Kjb haulage | Transport service
Kjb haulage
Phone: +61 488 981 616
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24.01.2022 Float hire inbox for more details
17.01.2022 Here they are! KJB Haulage hoodies for those cold days! Hit up the page if you’re chasing one! $65 plus postage. * These are pre order with around a 2-3 week wait*
12.01.2022 The new addition
11.01.2022 KJB hats are back in stock! For everyone who has expressed interest we will be in contact shortly!
10.01.2022 Doin what we do best Andrew Millikin
08.01.2022 For anyone chasing merchandise we are packing postal bags today to be shipped tomorrow. Orders in by 2pm at the latest
07.01.2022 The new banger coming together
06.01.2022 Big sar is 12 months old
04.01.2022 Limited Edition KJB Haulage hats for sale $30 #countrytruckercaps
03.01.2022 Not every week it looks like this on a Thursday
02.01.2022 Today we did something way out of our league. Helping out a good mate carting abit of sillage, definitely think we will stick to the logs
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