again...... Increased boating activity is causing grave concerns for the welfare of local and regional dolphin po...pulation groups following unfortunate incidents demonstrating widespread ignorance with respect to the Marine Mammals Interaction Policy 2010. Reports by commercial operators and observations by Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch volunteers and members of the public, particularly with respect to careless and dangerous boating activities, are disturbing. On the wonderful North Coast of Kangaroo Island recently designated as a Mission Blue Hope Spot, boats have been observed driving at speed into the middle of dolphin pods with young calves, crowding the licensed marine tour operator Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures, people jumping in on top of the dolphins to swim amongst the pod in dangerous situations for both humans and dolphins, and causing distress to the animals, as reported in the following Islander Newspaper Facebook post on December 28th 2020. The Islander "Just a reminder regarding safe responsible boating and the laws on marine mammals. KI charter operator Andrew Neighbour says there are a couple of dolphin calves only a week or so old with prop strike on the north coast. He has witnessed boats blasting through dolphin pods, either through apparent ignorance or worse disrespect to marine mammals. We are out there every day trying to enforce the law. People need to know they can’t just go to seek out and swim with wild dolphins. It’s a permitted activity that needs to be approved according to marine mammal interaction policy guidelines. " As a community if we truly value these beautiful, iconic creatures and their habitat, we are going to have to take responsibility for educating visitors and locals alike about the need to respect the marine environment. Please report offences against marine mammals to the Department of Environment and Water: 0427 556 676. https://pir.sa.gov.au/fishing/fishwatch/marine_mammals Thankyou so muchfrom us and the dolphins! #marinemammalinteractionpolicy #marinemammals #dolphins #humanimpact #kangarooisland #victorharbor #northcoast #hopespot #conservation #thinkblue #letsdoit
04.01.2022 Giuseppe’s congratulatory message regarding the September launch of the Mission Blue Kangaroo Island North Coast Hope Spot says it all Dear Tony and Phyll, C...ongratulations! Right in the middle of the South Australian Gulf and Adjacent Waters IMMA: https://www.marinemammalhabitat.org//south-australian-gul/ Very well deserved. All the best, Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara Co Chair IUCN Important Marine Mammal Areas Task Force Thankyou so much dear Giuseppe!! Giuseppe Notarbartolo'di Sciara @disciara Wonderful image by volunteer / photographer Peter Fuller @kibigpete on our #citizenscience survey on Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures in the #hopespot on the #greatsouthernreef says it all too!!! We.... are ......excited.....and overjoyed! Important Marine Mammal Areas - IMMAs Kangaroo Island / Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch AusOcean #missionblue #drsylviaearle #bluehope #nobluenogreen #IMMAS #marinemammals #dolphins #whales #habitat #kangarooisland #northcoast #southaustralia #protection #conservation @dr.sylviaearle Sylvia A. Earle @redlist_of_ecosystems @iucn_protected_areas @iucnsossaveourspecies @iucn_congress @iucn @greatsouthernreef @sealinkki @goodwill_wine @ifawaustralia @greenpeaceap @ozonehotelki
04.01.2022 Hi Dolphin Friends. The embroidered polo shirts have arrived and look fabulous. I will get them out to all the ppl on my list as soon as I can.
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