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Koales de Melbourne | Community

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Koales de Melbourne

Phone: +61 478 784 315


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15.01.2022 Amb molta tristor, el diumenge vam acomiadar-nos de dos Koales que han estat part de la colla des de el primer dia fa gairebé cinc anys. El vostre esforç, els vostres somriures, la vostra dedicació i els bons moments seran sempre recordats per tots els Koales de Melbourne. Jordi Poblet i Carla Cava, us estimem molt i us desitgem molta sort a la nova aventura que us espera en els vostres viatges. Us esperarem amb els braços oberts! On Sunday we sadly said goodbye to two Ko...ales who have been a part of the group since the first day nearly five years ago. Your effort, your smiles, your dedication and good times will always be remembered by all the Koales of Melbourne. Jordi Poblet i Carla Cava, we love you heaps and we wish you all the best in the new adventure that awaits you during your travels. We will always be here hoping and waiting for your return. See more

15.01.2022 See you all this Sunday 24th at 11:00 am @ Alexandra Gardens. Bring some friends!

12.01.2022 BBQ Sant Joan 2019 by the Yarra River. A surprise visit from Nuria Luna from the Castellers de Gracia and tasty botifarres & coques from Pilar Duaso made a great day for the Koales family. #botifarres #rovellons #humantowers #friends #koales #melbourne #coca #hotchocolate #fun #KoalesDeMelbourne #MelbourneFaCastells

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