Kohesion | Product/service
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23.01.2022 Happy new year friends!! Im back at my desk after a bonza Christmas break and am ready to rock 2020 with some website and logo projects already booked in. Heres one of the last squarespace websites I created last year for @propelsa in prep for their launch. . . . #kohesion #graphicdesign #adelaidehills #southaustralia #propelsa #squarespace #webdesign #bringon2020
23.01.2022 ing these recycled paper organic feels...these DL flyers I recently created for @capejaffawines are flying into handbags, gathered from caravan parks, tourism info centres and locally surrounding shop desks. Long live print! . . . #kohesiongraphicdesign #capejaffawines #kohesion #graphicdesign #print #adelaidehills #southaustralia #printsnotdead #robe
23.01.2022 Creative process snapshot . . . #creativeprocess #kohesiondesign #logodesign #huntleysharvest #adelaide #graphicdesign #adelaidehills #smallfarmproduce #messydesigner
22.01.2022 Aaaaaand they're live! I've been working and networking with Propel SA (formally known as EBEC) for a number of years and have received so much value and support from their service and recently created their website - fresh off the launchpad this morning!
21.01.2022 Weve had some frosty mornings in the #adelaidehills this week! Managed to keep my shivering hands still long enough to snap these two... . . # #kohesion #southaustralia #graphicdesign #photography #brr
21.01.2022 Getting up close and personal today with coupling fittings! Removing backgrounds of product photographs for a clients sales brochure...Who thought couplings could be so pretty! #graphicdesign #kohesion #couplingsdeservetobeprettytoo #fighttheboring #colourfulcouplings
21.01.2022 Product brochures for Airquip and Pipetool in Mount Barker. For all things air compressor and pipe like - see this lovely family run business in the Hills; they are a pleasure to work with. They've invented this innovative Air Compressor specifically for farming - the things I learn about in my job! #kohesion #southaustralia #graphicdesign #adelaidehills #adelaide #mountbarker #productbrochure
20.01.2022 These are horrendous! *shielding eyes #kohesion #graphicdesign #thankgoodnesstheydontlookliketheseanymore
19.01.2022 Print isn't dead yet. Direct mail achieves a 4.4% response rate, compared to 0.12% for email! Here's some flyers for Arboz Tree Services I've created to alert local residents of their existence and how they can get in contact with them. . . . #kohesion #graphicdesign #southaustralia #adelaidehills #directmail #flyers
19.01.2022 1 week til launch! I've been busy creating the new Eastside Business Centre website (their new name TBA!) I love talking to new people and networking is a great way to meet like-minded business owners. #staytuned #kohesion #graphicdesign #webdesign
19.01.2022 Creative thinking techniques arent just for graphic designers! Heres my son having a go at SCAMPER - its helping him come up with a new invention from a ruler...not sure about the smacking his mates bit? . . . #whenyourmumisadesigner #kohesion #graphicdesign #southaustralia #scamper #creativethinking
19.01.2022 Love it when companies dare to be different. Check out the new placement of the Heinz sauce label! #kohesion #graphicdesign #doyousmackitorshakeit #deadhorse
18.01.2022 C L I E N T C A S E S T U D Y #flyerdesign for verbalize.science.com! Calling all #scientists...If you want to really get your bunsen burning, get the word out about your research project! Check out this company...Theyre on a mission to make science and innovation accessible to everyone! #kohesion #science #graphicdesign
18.01.2022 Dazzling colours, seductive scents and superb seasonal shows...Kents gardens are world-famous. Did you know the Adelaide Hills has it's own Kentish gardener? Not too long ago, Guy from Forte Gardening packed his bags and moved to the Adelaide Hills. Here is part of the visual identity I recently created for him.
17.01.2022 The realities of a home office! I havent tried the face palm, yet. Have your kids embarrassed you at work?!
15.01.2022 CLIENT CASE STUDY - Dixon Industries With branches in Singapore, America and Australia, Dixon have an exisiting visual identity with necessary guidelines to ensure brand recognition across their target audiences in all 3 countries. I've been working within those - combining graphics created overseas to create a banner backdrop together with a series of product brochures and right now - wall decals for their recently renovated office in Royal Park! (yep, I'm an interior designer too now ;) I also now know a lot more about couplings than I used to...
13.01.2022 Mini beer packaging creation for @loophole.brewing #cute. Soon to be human sized and contain 12 x 375ml cans. Noice. #packaging #loopholebrewingco #kohesion #adelaide #southaustralia #adelaidehills #graphicdesign #robe
13.01.2022 OF THE EARTH Vehicle signage New car = new signage for the straw bale experts @ Of The Earth: Building Permaculture Landscapes... #kohesion #graphicdesign #carsignage #visualidentity #adelaide #southaustralia
11.01.2022 Colour matching in preparation for a style guide creation.... Because accuracy matters if you want consistency across your visual branding. #whatanerd #moreexcitingthanyouthink #smallthingsmatter #PMScolours . . . #kohesion #kohesiondesign #graphicdesign #southaustralia #adelaidehills
11.01.2022 CLIENT SHOWCASE Skytrust Intelligence System are local to Adelaide, offering a cloud-based, safety & compliance software system to many companies. I've recently designed for them, a self-managed Wordpress site since their old one was deemed unworthy for their business growth. Here's a snapshot! Check it out live, here www.skytrust.com.au... #kohesion #webdesign #graphicdesign #skytrust #adelaide #adelaidehills #southaustralia #happylongweekend #friyay
10.01.2022 Meet Benen Huntley. My latest #branding and #packaging project for #huntleysharvest involved working with this guy and his lovely wife Siobhan (she was busy watering the veggies) These eggs are freshly pooped in One Tree Hill and I swear taste so good because of how much love their chickens receive Huntleys Harvest are soon to produce honeycomb and honey... with more products on their horizon Head over to Huntley's Harvest and give them some facebook love. #graphicdesign #kohesiondesign #adelaidehills #southaustralia
10.01.2022 Did you know, today is Wonder Woman day?! Some women save the world from evil villains and some play soccer... Check out this ripper ad from Nike!
10.01.2022 MOTIVATE MOVE MANAGE EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY I was lucky enough @louhack91 picked me to work with her to create this visual identity she will be using to launch her new business soon! #kohesion #graphicdesign #visualidentity #branding #brochure #exercisephysiology
09.01.2022 Forget Inspector Gadget, Brad can hack a phone in seconds with only software! With a 20 year police career hes now armed with some seriously fancy forensic extraction device technology from Israel. Here is his new visual identity Ive recently completed - currently being pushed out across a brochure, website, client info templates and business cards. . . . #graphicdesign #adelaidehills #darlingdowns #toowoomba #privateinvestigations #kohesion #southaustralia
09.01.2022 Adelaide Home Control loved their logo and wanted to keep it but, had no style guide, images in their library or icons to pad out their visual identity, soooo I created some! Heres their promo brochure... #kohesion #graphicdesign #southaustralia #brochuredesign
09.01.2022 A concrete kerbing company logo evolving - loving this bevel typeface
07.01.2022 Introducing... the new office puppies!
05.01.2022 Logo design for RIGEASY, a UK based rigging, lighting and design company. Imagine all the concerts they must see! . . . #kohesion #graphicdesign #adelaidehills #southaustralia #rigging #lighting
05.01.2022 Creative advertising done right!
04.01.2022 Way-hey! Check out these beauties fitting nicely into that mix n match beer carton I recently created for @loophole.brewing cheers!
04.01.2022 CALLING ALL SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS!! Check out the new and improved @Eastside Business Enterprise Centre Inc. tomorrow when the website is launched (created by me!) It's the future of business support!
03.01.2022 Recent logo design for an #adelaidehills concrete business specialising in kerbing. Reckon I got the mix right? . . . #ishouldgetpaidformypunstheyresogood #orpaidtostop #kohesiondesign #kohesion #southaustralia #graphicdesign
02.01.2022 There's a new brewery on the block - Loophole Brewing Co. and they really do make a decent pint . I recently created their website... Using their existing logo and style guide, I expanded their visual identity to include icons, website banners while adding copywriting to suit their brand language. The site is hosted with Wine Direct - a fully inclusive CRM platform including point of sale - targeting the wine industry and now, beer! It was tough, design-wise to create a visually pleasing yet functional site with the back-end constraints I was up against but, I reckon the end result speaks volumes (). Head over to the site for a better look and don't forget to buy some beer! https://www.loopholebrewing.com.au/
01.01.2022 Famous for his melting clocks, Salvador Dali also designed...the Chupa Chup logo! Oh and, did you know the name Chupa Chup comes from the Spanish verb, chupar which means 'to suck'?! #essentiallifeknowledge #graphicdesign #kohesion
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