Knox Taxation and Business Advisory in Boronia, Victoria, Australia | Accountant
Knox Taxation and Business Advisory
Locality: Boronia, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9762 7344
Address: Suite 1, 164 Boronia Road 3155 Boronia, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Given the release of Stage 4 restrictions, we have some important information to share with you. But firstly, we wanted share our compassion and support for each of you who have been impacted by COVID-19 (whether it be closing your business or having lost your job). We send many hugs your way. ... 1) Office Closure Given the latest COVID-19 updates, we will be closing our Boronia office. However, we will be working remotely to support you as best we can. It is likely that this transition will create a delay on our ability to process your Tax Returns, therefore we ask for your patience and support as we make this changeover. . 2) Jobkeeper Eligibility If you havent been eligible for Jobkeeper payments before but are now experiencing forcible closure, we recommend getting in touch with us: (03) 9762 7344 There is a possibility that you could be entitled for Jobkeeper payments for August and September, if you have experienced a 30% downturn since this time last year (or if you predict there will be due to closure). . 3) Moula Pay For Businesses If youre a business owner who needs help or advice, but are worried where youre going to get the funds to pay for it, dont stress. We have partnered with Moula Pay so that you can get the help you need from our team, without having to compromise your cashflow. Read more about these updates here: If you need to contact us for help or advice, we recommend emailing [email protected] or calling us on (03) 9762 7344. #coronavirus #COVID19 #KnoxTaxation
25.01.2022 Own or run a business?Make sure that youre aware of the recent updates to the Workplace Safety Legislation on workplace manslaughter, as mentioned here. If youre not, get up to speed with this article to ensure you and your staff are abiding by the new rules. Penalties received if condemned with workplace manslaughter are hefty... Keep yourself safe by understanding the rules and requirements. ... #healthandsafety #penalities #workplacemanslaughter #workplacesafety #worksafe
24.01.2022 With the end of financial year approaching quickly, NOW is the time to start planning for EOFY. Right now, many of you are: - Flying blind - Confused about where you or your business stand financially... - Have no idea what youre entitled to claim in your tax return - Feel overwhelmed by all the different grants and stimulus package, and how theyre going to impact your taxable income And, its totally understandable! The reality is that tax planning this year is going to be VERY different, as there are so many changes and grey areas. If you have not already had your tax planning appointment with us, we recommend you do so. Give yourself peace of mind by calling us today on (03) 9762 7344. #taxplanning #EOFY #knoxtaxation
23.01.2022 As your accountants and advisers, we want to do everything we can to help you during this time. That is why we have just a new temporary service called the: COVID-19 Business Continuity Plan (BCP). The BCP addresses 7 key areas that affect you and your business:... - Cash Flow - Protection of your Assets including personal assets like your family home. - Banks and Funding - Management Team planning - Your Employees - Customers & Suppliers - Mental Health This plan will also give you guidance to help you keep your business alive. Contact us today to learn more - (03) 9762 7344. Alternatively, read more in our article below. #covid19 #coronavirus #knoxtaxation
23.01.2022 Were proud to announce that this month, Knox Tax will be participating in the 2020 STEPTEMBER CHALLENGE! As part of the challenge, our team will be aiming to walk 10,000 steps a day for 28 days to raise $2,000 for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Foundation. Weve got our runners on and are ready to kick some butt! ... Our goal is to get active, support the community and spread as many positive vibes as we can. If youd like to donate and show your support, you DONATE HERE: You can also join the challenge yourself and get active with us, by creating your own team. Happy Stepping!! #Steptember #steptember2020 #stepbystep #knoxtaxation
23.01.2022 Lately we've been receiving lots of questions about the JobMaker Hiring Credit. Some of the key questions asked include: 1) What is the JobMaker Hiring Credit?... 2) Who is eligible to apply? 3) How and when do you apply? You can get the answers to these questions and more within our article below. #jobmaker #covid19 #knoxtax
22.01.2022 On behalf of the team, we wanted to say a MASSIVE congrats and shout out to our clients, Carter Bros. Fresh Produce. In todays Herald Sun, they took out #1 position as MELBOURNES TOP 10 GREENGROCER. These guys have been kicking goals left, right and center this year - and as their accountants, were super proud of what they achieved. Greatly deserved!... Keep up the awesome work guys! If youre looking for a new place to go for fresh fruit and vegetables, definitely check them out: #proudmoment
22.01.2022 We're proud to announce that this month, Knox Tax will be participating in the 2020 STEPTEMBER CHALLENGE! As part of the challenge, our team will be aiming to walk 10,000 steps a day for 28 days to raise $2,000 for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Foundation. We've got our runners on and are ready to kick some butt! ... Our goal is to get active, support the community and spread as many positive vibes as we can. If you'd like to donate and show your support, you DONATE HERE: You can also join the challenge yourself and get active with us, by creating your own team. Happy Stepping!! #Steptember #steptember2020 #stepbystep #knoxtaxation
21.01.2022 Given the latest Coronavirus updates, the most important thing to do right now is to focus on what you CAN control within your circle, this includes looking after: - Yourself - Your loved ones & the people around you - The operations of your business/ job.... Check out our latest article where we summarise the Government Stimulus as at 25/3/2020 and: - The Impact on Businesses - The Impact on Individuals - What you MUST do BEFORE lodging your March 2020 BAS - Other Business Measures & Support - The Importance of Business Continuity Meetings - HRM and Staffing - Mental Health Click below to read more #coronavirus #COVID19 #knoxtaxation
21.01.2022 One of the things we love about what we do, is that we get to work with REAL people each and every day. We work with the hustlers, the mum and dad businesses, the entrepreneurs, the tradies and those who take great pride in what they do At Knox Taxation, our team are big supporters of small - medium sized business which is why we are always motivated to hold your hand and support you throughout your business journey. ... For us, this is what promotes our little happy dance
20.01.2022 In light of last weekend’s COVID-19 update, we wanted to let you know that our office will remain closed however our team will continue working remotely from home. The news poses challenges and disappointment for many businesses across Victoria, however we remain committed to helping and supporting you as best we can. Read more about Jobkeeper and the latest updates below! ... #smallbusiness #stage4 #knoxtaxation #jobkeeper
19.01.2022 If you need help applying for the August/September JobKeeper Payments or the Business Support Fund Extension ($5,000 & $10,000 Grant) , heres how to do it: #jobkeeper #COVID19 #businesssupportingbusiness #KnoxTaxation
19.01.2022 Today we wanted to take a moment to congratulate Kyle Adams, one of our esteemed accountants at Knox Taxation and Business Advisory. This week, Kyle received confirmation that he is now a qualified CPA Accountant, having successfully completed his CPA studies. By achieving this certification, Kyle has shown great perseverance, ambition and dedication. Especially given the need to manage all of his extra study alongside his full-time position at Knox Taxation.... Were so proud of you for setting your sights high and making every effort to achieve your goal. You have worked hard and proved to yourself, and everyone else, what you are capable of. Again, we wish you a BIG congratulations and are sure that you will continue to be a great asset to our team. #Congratulations #CPA #knoxtaxation
18.01.2022 Are you ready for your next Tax Appointment? If youre starting to get your documents together for your appointment, ensure to take advantage of our 2020 Tax Checklists. Both our 2020 e-Newsletter and tax Checklists are LIVE on our website! So ensure to click the link below to grab yourself a copy. You can get a checklist are available for Individuals, Businesses and Property Investors. #2020tax #taxreturn #accountantsboronia #knoxtax
17.01.2022 I saw this image today and I thought it important to share. There's no doubt that many of us are experiencing difficult times right now with the lock-down in Victoria being extended. But we must remember to stick together as much as we can and support one another, especially locally. I love this simple reminder to: - Be kind - Practice patience &... - Check in with family & friends to make sure they're ok. We will get through this xx And, if you do need help from us, please reach out on (03) 9762 7344 and we'll do the best to help. #knoxtaxation #covid19 #bekind #insprationalpost
14.01.2022 Also if you didnt know already!! Our man Simon has jetted off to Thailand to get...married!! We wish him a beautiful trip and congratulate him on this amazing milestone in his life! Heres a pic of some of the Knox Tax crew out celebrating as part of Simons send off!
14.01.2022 What a beautiful morning spent with the team Hot Air Ballooning over Melbourne CBD And...with and eventful end too! #hotairballooning #teamday
14.01.2022 Do you need assistance with business planning, bookkeeping, cash flow, budgeting or improving profit margins within your business? Get in contact with our team today so we can help! #taxadvisor #businessadvisor #taxreturnmelbourne #personaltaxaccountantmelbourne #businessaccountant
14.01.2022 Just doing our thang... Team Hot Air Ballooning Day with Knox Tax! Global Ballooning Australia
14.01.2022 Thinking of starting a business but have no Idea which business structure is best suited for your situation? Check out are article below where we talk about the 4 main types of business structures in Australia to give you some guidance. If youd like to talk more about your business start-up, structuring or a general business chat, come in for an appointment. Give us a call on (03) 9762 7344 and well do our best to help you! ... #businessstartup #businessstructures #typesofbusinessstructures
13.01.2022 This financial year, the ATO have been cracking down on personal super contribution claims to ensure that people are following the rules when it comes to submitting a Notice of Intent to your Super Fund. In this article, we help to explain what a Notice of Intent is and why you need to submit one. We also talk about the process to follow in order to claim a deduction for super contributions in your tax return.... Read more below so you can ensure that youre fully across it, and dont stuff things up causing a delay in lodging your return
13.01.2022 The ATO recently sent an email to owners of closely held companies stating that theyd missed the Single Touch Payroll (STP) start date. But, we can confirm that this was an error on their end and that closely-held companies do not need to start reporting for Single Touch Payroll until next year. So no need to panic, you still have a bit more time to get things sorted.... If you are unsure of what you need to be doing to prepare for the upcoming STP changes, please give us a call on (03) 9762 7344. Read more below...
13.01.2022 LOGBOOKS FOR WORK UTES & VEHICLES Some of you may believe that recording a logbook is an inconvenience, a waste of time, or reminisce about the good ol days where you didnt need one. But the times are changing and the ATO is tightening up... ... If youre planning to claim work-related expenses for a work vehicle, it is critical to keep a logbook of your travel for 12 weeks to distinguish between private and work-related use. You can read more about logbooks and requirements for Dual Cab Utes below. #logbooks #dualcabutes #taxdeductions
12.01.2022 Are you eligible for the new $1080 low and middle income tax offset? Weve had quite a few clients coming in for their appointments and asking about the new low and middle income tax offset. Some have come in confused, thinking that they are eligible for an additional $1080 refund in their tax return, whilst others have had no idea that the new offset even existed. ... So, we thought wed write an article to help set things straight and answer any questions you may have including: - What is the new offset? - Am I eligible for the offset? - Can I get it as a refund in my tax return? - Is this in addition to the usual low income tax offset? #taxoffset #taxadvisor #taxreturn #accountant #knoxtax Read more about it below.
11.01.2022 Recently, we’ve been getting a ton of calls from clients, worried that they must lodge their tax by the 31st of October. We wanted to quickly reassure you that this isn’t the case. Unless you're planning to lodge your tax yourself, you actually have until the 5th June 2021 (especially if lodging with us). ... You can read more here: #2020tax #taxreturn #taxaccountant #knoxtax
11.01.2022 - Have you been earning an income from overseas or have an overseas bank account that you deposit money into? - Do you have assets or investments overseas? - Have you been a bit naughty by accidentally omitting this income from your tax return? The ATO are starting to crack down on undeclared foreign income to weed out Aussies who are deliberately cheating the system.... If you have been receiving foreign income, please ensure that it is included as income in your tax return. Wed hate to see you receiving penalties and interest charges due to not declaring it. If youd like to learn more about foreign income and whether this applies to you, please give us a call on (03) 9762 7344. #foreignincome #taxaccountantsmelbourne #knoxtaxation #accountantsboronia You read more in our article below
11.01.2022 Given another update being released recently, we thought it valuable to publish a Q&A on the JobKeeper Payment, and the actions you should be taking right now. Over the coming weeks, we will be getting in touch with our most affected business clients to organise and schedule appointments where we will discuss: - How the latest updates will impact your business... - How the government stimulus will impact lodgement of your March BAS. - Cashflow planning to get you through the next few months. - Tax strategy and planning If youd like to organise a meeting with us, please comment below and well get in contact. #coronavirus #covid19 #knoxtaxation
11.01.2022 Happy Wednesday everybody! Today we wanted to help explain the latest changes to the Government's 2020/21 Federal Budget. There's been a lot of confusion around the budget and yes, trying to get your head around all the changes yourself can be overwhelming.... Although a bit dry, stay with us as we do our best to explain the key concepts in layman's terms. #FederalBudget #smallbusiness #tax #knoxtax
09.01.2022 Are you ready for your next Tax Appointment? If you're starting to get your documents together for your appointment, ensure to take advantage of our 2020 Tax Checklists. Both our 2020 e-Newsletter and tax Checklists are LIVE on our website! So ensure to click the link below to grab yourself a copy. You can get a checklist are available for Individuals, Businesses and Property Investors. #2020tax #taxreturn #accountantsboronia #knoxtax
09.01.2022 Hey peeps! Looks like someone hacked our page for self-promotion Please note that we DO NOT have any affiliation with BX Business Networking. We are actually a loyal member of BNI Ringwood. I think Ive managed to stop the posts now, however if you do see more posts from BX Business Networking, please simply ignore them or alert us. ... Thanks & Sorry for any confusion caused.
09.01.2022 According to research, 67% of Australian businesses believe extended payment terms are helpful for managing cash flow At Knox Taxation, our aim is to help you out as much as we can during this challenging time. That is why we have recently partnered with a new payment gateway, called Moula. This allows you, as a business client, to receive flexibility to repay our services over 12 months, with the first three months entirely interest and repayment free. ... If youd like to learn more about Moula, and how you can set up your account, check out our article below. Alternatively, give us a call on (03) 9762 7344. #knoxtaxation #moulapay
08.01.2022 As Christmas nears, the staff at Knox Tax disappears.... (see what I did there.. ) Here are our closure dates for over the Christmas period! ... If you need any help or assistance before the Christmas break, please give our team a call on (03) 9762 7344 so we have time to help you. Between the 11th Dec and 6th Jan, we wont be contactable given well be: - Catching up with family & friends - Drinking bubbly, wine & beer by the pool - Eating prawns off the BBQ - Playing backyard cricket - Breaking bon-bons and - Reading beyond-terrible Christmas jokes Have a beautiful holiday period. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
06.01.2022 Theres no doubt that 2020 has been a difficult year for many, however rushing to get your tax done in July, may not bring you the rapid benefits youre seeking. In this article, we share 5 Tax Myths that exist, and that can slow down the processing of you tax return, and refund (if any). Myth #1 = Lodging early means getting access to your refund sooner... Myth #2 = There will an opportunity to double dip this year Myth #3 = Home to work travel is claimable Myth #4 = Youre entitled to claim the $300 threshold if you dont have any expenses Myth #5 = You can claim personal expenses as work-related expenses Read more via the link below: #taxreturn #taxreturn2020 #knoxtaxation #knoxtax
06.01.2022 There’s no doubt that 2020 has been a difficult year for many, however rushing to get your tax done in July, may not bring you the rapid benefits you’re seeking. In this article, we share 5 Tax Myths that exist, and that can slow down the processing of you tax return, and refund (if any). Myth #1 = Lodging early means getting access to your refund sooner... Myth #2 = There will an opportunity to double dip this year Myth #3 = Home to work travel is claimable Myth #4 = You’re entitled to claim the $300 threshold if you don’t have any expenses Myth #5 = You can claim personal expenses as work-related expenses Read more via the link below: #taxreturn #taxreturn2020 #knoxtaxation #knoxtax
05.01.2022 Starting and running a successful business is never easy Theres no such thing as a linear road to success. Throughout your business journey, you are likely to experience various: - ups & downs ... - tears of frustration & tears of joy - happy clients & nasty clients - moments of motivation & procrastination But always remember that its just a part of the process. Enjoy all phases on the road to success, as even during the tough times, theres always something that you can learn and take away from the experience. At Knox Tax, our team are here to hold youre hand throughout your journey. Whether its celebrating your wins or helping you through your losses Never forget that were right by your side to help you. Happy Thursday everyone!!
04.01.2022 To end the year with a bang and kick off this years festivities, heres some Christmas killer dance moves from the team... (Who would have thought that Coral & her crew could dance so bad-ass!)
04.01.2022 Need to Lodge Your Tax Return?? If you were unable to secure an appointment or lodge your tax return before Christmas, NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME to come in and get everything sorted. Give us a call on (03) 9762 7344 to book your appointment.... Read more here: #taxreturn #taxadvice #taxadvisor #taxreturnmelbourne
04.01.2022 Recently, we have been asked many questions relating to COVID-19 and how it will impact claimable deductions in the 2019-2020 Tax Year. The reality is that there are going to be some significant changes! If you have incurred additional working from home expenses, that you wouldnt typically experience in your normal working conditions ensure to check out the below article. ... In this article, we give you an insight into: 1 - Conditions for claiming working from home expenses 2 - What expenses you can and cannot claim 3 - Calculating your expenses 4 - Records you must keep Now is the perfect time to start gathering your receipts and documentation in readiness for the end of financial year. Get to it! #workingfromhome #taxdeducations #taxreturn #knoxtaxation
04.01.2022 Given the latest updates relating to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we wanted to let you know that we are on the front foot and expect no interruptions to the services we provide at Knox Tax. We will continue to be here to support you, your families and your businesses throughout this potentially stressful, difficult and uncertain time. Heres some updates / important information you may find valuable to know during this time.... If you have any questions or concerns, please give our team a call on (03) 9762 7344. #coroniavirus #covid19 #knoxtax
03.01.2022 Can you believe that Christmas is just around the corneragain!? It feels like yesterday that I was rushing around the shops with multiple bags in hand and scurrying through the crowds to get all my Christmas shopping done before last years big day! And now, the times back again! ... As we prepare for this years Christmas, we wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for making 2019 such a great year! We always enjoy working with you guys and send warm wishes for the Christmas Holidays, the New Year and beyond. Have a beautiful holiday period & we look forward to seeing you in the New Year! Here a little dance video form us to kick off the Christmas festivities!
03.01.2022 Please note: We have limited time this month to apply and enroll you for JobKeeper Payments (if eligible). Please contact ASAP if you need help with this. SUMMARY:... - If your turnover is already down by 30%, or you anticipate that it will be down by 30% by the end of the month, please get in contact with us THIS WEEK if youd like us to help with your application. - If you realistically expect that your turnover will reduce by 30% for the June 2020 Quarter, we may be able to enrol you this month. BUT we will require a meeting FIRST to discuss this and see if youre eligible. - Your business is not showing signs of a downturn just yet, but youre likely to experience a 30% drop in turnover at a later time (eg. June 2020) dont worry. You can still apply for the JobKeeper Payment. However, you will only be eligible for 3-4 months compared to the full 6 months of payments if you were eligible in April 2020. Please read all the details about JobKeeper and what you need to do in our article below. #Jobkeeper #knoxtaxation #stimulus #smallbusiness
03.01.2022 With 2020 behind us and a big 2021 year in sight, we wanted to open the year with 3 key updates: 1) Our team are officially back in the Boronia office - yay! Therefore, you can now book face to face appointments. 2) You can now book appointments online (via our website & facebook page) allowing you to quickly and conveniently check your accountant's availability and book an appointment online.... 3) And FINALLY... We'd love to introduce our two NEW team members! - Brad & Lilian. Learn more about these updates, by clicking the link below
02.01.2022 We just wanted to let you know that were back on deck since our hot air ballooning adventure and are ready to help answer any questions you may have relating to the coronavirus and how it may impact your business. Heres some further guidance that you may find helpful whilst navigating through the challenging time. If you have any questions or concerns, please give our team a call on (03) 9762 7344.... #coroniavirus #covid19 #knoxtax
01.01.2022 We just wanted to let you know that we're back on deck since our hot air ballooning adventure and are ready to help answer any questions you may have relating to the coronavirus and how it may impact your business. Here's some further guidance that you may find helpful whilst navigating through the challenging time. If you have any questions or concerns, please give our team a call on (03) 9762 7344.... #coroniavirus #covid19 #knoxtax
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