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Adelaide Koala Rescue | Charitable organisation

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Adelaide Koala Rescue

Phone: +61 413 185 771


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27.01.2022 Seeking a forever home. We are juvenile buns and were dumped in Morialta Conservation Park. Who does that??? We need vaccinating, microchipping and desexing but are otherwise healthy. Brown/Grey boy is a 1kg Netherland Dwarf. White girl is a 1.2kg bunny of unknown breed. Currently in care with Adelaide Koala Rescue - AKR Pls refer adoption enquiries to AKR

25.01.2022 Ive got you Mum When we arrived on the scene around midnight last night Benji was clinging to his dying mum just like this but on the roadside. Theyd been hit by car and left for dead on Swamp Road near Balhannah. It was 6 degrees and raining. If someone hadnt reported seeing Tori and Benji and if AKR hadnt rescued them quickly they would soon have died from shock and exposure. How someone could hit and leave them there we dont understand. Tori remains in a critical co...ndition at the AKR Clinic at Campbelltown. Benji is stable. Were doing our best to save Benjis mum. To report a koala hit by car in the Adelaide Hills and metro areas call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771. If you cant stay at the scene please give us an accurate location: - GPS coordinates - shared map location - exact address - photos, or - somehow mark the site The better your information the quicker we can rescue the injured koala #benji #tori #swamproad #balhannah #lenswood #adelaidehills #callforhelp #akr24/7 #akrclinic #campbelltown #volunteer #donate @ Balhannah

25.01.2022 Who do you call for help when you find a newborn calf alone on the roadside in the middle of the night? Apparently Adelaide Koala Rescue... The calf had tumbled under a farm fence and down an embankment onto the roadside. It was cold, trembling and not yet standing. Alone on a dark country road a member of public stopped and wrapped it in a blanket. She was unable to lift the calf and didn’t want to leave it in order to search for a nearby farmhouse. After calling for help el...sewhere for over an hour she called AKR. AKR Rescuers including a vet were quick on the scene. The calf was fortunately uninjured. It was driven to a nearby farm where it’s mother was found as was their owner. Our rescuers watched on as the calf took its first steps and was reunited with its mother. #allcreaturesgreatandsmall #notyouraveragerescue #moo #mountbarker #mtbarker #mtbarkercouncil #adelaidehills #akr

24.01.2022 This koala is angry and so are we. The driver who hit her in the Adelaide Hills today swerved into an oncoming lane on the wrong side of the road to do so. The witness who called the 24/7 AKR Hotline to report the incident had been desperately trying to save her. She was clearly seen crossing Onkaparinga Valley Road but he just couldnt get to her before she was struck. The poor witness stayed with her for the brief time it took for help to arrive. If any other witnesses obse...rved the northbound white flat tray ute who hit her at approximately 3:20pm today just south of the Woodside/Quarry Road roundabout please call Crimestoppers on 1 800 333 000. Arizaan was rushed to the AKR Clinic and is currently being treated by our vet team. To report a koala hit by car call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 To contribute towards treatment of Arizaan visit #arizaan #lobethal #woodside #charleston #mounttorrens #onkaparingavalleyroad #hitandrun #dangerousdriving #crimestoppers #akr #akrclinic #adelaidehills #adelaidehillscouncil

24.01.2022 Thorpe is lucky not to have drowned. During recent hot weather he fell into a backyard swimming pool when the pool cover he ventured onto began sinking beneath him. Soft pool covers are a hazard for wildlife. It’s easy for animals to slip under them and drown. Koalas are actually quite good swimmers but they can’t swim forever - unless there’s a rope or similar they can find they often cannot pull themselves out to safety. There are a few things you can do ahead of this weeke...nd’s hot weather to help prevent accidental koala drownings: put water out elsewhere around your yard as a safer alternative for thirsty animals remove soft pool covers so animals don’t try walking on them tie thick cargo rope to the pool fence and leave the other end in the water so animals can pull themselves out place a log, ladder or similar in the pool as an escape option keep a pool scoop on a pole or similar near the pool in case you need to help an animal out monitor your pool and investigate activity - don’t wait until the morning to investigate a splash overnight - it would be devastating to find a koala too late... Call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 for koala rescue in SA. Secondary drowning can occur if a koala has water in its lungs - always call for help if a koala ends up in your pool! #thorpe #ianthorpe #thorpedo #thorpie #poolsafety #flagstaffhill #akr #akrclinic

23.01.2022 This young fella had residents at Paradise concerned. He’d found his way onto their roof and spent hours trying to work out how to get down. He considered jumping from height several times but fortunately did not. He seemed relieved when AKR arrived to help him down. This boy was eartagged and we identified him as a previous rescue. Tommy was relocated to a nearby park where he usually resides Call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 for help with koalas across the Adelaide Hills and ...metro areas #tommy #stuckonaroof #cantgetdown #paradise #help #dontjump #akr #akrclinic

23.01.2022 Stopping to help and/or calling for help for a koala hit by car is the right thing to do. Taking them home overnight is not... The people who rescued Yoda genuinely thought they were doing the right thing and that they could care for him. Bloodied and initially unconscious he was kept in a beanbag with a few gum leaves. He was fully conscious, in shock and pain 15 hours later when they called and AKR collected him. He had a badly fractured jaw and broken teeth. Yoda would s...till have needed to be euthanised had we been called earlier but he would not have had to suffer without pain relief and for so long. Please if you find an injured koala in SA call AKR 24/7 straight away for help - we cover all areas of Adelaide and the Hills and operate 24-hours, 7 days a week. #yoda #callforhelp #akr #akrclinic #dotherighthing #restinpeace @ Campbelltown, South Australia, Australia

21.01.2022 Sometimes we all need a little help getting an itch. Peach has loved having her leg and bum scratched where her fur is growing back. She came into the AKR Clinic after being attacked by a dog. We needed to give her a shave to get to and clean her wounds. Peach has enjoyed the pampering and her fur has now grown back enough to give her protection from the cold and wet weather. #peach #itchy #scratchy #alittlehelp #peachbum #akrclinic #rehabilitation #campbelltown #akr #adelaidekoalarescue

20.01.2022 Lucky for Macie she was reported today. Witnesses saw her hit by car on Lobethal Road, Norton Summit in the Adelaide Hills. The driver of that car stopped, observed her sitting on the roadside then drove away. The witnesses called AKR for help and stayed to watch over Macie. They observed her dragging a back leg before climbing high up a roadside tree. AKR retrieved Macie and transferred her to the AKR Clinic at Campbelltown. The poor little girl - x-rays have showed that it...s not the first time shes been hit. She has an older fracture thats still healing. AKR vets are consulting with specialist orthopaedic surgeons to determine if we can fix her leg. In the meantime the poor little girl is at least warm, safe and on pain relief with AKR. Crossing our fingers Macie... To report a koala hit by car call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 To support our work saving SA koalas visit #macie #littlegirl #injured #hitandrun #brokenleg #nortonsummit #adelaidehills #akr #adelaidekoalarescue #akrclinic #wildliferehabilitationcenter #campbelltown

20.01.2022 Sorry weve been quiet - we havent been lazing around in the sunshine like Tassie and the other koalas at the AKR Clinic. Weve been dealing with more than 40 new admissions in recent weeks - mostly koalas but also the odd kangaroo, possum, parrot and random turtle. Sadly many of the koala admissions have been dog attack and road trauma victims - its too busy given its supposed to be the quietest time of the year. If youre keen to volunteer at the AKR Clinic at Campbellto...wn visit to register your interest. Our facility operates 24/7 and training is provided. There are all sorts of roles and tasks including daily pick ups of browse (gum leaves), helping to attend to the koalas here in rehab, building enclosures, admin and fundraising, rescues and more. To support our essential work visit #tassie #lazysunday #volunteer #volunteering #getinvolved #akr #savingsakoalas #akrclinic #cityofcampbelltown #campbelltown #southaustralia @ Campbelltown, South Australia, Australia

20.01.2022 JD our koala run over by a tractor in the Adelaide Hills is doing ok. Hes eating well and has settled in at the AKR Clinic at Campbelltown. AKR rescues koalas hit by car most days. On occasion we deal with koalas hit by train or bus and so far JD is the only one hit by tractor. To support our registered charity visit To report a koala hit by car, bus, train, tractor... call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #jd #johndeere #tractor #forestrange #adelaidehills #bus #car #train #akr #akrclinic

19.01.2022 Im fine. Theres nothing wrong with my paw! George May will have surgery tomorrow to remove a badly crushed digit on his front paw. He was recently injured when hit by car at Cudlee Creek in the Adelaide Hills. George thinks hes fine though - hes a tough guy and trying to convince us he can go home already. Good luck with your procedure tomorrow George May - well be thinking of you and ready with lots of TLC. To support our work saving koalas like George May visit To report a koala hit by car call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #George #May #wildlifemedicine #surgery #hitbycarsurvivor #cudleecreek #adelaidehills #akr #akrclinic #wildliferehabilitationcenter #koalaclinic #adelaidekoalarescue

19.01.2022 AKR was messaged by a concerned member of public today. This koala was spotted looking a little flat and disheveled at Hewett. The bigger concern was it hadn’t moved from its spot in a tree for a very long time... We had a good giggle when a photo was sent through and all involved determined that no rescue was required Remember for real rescues to call the AKR 24/7 Hotline on 0413 185 771 #thanksforthegiggle #koalarescue #hewett #madeourday

18.01.2022 All sorts of critters find themselves in trouble when the weather gets wild. Priscilla the Ringtail Possum got a shock when the bird box she was sleeping in fell from up in a tree at Hawthorndene. Priscilla and her pouch joey have spent a few days at the AKR Clinic for observation. Weve found her a new box to live in and it will go home with her when shes released. Please keep an eye out for animals needing help in this wet and windy weather. To report injured animals or fo...r advice call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 To support our work visit #priscilla #hellopossum #ringtailpossum #allcreaturesgreatandsmall #woolyweather #wetandwindy #akr #akrclinic #adelaidekoalarescue #hawthorndene #cityofmitcham #mitchamcouncil

17.01.2022 Watch as Lous joey emerges from the pouch for the first time! AKR Clinic Volunteers got a thrill at 2:30am this morning - when doing a routine check on koala guests this little one finally showed him or herself. Volunteers have been admiring Lous growing pouch for a while but her joey has been not so keen to explore the outside world. Too cold? Perhaps. What a wonderful surprise for volunteers on the overnight shift! To register your interest in volunteering at the AKR Clin...ic at Campbelltown visit To support our work please donate via #volunteer #lou #joey #akr #akrclinic

16.01.2022 Listen to Waynoh bellow! Waynoh had a bit to say about his release site. He liked it a lot better than busy Grand Junction Road where he was rescued by AKR. Waynoh was easy to ID as he has an ear tag from a prior visit to the AKR Clinic at Campbelltown. Urban koalas like Waynoh regularly find themselves in bad locations and often end up hit by car or attacked by dogs.... The AKR Clinic at Campbelltown operates 24/7 to help koalas that are sick, injured or just need relocating away from danger. Call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 Can you help us find a permanent home? Contact [email protected] #waynoh #bellow #grandjunctionroad #hopevalley #stagnes #cityofteatreegully #teatreegullycouncil #akr #akrclinic

16.01.2022 Thank you to the driver who hit this guy for stopping as well as another who called AKR for help. George May came off second best when he was hit by car last night near the Cudlee Creek Cafe. It was a cold, wet and foggy night in the Adelaide Hills when AKR attended and the big guy had fled up a tree. George May sustained facial injuries but was lucky not to have a fractured jaw or broken teeth. The trauma to his front paw requires surgery to remove a crushed digit - hell ...manage ok without it. Lucky for George May that hes a big, fit koala and should cope well through treatment and rehab. Lucky for him too that help was sought quickly and his injuries attended before infection took hold. George May is being cared for at the AKR Clinic at Campbelltown and is taking all the attention in his stride. To report a koala hit by car call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 To support our work saving koalas like George May visit #george #bigguy #goodhumans #hitbycar #cudleecreek #adelaidehills #cudleecreekcafe #akr #akrclinic #wildliferehabilitationcenter #adelaidekoalarescue

15.01.2022 Can you spot the koala? Lucky for this guy that residents happened to be watching him walk along their fence after midnight and saw him fall. He well and truly got himself stuck between fences and would never have got out without help. AKR freed the very distressed koala and transferred him to the AKR Clinic. He has lacerations to various parts of his body and is very sore in places.... Any suggestions for a name for this boy from Aberfoyle Park? Update: We’ve named him Bond. #wellandtrulystuck #predicament #wedge #aberfoylepark #cityofonkaparinga #luckyescape #akr #akrclinic

15.01.2022 Pavarti and her joey Ganesh are lucky they were picked up by Adelaide Koala Rescue. The mum and joey were rescued by AKR after running down busy Glynburn Road. While at the AKR Clinic for a routine weigh, tag and health check we discovered a big problem - Pavarti has a nasty case of mastitis and cant feed her joey properly. Baby Ganesh has a respiratory issue. The pair are now both being treated by AKR Clinic vets and were doing our best to help them both recover. To suppor...t our work saving koalas like Pavarti and Ganesh visit To report a koala needing help in SA call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #pavarti #goddess##hindu #ganesh #ganesha #protector #universe #life #beginnings #god #glynburnroad #akr #akrclinic #mastistis #pnemonia #savingsakoalas

15.01.2022 AKR relies on good people who report incidents such as koalas hit by car like Gretel from St Peters. She was found one morning laying face down in a gutter of water on the side of the road in Fifth Avenue. Some good people noticed her and checked thinking she was dead. She was freezing cold but still alive after having been hit by car and left to die. AKR was called and quickly transferred Gretel to the AKR Clinic at Campbelltown. Gretel is an old friend of our Managing Direc...tor who lives in Gretels territory. Gretel has been hit by car before and over the years picked up at least a dozen times for various misdemeanours... Gretel is now doing well in care with AKR and will soon be released where she usually lives at St Peters Billabong. Thank you to the good people who reported her before it was too late. To report a koala hit by car call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 To support AKR visit #gretel #fifthavenue #stpeters #joslin #cityofnorwoodpaynehamandstpeters #linearpark #stpetersbillabong #akr #akrclinic #savingsakoalas #donate #sponsor #volunteer

14.01.2022 Every day and every night AKR attends to road trauma and dog attack victims. This morning it was four koalas on the South Eastern Freeway. Last night this guy was seen about to cross North East Road at Holden Hill. A nearby resident tried to usher him up a tree. A passing driver turned back to help only to witness another driver hit him and keep driving. Sadly this guy didn’t make it... We can’t save them all but someone still has to check on their welfare, rescue when needed..., treat those we can save and end suffering of others. AKR provides the South Australian public and government with such a service. To support our work visit For 24/7 koala rescue in SA call AKR on 0413 185 771 #koalarescue #akr #essentialservice #roadtrauma #savingsakoalas #supportus #donate #volunteer #makeadifference

13.01.2022 Our volunteer rescuers sometimes need to go to great effort to find animals needing help. Today we received notice of a koala that was hit by car last night at Salisbury East. Finding koalas long after the incident can often be difficult but in this case we at least had a pin dropped on a map from the caller so we at least knew the koalas last known location. A scout on our team went out and found the injured koala up a tree in a difficult location to rescue. Backup was requ...ired and AKR rescuers were able to capture her. Golden is now at the AKR Clinic being treated by our vets and were hoping shell be ok. The AKR Hotline (0413 185 771) operates 24/7. We have rescuers available to help any time day or night and our Clinic at Campbelltown operates 24/7 too. To support the work of our volunteers and/or to apply to join our team visit #24/7 #allhours #alwaysheretohelp #donate #volunteer #joinus #koala #animalrescue #akr #akrclinic #cityofsalisbury #salisburyeast #savingourspecies

13.01.2022 Teddy is rather popular at the AKR Clinic - hes handsome, charming and has a particularly interesting nose pattern. Teddy came in recently from Norton Summit in the Adelaide Hills. He was rescued by AKR after being reported for spending time sitting on the ground. Teddy has an old lower leg injury that hes been living with for a while. Further assessment will determine if this is why he sits on the ground or if theres another issue. In the meantime Teddy is out of the weather and eating like a champion. Fingers crossed that we can help Teddy recover and get back home soon. Call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 to report an animal needing help. To support our work saving koalas like Teddy visit #teddy #bigguy #thatnose #bigspunk #handsomeboy #nortonsummit #adelaidehills #adelaidekoalarescue #akr

13.01.2022 While most people are sleeping AKR Rescue Crew are out searching for a missing joey... Stitch was hit by car tonight in Echunga and left on the road. Other drivers swerved around her and continued on their way without stopping. Fortunately some good humans did stop and called AKR for help. While she was being assessed at the AKR Clinic we discovered that Stitch is lactating - she is missing a joey. A team of AKR volunteers are out searching in hope of finding her baby.... Stitch is the third road trauma victim to come in this week missing a baby. Let’s hope our search and rescue team equipped with thermal imaging cameras can find Stitch’s joey... To report a koala hit by car call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 To support our work saving koalas like Stitch visit #stitch #echunga #adelaidehills #meadows #adelaidehillscouncil #hitbycar #hitandrun #mummabear #joey #akr #akrclinic

12.01.2022 Congratulations to Miss Mia who graduated to release tonight. Mia has undergone treatment for chlamydia - an all too common problem for koalas. Treating koalas is important although costly. Lab testing and the antibiotic needed dont come for free and many koalas coming into the AKR Clinic require treatment. Mia now has a clean bill of health and shell hopefully be careful who she dates out there from now on around the Brownhill Creek area... To support our work treating sic...k koalas and conducting important koala research visit To report sick or injured animals call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #ifitsnotonitsnoton #sexualhealthchat #chlamydia #healthykoalas #stayoutoftrouble #missmia #mía #brownhillcreek #cityofmitcham #mitchamcouncil #akr #akrclinic #adelaidekoalarescue @ Brown Hill Creek

12.01.2022 Thinking of all the mums and joeys we’ve met, helped, loved, lost and saved this Mother’s Day #hayley #sophia #lou #katrina #duchess #tori and so many more Follow us to hear more about their stories very soon... The Story of Hayley’s Comet #hayleyscomet

11.01.2022 AKR NEEDS HELP SECURING A PERMANENT HOME At AKR we rescue and treat more koalas than any other organisation in South Australia. We are the organisation that stepped up during the summer bushfires to treat hundreds of burnt wildlife from the Adelaide Hills. We need a long-term home so we can continue to do our essential work. That's why we've asked the State Government to allow us to continue to use our property in Campbelltown long-term, or help us find a suitable alternative.... We're also calling on any member of the public who may own a suitable property that is not being utilised and to please consider making it available to us to conduct our wildlife rescue, vet clinic and rehabilitation operation. If you can help us find a new, permanent home email [email protected] Media Enquiries: David Russell 0434 307 012 [email protected]

11.01.2022 When Vet Nurse Casey Woodward couldn't travel to SA to volunteer with Adelaide Koala Rescue due to Covid-19 border closures she did something else equally as generous. Casey teamed up with The Rescue Collective to organise the donation of a much-needed incubator for AKR. From the day it was delivered to the AKR Clinic at Campbelltown it's been put to good use. It's already helped several koala and possum joeys as well as birds needing TLC. Thank you so much to The Rescue Collective for donating this incubator to Adelaide Koala Rescue. Thank you to Casey who has also arranged for other essential products to be donated to AKR - we can't wait until you can make it to SA to volunteer with us!

11.01.2022 #hannah #phoebe #besties #justbecause #loveyoumate #akrclinic #akr #adelaidekoalarescue

11.01.2022 GOOD NEWS UPDATE: AKR rescued Tori and her joey Benji last weekend near Balhannah in the Adelaide Hills. It was the middle of the night, cold and raining when they were left on the roadside after having been hit by car. We didnt think Tori would make it back to the the AKR Clinic. After being treated for shock both mother and joey were x-rayed and cleared of fractures. Tori has been in a critical condition in the ICU at the AKR Clinic due to head trauma. She has brain damage... and weve been patiently waiting to see if she will recover. Up until last night Tori required IV fluids, syringe feeding and frequent bed changes. Despite her condition she has been aware of whats going on around her. Benji is able to drink milk from his mum and she has been able to hold him. The big break through last night was that Tori is now able to eat gum leaves albeit via hand feeding. It takes about an hour each time to sit with and feed her - were pleased she has a keen appetite. Tori can now sit up too when she wants to and her coordination is improving. We are not giving up on this beautiful mum and were hopeful shell continue to make progress. To report a koala hit by car in the Adelaide Hills or metro areas call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 To help fund the treatment and care of koalas like Tori visit #tori #benji #balhannah #swamproad #lenswood #adelaidehills #roadtrauma #braininjury #gettingbettereveryday #notgivingup #akrclinic #campbelltown #koalarehabilitationcentre

10.01.2022 Waldo is one of several road trauma victims admitted to the AKR Clinic in recent days. He was hit by car at Pasadena south of Adelaide. Fortunately the driver called the the AKR 24/7 Hotline straight away. He was up a tree overhanging the road when we arrived - thank you to SAPOL who attended to close a lane so we could safely rescue him. Waldo is one of the luckier ones it seems - his injuries are minor and we expect him to make a full recovery. To support our registered cha...rity and work saving handsome koalas like Waldo visit To report a koala hit by car in SA call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #waldo #pasadena #hitbycar #mitcham #cityofmitcham #mitchamcouncil #akr #akrclinic #wildliferehabilitationcentre #koalaclinic

09.01.2022 Little Ganesh is needing extra help and support while his mum cant feed him. While Pavarti recovers from mastitis at the AKR Clinic we are co-parenting with her to ensure Nesh continues to thrive. To support our work saving koalas like Pavarti and Ganesh visit To report a koala needing help in SA call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771... #pavarti #ganesh #mumandbubs #joey #coparenting #tlc #akrclinic #akr #savingsakoalas @ Campbelltown, South Australia, Australia

08.01.2022 Just when we thought wed heard and seen it all - along came this guy. JD was run over by a tractor on the weekend at Forest Range. The poor Adelaide Hills apple orchard grower who called us feared the worst - he only saw the koala in long grass at the last second when it was too late to avoid him. AKR arrived quickly on the scene to find JD up a tree. When we approached and spoke to JD he cried - no doubt in pain and to tell us what had happened.... JD is in our ICU at the AKR Clinic. A vet assessment including X-rays has determined that most of his injuries are likely soft tissue and bruising. He has a lower back injury that we hope will recover with rest. Koala V Tractor - a most unexpected rescue call! To support our work treating koalas like JD visit To report an injured koala call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #johndeere #jd #hitbytractor #appleorchard #forestrange #adelaidehills #adelaidehillscouncil #akr #akrclinic #donatetoday

07.01.2022 Luna Lovegum was seen cruising the Adelaide CBD the other night. She was apprehended by AKR outside the Elephant and Castle Hotel on Gilbert Street. Where had she come from? We don’t know. Perhaps she’s the koala that’s regularly reported living in the South Parklands... Luna was given an ear tag and vet check at the AKR Clinic at Campbelltown. She’s since been released a bit further away from the pub. To report a koala in an unsafe location call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771... #lunalovegum #lunalovegood #adelaidecbd #adelaidecitycouncil #gilbertstreet #elephantandcastle #citychick #adelaideparklands #akr #akrclinic

07.01.2022 For those who missed 7 News last night! AKR needs a long-term home so we can continue our essential work into the future. That's why we've asked the State Government to allow us to continue to use the property we're leasing in Campbelltown long-term, or to please help us find a suitable alternative among other disused or underutilised public sites.... We're also calling on any member of the public who may own a suitable property that is not being utilised to please consider making it available to us to conduct our koala rescue, vet clinic and wildlife rehabilitation facility operations. If you know of a suitable property contact AKR via email - [email protected] or Messenger Media inquiries to David Russell - 0434 307 012 or [email protected]

05.01.2022 AKR Clinic Tree Yards Congratulations to Caramello who graduated to climbing today. The lovely lad was hit by car between Mt Barker and Strathalbyn a few weeks ago. Despite coming to the AKR Clinic in a very bad way hes progressed really well. The tree yards here at the AKR Clinic enable koalas in rehab to practice climbing. It gives us an opportunity to test their abilities and enables them to build up strength.... To support our registered charity visit To report a koala needing help call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #caramello #caramellokoala #strathalbyn #mtbarker #mtbarkercouncil #treeyard #akr #akrclinic

05.01.2022 Thank you to the good humans who stopped traffic last night on Long Gully Road to save this boy. Caramello had been hit by car and left sitting stunned and bleeding in the middle of the road. AKR retrieved him and he was rushed to the AKR Clinic at Campbelltown. Caramello was in a very bad way last night but is looking much better today. Hes been cleared of fractures but has sustained soft tissue injuries and may still have internal issues - time will tell. Many other driv...ers last night chose to drive past and even around the injured koala without stopping or calling for help - thank goodness someone else stopped to help him. To report a koala hit by car call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 - we will attend anywhere in SA at any time day or night. To support our work saving koalas like Caramello visit #caramello #caramellokoala #stopandhelp #callforhelp #strathalbyn #adelaidehills #akr #akrclinic #adelaidekoalarescue @ Strathalbyn, South Australia

05.01.2022 Hallie and her pouch joey were recently picked up by AKR cruising along a busy road at Tranmere. They came into the AKR Clinic for an eartag and health check. Both are healthy so today we released them in a nicer place close by. To report a koala needing help in SA call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 To register your interest in volunteering at the AKR Clinic at Campbelltown visit #hallie #tranmere #relocation #bellow #pouchjoey #nicerplacetolive #akr #akrclinic #savingsakoalas

05.01.2022 We love it when friends offer gum leaves for the koalas in our care. With around 50 new admissions each month the AKR Clinic goes through a lot of eucalyptus. Thanks to partners like 2nd Generation Trees our recovering koalas have plenty of fresh browse to eat. If you have access to suitable browse wed love to put it to good use! Email [email protected] #friendswithleaf #justbrowsing

05.01.2022 Good news so far for Arizaan who was deliberately hit by a callous driver in the Adelaide Hills earlier this week. Her X-rays were clear. Shes staying at the AKR Clinic for observation and will soon graduate to our tree yards for climbing testing. Thank you to all our followers for the love and concern for her. To support our registered charity rescuing and treating road trauma victims visit To report a koala hit by car call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771... #arizaan #hitbycarsurvivor #lobethal #woodside #mounttorrens #onkaparingavalleyroad #akr #akrclinic #savingsakoalas #donate #volunteer

03.01.2022 Thank you to Petplan Australia and to everyone who voted for us!

03.01.2022 Koalas, kangaroos, possums, sheep rescue? Yes we deal with just about everything on the AKR 24/7 Rescue Hotline. AKR is often called when there is nobody else who can or will help. We get phone calls every week and at all hours to euthanise badly injured kangaroos hit by car in the Adelaide Hills - sometimes the odd fox roadside with a broken leg - no animal deserves to suffer. Who knew there were sheep in Highbury? We didnt until a call about them being loose and roaming th...e streets came in. Rounding up stray sheep and sending them home isnt the most common of calls but were always happy to help when animals of all sorts find themselves in trouble. AKR 24/7 0413 185 771 Support us via #ontherun #highbury #sheeprescue #teatreegully #cityofteatreegully #vanessakiermeierphotography Vanessa Kiermeier

03.01.2022 How beautiful are the yummy mummies! We didnt know that Sophia and Lou were mums when they arrived at the AKR Clinic and they didnt know each other. They quickly became friends when housed together and theyve been keeping secrets until recently. Both girls have notes to swap about being mums. Lous joey has only recently emerged from the pouch and just tonight we discovered its a little girl. Were yet to spy Sophias little bundle of joy - watch this space! How lovely Aunty Sophia is happy to babysit and Lou is completely trusting of her. To support our work saving SA koalas visit Interested in seeing exciting events such as this? Register to get involved at We operate 24/7 at our Campbelltown base. Were keen to hear from potential volunteers interested in night and Sunday shifts as well as those who can collect or deliver fresh gum leaves to us any day. #yummymummies #yummymummy #auntylove #itsagirl #campbelltown #akr #akrclinic #volunteer

03.01.2022 Quinton was one of this weeks hit and runs that we couldnt save. The big guy was hit at about 6:30pm Tuesday night on Macclesfield Road near Meadows in the Adelaide Hills. The driver didnt stop but a distressed witness called the AKR 24/7 Hotline for help - thank goodness she did. Quinton - a very sweet and handsome boy had sustained a fractured incisor, a fractured cheek bone, a fractured clavicle and burst eye drum. Sadly some of those injuries we couldnt fix and overal...l he was a boy in a lot of pain. Imagine if the witness hadnt called and hed been left on the side of the road to suffer? To report a koala hit by car in SA call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 To support our registered charity rescuing koalas and other road trauma victims visit #quinton #hitandrun #meadows #macclesfield #adelaidehills #mountbarker #mountbarkercouncil #akr #akrclinic #restinpeace

02.01.2022 URGENT INTERVENTION NEEDED TO PREVENT KOALAS BEING LEFT OUT IN THE COLD Thank you to Susan Close MP and the media for coming out today to help us tell the story of the incredibly difficult position the State Government has put us in. The lease on our premises in Campbelltown expires tomorrow, which means our permit expires at that time too.... We have done what the State Government asked and found a new property, however The Department for Environment and Water has refused to give us a permit yet for the new site or allow for any transitional arrangements. That means we are instead being forced to prematurely release, euthanise, or hand a number of koalas to other wildlife services, which are already overburdened as we head into the busiest time of the year. This is a devastating situation for our 300 volunteers, and for the koalas we rescue and treat. We are asking Minister David Speirs MP to show compassion and urgently intervene to grant a temporary bridging permit so that we can continue to treat and rescue koalas until a permit is issued for our new facility in Lenswood.

02.01.2022 It’s for guys like Jake that the 24/7 AKR Clinic needs to exist. The big fella was found laying in the middle of the road a few nights ago between Nepenthe and Shaw & Smith vineyards in the Adelaide Hills. He’d been hit by car and left for dead. Jake’s story is a common one - we can’t save them all but we can prevent further suffering. A sad reality of our work is ending suffering. Most trauma-related koala rescues are after hours.... Most rescues need immediate vet treatment The AKR Clinic is the only dedicated service available to rescue and provide 24/7 veterinary treatment for injured koalas like Jake in SA. AKR is a registered charity reliant on the service of volunteers and donations from the public. Can you help AKR secure a new long-term home so our essential service to the SA community can continue? Please contact us about this via email - [email protected] #jake #balhannah #adelaidehills #foreverhome #akr #essentialservices #akrclinic #koalaclinic

01.01.2022 Sawyer’s fate is the result of wildlife not being checked on after a fuel reduction burning. He was seen struggling to walk along an Adelaide Hills roadside and reported to AKR. This old boy is a victim of a burn-off on adjacent land. Sadly Sawyer needed to be euthanised due to the severity of burns on all four paw pads, some of which had become badly infected. Had that property been monitored and Sawyer found earlier we believe the burns could have been treated by our vets a...t the AKR Clinic. To report an injured koala call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #sawyer #burnsvictim #whatawaste #wildlifemonitoring #callforhelp #akrclinic #akr

01.01.2022 Thank you to Peter and the team at SUEZ Australia and New Zealand for your generous and ongoing support of AKR - Mighty South Aussies indeed!

01.01.2022 Rescues are not always what they seem... like when one of our rescuers attended to this "koala" trapped under a car yesterday. Weve been called out to many koalas with tails which of course turn out to be possums, possums that turn out to be cats needing help, a koala stuck in a tree that was actually a garbage bag, a Tasmanian Tiger which again was a very big possum, a wombat on the roof - again a possum and a call out to a "baby thing" that was actually a rabbit... but to find a pigeon was a bit of a surprise! Its all good - despite having an unusual gait for a koala, yesterdays rescue was ok. AKR helps all animals in need and were regularly called when no other help can be found. The unexpected rescues give our team something to giggle about too

01.01.2022 AKR is excited to launch a partnership with U.S. based Legend Bracelets. The bracelets represent wildlife species under threat and part proceeds from sales support a key charity fighting to save them. Legend Bracelets were so inspired by AKRs efforts during recent bushfires that they selected us as the key Australian koala charity to support.

01.01.2022 Baby its cold outside! Besties Phoebe and Hannah were happy to cuddle up together for a snooze. Hannah was rescued from Balhannah in the Adelaide Hills last year. She was found alone during a heatwave and we were never able to find her mum. Phoebe was rescued by AKR earlier this year after being hit by car at Fairview Park. The girls are now good friends and its lovely to see them enjoying cuddles together. To report a koala hit by car or a joey on its own call AKR 24/7 on ...0413 185 771 To support our work including handraising orphaned joeys visit #besties #hannah #phoebe #joeys #cuddles #keepingwarm #babyitscoldoutside #akr #akrclinic #wildiferehabilitationfacility #balhannah #adelaidehills #fairviewpark #teatreegullycouncil #adelaidehillscouncil #savingsakoalas

23.12.2021 BUSHFIRE SCAM ALERT Disasters bring out the best and the worst in people. Adelaide Koala Rescue (AKR) is aware of our name being used to solicit financial and material donations from the public without our consent. During the Cudlee Creek bushfire AKR was defrauded of more than $50,000 by individuals and organisations claiming to be fundraising on AKR’s behalf yet no proceeds were ever granted to us. Here we go again...... If we endorse a fundraiser we will promote it here on our public page. If we require donations of goods we’ll post that here too. A few tips generally: Only donate to an organisation that is a registered business and charity (visit ASIC and ACNC websites to check) If you wish to support AKR visit to be certain it goes where intended. Call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #donate #charity #avoidfraud #fundraising #akr #bushfire #wildlife #koalas #savingsakoalas #adelaidehills #southaustralia

12.12.2021 The stories from the fire ground overnight are devastating. The focus is of course human lives and homes saved but nobody reports in the media about animals, especially wildlife. Our hearts go out to those of you who had to flee leaving horses and other animals behind. After our experience at Cudlee Creek (pictured) our hearts sink knowing so many koalas and other wildlife have either perished or are out there suffering... AKR 24/7 0413 185 771 - ... #devastating #bushfire #cherrygardens #bradbury #mylor #echunga #biggsflat #flaxley #meadows #kuitpo #clarendon #scottcreek #adelaidehills #cherrygardensfire #akr

29.11.2021 A massive thank you again to compassionate South Australians taking care of wildlife in this heat. Thank you also to all of you calling for help and advice. Two such koalas (pictured) had very different outcomes. The girl on the left was checked on by AKR and found to be doing ok. She’s smart and found a cool garden to shelter in with her joey. The homeowner has been keeping the garden cool with a sprinkler and has fresh bowls of water for wildlife in need of a drink. The sec...ond girl wandered onto an Adelaide Hills property too late to be saved. Despite being supplied with water by the homeowner she had injuries and was sick - she’d likely been out in the bush suffering for some time before being found. She died just moments before help arrived. If in doubt about wildlife in this extreme heat please call for advice. Many of you are doing a great job caring for wildlife in your backyards and local parks - sometimes it’s all they need. Often though the heat hits the old and unwell hardest and they need more than a drink. Call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 if concerned about wildlife over the Australia Day long weekend. Keep up the water to our wildlife you amazing humans in SA. #waterforwildlife #koalasdrinkwater #compassion #extremeheat #heatwave #adelaide #adelaidehills #adelaidehillscouncil #cityofteatreegully #cityofnorwoodpaynhamstpeters #cityofcampbelltown #townofwalkerville #cityofburnside #akr #savingsakoalas

23.11.2021 It’s warming up ahead of a very hot weekend. Wildlife are already struggling. Have you put water out? If concerned about animals not coping in the heat seek advice. Call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #heatwave #extremeheat #waterforwildlife #itshotoutside #akr #adelaide #adelaidehills #southaustralia #adelaidekoalarescue

16.11.2021 Koalas and chocolate - two of our favourite things! Thanks for your support Barossa Valley Chocolate Company

05.11.2021 With a second day of heat and another tomorrow it’s important to put water out for wildlife. Today’s heat has resulted in calls for advice - well done to the compassionate South Aussies putting water bowls out and putting sprinklers on to cool gardens down for wild visitors. Most of today’s reports have simply needed support with a cool drink and monitoring. Sadly one young koala suffering in the heat was found too late today and died soon after a call was made for help. If in doubt always call for advice - call AKR 24/7 on 0413 185 771 #heretohelp #callforadvice #toohot #extremeheat #helpwildlife #nobodylikestheheat #waterforwildlife #akr #adelaidekoalarescue

25.10.2021 By this time last year the bushfire victims were rolling in. This poor boy rescued from Lobethal on the 21st was the first of more than 300 koalas and other animals rescued by AKR. To the hundreds of volunteers who supported AKR in the field and at our emergency triage centre we say thank you - for many of us there was no Christmas and especially no time or inclination to celebrate. This Christmas we are thinking of all the people who called AKR for help, those who lost so and those who have not and may never recover. The Cudlee Creek bushfire was the catalyst for what AKR would become - follow us to learn more about our story and the bushfire victims whose stories must be told #weremember #oneyearon #itnevergetseasier #cudleecreekfire #habitatloss #whataboutwildlife #adelaidehills #adelaidekoalarescue #akr #strength #courage #compassion #conviction

05.10.2021 FINALLY WE HAVE SOME NEWS We are grateful for a short lease extension (just over a week) at our current Campbelltown site. As a result we are now advised by the Department for Environment and Water that we may be receiving a short-term permit to cover our operation during that time. We hope to have this permit extended to allow us to transfer koalas under AKR veterinary care to our new home at Lenswood.... Thank you for the amazing support for what we do in our time of need. Our army of volunteers are working day and night to move our large operation to our new home at Lenswood they are truly amazing. We’ll post soon about the kind of help we need urgently to get us up and running at Lenswood. Times of crisis and social media bring out the best and the worst in people. Thank you to the individuals and organisations including wildlife carers who have contacted AKR to ask how they can help. Unfortunately, in contrast we have seen abhorrent behaviour by individuals including wildlife carers from other organisations who among other things have spread false and malicious rumours on social media. For the record: It is not true that we have refused to release healthy koalas; It is not true that vets attended our Campbelltown site today and confiscated koalas; It is not true that koalas at AKR have been taken to Cleland Wildlife Park; It is not true that the koalas under veterinary care at AKR are in poor condition and inappropriately cared for; Koalas at the AKR Clinic are being well-cared for and are under the care of qualified veterinarians.

01.10.2021 URGENT INTERVENTION NEEDED TO PREVENT KOALAS BEING LEFT OUT IN THE COLD Thank you to Susan Close MP and the media for coming out yesterday to help us tell the story of the incredibly difficult position the State Government has put us in. We’ve had a short term use of a long disused State Government owned facility at Campbelltown - the lease expired today, which means our permit expires too.... We have done what the State Government asked and found a new property, however The Department for Environment and Water has refused to give us a permit yet for the new site or allow for any transitional arrangements. That means we are instead being forced to prematurely release, euthanise, or hand a number of koalas to other wildlife services, which are already overburdened as we head into the busiest time of the year. This is a devastating situation for our 300 volunteers, and for the koalas we rescue and treat. We are asking Minister David Speirs MP to show compassion and urgently intervene to grant a temporary bridging permit so that we can continue to treat and rescue koalas until a permit is issued for our new facility.

13.09.2021 URGENT INTERVENTION NEEDED TO PREVENT KOALAS BEING LEFT OUT IN THE COLD Thank you to Susan Close MP and the media for coming out today to help us tell the story of the incredibly difficult position the State Government has put us in. The lease on our premises in Campbelltown expires tomorrow, which means our permit expires at that time too.... We have done what the State Government asked and found a new property, however The Department for Environment and Water has refused to give us a permit yet for the new site or allow for any transitional arrangements. That means we are instead being forced to prematurely release, euthanise, or hand a number of koalas to other wildlife services, which are already overburdened as we head into the busiest time of the year. This is a devastating situation for our 300 volunteers, and for the koalas we rescue and treat. We are asking Minister David Speirs MP to show compassion and urgently intervene to grant a temporary bridging permit so that we can continue to treat and rescue koalas until a permit is issued for our new facility in Lenswood.

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