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25.01.2022 SO GRATEFUL FOR THIS EPIC DAY In Sydney today the weather was absolutely epic, I am SO grateful for having such a beautiful day in the sun and I am so fucking excited for Spring and Summer I am a total sunshine babe and that's where I really thrive - waking up to the sunshine instantly puts me in the best mindset ever and I love it so much ... What lights you up and helps your mindset each day? #sogratefulfortoday #epicweather #beautifulday #sunshineisamazing #sunshine #ithriveinsunshine #whatlightsyouup #mindset #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching

25.01.2022 LIVE IN THE MOMENT So relevant for me right now, sharing some more big news with you tomorrow all things life and biz the vibes are HIGH #liveinthemoment #thelifecoachingcollege #shiftyourmindset #mindsetcoach #thevibesarehigh #kmjcoaching

25.01.2022 TAKING MY BIZ TO THE NEXT LEVEL I WAS SO SICK OF THE CORPROTE RAT RACE after being a successful 6 figure senior leader for the past 12 years, I was burnt out from what beings to feel like selling your soul to your boss and to the company, trying to make a real difference but constantly blocked by red tape and the political game So I followed my passion of coaching people. Helping people indentify their strengths and to live their true life, which lead me to start coaching biz and totally I love it BUT as a start up coach with no clear processes, no automation and no clear way to get leads has been a real challenge doing my own marketing, own invoicing and managing my day job and clients wow that can be TOUGH! So I am now pivoting my biz to be in even more alignment with my true passion but part of an inspiring and supportive community. Moving further into the online space with a lot more support, business foundations already set and being able to make impact creating a life of freedom. If this resonates with you drop me a DM and watch this space as I combine my coaching with the online space. I AM SO EXCITED AND PUMPED #watchthisspace #sickofthecorproteratrace #takingmybiztothenextlevel #iampumped #iamexcited #letsdothis

25.01.2022 SO proud to share the final product of my study make over I have posted this in my story also so check it out there too. I am feeling proud AF right now it’s been a few months in the making carefully picking out each piece and playing around with the style and setting but I couldn’t be happier Especially having to spend so much time at home lately, it fills me with joy to have such a beautiful and inspiring workspace all created by me yay Being in isolation has ...really sparked my creative side, I have been working on many lil projects and I have just loved it. Next is our backyard do-over where we have created a white pebble garden OMG we totally underestimate the effort but when you do it yourself you have such a greater sense of achievement and pride PLUS you save a lot of dollars at the same time After my feeling of pride today I am creating a Magical May Challenge to get your creative juices flowing and do a fun project around the house. Here is how it will work: 1 Choose one project you have had in your mind for a while and just GO FOR it 2 Send pics and/or a video by the end of May And the lucky winner will get 3 FREE 1:1 coaching sessions with me Over the challenge I will help keep you motivated and inspired. If you are keen to join Magical May please comment below, tag a friend or DM me I am excited - let’s do this #magicalmay #sparkyourcreativeside #creative #creativity #homedecorproject #homeproject #creativejuices #goforit #letsdothis #homestudygoals #redecorating #proudaf #lifecoach #kmjcoaching

24.01.2022 The Magical May Masterpiece is now complete YAY This was my biggest and most proud achievement, creating a white pebble garden with sandstone stepping stones and refreshing the patio area. I am totally obsessing over this. It was a lot of work and there was some slight underestimation of the effort and cost. But we got there and now it was all worth it feels great to have such a sense of pride and achievement What are you doing to stay creative and motivated?... Please share any Magical May creations with me via your story or DM so I can share and we can inspire others Have a magical weekend all #magicalmay #getcreative #getinspired #diyhomeprojects #homedecor #letsinspireeachother #whitepebbles #sandstonesteppingstones #backyardrenovation #pinkchairs #backyardcreations #lifecoach #lifecoaching #kmjcoaching See more

24.01.2022 SO PROUD OF THIS BABE Who presented live on the virtual stage today to over 1,400 people and she fucking nailed @tiffanydendalfoster and I went from work colleagues to friends to now biz partners in the online space. The personal growth I have seen within Tiff over the past 5 years is seriously NEXT LEVEL and like nothing I have ever seen before ... WOW from the girl I met on that first day who hated the fact I asked people to introduce themselves and say a few words in a team meeting to this POWERHOUSE inspirational speaker like OMGGGGGGGGGGGG Just goes to show what you can achieve when you do the inner work, dig deep, find your purpose, set your vision, understand your legacy, go all in and most importantly TAKE ACTION We are up to day 3 of this epic workshop however you can still catch the replay if you're keen to see how this babe went from doing one of these workshops only 7 months ago to now presenting at the workshop #careercoach #mindsetcoach #setyourvision #whatsyourlegacy #goallin #innerwork #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #therippleeffect #thefreedomera

24.01.2022 ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST This is the fourth agreement of "The Four Agreements" that I total relate to in every way. Today was struggling with low energy after being off sick yesterday. I pushed myself in the right way and I did my best even while feeling unwell. I didn't do as much as I would usually do but I did my best and I feel super happy about that ... Now going to go and be kind to myself and get lots of rest for the night, but wanted to share this as some inspiration to always do your best and know that it's ok that, that may look different each day. Inspired by my girl @chrissyjyoga who introduced me to The Four Agreements during one of her kick ass yin yoga sessions #alwaysdoyourbest #thefouragreements #donminguelruiz #inspiredbychrissy #dailyinspiration #bekindtoyourself #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching

24.01.2022 My June Focus: The Four Agreements by Don Minguel Ruiz This was introduced to me by my girl @chrissyjyoga during our epic Yoga session on Saturday and it resonated with me SO strongly that I listened to the whole audio book the next day. Its a life wisdom book that just makes so much sense. This agreement "Don't take anything personally" is the second agreement but what I need to focus on the most this month. Already 3 days in this focus has made a week that I thought was going to be horrible absolutely kick ass So watch this space over June, I will be sharing my insights and lots of cool stuff with you beautiful people #thefouragreements #donttakeanythingpersonally #mindsetshift #dontgiveyourpoweraway #lifecoach #lifecoaching #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching

24.01.2022 Oh I just love taking time out to really plan the month ahead using my awesome little planner Magical May is always my most favourite month to plan with mother’s day, my birthday and my bestie @alexvangemert birthday there is just so much to celebrate I couldn’t be more excited to see what the month ahead brings Do you take time out to plan ahead? I find it really helps getting shit done, manage my time & energy and understand my priorities I am a very visual pe...rson so you can see lots of colour and stickers in my planning If you would like some hints and tips on how to set goals and make realistic plans based on your personal style let know I am more than happy to do a goal setting and planning session with you #monthlyplanning #magicalmay #goalsettingtips #planningahead #nlp #lifecoach #kmjcoaching #getshitdone #somuchtocelebrate #birthdaymonth #manageyourtime #manageyourenergy

23.01.2022 A GIFT OF GRATITUDE TO MYSELF I had so much fun taking time out for me and getting my creative juices going to create this vision board / title page for my coaching biz note book. I also had an amazing chill session on Sunday that I shared on my story which was so refreshing I LOVED IT ... Taking time for me to do what matters to me is my Gift of Gratitude to myself Do something for you this week and give yourself a Gift of Gratitude! #giftofgratitude #selflove #taketimeforyou #creativejuices #creativevibes #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching

23.01.2022 SO MUCH LOVE TO MY CLIENT Super proud of this kick-ass babe @alexvangemert for: 1 Having the courage to reach out to me and ask for help... 2 Being open to take on all my feedback, hints and tips 3 Taking ACTION and practising 4 Nailing the interview I couldn't have been more grateful and humbled when I read this beautiful testimonial It means so much to me to know what a difference I can make, this is totally my purpose and the reason why I became coach. Living a life of purpose and impact NEED HELP WITH AN UPCOMING INTERVIEW OR JOB APPLICATION? DM me for a chat or tag a loved one that could benefit from this #interviewcoaching #interviews #helpwithinterviews #somuchlove #careercoach #mindsetcoach #testimonial #supergrateful #livingalifeofpurpose #superproud #makingadifference #kmjcoaching

22.01.2022 MEET KAT - CREATOR & CEO @ KMJ COACHING I am vibrant, energetic boss babe who is super passionate about helping ambitious women reach their full potential. After spending 16 years in the corporate world working for some BIG names; St George, Westpac, Virgin & Telstra. I had had a successful career, I climbed that traditional corporate ladder very quickly, however I ran into many blockers, red tape & challenges. I started to feel capped, restricted & governed by rules, decisions & policies that didn't align to my personal values. I had this overwhelming feeling that I wasn't reaching my full potential. So I took radical responsibility! I started to explore what it was that I was truly passionate about AND why. Coaching came screaming out at me for many reasons; I loved 1:1s with my team + I had an amazing coach early in my career who had a profound impact on me. Following Coaching has LIT ME the FUCK up The feeling when you feel like you are reaching your full potential is like no other and that is why I offer 1:1 Hypnosis and Coaching sessions as I want to help make an impact on others Coaching is not my only jam, I also came across this amazing online biz opportunity through a fellow corporate babe who was in my team and was absolutely thriving in the online space. So I joined her to be part of a beautiful soulful community of high vibes people, where I can leverage an automated system, access personal development courses (everything from starting a biz to personal branding) as well partnering with a sustainable high quality high ticket item. Since starting this online biz I have now left the corporate world to become a full time online entrepreneur. I am just thriving in this space having 2 solid streams of income; 1. Coaching and Hypnosis sessions with my soul avatar clients 2. Online biz where I have; community, automation, training platforms, systems and a high-ticket item If you want to know more or want to work with me comment freedom below #bossbabe #followyourdreams #liveyourpotential #liveyourbestlife #coachingforwomen #coaching #hypnosis #workwithme

21.01.2022 THE DREAM HOUSE IS NOW OFFICIALLY A REALITY OMG I am SO f’n excited all of my money mindset work, manifesting and high vibes has paid off. I can officially say the dream house and location are now a reality WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO ... This day has been filled with that excited feeling in your tummy that feels like butterflies are flying around like you have just won something or your about to do something you’ve always dreamed of, SO many high vibes and SO much high energy I am super grateful to everyone who helped make this dream come true especially my legendary broker Jodie Cullen from Mortgage Choice who has been riding this wave with me for 6 months to make this happen Everyday I have been doing my money dance, saying my abundance affirmations I LOVE MONEY AND MONEY LOVES ME and taking action to make this happen! OMG the feeling of achievement is just overwhelming I want to say a massive FUCK YEAH AND DREAMS can come true I have been so inspired by these 2 beautiful souls @tiffanydendalfoster @thehumanoptimizer that I have been on this personal growth and development journey over the past 6 months, really learning the power of having an abundance mindset, doing inner work and TAKING ACTION #dreamscancometrue #dreamhome #thisishappening #moneymindset #growthmindset #poweronaudioclub #mindsetcoach #careercoach #jodiecullen #mortgagechoice

21.01.2022 A big kind, self-loving smile to all to wrap up this week’s focus on self-love it’s made such a huge difference for me, I have smashed out so many goals and been SUPER productive. Doing a short workout and moving in the morning then adding in my breathing mediation has been epic Habits that I will continue as part of my daily routine going forward What habit did you add in this week that has made a difference? Please share in the comments below Happy Friday everyone I hope you have an amazing day and get some time to focus on self-love and kindness #selflove #kindness #happyfridayeveryone #newdailyhabit #lifecoach #kmjcoaching

21.01.2022 SO excited to share my news that I am now part of the Power on Audio Club! Wooo Hooo which has already been life changing for me. Watch this video to find out more and check it out the link in my bio. This is totally my jam it's all about how to shift your mindset, be the best version of yourself, create healthy daily habits and feel good as much as you can. A massive thanks to the awesome Adrian Z Wesley @thehumanoptimizer and Balaza W Kardos @balazswkardos for creating s...uch an amazing platform to help change people lives for the better. What you will get from the Power on Audio Club is daily access to: Mindset reprogramming Business and life skills Daily motivation Sleep optimisation and SO much more... I am really passionate about this and super pumped to grow and develop as I learn from these audios each day. You only get one chance at this gift we call life so why not do everything you can to make it the best experience possible. DM or reach out if you're interested in finding out more. #poweronaudioclub #dailymotivation #sleepoptimistion #businessskills #lifeskills #mindsetshift #mindsetcoach #shiftyourmindset #changeyourlife See more

20.01.2022 A day of getting shit done and I loved it Set myself up for success by spending the morning brainstorming, strategising and setting myself clear goals along with a killer action plan for what I am going to do over the next 2 weeks while I am on annual leave from my day job Ready to go all in on my online biz and smash out some serious goals. Feeling motivated AF. This isolation time is going to allow me to give 100% focus to my KMJ biz and I couldn’t be more excited ... Doing some realistic goal setting can really light you up inside and shift your mindset completely. If your feeling stuck, flat, bored or not sure how to use this isolation time in a productive way please let me know and I can do a goal setting session with you. I couldn’t recommend it more after how I am feeling today I just want to scream fuck yeah, let’s do this. DM me if your interested #goalsetting #brainstorming #motivatedaf #usethisisotimewell #proactive #actionplanning #strategies #makeithappen #kmjcoaching @tiffanydendalfoster

19.01.2022 Such a magical yoga session yesterday which created much needed mindset shift for me that I have recently shared on my story Love hanging out with both of you Susan Augier + Chrissy Jane we are forming a very spiritual connection through these sessions sending love your way and cant wait for our next session yay

19.01.2022 MEET ADVENTUROUS COACH KAT I love going on new adventures, discovering new places and travelling to tropical destinations Hawaii is my all time fav place in the world I will share some flashback photos with you over the coming weeks. In the absence of being able to travel more recently I have started going on lots of bushwalks and I just LOVE the beauty of nature and have really fallen in love with those green leafy vibes ... These are some goregous pics of a massive 4hr walk we did a few months back wow what a physical challenge but SO SO SO worth it. Adventurous Coach Kat over her years has bungee jumped, sky dived, swam with whale sharks been in a motorised hang glide over the islands of Hawaii and scootered her way through the Philippines and Thailand What's the next adventure you have planned? Let's inspire each other and comment below #sayyestonewadventures #adventurous #nature #bushwalks #whatisyournextadventure #adventure #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching #grandcanyonwalk @ Grand Canyon Walk

19.01.2022 ANOTHER CLIENT JUST SCORED THEIR DREAM JOB WOOOO HOOOO I am SO happy and proud of my client for scoring her dream job Feeling super humbled and grateful for this amazing testimonial, it really warms my heart to see my clients getting such epic results ... It just goes to show what you can achieve when you prepare, practise and put new learnings into play READY FOR YOUR NEXT DREAM JOB? Let's make it happen DM me for a 1:1 session #dreamjob #clientsuccessstories #readyforyourdreamjob #whatyoucanachieve #followyourdreams #careercoach #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching

18.01.2022 I CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON THOUGHTS THAT MAKE ME FEEL GOOD Another golden nugget shared by the superstar @thehumanoptimizer as part of the Power on Audio Club I say this affirmation out LOUD every morning and it has SERIOUSLY made a huge difference in my life and my daily mindset. It's our choice to decide on what we focus on AND what we focus on is what we get ... Often we are programmed to focus on stress, worry and fear which are thoughts that don't make us feel good at all resulting in scarcity mindset How can we enjoy our lives to the fullest living in a scarcity mindset Well guess what? You can change this by repeating this affirmation and saying it out LOUD every morning when you wake up and throughout the day Are you ready to take action and try something new? Then take on this challenge - say this affirmation once a day out LOUD for the next 30 days and see what a difference it will make. I will post this on my story a sweet lil remind for you. Sending you love and light #ichoose #focusonthoughtsthatmakeyoufeelgood #feelgood #30daychallenge #mindsetcoach #kmjcoach #poweronaudio #adrainwesley

18.01.2022 The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz "Be impeccable with your word" this is the first agreement which was a huge eye opener for me. We are so lucky to have the gift of our word, to be able to communicate with others by speaking and expressing our wants, needs and feelings. We are one of the only creatures on this planet that has this gift. We can create love and light by saying positive and uplifting words to oursleves and each other OR we can create darkness and ...pain by gossiping and saying hurtful words. I am going to be so much more aware of how I use my words and what I say from now on. If you get the chance to read this chapter or listen to it by audio it is SO freaking powerful I highly recommend it #beimpeccablewithyourword #donminguelruiz #fouragreements #gratefultobeabletocoomunicate #mindsetcoach #lifecoach #kmjcoaching #eyeopener #beawareofyourwords See more

18.01.2022 I WAS SO SICK OF NOT LIVING MY FULL POTENTIAL Night after night I remember going to bed feeling so defeated, so frustrated and so undervalued. See in the corporate world your potential is capped in so many ways; by your boss, by your pay, by your team and by the limited opportunities within your company NOT to mention the most fierce competition and jealousy especially now! The corporate world can be such a dog eat dog world and that just isn't aligned to my personal I knew that there had to be a way to break out of this and live my life to my full potential with no judgment, no having to impress the boss, no having to prove myself and earn "my stripes" time and time again. I always wanted to be my own boss. I just didn't know how I would do it, I tried doing my coaching biz solo but without a strategy, automated systems and anyone keeping me accountable I found it super challenging full of highs and lows without much traction. Until I found this NEW way of doing business online connected to an amazing community after being curious and watching a free workshop online. Now I have the support and guidance of some real powerhouse leaders in the online space, access to an EPIC education platform where I am learning the POWER behind a personal brand and so much more AND I have access to a high ticket / high commision offer. I am SO excited to share this upcoming workshop with you Comment FREEDOM below or check out the link in my bio for access. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, why not be curious and check it out. I did and look at me now - the happiest I have ever been living a life with so much freedom, money and choice I just LOVE IT! #freedom #money #impact #liveyourpotential #choice #sickofthecorporateworld #stopbeinglimited #becurious #nothingtolose #lovemylife

18.01.2022 A GIFT OF GRATITUDE I was SO humbled to receive this gift of gratitude from my amazing hospitality team at work showing their appreciation for the support I have provided this year. There was such beautiful words in the card which I re-read again today and triggered me to share this post to inspire YOU to give a gift of gratitude to someone who deserves it ... Let's pay it forward, it doesn't have to be an expensive gift. You can hand make a gift, pick some flowers, make a card get creative. Its about the symbol of gratitude and appreciation that means the most Join me in this GRATITUDE CHALLENGE over this month. Post your gift / guesture of gratitude and tag me in it. I will share on my story and announce a winner at the end of the month who will receive A GIFT OF GRATITUDE from me personally I am excited can't wait to see wait this challenge brings #gratitudechallenge #giftofgratitude #gratitudeattitude #payitforward #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching @tiffanydendalfoster

18.01.2022 I just love this quote and I am going to take this advice and start sharing my personal story more I am working on some posts and vids in the background so watch this space. A short and sweet post today with a powerful message #shareyourstory #changesomeoneslife #justbeyou #selflove #lifecoach #kmjcoaching @ckelso

18.01.2022 MEET COACH KAT I haven't yet done an "About me" post SO here is the start of many to come I am all about helping people, making a difference in people lives with a growth mindset of being better everyday!... Words to describe be would be; Passionate, Positive, Energetic, Fun and Adventurous I have had a colourful life with some amazing highs and some intense life challenges from exposure to domestic violence, drug addiction, being bullied at school then to overcome all that and make it BIG in the corporate world only to be FIRED from what I thought was my dream job, which then lead to my marriage ending in divorce. Why do I share this? Because I am grateful for my life experiences as they have shaped me into the person I am now which a super resilient and happy person who uses their life experience to coach and inspire others. I have done this by constantly focusing on my mindset, continuing to stretch out of my comfort zone, continuous education and going ALL IN on living my life for ME and following my dreams Recently starting my online biz alongside my senior manager corporate babe role! I specialise in helping others find a career they are passionate about by identifying key strengths and then preparing for the new job in a kick-ass way everything from developing a resume to interview preparation I love nature I am obsessed with ROSE GOLD and have a creative flare when it comes to home decor That's a wrap for now, can't wait to share more of my stories along this exciting journey! Sending you love and light #kmjcoaching #aboutme #mystorybeginshere #livingmylifeforme #colourfullife #lifeexperience #careercoach #mindsetcoach

18.01.2022 FEELING SO EXCITED FOR WHAT'S AHEAD So many positive and amazing opportunities are all coming together for me that I have been MANIFESTING into my life I am taking my online biz to the next level and I can't wait to share more with you over the coming weeks.... I am so close to buying my dream home Spring is upon us and I am planning my next summer holiday New season, new chapter, new mindset! Woo hoo bring it on What are you excited about for the new season? Share below #feelingexcited #manifestation #manifestingabundance #newseason #newchapter #newmindset #getexcited #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching

18.01.2022 10 WORDS TO DESCRIBE KAT On my last day in the corporate world my team put this super cool idea together and made a word cloud of words to describe Kat and I wanted to share with you to give a deeper insight into me. I was so humbled to read some of these words but also very proud to know that I have made such a positive impact and this is how people describe me which is ultimately my personal brand ... I am so excited for this next chapter as I build my personal brand online and make an income while doing it I had such a successful career in the corporate world and I am grateful for my growth and the amazing people I have met along the way, however I am so NOT going to miss feeling trapped, feeling like I am not reaching my potential and being governed by rules, policies and processes not to much the corporate politics that can be so draining Today I had a real taste of the freedom and empowerment of being an online entrepreneur as I took part in an EPIC online Momentum Mastermind, I felt so pumped, so aligned and I just had that FIRE in my belly back that desire to really make shit happen. I am truly inspired by the amazing community I am part of @thefreedomera_ Feeling READY to take on the world What are 3 words you think people would use to describe you? Comment below this is such a great exercise to do (this is a question I use to ask when doing interviews in the corporate world). #freedomera #describeyourself #personalbrand #makeanimpact #freedom #empowerment #mindsetcoach #careercoach #goodbyecorporateworld

17.01.2022 KATS DREAM AVATAR Wooo Hooo this is an amazing activity I did as part of the Power on Audio Club. Creating your dream avatar, which is visualising your future self and all of the success you have achieved. Focusing on five areas in particular: 1 Health - what does your future-self health look like?... 2 Finances - what does your future-self finances look like? Be really specific, how much are you earning per month, what property do you own etc. Where do you live? 3 Feel - how does your future-self feel? What feelings are you accessing each day? 4 Words to describe - what words are people using to describe your future-self? What are people saying when your name is mentioned? 5 Think - how does your future-self think? What thoughts are running through your mind each day? What is your mindset like? Brainstorm and actually write it down just like I have THEN after you do this, read it back and spend at least 10 mins really visualising that you are your dream avatar NOW - how does that feel?? For me it was FUCKING AMAZING At first this was confronting to do but I did it anyway AND WOW it ended up as such an empowering, inspiring and uplifting activity. I feel so pumped and proud after doing this I am going to be adding my dream avatar to my vision board and start manifesting it NOW Thank you @thehumanoptimizer and @balazwkardos for creating the Power On Audio Club - you motivate, challenge and inspire me every day. Next up is my letter to myself in 2021. The Power on Audio Club has been life changing for me if you want to know more please DM me or go to the link in my bio. Btw - Adrian & Balazs I will be featuring in the Power on Audio Club one day too I didn't write that down on my avatar but it came to me in my visualisation. #poweronaudioclub #dreamavatar #soinspiring #soamazing #upliftingactivities #visualiseyourfuture #growthmindset #kmjcoaching @tiffanydendalfoster @thehumanoptimizer @balazswkardos

17.01.2022 Absolutely MAGICAL pics from our super fun adventures last weekend it was a 3.5hr hike and worth every moment. I couldn't reccomend this experience more. Say YES to new adventures #grandcanyonwalk #sayyestonewadventures #puremagic #evanslookout #evanslookoutwalk #challengeyourself #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching @ Grand Canyon Walk

16.01.2022 This is one of my all-time fav positive affirmations from one of my goddesses Louise Hay I have listened to Louise Hay for many years now and she has been instrumental in my mindset shift and helping me find the courage to completely change my life by changing my mindset This is an affirmation that I often use, especially when I am feeling flat or down and that’s how I was feeling yesterday however I was able to coach myself and shift my mindset by using this affirm...ation saying it out loud over and over again as well as letting go of my self-critic Today I am feeling good. I now realise I had a blocker (limiting belief) that I did not have enough time to do my day job and keep up my social media presence for my coaching biz but today I say GOODBYE to that blocker / limiting belief I CAN DO both and I CAN make this work I just need the right mindset and to believe in myself! If you have had this feeling or are feeling like this now, please reach out to me I am always here to help, I can help you get that critic out of your head and help you to believe in yourself more. Just drop me a PM. Sending lots of positive and loving vibes to anyone who needs them right now #dailyaffirmations #louisehayaffirmation #limitingbeliefs #icandothis #shiftmindset #positivemindsets #lifecoachingtips #lifecoach #kmjcoaching #sendingpositivevibes #alwaysheretohelp #pmme #lovelight #positivevibes @hayhouseinc

16.01.2022 INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY SO freaking excited for my key note speech tomorrow at an International Womens Day breakfast event woooooo hooooooo Vibes are high and I just LOVE the theme this year which is #choosetochallenge as a challenged world is an alert world and we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions all day every day. We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and we can all choose celebrate women's achievements. We can all help create inclusive world because from challenge comes change It was such a privilege to be asked to speak on such an important topic. I will be sharing stories about the times in my life that I choose to challenge and how that provoked change. One of my most epic choose to challenge moments has been choosing to become an online entrepreneur creating an online income using automation through an amazing platforms and systems that have been created specifically for entrepreneurs. If you want to find out more about creating an online income DM me and watch this space #internationalwomensday #choosetochallenge #iwd2021 #keynotespeaker #entrepreneurlife #followyourdreams

16.01.2022 FEELING THE FEAR AND DOING IT ANYWAY These photos are from the Friday Farewell celebrations with these 4 epic humans who I just love so much. We are all leaving Telstra at the same time so we treated ourselves to a Lavish lunch at the newly built @amaresydney in The Crown. AND WOW what a day it was, amazing food, amazing wine and amazing company - you know those days when you are just having the BEST conversations I didn't want to leave ... Prior to this lunch I experienced a huge bubble of fear and anxiety earlier in the week. After chatting it through I now realise it's because I am leaving the corporate world which I have been part of for over 15 years and had become a real expert, to go into this new and exciting online world where I am not an expert SO that feels super uncomfortable. BUT I know my WHY. I know WHY I am doing follow my dreams, to help other ambitious babes live out their true potential and to make a real impact in the world I heard a super inspiring message today whilst listening to the legendary @thehumanoptimizer which was "You don't have to be great to get started, BUT you have to get started to be great" So I am getting started, I am feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Are you ready to get started? To follow your dreams? To live out your full potential? To make an income online? DM me for a chat as I would love to help. #feelthefear #doitanyway #getstarted #areyouready #onlineentrepreneur #followyourdreams #incomeonline #liveoutyourfullpotential #potential

16.01.2022 Need help getting ready for an interview? I CAN HELP YOU Super grateful for this amazing testimonial which has trigger me to share this post on one of my specialties which is interview prep.... This is what I can help with; Getting your resume up to date and looking on point Identifying your passion and key strengths Setting up your LinkedIN profile and making it stand out from the rest Sharing the top behaviourial interview questions Practicing interview questions out loud and coaching on your responses Understanding what to research about the company What to wear and how to show up on the day Confidence building strategies So please DM me if you want to feel confident, prepared and smash your next interview out of the park #gettingreadyforinterviews #preparingforinterviews #careercoach #smashthatinterview #supergrateful #icanhelpyou #kmjcoaching See more

15.01.2022 A big cheeky and super happy smile that represents the excitement I have for my BIRTHDAY WEEK YAY it’s my actual birthday tomorrow and everyone that knows me, knows I make a massive deal of my birthday I pretty much have a birthday month I love my birthday so much as it’s a celebration of me, my life, my achievements and most importantly a time to reflect and be grateful for all my amazing life experiences, lessons and unforgettable memories What do you do to celebrate you? Please comment below stay tuned for the birthday posts to come #magicalmay #birthdaygirl #birthdayweek #birthdaymonth #celebrateyou #celebratelife #celebrateyourachievements #graetfulformylife #gratefulformyexperiences #gratefulforthelessons #gratefulforthememories @kattyj83

15.01.2022 Excited face Magical May delivered such goregous weather this morning and we discovered this amazing new walk absolutely stunning. Will be adding this new walk to my morning routine as it was such an epic way to set up the day and my mindset What helps make your morning magical what are your daily habits that set you up for success? Please share below #magicalmay #morningwalks #newadventures #stunningmorning #excitedface #gorgeousweather #dailyhabitsforsuccess #magicalmorning #positivemindset #lifecoach #kmjcoaching

14.01.2022 Let’s start the day off with a positive mindset and focus. This is an old time quote that I just love and I think is really relevant to these times Today is a new day, yesterday is gone so let go of worrying about the past, tomorrow is a mystery but today is the present so I challenge you to be really PRESENT in the moment today. Take notice of what is happening around you, enjoy the small things like how good your coffee taste the sun shining the birds singing or ...the fresh air as you breathe in just take note of one thing you don’t usually notice. We can’t control what is happening around us and I know it’s a huge global challenge right now, but each day we get choose the mindset we approach the day with, let’s choose to be present today Let me know the one thing you notice today that you don’t usually notice please comment below #positivemindset #todayisanewday #inthemoment #bepresent #noticewhatsaroundus #positivequote #kmjcoaching

14.01.2022 DYSLEXIA MATTERS I have recently found out that I am dyslexic, I have always known it was something, I just didn’t know what? I have struggled with spelling my whole life and found certain things really challenging to comprehend. I struggle to tell the difference between left & right, I struggle to read books, I really struggle to read a map and I am a nutritious day dreamer. This is something I had been quite embarrassed about and felt a lot of shame. I use to get so fru...strated with myself why I can’t I just get this? Why can’t I just spell this dam word? What is wrong with me? As a result I ended up quite anxious at times and it really impacted my confidence not to mention my productivity; always taking longer than most to do anything writing or reading related. Once I found the courage to seek out help and actually find out that I am dyslexic is was a HUGE relief as I then knew I could do something about it! So what did I do? I sought out a coach that specialises in Dyslexia and I invested in myself! I took 2 weeks off work to take part in a life changing program that was personalised for my needs and my dyslexia with the AMAZING Amanda from Dyslexia Matters. Amanda taught me new ways to learn, we under covered my triggers, unpacked my anxiety and most of all boosted my confidence. She helped me take away all of the stigma around dyslexia and having a learning disability and I am SO inspired after doing this program that I have a NEW goal, which is to become an ambassador for dyslexia. This is the first post of many to come around dyslexia and I am now loud and proud to say I am dyslexic, I have no shame or embarrassment and I feel that learning this will be one of my greatest gifts as I have also discovered many of my untapped talents along the way. If you think you have dyslexia or a learning disability then I challenge you to find your courage; reach out and ask for help. It’s one of the BEST things I have ever done! I am always here if you want a chat OR please feel free to reach out directly to Amanda du Toit - The Difference Coach Amanda is one of the kindest and most caring souls I have ever met. I couldn’t recommend her more

14.01.2022 You are SPECIAL and WONDERFUL Today's affirmation is a reminder of how SPECIAL and WONDERFUL you are. The past few days I hadn't been feeling as great as I usually do and upon reflection I realised it’s because I had been giving so much of myself to everyone else around me and not focusing on me. So this affirmation was super powerful for me today and helped shifted my mindset in a really positive way. I challenge you to try this affirmation today. Say it out loud and ...repeat it as many times as you can getting louder and louder each time. Sending so much love and positivity your way #youarespecial #youarewonderful #shiftyourmindset #loveyourself #taketimeforyou #mindsetcoach #dailyaffirmations #kmjcoaching See more

14.01.2022 OMG isn't this just the cutest ever hope this puts a smile on your face

14.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone I hope you enjoyed the day and got to spend quality time with your loved ones sending love and positivity your way #happyeaster #sendinglove #kmjcoaching

13.01.2022 OMG what a powerful affirmation as soon as I read this so many memories popped up for me Back to situations where I gave someone else control, I was so hurt by what "they" said or what "they" did and I had this overwhelming feeling of being trapped and feeling not good enough. But I wasn’t trapped I was choosing to believe what they believed opposed to what I believed about myself. This is a great one for anyone that find themselves being a people pleaser doing for everyone else because you think if you do that people will like you more OR you just don’t believe in yourself enough to stand up for what you think is right OR you have allowed this behaviour for too long and you don’t know how to change it I have been there over and over let me tell you, I spent most of my life being a people pleaser and it’s been a huge journey to turn that around I am not perfect by any means and sometimes I find myself going back into my old ways. The way I overcome this is by focusing on what is my choice in this situation how I am choosing to respond or react this has been a total game changer for me. If you find yourself being a people pleaser and want to change that, please reach out (just pop me a DM) and I can share some quick techniques I would really love to help #whatyoucando #itsyourchoice #breakyourbadhabits #peoplepleaser #lifecoach #kmjcoaching #selflove #believeinyourself #dailyarmation #dailyhabits #tlcc

13.01.2022 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT IS THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU CAN EVER MAKE #boom drop the mic Over the past year I have invested more than $20k in my personal development and it is honestly the BEST investment I have ever made in my life and I am committed to continue this investment into my personal growth.... You have ONE LIFE, ONE CHANCE... there is NO dress rehearsal for this life. The lessons I have after making a committment to me and my life have been the best awakening ever I have identified my strengths, my development opportunities and my TRUE passion and that is the best feeling ever! If you want to be the best version of YOU DM me now! Dont let life pass you by #investinyourself #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #onelife #onechance #dontletlifepassyouby #mindetcoach #lifecoach #careercoach #poweronaudio

13.01.2022 What a beautiful affirmation to start off the week This is a great one to get your mindset in the right place ready to take on the week ahead with a positive focus. With affirmations for them to be most effective is to say them out loud over and over a few times and then again throughout the day as many times as you like, the more you say the affirmation the more it will become part of your subconscious mind What we focus on is what we get, so let's start off the week focusing on love and acceptance #dailyaffirmations #starttheweekpositive #positivemindset #lifecoachingtips #lifecoachingtips #louisehay #whatyoufocusongrows #loveandpositivity #acceptance #loveandacceptance #kmjcoaching

12.01.2022 HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY COCO GIRL You are the cutest and cheekiest lil baby girl ever you bring us so much joy, laughter and love with your affectionate lil personality We love you bubba girl ... #dogmum #cutest #cheeckiest #dachshundlife #dachshundlove #dogbirthday #warmsmyheart #whatacutie #1stbirthday

12.01.2022 IMPACT AND ABUNDANCE UPGRADE I am so pumped to share more about this amazing focus and opportunity I have coming up. This is just the start of many of my abundance affirmations I will be sharing to raise those abundance vibes. This one just jumped out at me. As I am taking my biz to the next level, it’s a new era to for me and I have been dancing around saying this affirmation out loud all day and OMG it feels goooooood.... Take this affirmation for a whirl and watch it rise your abundance vibes #abundanceandinpact #abundancemindset #abundancevibes #raiseyourvibration #prosperity #midsetcoach #kmjcoaching See more

11.01.2022 This is an all time fav quote of mine for both life and resilience and a great one to shift your mindset. What mindset are you choosing today? #mindset #growthmindset #lifecoaching #resilience #shiftyourmindset #neverregretaday #kmjcoaching #chooseyourmindset

10.01.2022 DID YOU HAVE A KICK-ASS WEEK THIS WEEK Reflection time Fridays are the perfect day to take time out and reflect on the week that was.... One of the best biz tools I have ever used is the "retrospective". Which is taking time out at the end of the week or the end of the project to really reflect on; What worked well? What could have been better? What are the key learnings that I will take into next week/next project? My personal add on question; What are you going to do to celebrate the wins? This is a powerful tool to keep your self accountable and on track with your biz goals, I have found this even more important since being a full time entrepreneur Do you take time out to reflect? Share below how you went this week #leadership #reflection #retrospectives #ownyourweek #reflectiontime #entrepreneurlife #biztools #bizbabes

10.01.2022 A Gift of Gratitude Sending so much love and light to this beautiful soul @susanaugier I am forever grateful for you and all the fun and crazy memories we have. I am thinking of you at this time and can't wait until your back in Sydney and we can go out for one of our famous boozy lunch catch ups ... I love you Take time out today to tell someone you love how grateful you are for them #gratefulforyou #giftofgratitude #spreadthelove #gratefulforthememories #gratefulforthefriendship #sendingloveandlight #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching

10.01.2022 Happy Monday everyone I love this affirmation and what a perfect one to start off the week and set positive intentions let’s make this week about self-love and finding new ways to invest in ourselves Please share what self-love habit you are keen to practice this week. Mine is going to be a short morning mediation straight after my 8am workout with my team @nikki.lee.j @tiffanydendalfoster @poppidean #loveispowerful #selflove #dailyaffirmation #positivemindset #happymonday #setyourintentions #morningmediation #dailyhabitsforsuccess #kmjcoaching

10.01.2022 INSPIRATIONAL WEBINAR INCOMING This has to be the MOST excited I have ever been about sharing and promoting these amazing workshops and webinars I get to be part of Because this Tuesday night (13th April) we have the Queen and absolute powerhouse of the online space Jessica Zalums coming at us live talking all things online biz and how you can create FREEDOM MONEY & IMPACT ... Jess has been one of the most inspirational babes I have met in this online space she is a leader, a mum of 2, a kind and giving soul, a change maker and absolutely knows her shit! Jess background is in PR but she has been a huge success in the online space over the past few years now I am personally so inspired by her in every way. I must say she is beyond her years and someone I 100% aspire to be. Her style and everything she stands for IS in pure alignment with me. I could go on and on for days but register and listen in on Tuesday to see for yourself. A must watch in my opinion. PM me with your email if you would like to check it out #amustwatch #onlinebiz #onlinebabe #powerhouse #impact #money #freedom #financialfreedom #inspirational #queen

09.01.2022 ITS YOUR TIME I am so excited to share this beautiful clip about the upcoming 4 day online workshop kicking off October 12. There is SO much epic value OMG What can you expect:... Day 1 Your Souls Vision Day 2 The Energy of Money Day 3 Creating a Legacy Day 4 High Impact High Income Solution I have 5 spots left woooo hoooo DM me to take up this game changer of an opportunity. #itsyourtime #decidewhatyourlifewilllooklike #soulsvision #energyofmoney #creatingalegacy #highimpact #highincome

09.01.2022 Choose your path........ I just spent the afternoon bushwalking with my bestie and my cheeky lil favs it was such a fun afternoon and it was so awesome catching up with ones that you love after not seeing them for so long cant wait for more catch ups and fun to come feeling very grateful right now as I reflected on the drive home about what a great afternoon I had. I was thinking about how much choosing your mindset towards life impacts your quality of life. What is your mindset today? How are you choosing to show up around the ones you love? #gratitudeattitude #chooseyourmindset #nature #bushwalks #active #fun #lifecoaching #feelinggrateful #chooseyourpath @ Bulli, New South Wales

09.01.2022 Happy Sunday I am totally obsessing over my new Diffuser and dõTERRA oils from @lauras_essential_life this is the newest lil additional to my home office it’s all coming together now inspired by @thekmarthome #diffuser #doterraoils #mystudy #decor #flowers #kmartstyle #sundayfunday #laurasessentiallife #thekmarthome #kmjcoaching

09.01.2022 MY DAILY MONEY MANTRA Since making the decision to take my biz to the next level, one area I am also taking to the next level is my relationship with money and my mindset towards it. What you focus on is what you get and I truly believe this! Having a scarcity mindset about money only creates less of it and stress about it. Having awareness of your relationship with money IS A GAME CHANGER and it has made a huge difference for me ... I recently just purchased my dream home, when I made the offer for it and put down the holding deposit I didn’t have the rest of the deposit to pay only 10 days later after the cooling off period, but I knew it was coming and I knew it would happen for me. I did this money mantra every day morning and night setting some fun reminders in my phone and even creating a money dance and song that I sing when I am in the car (at the top of my lungs). I TOOK ACTION and was relentless in my follow up, I had pure tenacity to make it happen AND guess whatI DID IT at 3:45pm the day our cooling off period ended I had the money in my account to pay the rest of the deposit and my dream home is now a reality WOOOOO HOOOOO! I will continue to embody this mantra into my every daily life, one of the biggest insights I have taken so far is how much MORE gratitude I have towards money, don’t take it for granted, be grateful for it and invest back into yourself and more abundance will flow to you If you want to know more about creating an abundance mindset drop me a DM and let’s chat. Abundance mindset coaching is part of my new offering which is coming this week so watch this space #ilovemoneyandmoneylovesme #abundancemindset #moneymondset #moneymantra #mindsetcoaching #takingittothenextlevel #kmjcoaching

08.01.2022 Super pumped and SO excited to share something I have been working on in the background so watch this space will be dropping the news later this week. Until then have a beautiful Sunday sending positivity, love and light your way #soexcited #superpumped #watchthisspace #happysunday #kmjcoaching

08.01.2022 OMG CHEESY SMILE EXCITED FEELING ONE DAY UNTIL THE LIVE WEBINAR - wooo hoo! The vibes are high and I can't wait to hear from the legends Danielle & Dan a powerhouse couple who have just smashed it in the online space. They are presenting tomorrow night and I couldn't be MORE excited as they totes my vibe, high energy, action takers and all round inspiring leaders Are you feeling CURIOUS?... Ready to explore NEW opportunities? Ready to live your life to your full POTENTIAL? Ready to START creating your dreams? Ready to create FREEDOM, MONEY and IMPACT? Then type freedom below OR register in the link in my bio Curiosity is free What have you got to lose? #freedom #money #impact #liveyourpotential #choice #curious #curiosityisfree #stopbeinglimited #becurious #nothingtolose #lovemylife

08.01.2022 Please support WEAVE to create opportunities and a way up and a way forward for young people, children, women and families facing complex situations. I have had the privileged of being part of the Weave family for the past few years and the project lead of the working group that delivers their annual fundraising Gala. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 we were not able to proceed with this years gala. This leaves a massive gap for Weave and their ability to continue supporting ...amazing programs such as the Kool Kids program. If you could kindly show your support by donating to Weave this year, please do at the below link. It's the last day of the financial year and all direct donations are tax deductible. If you can't donate I kindly ask you to share this post with your network - spread the love and support #weaveyouthcommuinity #weave #weavefamily #pleaseshowyoursupport #creatingpathways #empowerpeopletochange #empowerment #weavecommunity @mardidiles @tiffanydendalfoster

07.01.2022 MAKE SELF LOVE A PRIORITY If you know me, you know how much I love going on holidays and I love pampering myself. That is exactly what I am in the midst of doing right now. I am in the sunshine coast having fun and living my best life. I just got this EPIC massage and acupuncture and it was seriously AMAZING I feel like I have had such a big release and refreshed AF as I was walking back to our gorgeous holiday house I was reflecting on the fact that i...t's been too long since I took some time out for self love and pampering myself We can so easily deprioritise ourselves and self love in general when the busy world around us takes over. So I am committing to making this a priority every month AND the key thing I am excited about is; I know I will be able to make it a priority as I now have the time freedom I have always wanted, no longer tied down to the corporate rat race wooo hooo. Another massive bonus of becoming an online entrepreneur. Are you making self love a priority? Comment below with your commitment to yourself for the month ahead Let's hold each other accountable #selflove #love #selfcare #loveyourself #motivation #happiness #positivevibes #life #inspiration #believe #lifestyle #mindset #success #happy #yourself #goals #positivity #motivationalquotes #smile

07.01.2022 LIVE INTERVIEW INCOMING So pumped and excited, I am doing a live interview tomorrow with my girl @tiffanydendalfoster talking all things online biz, achievements and what lies ahead for the future. Tiff and I started off as corporate colleagues and became good friends within no time, I was Tiff's leader in our corporate world and her mentor and number 1 fan. When Tiff discovered this amazing online biz opportunity I was watching closely on the sideline encouraging her and... cheering her on. Quickly I became so inspired by Tiff's growth, personal development and success I had to learn more so I joined her in this space and now we have both left the corporate world together to create an income online and a legacy that will live on beyond our days I am doing a few more interviews over this month but I am SO thrilled to be kicking off the first one with my online biz mentor, I love how the tables have turned out and how we are doing biz and life together Tune in tomorrow (Wednesday 7th April) at 11am. Can't wait whoop whoop #liveinterview #onlinebizbabes #onlinebiz #incomeonline #soulsisters #excitingfuture #acheivements

07.01.2022 TODAY I AM FEELING SO GRATEFUL FOR MY LIFE After doing this monthly gift of gratitude challenge it has really got me back into a fierce gratitude attitude mindset, I am finding myself being more and more aware everyday of what I am grateful for and it has made a HUGE difference to my mindset and what has been coming into my life. Today I have woken feeling excited about life and super grateful for everything in my life right now.... I am going to continue this Gift of Gratitude challenge into September along with my massive health kick so get ready for even higher vibes of gratitude and health inspo coming your way. Spring is knocking on our door, new season, new mindset, new habits let’s do this I AM SO PUMPED #giftofgratitude #excitedaboutlife #newseason #newmindset #newhabits #healthyhabits #sopumped #mindsetcoach #careercoach #coachkat #kmjcoaching

06.01.2022 A TREE TOP ADVENTURE not to forget. OMG what a magical day and a magical experience channel your inner child and seek out some adventure, I couldn't reccomend it more this was such a fun and exhilarating day. Feeling super grateful right now What was your last adventure? Please share below #channelyourinnerchild #adventure #magicalplaces #magicalexperience #treetopadventure #supergrateful #exhilarating #kmjcoaching #mindsetcoach @ Illawarra Tree Top

06.01.2022 Obsessed and inspired by this colour scheme, style and design doing lots of redecorating and home projects atm, I love the inspo coming through @thekmarthome this is a great time to spark your creative side and tackle those DIY projects you never had time for. I have just painted my clothesline ROSE GOLD OMG I love it I have a lil video to share with you tomorrow. Stayed tuned on my story #sparkyourcreativity #homedecor #homeprojects #lovethisstyle #thekmarthome #rosegoldinspiration #colourscheme #obsessed #kmjcoaching

06.01.2022 Need help getting ready for an INTERVIEW? I CAN HELP YOU Feeling SUPER motivated and inspired after listening to my Power on Audio Club audios and just signing a new client - woo hoo !!... If you need help getting ready for a new job or interview this is totally my jam, after working as a senior leader in the corporate world I have done 100's of interviews, I know what employers are looking for and how you can stand out from the rest. This is what I can help you with; Getting your resume up to date and looking on point Identifying your passion and key strengths Setting up your LinkedIN profile and making it stand out from the rest Sharing the top behaviourial interview questions Practicing interview questions Understanding what to research about the company What to wear and how to show up Mindset and Confidence building strategies So please DM me if you want to feel confident and smash your next job interview. #gettingreadyforinterviews #careercoach #smashthatinterview #supergrateful #icanhelpyou #poweronaudioclub #dreamavatar #kmjcoaching

06.01.2022 MANIFESTING THIS DREAM HOME INTO MY LIFE I love everything about this beautiful gem the pool OMG and the view is just stunning not to mention the cosy vibes oooooooo yeah Now its about making it happen. I will be doing so many affrimations, loads of visualisation and some serious manifesting over the next few days ... I believe I can make this happen, I am putting it out to the universe Watch this space, I can't wait to share the next update wooooo hooooo #dreamhome #manifestation #manifestingdreams #affirmations #visualisation #cosyvibes #leafyvibes #dreamscancometrue

05.01.2022 ANOTHER HAPPY CLIENT - wooo hooo Want the EDGE for an upcoming interview or preparing to apply for a new role? YOU ARE READING THE RIGHT POST ... Given the current COVID-19 climate it really is an employers market when it comes to recruitment and the competition fierce. It's more important than ever to put the right amount of effort and preparation into your resume, LinkedIN profile, job application and being confident during interviews. After working as a senior leader in the corporate world for the the past 12 years I have done 's of interviews, I know what employers are looking for and how YOU can stand out from the rest Please DM me if you would like to know more about how I can help #happyclient #doyouwanttheedge #gettingreadyforinterviews #careercoach #smashthatinterview #supergrateful #icanhelpyou #poweronaudioclub #kmjcoaching

05.01.2022 This week through my daily affirmations I am focusing on self-love and doing something that makes you happy Only 2 days in I have added a short morning mediation after my daily work out and I am feeling good and happy it’s made a big difference already and I can’t wait to see how I feel by the end of the week This is a cheeky lil selfie of how I am feeling today = happy and in a good headspace. I am excited for the day ahead and know I am going to get shit done today Please keep sharing with me what you are doing to focus on self-love Have an awesome day everyone #happiness #selflovejourney #cheekyselfies #dailyhabit #dowhatmakesyouhappy #kmjcoaching

05.01.2022 Gift of Gratitude Challenge Accepted Spreading the love and sharing this gratitude testimonial I just did for the Power on Audio Club to show my appreciation A gift of gratitude doesn’t have to be something materialistic words can mean SO much more.... Join me in this monthly challenge and give a gift of gratitude to someone in your life that deserves it take a pic, tag me in it and I will share it here. Let’s inspire each other and I will personally give away a gift of gratitude from me at the end of the month. Are you up for the Gift of Gratitude Challenge? Tag a friend for bonus points AND double bonus if you want to know more about the amazingness of the Power on Audio Club please DM me and I can tell you all about it and how to get access #giftofgratitude #poweronaudioclub #spreadthelove #amazingness #payitforward #showyourgratitude #mindsetcoach #areyouupforthechallenge #kmjcoaching

05.01.2022 Absolutely love this it just says it all. So relevant to what is happening in the world right now. We are all having a shitty day here and there or a super stressful moment and that’s ok it’s going to happen but when it does happen it’s knowing that better times are ahead and you choosing to spend as little time as possible in those moments. A great way to help you out of those moments is: 1 Stop 2 Breathe 3 Grab a pen and paper or your phone... 4 Write down 3-4 things you are grateful for right now I always talk about gratitude but especially in these times having a gratitude attitude will brighten your day and make everything seem a lot easier. My challenge to you today is writing down 3 things you’re grateful for please share them with me below #positivemindset #betterdaysahead #gratitudeattitude #todayiamgratefulfor #happinessandjoy #resilience #kmjcoaching

04.01.2022 The Four Agreements by Don Minguel Ruiz This agreement "Don't make Assumptions" is the third agreement so powerful and true, this one agreement alone can transform your life this is good to use as an affirmation "I FIND THE COURAGE TO ASK AND EXPRESS WHAT I REALLY WANT and I COMMUNICATE WITH OTHERS AS CLEARLY AS I CAN" say it out loud over and over to bring it into your awareness #thefouragreements #dontmakeassumptions #communicateclearly #findyourcourage #kmjcoaching #transformyourlife

04.01.2022 SICK OF BEING RESTRICTED BY THE CORPORATE RAT RACE SO I am creating a life of ABUNDANCE, ABUNDANCE, ABUNDANCE AND COMMUINTY, COMMUINTY, COMMUINTY! I'm a day dreamer and I have always dreamt of living a life of freedom & choice; choice to do what I want, when I want! Opposed to being trapped & restricted by my boss or what the corporate rat race dictates me to do.... I remember when I took on my first call centre role leading a large international team with 10 team leaders reporting to me OMG it started off as a massive shit fight; toxic behaviours, misconduct and some of lowest results in the whole company BUT after making the right changes; turning my leadership team into a community of equals who had a clear vison, who supported each other no matter what & who wanted to make a real difference in people lives! WOW did we turn that shit around in every way possible; within 12 months we were at places and results we could have never dreamed of from the bottom of the company to the TOP! That’s because I had a community of leaders that were all in alignment and OMFG did that feel good, we were the A TEAM and that was the best time of my life! Not because of the role OR because we were at the top of the company OR because of the company I was working for. It was because of the amazing community of leaders I was part of! That was one epic sense of freedom, joy, happiness & achievement! Since then I have yearned for that feeling and sense of community again! Now I have found that in the online space. A community of supportive, like minded souls who give me that inspiration & drive to really THRIVE and BE ME with no judgment, with no restrictions and no dictating on what I can & can’t do! Over the coming days I am going to be sharing how you can get insight into this amazing community & the online space. So if you’re SICK of the corporate rat race, sick of being restricted, sick of being dictated to, feel like you don’t have any support around you or simply not thriving in what you are currently doing then look out for my stories & step out of your comfort zone & DM me! I am offering an initial abundance mindset coaching session to kick you off

04.01.2022 Bar trolley love is happening right now this is my latest creation I turned my black bar trolley white and redesigned the look and style completely obsessed and loving it right now #bartrolley #bartrolleylovers #getcreative #redesign #homedecorproject #lovingthis #kmjcoaching #decorinspo @kattyj83 @mrs_lathy

03.01.2022 MY EVERY ACTION DRAWS ABUNDANCE I have learned very quickly that taking ACTION is the most important thing you can do to draw abundance into your life. If you want to get inspired AF then this Impact and Abundance 4 day workshop we have coming up is all about inspiring you taking ACTION, find the courage to step out of your comfort zone and create a life of true abundance.... It’s starting tomorrow BUT it's not too late I still have spots left, check out my stories for more details and the link in my bio to register. SO EXCITED for what is to come such HIGH VIBES right now! #abundancemindset #abundanceaffirmation #louisehay #impactandabundance #takeaction #havethecourage #stepoutofyourcomfortzone #kmjcoaching See more

03.01.2022 Today’s affirmation another one that is so relevant to right now. I am seeing this all around me and especially when we are at the supermarket, people operating in fear getting as many items as possible for themselves and acting in and aggressive and rude manner. Then others acting with love, helping each other out, sharing items and being kind and polite. I was a t Coles earlier this week and I was humble by a lovely old man would was behind me, he only had a few items a...nd I had a whole trolley full of stuff, I offered for him to go in front of me and he replied no worries love, I am not in a rush you go right ahead we then proceeded to have a really nice chat which was so awesome, I haven’t had a chat with a kind stranger like that in a really long time. It was inspiring for me and a true lesson that, it costs nothing to be kind to others and acting with love instead of fear can change your whole perspective My challenge to you today, is act with love not fear and next time you have to go to the supermarket be kind to stranger and hopefully they will pay it forward and create more kindness and love as that’s what we need right now #chooselovenotfear #randomactofkindess #bekind #actwithlove #dailyaffirmations #youhaveachoice #kmjcoaching #louisehay

03.01.2022 Kicking off the week and setting my intentions This week my focus is kindness and paying it forward. What a beautiful affirmation to start off the week. It’s great to read affirmations out loud a few times over so you are locking it away in your subconscious mind and also putting it out to the universe If you haven’t yet had time to set your intention and a few sharp goals for the week, please take 10-15mins out now for yourself and jot them down then put them up somewhere you can see them that way you will hold yourself accountable Please share your intentions or goals for the week below and that way we can help keep each other in check #setyourintention #kindnessisfree #payitforward #lifecoach #goalsettingworks #maketimeforyou #dailyaffirmations #gratitude #putitouttotheuniverse #kmjcoaching

02.01.2022 NEVER GIVE UP This is inspired from the amazing @thehumanoptimizer part of the Power on Audio Club daily audios I often listen back to previous week recordings that we have access to on our dashboard andevery time I listen back to previous audios, I pick up on something new and I just LOVE that I love the message in this quote; never give up! When you get knocked down get back up; learn from your experiences and come back better and stronger than ever ... This was a quote of the week from a few weeks back but it's so relevant to everything that is happening right now, especially our friends and fam in Victoria who are still under heavy lockdown laws. Sending so much love and strength to everyone in VIC If you want to know how to get access to daily motivation and inspiration from the life changing Power on Audio Club, check out the link in my bio OR DM me for a chat #nevergiveup #poweronaudioclub #dailyaudios #adrianwesley #replay #quoteoftheweek #mindsetcoach #careercoach #kmjcoaching @the_suburbanstylist @swiftstax @gracewhitty @tspeers_selfieking

02.01.2022 CELEBRATING WITH YOU OMG I have had the BEST weekend away after completing one of the most valuable self-development programs of my life over the past 8 days. Me and my gorgeous partner James spent the weekend in the Blue Mountains celebrating my achievements, us and life! It was just SO magical and I am feeling grateful AF right now ... My reflections today were, how important it is to take time to celebrate the wins in life and reward yourself. As well as show your love ones how much you appreciate them What do you do to celebrate your wins? What do you do to reward yourself? We can often we get too focused on just doing the next thing, the next task, the next event, the next box on our to do list! We seldom take time to stop celebrate and reflect So, my extra challenge to you this month is; next time you have a win STOP take time out AND celebrate YOU and life it feels SO good #apprecaitetheonesyoulove #celebrateyou #celebratelife #celebratethewins #feelinggrateful #gratefulAF #rewardyourself #bluemountains #leura #katoomba #gordonfalls #mindsetcoach #kmjcoaching

02.01.2022 POWERFUL MANTRA This mantra is so empowering I have been saying it out loud over and over the past few days I have seriously been attracting SO many amazing opportunities - I am feeling ready to take on the world and I truly believe I can accomplish anything and everything. I was so excited to start my online biz just over 12 months ago now, but it’s been a roller coaster of a year I have been held back my limiting beliefs, fear of judgment, fear of rejection, fear of sou...nding foolish, fear of embarrassment and all the things.which lead to way too much over thinking, procrastinating and wasting time OMG. Over the past few weeks I have had some full body breakthroughs, smashing down so many of these fears and limiting beliefs through some epic coaching sessions with my online mentor @tiffanydendalfoster and after being hypnotised H O L L Y F U C K I feel like a new person with a world class mindset, I am following MY DREAMS and nothing and noone is holding me back anymore Do you have a world class mindset? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to follow your dreams? Are you interested to know how you can make a serious income in the online space? Then DM me girl #worldclassmindset #hypnosis #powerfulmantra #dailymantras #limitingbeliefs #mindsetcoach #smashingdownfear #onlineincome #finanicalfreedom #willingtodowhateverittakes #dmmegirl

01.01.2022 As promised yesterday my ROSE GOLD clothesline video is now on my story or in my highlights This shows my love of ROSE GOLD and how much fun I have been having on my home projects Really giving me inspiration to do more so watch this space #sparkyourcreativity #rosegoldobsession #rosegoldclothesline #homeprojects #rosegold #kmjcoaching

01.01.2022 SUPER PROUD of my amazing client @chrisuren for nailing ALL 4 interviews and earning himself the leadership role he is so deserving of - wooo hooo this brings me SO much joy and excitment to share What an awesome success story of hard work, commitment and tenacity A great example of just some of the benefits a career coach can bring ... If you are ready to SAY YES to stepping up and stepping out of your comfort zone then DM me and I can help. #superproud #clientsuccess #careercoach #mindsetcoach #tenacity #sayyes #stepoutofyourcomfortzone #kmjcoaching

01.01.2022 FAMILY Feeling blessed and grateful after time away with my family and James family. We travelled up to the Sunshine Coast to firstly visit James Mum and Dad at their gorgeous new Bali villa style place then we headed to Moolooabar to stay in a penthouse apartment and kick off a 3 night party weekend celebrating my nephew's 18th birthday and my Dad's birthday.... I don't often get to see my nephew's and nieces so this was a real treat for us all to be together. I feel full of gratitude and love now as I settle back in at home ready to dive all into my biz My biggest reflection and commitment is making time for family, fun and rest a bigger priority and not letting myself get caught up in the rat race of life, especially the corporate rat race Are you getting caught up in the rat race of life? Are you caught up in the corporate rat race? Are you making time with family and friends a priority? Are you making self-love and rest a priority? If not, drop some comments below on what you think you can do differently or DM me for a coaching session on how you can focus on those things closest to you and your values #instafamily #familylove #newphew #niece #dad #familygoals #sister #mum #familyfirst #familytime #mindsetcoach

01.01.2022 Challenge Accepted @thatconsciouslife @mrs_lathy #challengeaccepted #empoweringwomen #womensupportingwomen

01.01.2022 SO MUCH FIRE IN THIS INTERVIEW Freaking pumped to share my first live interview of the month with this powerhouse Tiffany Dendal Foster who inspired me to be curious and explore this amazing opportunity in the online space. Tiff beautifully shared;... What drew her to the online space What has changed most for her Some epic achievements What she is excited about for the future And some fire advice for when you are first getting started A must watch in my opinion... I am just feeling so grateful to be part of this inspiring community and to have mentors and leaders like Tiff in this space showing me the way. If you want to find out more and how you can create 5 figure months then PM me and I can send you a short webinar to watch - curiosity is free my friend! #liveinterview #onlinebizbabes #onlinementor #womensupportingwomen #incomeonline #powerhousewomen #curiosityisfree #checkitout #5figuremonths

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