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Kinjarling Marsupial Rescue Inc. in Albany, Western Australia | Environmental service

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Kinjarling Marsupial Rescue Inc.

Locality: Albany, Western Australia

Phone: +61 408 080 477

Address: Little Grove 6330 Albany, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 New little just furred 1.9kg man found alone in a paddock this morning. He is a sweetheart and appears to be in perfect health. Fills my heart with love when they have a full belly, been toileted and snuggle up in a pouch feeling safe and secure at last after whatever trauma has led to them being orphaned/abandoned. Such a chilled little dude x

24.01.2022 How cute is Pickle! Poor little man’s mum got shot last night, he was dropped off to the vets this morning. This is what has to happen for dogs to eat roo meat, at least he is one of the lucky ones that wasn’t bludgeoned to death. Read the labels on your store bought dog food, about 80% of them contain our national emblem. He has been sad so is down my top close to my heart and much happier xx

24.01.2022 This poor little angel’s mum was hit by a car this evening. Rosie appears to be uninjured and is with one of our new carers x

24.01.2022 New 1.1kg boy in this afternoon after mum was chased and killed by dogs. Poor boy is pretty terrified the trauma they endure before they come to us us heartbreaking

24.01.2022 Happy Easter from Luna, it’s been hard to get a photo because she is a busy little bee (or fast asleep), weight is up to 60g, feeding great and doing really well 6 days in care now. Luna came in as a pinky just colouring up with eyes open, she is now what we call a velvet. Luna still needs an external heat source (me) for a bit longer until she fluffs up. We are still on 3hrly feeds day and night, thank goodness for holidays!

23.01.2022 Pickle trying to get the hang of this dummy thing

22.01.2022 Little Luna is now 66g which is 10g growth on this time last week!

22.01.2022 Sunday morning Jack Jack cuddles, this boy is such a snuggler!

21.01.2022 Rosie has had enough and is putting herself back to bed after lunch! I hang the shaken out pouches over the top of the bags while they are up, like on the other one. Rosie has dragged hers down and is making efforts to climb in lol and yes she knows it’s her bed and her pouch.

21.01.2022 Just picked this poor boy up off Frenchman Bay Rd, luckily he was sitting close to the middle as cars raced past him. Please don’t drive past injured wildlife, imagine his terror as he sat there injured and unable to get off the road, if he had tried Im sure one if the cars would have finished him off. It takes two minutes to pull over, scoop him up and another 2 minutes to drop him at a vet on my way to work to be checked over and if possible passed onto a bird carer.

20.01.2022 Love these big hoppers with all my heart

20.01.2022 This little guy

20.01.2022 Are you ready? From tomorrow you can start collecting eligible containers, just check the label for the 10c REFUND AT COLLECTION DEPOTS IN PARTICIPATING STATES ...and remove the lids to recycle separately. Give Kinjarling Marsupial Rescue Inc’s scheme ID C10287234 or write it in permanent marker on the bag/box before you drop. There are three collection points in Albany and one in Denmark. You can help us rehabilitate injured and orphaned native wildlife babies! Thank you x See more

19.01.2022 Little Eden is doing ok so far, and so begins the endless 2hr feed schedule

19.01.2022 Afternoon snaks nom nom

19.01.2022 Just gonna leave this here..

18.01.2022 Last week's Bunnings sausage sizzle was a tremendous success! A massive thank you to the donors for it and our raffle: * Bunnings Warehouse Australia * Coles * Coles Albany Plaza *IGA - Spencer Park... * Woolworths Brooks Garden * The Venice Pizza Bar and Restaurant Albany * City Farmers We are so grateful for the generosity of these Albany businesses. Raffle Tickets are still available at $2 each See more

18.01.2022 My schedule at the moment! Then add full time work, a Pygmy possum and three other ringtails you have to be a special kind of crazy to do this!

18.01.2022 Well I had a nice surprise last night! Driving home on our road two houses up and a black ‘thing’ scurried off the side of the road so of course I turned around and went back to see what it was got out of the car to investigate and a ringtail went scampering up a tree, had a closer look to see if it was anyone I knew and spotted a very dark tail with only a few pale splodges, she turned around and her funny bent nose from when the crow dropped her confirmed who it was, Tink! So lovely to see she is doing well and in great condition, released in January she is one who went and didn’t come back so I love knowing where/how they are loving their wild life!

17.01.2022 Weekends done right! (Video of Kava chilling in the comments)

17.01.2022 Juniper is so hard to get a photo of she wriggles around so much so I took a video of her asking if it’s milk time yet?

16.01.2022 Good night Leilani, or should that be good morning?!

16.01.2022 Morning possum fun with Peanut! As a juvenile Peanut is still in an inside cage and learning to climb, one of the joys of rehabilitating possums is getting to be a tree

15.01.2022 Just love opening my goody boxes from ARC so much useful stuff! Can’t wait to share with our other carers and support some more vets with spare pouches and bags for incoming wildlife. Special thanks to Cricket Craft Compassion and Animal Rescue Craft Guild xx #craftguild

15.01.2022 See you at Bunnings!

14.01.2022 Pickle! It’s very hard to get a good photo when they won’t leave you alone

13.01.2022 Holidaying in Esperance!

12.01.2022 This poor sweet girl was found on the side of Carlisle Street a few weeks ago. She had grip in her feet and tail but as you can see was very wobbly in her back legs. Hoping just soft tissue and not spinal damage, anti-inflammatories and rest!

12.01.2022 My little hanger-onner out raking the enclosure today, we took a breather under the mulberry tree! (Rosie)

12.01.2022 2021 CALENDARS Stunning 12 page 2021 calendar boasts custom commissioned water colour art works by Golia Paymani of native Australian marsupials rehabilitated by Kinjarling Marsupial Rescue. The generously sized 320 x 320mm pages are printed on 170gsm satin art paper and wire bound with a convenient hanger. Proceeds directly support the rescue, rehabilitation and release of wildlife. A single calendar is $30, multiple purchases of 2 or more calendars are $25... each. Free postage Australia wide is included. Calendars and pens are available NOW! PENS Cute purple retractable plastic ball pens which have a black refill with 700 metres of writing ink. Stamped with the Kinjarling Marsupial Rescue Inc. logo in white. Have our number at your finger tips whenever you need. Pens are $2 each plus a P&H fee of $1.50 applies to the final order, I can fit up to 8 in a standard envelope. I mean, let’s face it, who doesn’t need more pens!

11.01.2022 So much love for Peanut For our new followers he was just 95g when his mum was found mauled in a dog park and had some separation anxiety early on but is the sweetest little man!

11.01.2022 And finally, I moved her to a release aviary on the weekend and she desperately wanted her freedom so tonight was released night. She was a sweet patient, held the syringe for her meds, walked around my legs without being too bothered while I changed her bedding. No trouble. It heals my heart to see them go free again, so special, stay safe sweety.

11.01.2022 First prize in our Christmas raffle, with your choice of frame, is darling Ruby! The original A3 watercolour by Mandart. Ruby came into care as a 52g flat fur Western Ringtail Possum a few weeks before Christmas in 2016 and because she would still be pouched full time lived down my top for a month. Ruby was released at Kinjarling Marsupial Rescue Inc. in 2017 and still visits every few months bringing her babies (of which there have been many, including at least two sets of twins) to show us. If you’d like to see Ruby on your wall for Christmas get your $2 raffle tickets from today, November 20 until December 19. Drawn live in our FB page December 20 at 12pm! PM number of tickets required, name, phone and address for notification/delivery with a screen shot of your bank transfer to BSB:086-006 ACC:20-672-114

10.01.2022 I received a call for an injured possum today, mum was a big girl, with a bulging pouch. Deep puncture wounds to the back of her neck, already fly blown. She was bleeding out and was gone not long after I got her home. There was nothing I could have done. Her tiny pinky is only 39g. She may have a chance but it is very much touch and go at this stage. Another video in comments after I removed her from the pouch but before cutting the teat which she released a few hours later. Second feed went well so fingers crossed for her

10.01.2022 Something had the joeys all psyched out this morning, lots of craziness, fisticuffs and a few crashes. Dunno what’s got their knickers in a knot hoping they just run it out!

10.01.2022 Eden update! We have had a rough couple of days, Eden has been having separation anxiety and not coping being in the incubator at night. She was getting out of her pouch and looking for me, using all her energy and getting too tired to drink her milk. She lost 3g yesterday. I had to give her some extra injectible fluids and lots of extra love today but I think we are through the other side and put that weight back on plus another 2g up to 58g! She has wanted extra milk today and look at all that fur growing

10.01.2022 51g critically endangered Western Ringtail Possum, Eden, came into care 2 weeks ago at only 39g with her eyes still closed when her mother died from injuries inflicted by a cat. Eden is below what is usually considered a viable weight, but she is getting 3hrly feeds around the clock and doing well. See previous posts for Eden’s rescue, progress, and like our page for future updates!

10.01.2022 Grab your friends and family and help count Western ringtail possums in the area, by joining this year’s Ringtail Tally. Whether you live on an urban b...lock with a small garden; adjacent to an area of bushland or have a large rural property, you can contribute to Western ringtail possum conservation by counting the possums you see. The Tally starts on Saturday 10th April and we ask participants to count ringtails on at least one occasion over 4 weeks, to be submitted by Sunday 9th May. So get your family and friends involved and get out at night and see how many ringtails you can spot. #ringtailtally

09.01.2022 Darling Juniper AKA Juny Bug is furring up nicely, foot is healing well, eye ulceration is coming good (drops every 4hrs day and night), still such a baby her ears still both fold when she is sleeping

09.01.2022 On Sale tomorrow our Christmas Raffle tickets $2 each! PM number required, name, phone and address for the draw with a screen shot of your bank transfer to BSB:086-006 ACC:20-672-1145 or pop down to our Bunnings sausage sizzle and say G'day this Sunday 22nd November 9am - 4pm.

07.01.2022 Spot the possum! Peanut out and about after the hot day

07.01.2022 Young male Pygmy possum found in a water trough. He just needs some fattening up and to be sure there are no ill effects from his swim. Nectar, native flowers, leaf litter and branches and these guys are happy!

07.01.2022 I’m going to tell you a story. In circumstances we will never know this little 133g ball of fluff lost his mother days ago. He was spotted on the ground trying to eat grass yesterday, already starving but was unable to be caught. After another cold night alone today he was in much more dire straights. Dehydrated, emaciated and bone cold. Tired, and so alone. Barely responsive and hoarsely calling for his mother with his last ounce of strength. A baby this size should be warm ...with his mother and still 100% dependant on her milk round the clock. He has had subcutaneous warm fluids, glucose to prevent shock and is down my top, next to my heart. Once I thought he was in death throes but he was dreaming, later I thought he had passed but he was sleeping deeply. I am hopeful he will pull through, but we have a tough few days ahead, not least of all tonight. For now, he is warm, and loved again. The moral of this story is that no possum seen in daylight is OK. They are nocturnal and hide well, you should be lucky to see them at night. If you see a possum in the daylight, especially if it is on the ground, please seek help from a licenced wild life rehabilitator urgently. Possums are arboreal and will rarely come to ground unless it’s to sneak up the next tree where there is no canopy connectivity. Finally, save your local wildlife rehabilitators number on your phone. You never know when you will need it. See more

06.01.2022 Eden waiting to be moisturised with a full belly of milk, both eyes are open now isn’t she gorgeous!

06.01.2022 Sweet Pickle, such a kissable face

05.01.2022 Pickle learning to use those springs!

05.01.2022 Little Roscoe who came into care Friday when mum was chased by dogs is much more settled, doing well, and has moved into Elle Harrop’s care x

05.01.2022 A little local briefly! Carol Biddulph is a rehabilitator for WA Seabird Rescue in Albany. Pierre started his rehab at Linda Moyle’s place in Margaret River, then went to fellow penguin rehabbers Margaret Larner in Busselton and Carol Biddulph in Albany before being transferred to Perth Zoo due to an arrested moult..... now he is at a Singapore Zoo!!! Wow! What a journey! How cool!

05.01.2022 Little 1kg Juniper was picked up stone cold this morning after spending last night in her dead mothers pouch outside, warmed up and hydrating now. Three new babies in under a week, that’s because I planned a holiday lol every time! Thanks so much for driving all the way to Denmark Kayleigh Saunders! I owe ya xxx

04.01.2022 When you want your blankie and your milk 2 weeks in care Eden is 51g and doing really well. Zoom in to see her little hairs growing in on her face and arms!

04.01.2022 The darling Pickle waiting for his bottle and thinking about checking out some seeded grass xx

04.01.2022 A nights peppy for the possums and furry grass for the roos (a fav!)

03.01.2022 Did you know? Most marsupials have a syndactylous inner hind toe for grooming, it equates to a comb!

03.01.2022 Eden update Miss Eden lost 3g her first 24hrs in care which is to be expected as she only received fluids initially, to ensure she stayed hydrated. Today she has jumped back up 2g which is fantastic! She is feeding well, you can see her little milk drunk pic next, then being moisturised. In Mums pouch a substance is produced which keeps their skin moist and is thought to be antibacterial. The best we can do in an already drying environment of warm air and material is to moi...sturise each feed so their fragile skin doesn’t dry out. This is especially important with an eyes closed neonate like Eden. When they are so small there is a lot of surface area to lose moisture from compared to body weight so hydration is imperative. She instinctively knows to curl her tail and one day it will be able to hold her entire body weight as she forages in the trees! See more

02.01.2022 Only 3 more days until you can donate 10c from every eligible container to your charity of choice (hopefully us!) Simply take your collected containers to a depot and quote our Scheme ID: C10287234 or leave them in a bag clearly marked with our number at a bag drop location! Locations in comments TIA x

02.01.2022 After about a week I moved this young girl to an inside cage to see how well she could climb after the escape artist chewed through the vent in my tub and climbed up onto a window sill still a bit unsteady but I’m more positive she will make a full recovery!

01.01.2022 Luna came into care the night of the full moon when her mum was taken off a fence by a dog. She is only 56g but has her eyes open and the beginnings of fur development so fingers crossed for her. So far she hasn’t lost any weight and is hydrated which is great x

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