Councillor Kodi Brady | Politician
Councillor Kodi Brady
Phone: +61 411 696 490
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25.01.2022 Woo hoo! Great news, my application to speak at the IPC (Independent Planning Commission) has been accepted along side 400 odd other people. If you feel you have any information or concerns let me know and I’ll see if I can add it to my submission. It was due to be a 5 day hearing but has had to be extended to 7 days due to the over whelming amount of people applying. Remember you have to the end of July to still do a written submission. #protectthepilliga #nocsg #pilliga #narrabrigasproject #idonotwanttoliveinagasfield #protectourwater
24.01.2022 Skate Park paint up Day 1! Looking great already!!!
24.01.2022 Digital flythrough of what the new Little Timor street plaza could look like
22.01.2022 Love it when Community comes together! A massive thanks to all involved.
21.01.2022 What great timing for this to happen!!! How does this happen the week of the IPC hearing? I’ve been following this page for a long time and at no time have I seen any problem, any disrespectful behaviour with their posts, shares and status’s and so on. Yet I see disrespectful behaviour, nudes, racist and discriminatory remarks, comments, memes and pages all over Facebook and that have popped up in my news feed which I have personally reported numerous times and Facebook has... always come back and say that it doesn’t go against there policies and guidelines. So it’s fine to flash your bits, make discrimitive remarks to others, hate on fellow human being BUT not fine to try and look after the environment.......... This screams to me big boys playing big games at trying to silence the grassroot people on the ground trying to have a voice and protect their backyard. #nocsg #pilliga #santistorisky #wewontbesilenced
20.01.2022 Just went and checked out a new eatery opening up in #coonabarabran soon. Beautifully fitted out Coona chicks. Going to be lovely charcoal chickens cooked over coals, fresh salads and kebabs, coffee and other refreshments. #freshfastfood Thanks Emmanuel for investing in our town.
20.01.2022 Woo hoo I’m excited to get this project underway. Our poor old skate park has been neglected for far too long and is well over due to a freshen up. Get your thinking caps on and get creative. Let’s brighten up this space that so many of our community members use. Yarn, Support, Connect - Coonabarabran Suicide Prevention Network Kodi Brady
20.01.2022 Happy wear it purple day!! Well done Cardians for taking up this initiative in support of this day! Call in there for your cupp and receive a sticker and maybe a wrist band if there is some left. Wear it Purple was founded in 2010 in response to global stories of real teenagers, real heartache and their very real responses. In 2010, several rainbow young people took their own lives following bullying and harassment resulting from the lack of acceptance of their sexuality or gender identity. #inclusion #wearitpurple #wearitpurpleday2020 #cardians #coonabarabran #acceptance #change
19.01.2022 Flick the stigma of Mental Health is no different (maybe more important) then any other health issue in our body. Check in with yourself, check in with others. Be kind and reach out if you feel you need too.
18.01.2022 Councillor Kodi Brady My introduction and first part of my speech is missing here. But I have included my notes. Good Morning Commissioners. My name is Kodi Br...ady - I am a proud local Aboriginal man, President of Yarn Support Connect - Coonabrabran Suicide prevention Network, sit on many local commitees and a life long resident of Coonabarabran. Along side that I am a Shire Councillor for the Warrumbungle Shire thou I have not been endorsed to speak for the Organisation there is a upstanding motion that clearly states we WSC does not support CSG I am speaking from My heart and so many people hearts that I represent Shire wide. I speak to you today to add more reasons why CSG mining should not take place in the Pilliga. The people of Coonabarabran and surrounds are a resilient lot We quietly endure quite a bit of hardship in silence. It takes a lot to get us to speak out. We come here today to speak out. I want to speak for Coonabarabran area as a whole, to point out the damage CSG mining will do the mental, emotional and social welfare of our community. CSG mining is dirty. It leaks methane It involves moving toxic substances into open air pools. It will poison the waters of the Great Artesian Basin, guaranteed. How much, who knows? When this will happen who knows? It pollutes our gorgeous night sky the first dark sky park in Australia with needless light. Putting CSG mining in the Pilliga shows a lack of regard and respect for an area the residents of Coonabarabran and surrounds hold deeply in their hearts, souls and minds. The Pilliga doesn’t belong to us, we as people belong to it. It is mother earths lungs and it has a big part in who we are today. Unlike the bushfires we fear every season - CSG is a year-round danger to the environment of the Pilliga and the water for most of Eastern Australia. The Pilliga will be stained, a toxic no-go area. Another piece of special habitat destroyed for the sake of money. The people of Coonabarabran and surrounds have already endured a lot and have still not recovered In the last few years bushfires, drought, and the economic hardship have brought with them mental illness, depression, suicide, and despair. We don’t like to air our dirty laundry, but we are suffering. Approving CSG mining in the Pilliga will add to our social issues CSG will give people one more reason to leave Or to consider suicide. Or worse still SUICIDE! Why would anyone look to the future in this area when CSG mining instantly devalues everything around it? Why would you build for the future in this area when it will be worthless? Did you know that real estate prices in Tara have more than halved in the last 12 months alone? What effect do you think that is already having in the minds and emotions of the people of Coonabarabran? The constant nagging fear that all we have worked for will be for nothing once wells start popping up. That tourists will stop coming because no one goes to a toxic dump for fun. Young people will move away in droves Old people will see the town that was strong in their youth, wither and die. We all know what consent means, and what lack of consent is. The many polls, gatherings and meetings and our community overwhelmingly said NO TO CSG. If this project is approved Our community will experience the feeling of being violated. Our wishes ignored. Our lives, living places, and livelihoods dismissed as worthless. This will be greatly traumatic for the people of Coonabarabran and surrounds Another blow, possibly fatal, for the entire town. The mental health costs will be huge. The emotional cost will be huge. The cost to our way of life will be huge. We know what CSG is, what it will do to us, and we don't want it here.
15.01.2022 Community groups and organisations you have to 12pm (midday) today to put in a Financial and community grant application. It is a simple application form that your group could really benefit from filling it in.
15.01.2022 Please if it is one thing you do for me this year or as a matter of fact ever in the future it is to put a submission in. This is a critical time for our area on so many levels. Our health, wellbeing, lively hoods, Our environment, the risk of losing our underground water, the light pollution, the animals, our agricultural area and the list goes on. We have just over a week to get them in. Make yours count. It’s so easy with the online form and it can seriously be just a few ...sentences and if you need a hand sing out. Don't let Santos turn north-west NSW into an extension of the Western Darling Downs. Have Your Say: You don’t have to live in this area to make a submission you just need to care about us and our environment. We truely are in this together.
14.01.2022 Today is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia. #IDAHOBIT is a worldwide celebration of diversity and inclusion. This year's theme is 'Breaking the Silence'. Across Australia, around the Asia-Pacific region and throughout the world, LGBTQI people are everywhere. All of us deserve the same rights, opportunities and respect as anyone else. We must stand united against bigotry and hatred. Together we share our stories and create new allies, with a shared goal of a future where sexuality- and gender-diverse people are included and supported in every nation of the world. #istandwithyou
14.01.2022 The support for opening the dam up is mind blowing from the community. Dozens of comments on Social media pages in support of this. Council should not have just shelved this idea without including the community in the conversation. In a time that we are living now and during the height of Covid we know how much recreation, open spaces, individual sports, fresh air and peaceful surrounding are detrimental to all of our social, emotional wellbeing, health both physically and mentally. Not only health but local economics could benefit, tourism, eatery’s, accommodation, our national parks. Us as Councillors need to listen to the needs, wants and aspirations of our community. We are there to represent you, not go against. Can only hope we get it back on the table. JUST REMEMBER a BY-PASS is looming!
13.01.2022 Happy International Youth Day, especially to all the Youth in our shire. As you probably know I’m passionate about the Youth as they are our up and coming leaders. We need to invest MORE in them, give them our precious time and also protect and leave behind a legacy so they can thrive and live to achieve great outcomes for themselves and their children. I hope you all celebrated the day creating memories, respecting each other and were also trying to be a better perso...n then you were yesterday. Keep Safe, keep having fun, be yourself and know that I’m just an inbox, call or text away if you need me. Sending all my strength, love and support to all you deadly peps See more
11.01.2022 How exciting is this. Sing out if you have an idea!
10.01.2022 This destructive behaviour annoys me so much. The little that we have here needs to be respected and lefted alone. What would make someone think snapping trees of in the Main Street or anywhere OK. I’m sure there has been lots of this in most communities around our shire and after years of drought and loosing so many of our trees the remaining ones should be left to flourish. For your 2 seconds of fun snapping it off, it’s probably been growing for 5 years to get to that stage. So annoyed.
10.01.2022 My life long friends lost one of there Boys today, in tragic circumstances. Please support if you can.
10.01.2022 A massive thanks to Roy for raising this issue and having our backs. So many people around our shire have little or no connectivity, even after our devastating fires nothing has improved. I’m 4 kms from town and Some times it take myself over an hour for an attachment to send in an email, 8 hours to upload a few photos on social, I have never been able to connect to Netflix or utilise our smart TV. I can’t even watch or send a 30 second clip most days. Just not good enough for 2021.
08.01.2022 Progress Shot of the wall mural at the skatepark! Looking deadly.....
08.01.2022 Sending out a massive Happy Easter. This year is very challenging for so many! Be kind, be respectful to each other, help others when you can and most of all look out for yourself. The yellow Easter egg is Joy, The green Easter egg is Peace, The red Easter egg is Love,... The blue Easter egg is respect, The Purple egg is good health Let this Easter bring Joy, Peace,Love respect and good health! I for one can not with to this crazy time is over and we can celebrate all these special occasion we normally celebrate together.
07.01.2022 Residents of Warrumbungle Shire Council. Just thought I would remind you this year is Election year for Local Government. Have you thought about nominating to be a Councillor? It’s a chance to have you say for your community. I’m available anytime to have a chat and answer any questions that you may have. If I don’t know them I will endeavour to find them out. ... We need a mixture of diverse people to represent ALL of the community and you might be that person to that. Council needs new blood, fresh thoughts, new agendas to get involved and among the mix of experienced Councillors. Nominations have to be in the 26th July and elections are held 4th September 2021 so it’s just around he corner. Attached is a link to Election Commission page with some information and steps. Seriously think about it! See more
06.01.2022 Wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Have a safe and happy one with lots of cheer!Wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Have a safe and happy one with lots of cheer!
06.01.2022 I say this every year, we shouldn’t need a day to highlight this issue. This day should not have to even exist! End racism NOW, be it in our personal lives, our families, our communities, our policies and procedures, our systemic practices and right at the top our government. We all need to take a look at our actions and behaviours towards others to move forward in an inclusive country #loveeachother #weareonebutwearemany #embracedifferences
05.01.2022 Today I pay my respects to The Stolen Generations. We remember the hurt, suffering and injustice suffered and acknowledge the wrong doings of the past, the unjust policies and procedures that have scarred this land we call home. I hope it will continue to be a day that increases awareness and understanding of not only the pain endured, but the continued steps towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities and to build a great future for all. You will notice Councils flags today flying at 1/2 mast to symbolise this day. #NationalSorryDay #healing
03.01.2022 The IPC will hand down its decision on the Narrabri/Pilliga Gas Project at 9am tomorrow. This is our future...The IPC will hand down its decision on the Narrabri/Pilliga Gas Project at 9am tomorrow. This is our future...
03.01.2022 Happy New Year! What a challenging 12 months it has been for so many. Who would have thought we would end up in a global pandemic, which has seen me serve 12 months on Council. So many loved family and friends passed on, so much hurt and pain shared among us all. The frightening Pilliga project being approved by our government which will see our backyard turned into a gas field. But to be thankful in all these trying times love, care, compassion, connection and togetherness has popped up in ways that has never been seen before. Out of so much negative, positive has shined bright. Also a massive thanks to all that supported me every time I’ve ask, be it donations to a cause, help doing something or whatever big or small. I appreciate it! So on that note let’s sign off and farewell 2020 and a big hello to 2021 with lots of hope, prayers, love and strength. We as strong resilient people can be on a healing journey, be it individually or collectively as a community, nation or internationally. Working, living sharing and loving one another no matter of Race, Religion,Sexual Orientation well into the future. From my heart to yours keep safe and peace out #goodbye2020 #thingswillgetbetter #iwanttravelagain #happynewyear
02.01.2022 Excited about some upgrades in the skatepark area. Have your say!!
02.01.2022 Hi everyone, wanted to let you know that the IPC will announce their decision on the Narrabri Gas Project sometime in the next 8 business days (they could annou...nce early so bear this in mind) but definitely by the 30th September we will know if we have done enough to protect the Pilliga. In the meantime show your support for the Pilliga and load up this pic frame THAT IS 8 DAYS TILL WE FIND OUT THE FATE OF OUR BACKYARD!!!! Surely the tens of thousands of people that have shown in submissions, surveys, petitions, IPC hearing voices will be heard and the decision be made fair and just. If it is approved we definitely know that grass root community people do not matter to our governments. #pilligascrub #santos #ourwaterisunderthreat See more
02.01.2022 I am pleased and proud to announce that the newly formed Town Beautification Committee for Coonabarabran has been awarded $233,000 from the NSW Government to convert a section of Little Timor Street into an attractive pedestrian plaza. Lots of hard work was put in by the committee (disclosure I am the Chairman) with only two weeks notice between the opening of the grant and our submission via the council. Well done Town Beautification Committee! Thank you as well to the Coonabarabran Times for the great front page article, good news like this deserves to be celebrated and promoted. Good things ARE happening in our town, and local committees are always looking for locals to get involved.
01.01.2022 Just seen this and it resonated with me. (Not sure who originally wrote it) Election year for Council. Anyone willing to step up and be a voice for your community? We need a diverse range of people from every corner of the shire and the 6 towns and multiple villages.
01.01.2022 Last chance to register to attend Coonabarabran Community Consultation meeting this afternoon at 5pm. You need to be registered before 3pm. COME HAVE YOUR SAY!!
01.01.2022 Today Thursday, 10th September, 2020 World Suicide Prevention Day Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. An opportunity to raise awareness of suicide and suicide prevention across the globe. We have all been touched by suicide in some way, be it through lived experience, bereavement through loss of loved ones, or the dedication to the work of Suicide Prevention Networks in communities across the country our local Network Yarn, Support, Connect - Coonabarabran Suic...ide Prevention Network is only a bit over a year old and has hit the ground running. I’m proud to be part of the team. Today, we're sending you a virtual arrangement of Sunflowers for you to pause, enjoy and admire as you reflect on what World Suicide Prevention Day means to you. All over the world the sunflower is a symbol of illumination and life. The petals of the sunflower glow a rich yellow colour a reminder that there is always hope. The sunflower follows the path of the sun a reminder to feel the warmth and comfort that we need. The stem of the sunflower is a strong support a reminder that we can find strength and support in those around us. The centre of the sunflower is brimming with hundreds of seeds - a reminder that we are not alone. Thank you for bringing hope, warmth, comfort, strength, support and connection to your communities, through our Network, with positive interactions with other community members each day and particularly on World Suicide Prevention Day. Together, we are making a difference.