Koka Sherry | Home decor
Koka Sherry
Phone: +61 413 337 537
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25.01.2022 Super excited for our up and coming Annual VIP Xmas Market, with our amazing friends... Come along to join us, support local & pick up some beautiful, unique gifts #supportlocal #givingisliving #giftsforchristmas
23.01.2022 It's Just Another Day. Du Du Du Du Du It's Just Another Day. Du Du Du Du Du It’s Just Another Day It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut and sometimes in the waves of change, there just might be our true direction waiting. ... Today’s choice is to pep up with this stunning Peperomia She’s fairly easy care, but will love a little morning light to keep her leaves shining ever so bright... Be the change you wish to see in the world #kokedamabrisbane #kokedamalove #kokedama #kokasherry #plantlife #indoorplants #urbanjungle #plantsofinstagram #peperomia #radiatorplant #twine #moss #stringgardens #livingart #supportlocal #paulmccartneysong #anotherday #timeforchange
23.01.2022 Creating, wrapping a beautiful curly spider plant Koke with such long lush leaves that want to wrap around the base, can actually be a little delicate and take more time... . This little cutie kind of got a bit neglected in one of my propagation areas, but a really nice surprise to see her thriving on her own... This only proves that even though her leaves are super delicate when wrapping into a Koke, she is clearly ever so strong and hardy... What a beauty... . #...plantlove #plantlife #easycare #airpurifyingplants #indoorplants #spiderplant #curlyspiderplant #Kokedama #kokedamalove #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #plantlifebalance #stringgardens #twine #plantsmakepeoplehappy See more
22.01.2022 Inspiring vibes as we see new growth & power on into a new exciting month Check out the gorgeous new glossy foliage on this beauty ‘eternity plant’, the Zanzibar Gem... She is reaching for stars indeed #zanzibar #zanzibargem #zzplant #eternityplant #kokedama #kokedamabrisbane #kokedamalove #stringgardens #moss #twine #plantsmakemehappy #livingart #creations #worthy #wise #wonderful
21.01.2022 Good luck Jade is sending out bright, sweet signals This little cutie resides on a western windowsill, tends to get a little neglected.... but loves soaking up the warmth from the afternoon sunshine... . So much arvo sunshine in winter has made her blush a little, but I think her red tips are super gorgeous .... . #sunkisses #afternoonsun #redtips #wintersun #goodluckjade #jade #kokedama #kokedamalove #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #stringgardens #succulents #crassulaovata #twine #newgrowth #newbeginnings #plantlife #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy
21.01.2022 Happy Monstera Monday.... Swiss cheese plant works well with the Honey & the bees This little bamboo range of climbers are just too cute for words... . Only a couple of these beauties currently available, DM to enquire/order and pop along to our VIP shopping event on the 28th to check it out for yourself #monsteraadonsonii #kokedama #kokedamalove #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #honeys #plantlife #plantsmakemehappy #monsteramonday #cippa #urbanjungle #indoorpants #moss #twine
19.01.2022 New month, new shoots, new beginnings.... What’s not to love about the beautiful warmth of Spring and all that it bringsEvery new month since the pandemic, I have been inspired by a few ‘feel good’ quotes from my 2020 calendar & September brings ‘Love yourself first’ ..... . As a Mumma, daughter, wife and friend this can actually be a hard thing to do, but perhaps it’s time to try change and give it a little go... Pretty sure this Golden Pothos is glowing with self-love, check out those new shoots .... #pothos #devilsivy #goldenpothos #kokedamalove #kokedama #kokasherry #plantlife #indoorplants #urbanjungle #twine #moss #stringgardens #livingart #supportlocal #cippa #loveyourselffirst
19.01.2022 Super sweet hanging Spider plant Kokedama, freshly made for an order & headed off on a new journey Shine your own light, reach for the stars & grow little sunshine grow . #kokedama #kokedamalove #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #stringgardens #spiderplant #twine #shinebright #reachforthestars #shineyourownlight #newgrowth #newbeginnings #makeithappen #plantlife #plantsofinstagram #indoorplants #growlittlesunshine
19.01.2022 Happy Monday plant peeps Super excited to collaborate with Honeys and have a couple of very special pieces available combining Kokedamas with bamboo honey bee climbers Don’t you think they’re a perfect match . Come along to The Plant Lovers' Market this Saturday 14th November 8am til 1pm, 1368 Gympie Road, Aspley Central and treat yourself to a unique little gem . #sosupercute #bambooclimbers #honeybee #kokedamalove #kokedama #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #livinggifts #plantsofinstagram #plantlife #indoorplants #goldenpothos #devilsivy #cippa
18.01.2022 Baby Fiddle Leaf Figs are so super cute in Kokedamas She’s simply enough to brighten up everyone’s hump day Hang in there & shine bright today, tomorrow & then after #Kokedama #kokedamabrisbane #moss #kokasherry #kokedamalove #twine #fiddleleaffig #cutiepie #plantlife #indoorplants #indoorplantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #urbanjungle #plantsofinstagram
16.01.2022 Top 5 favourites that are perfectly suited for ‘The Man Cave’, shed or office All of these gems are air purifying and super hardy, which makes them the perfect gift for Papa Bear don’t you think... . All are currently available & ready to be go. Check out link in BIO for prices and DM me if you would like to order in time for Father’s Day, this Sunday... Order now and pick up on Saturday @pod_espresso ... #pothos #devilsivy #goldenpothos #sansevieria #hahnii #zanzibargem #kokedamalove #kokedama #kokasherry #plantlife #indoorplants #urbanjungle #twine #moss #stringgardens #livingart #supportlocal #cippa #fathersdaygifts
14.01.2022 Sweet petite little ‘Wandering Jew’ Kokedamas are just too adorable and look great hanging around . Only a couple of these delicate little (approx tennis ball size) beauty’s available on Saturday The Plant Lovers' Market Fun mid week fact: ... Did you know this delicate little gem is actually a trailing succulent No wonder it can be fairly hardy.... Learn from yesterday, Live for Today & Hope for Tomorrow #kokedama #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #wanderingjew #tradescantia #succulents #stringgardens #ministringgardens #plantsmakemehappy #plantsofinstagram #plantlife #mossballs #twine
14.01.2022 Well hello August and all you have to offer Last month of winter, plenty more westerly winds on their way & almost birthday time for my first born... Special month, so only fitting to create a cute little Blue Star Fern Kokedama .... . You really are beautiful in every way, shape and form ..... . #bluestarfern #fern #kokedamabrisbane #kokedamalove #kokedama #kokasherry #plantlife #indoorplants #urbanjungle #plantofinstagram #twine #moss #stringgardens #livingart #supportlocal #beautifulplants
13.01.2022 We are totally excited to now be adding in our beautiful Kokedama stock, available for purchase The Vegan Cook... Amazing new little local cafe, with so many delicious treats on offer Follow their page and drop on in soon, to check it out for yourself
12.01.2022 Yippee October is here, the best month of the year Grateful for so much right now Family, friends, love, laughter & life, just to name few... . Check out our gorgeous petite Anthurium... Even though she hasn’t quite started flowering yet, she’s completely full of love with her cute little heart shaped leaves . There will be 2 of these little cuties available The Plant Lovers' Market on 10th October... Look forward to seeing you there...... . #anthurium #heartshapedleaves #kokedamalove #kokedama #kokasherry #plantlife #indoorplants #urbanjungle #twine #moss #stringgardens #livingart #supportlocal #cippa #october2020 #octoberfest #alwaysgrateful See more
11.01.2022 Happy Monday.... It’s a gorgeous day to be happy with this sweet Birds Nest Sansevieria ‘Hahnii’... She’s super easy to care for & very talented... Hahnii produces oxygen to clean the air, making her a perfect purifier & perfect for any room in your home #hahnii #sweetsanseviera #sansevieria #birdsnestsansevieria #kokedama #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #plantsofinstagram #plantlife #moss #twine #indoorplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #happymonday
11.01.2022 Happy Monday... How striking is this Zanzibar Gem Kokedama... Certainly one of the toughest when it comes to low maintenance plants... No wonder she is currently trending in 2020, appropriately a survivor... ... . Whilst ZZ Gem is a star at air purifying , the fact is that she can also be bitter sweet & sour, due to being in the toxic plant variety... Not to be feared, just always make sure you research the facts, so you can decide if your plant will ‘fit in’ wit...h your fam and fur babies..... . #zzgem #zanzibar #kokedama #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #plantsofinstagram #moss #twine #plantsmakemehappy #urbanjungle #planttrends #plantlifebalance #indoorplantsofinstagram #indoorplantstyling #doyourresearch #plant #plantbased #happymonday See more
11.01.2022 Happy hump day gorgeous people Be kind to yourself today and stand tall, just like a sweet Sansevieria Koke Always in awe of this very talented plant, as they absorb toxins from the air & cleverly produce pure oxygen at night Practically indestructible as a Kokedama ... #easycare #airpurifyingplants #happyhumpday #halfwaythere #allineedistheairthatibreathe #sansevieria #snakeplant #motherinlawstongue #Kokedama #kokedamalove #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #plantlife #plantlifebalance #stringgardens #twine #plantsmakepeoplehappy #supportlocal See more
09.01.2022 Pop on over to the Plant Lover’s Market and join us in October We would love to see you... https://fb.me/e/1I6lB7BOA
08.01.2022 Sometimes we all may need reminding to keep rising above, no matter what life continues to throw your way.... ... Today’s choice is to continue to rise above the storm, in order to find the sunshine ... . Peperomia Kokedamas are radiator plants for a reason & this little cutie always radiates nothing but positive vibes . #kokedamalove #kokedama #kokasherry #plantlife #indoorplants #urbanjungle #peperomia #pepupyourday #twine #moss #stringgardens #livingart #supportlocal #positivevibes #plantsofinstagram #sunshinyday #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsmakemehappy
08.01.2022 What a crazy week so far, but we’re half way there, right?? Exciting to look forward and join the very talented crew who will be @the_plant_lovers_market Come along, drop on by to say ‘hi’ and support local businesses Fun times to get creative & here’s a sneak peak on Kokedama stock/kits that will be available #supportlocalbusiness #kokedama #kokedamalove #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #diykokedama #sansevieria #fidddleleaffig #moss #twine #stringgardens #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantlife #indoorplants #plantsofinstagram #plantloversmarket
06.01.2022 Feel the love and brighten up your hump day with a touch of gold This beautiful Neon Pothos is shining so bright with her beautiful heart shaped leaves... What a beauty She makes my heart sing #kokedamabrisbane #kokedamalove #kokedama #kokasherry #plantlife #indoorplants #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakemehappy #urbanjungle #neonpothos #pothos #twine #moss #stringgardens #livingart #supportlocal
06.01.2022 Bringing you smiles and brightness to start your Friday Stay strong like a ‘Hardy fern’.... Ever so elegant as a ‘Parlour palm’... Be full of grace, peace and calm as a ‘Blue Star Fern’ ..... #plantsofinstagram #plantlife #plantsmakepeoplehappy #stringgardens #twine #moss #kokedama #kokedamalove #kokasherry #kokedamabrisbane #bluestarfern #hardyfern #fern #palms #ferny #smiletoday #happyfriday
03.01.2022 How gorgeous is this Snow Queen Pothos Kokedama, shining ever so bright on such a beautiful warm & sunshiny winters day She warms my soul and brings out such a big smile, whilst I watch her trailing snow queen vine growing strong #brightsunshinyday #kokedama #kokedamalove #kokedamabrisbane #kokasherry #stringgardens #pothos #snowqueenpothos #snowqueen #devilsivy #twine #moss #newgrowth #newbeginnings #makeithappen #plantlife #plantsofinstagram
02.01.2022 Sweet dreams are made of cheese & who am I to dis-a-brie... How gorgeous is this Monstera adansonii Kokedama, also known as Swiss Cheese plant#monstera #monsteraadansonii #swisscheeseplant #kokedama #kokedamabrisbane #kokedamalove #plantsmakepeoplehappy #moss #twine #livingart #stringgardens
01.01.2022 We can’t wait to join forces with so many talented plant peeps this Saturday 14/11/20 Here’s a little sneak peak at just ‘some’ of the amazing plant artists attending this month @the_plant_lovers_market Aspley Central - 1368 Gympie Rd, Aspley.... 8am -1pm .... #plantlovers #supportlocalbusiness #kokasherry #kokedamas #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsmakemehappy #plantlifebalance #cheersfortheweekend #plantlife #indoorplants #urbanjungle See more
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