Kokoda Crossing in Perth, Western Australia | Tour agent
Kokoda Crossing
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 401 679 409
Address: PO Box 277 6923 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.kokodacrossing.com
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25.01.2022 Still training for game day ! Stunning day in the Perth bush with big sweat, big heart rate, big attitude and big hills as we continue to help our clients evolve into being among the best prepared for the Track. #kokodacrossing
25.01.2022 The reward for Kokoda hill training and the search for new challenges often results in views like these. Great for the mind as well as the body. #kokodacrossing
25.01.2022 From September 12-16 1942, the Japanese pounded Ioribaiwa Ridge mercilessly with a long range mountain gun and mortars. During this time, the Australians suffered 55 deaths before withdrawing back to Imita Ridge. The fighting here inspired Sapper Bert Beros from the 2/6th Field Company Engineers to compose this poem, titled: "WX-UNKNOWN"... We knew he came from the W State (the 2/16th Battalion), Though to us he remained unknown. For the WX was marked on his hat, The rest a mortar had blown. We buried him there on a mountain spur, Where the trees are draped with moss. We thought of the mother, no news for her, Of that irreplaceable loss. Just a boy he looked with his snowy hair, So we laid him in the clay. The padres voice was loud and clear, No others had words to say. Yet we knew a mother would watch and wait, For a letter sent from her boy. How she would dream of the things he did, How his first words caused her joy. Perhaps she will know in some unknown way, Of that little rugged cross. The remains of her hero, under it lay, Where the trees are draped with moss. We cursed the heathen who stripped the dead, No pity on them can be shown. We marked the cross so it can be read, WX-UNKNOWN #kokodacrossing
24.01.2022 Although not from the Kokoda Campaign, I thought this photo worth sharing. The look in the eye before impending battle ... This is a platoon from C Company, 2/11th Battalion (the first WA Battalion raised for service in WW2), before they attacked Japanese positions near Matapau in PNG in January 2, 1945. #kokodacrossing
23.01.2022 Meet young Karen from Buna. Her Dad owns the guesthouse where we stay and loves it when Kokoda trekkers make the effort to visit her beachside village paradise ! What a place to grow up ! #kokodacrossing
23.01.2022 Merry Christmas to everyone and THANKYOU !
23.01.2022 Porter Support Fund Update. We are extremely pleased to provide you with an update on how your generous funds have been effectively spent over in PNG. After consultation with the senior porters and Operations Manager, we felt that helping the boys generate a long-term revenue and income stream would be highly beneficial, given the trekking season may be impacted longer than just in 2020. In light of that, we have purchased a decent amount of gardening equipment that will be u...sed to secure clean up and maintenance contract work with both the government and private sector in and around the Kokoda district. Ongoing employment will be a key to their long term welfare ... even when trekking returns, the off season always sees their income drop, so this will help alleviate that. Purchases included two lawnmowers as well as a brush cutter and wheelbarrow amongst other tools. The remaining money has been spent on food, medicines, school books and mobile phone data. What a fantastic result from the generous efforts of all our donors. Well done and THANKYOU so much ! #kokodacrossing
22.01.2022 Something a bit different today ... off-track GPS waypoint hiking. Good to spice up your training ! #kokodacrossing
22.01.2022 Our ANZAC Day Memorial Trek is a Go ! Stunning day down here in the south west as we bounced out on 14 km stretch from Cape Naturaliste to Yallingup. Every team member will be carrying a poppy on their packs and reflecting in their own way on what the ANZAC spirit means to them. #kokodacrossing
21.01.2022 Thought he’d catch a few without the boss finding out . For those who have trekked, can you identify the culprit ? #kokodacrossing
21.01.2022 You often don’t need much to be comfortable whilst on the Track ... what a way to spend the night in the jungle ! 1. Shelter. 2. Sleeping mat. 3. Sleeping bag.... 4. Candle light. #kokodacrossing
20.01.2022 Living History. Honar Dogari was just a little girl when the Japanese landed on the beach near her village of Sanananda. She still has vivid memories of her experiences. Would you like to meet her? Plan your tour with us in 2021.... #kokodacrossing
18.01.2022 Journalist Osmar White describing the arrival of the 21st Brigade as they departed along the Kokoda Track, destined to help the stricken 39th Battalion at Isurava - August 1942. #kokodacrossing
17.01.2022 Village life on the Kokoda Track... Pride in the village presentation. Beautifully manicured gardens. Colour. Simplicity.... Kindness. Shared history. Visitors are welcome any time of the day and night. We are all mates. #kokodacrossing
17.01.2022 Dont you just love it when the wattle comes out ! Brilliant exploration trek today. Mega hills and beautiful scenery. #kokodacrossing
16.01.2022 July 23 - Papua New Guinea Remembrance Day. On this day in 1942, the first shots were exchanged between the Japanese and soldiers from the Papuan Infantry Battalion, near the village of Awala. One could say these were the first shots of the Kokoda Campaign. Its a very important day on the local calendar and these photos have just been sent through by KC Head Guide John Sanana, showing the ceremony conducted at Awala. #kokodacrossing
14.01.2022 July 29, 1942: The 1st Battle for Kokoda. A baptism of fire for our young diggers. Let's set the scene ... it's 2am in the morning, you're 19 years old in the 39th Battalion, you've been drafted into the Army (not volunteered), you've been shipped off to New Guinea with no real idea why or what your objective is, you've been based in Port Moresby for months and contracted malaria, you've trekked for days over the Owen Stanleys carrying all your gear, your laying in a small ...trench on the Kokoda plateau, you're outgunned, ill-equipped, ill-trained, machine guns and mortars open on your positions, your current commanding officer has just been killed (your first commanding officer was killed less than a week earlier)... and you're about to come face to face with some of Japan's finest and toughest soldiers who will show you no mercy .... These photos are from the Kokoda Plateau looking down toward the direction from which the Japanese attacked. #kokodacrossing
14.01.2022 Happy Independence Day to all our valued friends and colleagues in Papua New Guinea !! On September 16, 1975, Michael Somare's title of Chief Minister was changed to Prime Minister and John Guise was appointed Governor-General to represent Queen Elizabeth as Head of State. A new country was officially born. Papua New Guinea adopted its own constitution which begins by stating five goals;... Freedom and human rights Equal opportunities and benefits Independence and self-reliance Wise use of natural resources Papua New Guinean forms of social, political and economic organisation. #kokodacrossing
14.01.2022 How does this look for an overnight camping spot ? Can you picture yourself here ? The ultimate winter escape up in the remote Kimberley region of WA. August 14 -21. Still positions available so drop us a message for details.... #kokodacrossing
12.01.2022 On most of my treks Im the lucky and honoured recipient of a brand new Bilum bag courtesy of the wives of our porters. These handwoven string bags come in a variety of styles and the coloured patterns that reflect stories, current events and PNG history. Most of the ladies bilums have a short handle that fits around the forehead, allowing them to carry loads but leaving their hands free. Often its a baby in the arms and a bilum around the head !! #kokodacrossing
12.01.2022 On the 2nd of November, 1942 a small patrol from the 2/31st Battalion quietly emerged from the mountains and re-entered Kokoda following bitter fighting and suffering along the Track since August 8, when the 39th Battalion withdrew. The war diarist from the 16th Brigade wrote: "The valley was widening, the pouring, dripping, misty ranges were being left behind. Everyone seemed to feel it; even the native carriers returning along the track had stuck gay yellow flowers in their... hair, adding an air of almost festivity to the march". The black and white photo below shows the flag raising ceremony conducted on November 3 whilst the colour photo shows the Kokoda Plateau flagpoles as they stand today (2019 photo). Tomorrow our porters and the villagers will come together in Kokoda and celebrate the anniversary of this event. #kokodacrossing
11.01.2022 Battle of Midway - June 3-6, 1942. Such an important part of history from the Second World War. This strategic battle around the tiny atol of Midway saw a major shift in momentum in the Pacific War against Japan. Japanese losses (approx): 4 aircraft carriers, 1 cruiser, over 300 aircraft, 3057 men.... US losses (approx): 1 aircraft carrier, 1 destroyer, 144 aircraft, 362 men. The defeat came at a time when US war production was ramping up. The new vessels greatly assisted the fight against the Japanese forces and subsequent victory in 1945. The impact on the Kokoda Campaign was also significant as it meant Japan had lost the control of the surrounding seas and therefore unlimited support for PNG. https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/battle-of-midway #kokodacrossing
11.01.2022 Good morning Newcastle ... are you aware of the 34 Japanese submarine shells that rained down on your city in the early hours of June 8, 1942 ? This article provides a nice summary along with some interesting photos and drawings ... particularly giving us information about the location of the sub. #kokodacrossing ... https://www.ozatwar.com/japsubs/japsshell03.htm
11.01.2022 Big shout out today to one of KC’s most trusted and loyal partners ... Adventurous Women, led by Sue Hile. The shut down of the international tourism market over the last 12 months has seen tremendous pressures on operators .. As always, the cream rises when the heat is on and true colours emerge. AW has been very supportive of our business and we look forward to partnering on more trekking and adventure activities when we are permitted to do so! Check them out !... https://www.adventurouswomen.com.au/ #kokodacrossing
11.01.2022 We are approaching the anniversary of another tragic battle fought along the Track. Its difficult to describe the powerful emotions felt as you set up camp right on the battlefield. Many trekkers describe this experience as the highlight of their journey. #kokodacrossing #brigadehill
11.01.2022 Why the poppy? During April and May 1915, the second battle for Ypres took place in Belgium. After this battle (87,000 allied casualties and 37,000 German), a Canadian surgeon, Lt Col John McCrae noticed a cluster of red poppies growing on the battlefield. Inspired by this he wrote a poem "In Flanders Field".... At a meeting of YMCA's in November 1918, Moina Michael, who worked for the American YMCA spoke of the poem and the wearing of red poppies. Anna Guérin, the French YMCA secretary, took the idea further by selling poppies to raise money for widows, orphans, and needy veterans and their families. Within a year, Guérin brought her campaign to England, where in November 1921 the newly founded (Royal) British Legion held its first-ever Poppy Appeal, which sold millions of the silk flowers and raised over 106,000 (a hefty sum at the time) to go towards finding employment and housing for Great War veterans. The following year, Major George Howson set up the Poppy Factory in Richmond, England, in which disabled servicemen were employed to make the fabric and paper blooms. The Australian Returned Soldiers and Sailors Imperial League (the forerunner to the RSL) first sold poppies for Armistice Day in 1921. For this drive, the league imported one million silk poppies, made in French orphanages. Each poppy was sold for a shilling: five pence was donated to a charity for French children, six pence went to the League's own welfare work, and one penny went to the League's national coffers. In Flanders Field In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
11.01.2022 I was once told by a FORMER colleague you’re just lucky things don’t go wrong on your trips. That’s right ... Prior Preparation and Planning has nothing to do with it That’s not to say things can’t go wrong ... but what we do behind the scenes has a massive impact.... #kokodacrossing
10.01.2022 These boys are from the New Guinea Volunteer Rifles. This unit was raised on 4 September, 1939 and consisted of men from Australia, Europe, British Isles, New Zealand and Asia who now resided in New Guinea. Following the initial Japanese landings around Lae and Salamaua in March 1942, the NGVR constantly harassed and skirmished with the enemy using guerilla tactics up until late May when the first elements of the AIF arrived (2/5th Independent Company). They then supported th...e regular Army units in constant engagements and ambushes up until early 1943 when the surviving and few fit remaining members of the force were distributed among other Australian units. Here we have Rifleman G.R Archer, Rifleman J. Cavanaugh and Sergeant J.B McAdam, camouflaged in an observation post near the village of Nuk Nuk in August 1942. There is a certain look about these guys ... how would you describe them? #kokodacrossing
09.01.2022 The kids on the Track learn skills for survival from an early age. Mastering the sling shot for hunting forms an important component of their repertoire. Note the cute little mini bilum bag ! #kokodacrossing
09.01.2022 When trekking, even though we always encourage teamwork and camaraderie amongst our groups, if you wish to spend time walking on your own this is absolutely ok too. I will often find no one else around and its amazing where your mind takes you. I reflect on loved ones back home, the amazing terrain and natural beauty that surrounds me, how my group is progressing mentally and physically, the health of our porter team as well as putting myself in the shoes of our diggers and wondering what on earth was going through their minds .... If youve trekked before what are some of the thoughts that came to you during your quiet and more reflective moments ? #kokodacrossing
09.01.2022 100 years young today !!! Happy Birthday to this Australian legend ... Mr Bill Grayden. As one our last living direct links to the Kokoda Campaign, Bill represents all that is good in the proud, tough and stoic Australian character. A veteran of both the Middle East and Pacific theatres of World War II, Bill also served for 43 years in both State and Federal politics whilst somehow managing to raise 10 children at the same time !! For those who have sat with us at Brigade ...Hill and Ioribaiwa Ridge, you will recall Bill's account of the experiences both he and his fellow 2/16th Battalion comrades endured during these phases of the campaign. If you wish to leave your own personal message to Bill in the comments section, please do so below and we'll ensure he receives it. https://www.2nd16thassoc.com.au/bill-grayden
08.01.2022 What a cracking day in the Jarrahdale State Forest for our return to Kokoda preparation. Freezing start followed by morning tea on the granite. Our dedicated troopers have lost nothing in Iso !!! #kokodacrossing
08.01.2022 The beautiful South West of WA .... scoping out some new tour locations for those wanting a bit of a challenge ! #kokodacrossing
07.01.2022 September 8, 1942 - Brigade Hill. The withdrawing Australian's under Brigadier Arnold Potts (2/16th), had set up a defensive position both here and on nearby Mission Ridge. During the evening of September 7, the advancing Japanese had navigated their way through the jungle and encircled the Australian positions, cutting off Brigade HQ from the remnants of the 2/14th and 2/16th Battalions. Pott's ordered the first wave of Australian's forward to fight through and relieve the... besieged 40 men at HQ. Most of these men were either cut down or trapped in the jungle as the well entrenched Japanese laid down heavy fire with rifle, machine guns and grenades. Only 9 men made it through to HQ. At that point, Pott's ordered these men plus extras from HQ to fight back through the Japanese positions to link up with the remaining Australians on the other side. Knowing the futility of the situation, Captain Breton Langridge (pictured below - 23 years old) handed his paybook to 2IC Lt David Kayler-Thompson, whilst Lt Henry Lambert handed over his prize tin of tobacco. Within minutes both men were dead. Altogether 62 Australians were killed in this action and 39 killed earlier at Mission Ridge. "As zero hour approached the order was given to fix bayonets. I watched our men awaiting the orders to advance. I saw the determined jaws, the tensed lips, keen eyes and alert bodies. There was not a movement, and not a word spoken. They knew what lay ahead of them and each steady, confident man knew that he had a trusted mate beside him." Captain Henry Steward 2/16th Battalion
07.01.2022 What a day. Seek out the movie The Lighthorsemen for a depiction of this famous event.
07.01.2022 Late November 1942 saw the Australians go into action around the beachside village of Gona. In a little over four weeks, we lost 379 killed in action, as the soldiers faced both horrific fighting conditions and questionable leadership decisions which contributed to this slaughter. This amazing photo shows our lads having a meal next to a makeshift Japanese grave, less than 100m from the enemy positions. #kokodacrossing
07.01.2022 Kokoda Crossing Operations Manager, Henry Amuli, journeyed deep into his Sohe Electorate for PNGs 45th anniversary of Independence Day. A day long party ! #kokodacrossing
07.01.2022 August 26-30, 1942. Today is the 78th anniversary of the Battle of Isurava, one of the most important battles Australia has fought. The Japanese forces, still fresh and intact following their landing on the northern beaches only one month earlier, launched a huge assault on this feature, perched on the side of Eora Valley. At the same time, they attacked along the Missima Track on the eastern side of the valley, located to the right of this photograph. On the morning of the 2...6th, approximately 600 Australians from the 39th and 53rd militia faced several thousand Japanese. Thankfully, the 2/14th and 2/16th battalions from the 21st Brigade arrived that afternoon, after their eight day journey from Port Moresby. Without this support, the militia would have undoubtably been quickly wiped out, and the Japanese would have had a far easier journey on their way to Port Moresby. The battle raged here until August 30, when the Australians withdrew further up the Track. The cost was approximately 115 Australian lives and 500 Japanese. Can you imagine the relief of the young militia when the 21st Brigade arrived in the nick of time to support them. John Manol recounts: Thats the first time Id ever seen a man dressed in green. That was at Isurava and this bloke jumped into our pit and I thought, Jesus hes a bloody nip ! Green uniform ? Where are you from and who are you ? Were the 2/14th replied the soldier. I thought Christ has come down again, we all did. We thought of them as Gods, these blokes. They were tall and they were tanned .... clean uniforms ... whereas youd look around at your mates and their eyes were sunken back in their heads and they were pale and dirty and grubby #kokodacrossing
06.01.2022 The experience of Kokoda resonates long after you have left the Track. When you have trekkers tell you they think of their tour every day of the week, it reinforces why we continue to go back ... the history, the national pride, the reward for effort, the teamwork, the friendships, the culture, the appreciation of someone elses sacrifice, the unsurpassed natural beauty of the Owen Stanleys .... We shall return. We have unfinished business.... #kokodacrossing
06.01.2022 Something a little different today. This beautiful and haunting piece featured in a famous Australian movie .... which one ? https://youtu.be/XMbvcp480Y4
05.01.2022 Today marks the 75th anniversary of the official surrender of Japan in WWII. The day became known as "VJ" Day (Victory over Japan) in both the United States and Britain, whilst in Australia, it was known as "VP" Day (Victory in the Pacific). The official surrender documents were signed on September 2, aboard the USS Missouri battleship, anchored just off Tokyo. Half an hour later, 42 US ships entered Tokyo Bay with 13,000 troops. The US occupation of Japan lasted until 1952!...! At the time, Australia had a population of 7 million ... of those an incredible 1 million served in the armed forces. Of the 39,000 Australians to die in the war, 17,000 died fighting the Japanese (brutally 8,000 in captivity). In an era of resilience and intense national loyalty, we should be incredibly proud of what our population achieved on Australia's behalf. Jack Sims from the 39th Battalion wrote: "Some prayed, some swore with fear, but you wouldn't show it in front of your mates. One of the boys got shot fair between the eyes, right alongside me. It was a perfect shot. Terrible to be afraid, but it's the brave ones afraid that still keep going, that's what they did you know. Scared bloody stiff and they still kept going". #kokodacrossing
04.01.2022 July 21 : Today is the anniversary of the Japanese landings at Buna - Gona on the northern beaches of PNG. This is essentially the beginning of the Kokoda campaign which saw approximately 2000 troops land as part of the Yokoyama Advance Force, led by Colonel Yokoyama Yosuke. They consisted of infantry from the 144th Regiment, special forces engineers and elite members of the Sasebo 5 Special Naval Landing Party. Accompanying them were around 450 pack horses and 1200 native...s from nearby Rabaul who had been enslaved by the Japanese. The following 4 weeks saw the bulk of the invasion fleet land, approximately 12000 troops. Initial engagement with Australian and Papuan troops occurred 2 days later. Despite propaganda that the Japanese soldier was small in stature and not to be feared, it turned out Japan had sent some of their absolute finest and most experienced military elements. #kokodacrossing
04.01.2022 Goodbye Cobber, God Bless You. August 7, 1915. The Nek, Gallipoli The origin of my business, Kokoda Crossing, can be traced back to a winters day in 1981 when my maternal grandfather, Colin Thompson (himself a veteran from PNG in WW2) took me to see the movie, Gallipoli.... From that day my passion for Australian military history was cemented. The movie was based on this tragic battle involving young men from the Victorian 8th and West Australian 10th Lighthorse Regiments. This suicidal attack on the Turkish trenches took place over an area not much bigger than a tennis court. Out of 600 men, 234 were killed and 138 wounded. A tragic result from a battle that was essentially a diversion from other strategic objectives as part of the doomed August Offensive. https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au//g/august-offensive/the-nek
04.01.2022 Kokoda Crossings Maintenance & Gardening Division is up and running! Lets see where we can take this business! #kokodacrossing #ambition #empowerment
03.01.2022 Ok girls ... todays topic ... crocs on the Kokoda Track ... thumbs up for yes or down for no. Thankyou for the endorsement ! #kokodacrossing
03.01.2022 On Christmas Eve, 1942, Australian soldiers from the 2/10th Battalion were fighting for their lives through this location (Old Air Strip) at Buna. The picture looks serene and quite beautiful but at this time of year, the humidity and heat are destructive forces ... particularly when you are moving in the sun and carrying around 15kg and being shot at by artillery and machine guns. The following soldiers fell on this day ... Sgt Eric Battye Pte Federick Burns... Pte Herbert Chellew Pte Vernon Coombes Pte Norman Dempsey Pte Thomas Fitzgerald Tpr Frank Forster A/Cpl Charles Freaux L Cpl William Goodgame Pte John Green Pte Keith Griffith Capt Austen Ifould A/Cpl Thomas Jones A/Cpl Colin McDonald Pte William McPharlin Pte Maurice O’Connor Pte William Scott Pte John Silvester Pte Robert Smyth L/Cpl Edwin Stoodley Pte Douglas Trewatha Pte Gordon Watkins Lest We Forget.
02.01.2022 Buna family bond .... #kokodacrossing
02.01.2022 Photographic tours around the world are popular ... but have they ever ventured over the mighty Kokoda Track ? From our research this is the first of its kind ... a workshop run by a Kokoda historical expert PLUS an award winning AIPP (Australian Institute of Professional Photography) accredited photography mastermind. We have limited numbers available for both the 2021 tour and the Information Night on July 29. Register your interest now as this will be advertised to a world...wide database of photographic enthusiasts. #kokodacrossing #houseofphotography
02.01.2022 6 June 1944 - Operation Overlord - D Day. Lets hope the media can shift their focus for two minutes to honour the largest amphibious operation in history. Around 3,000 Australians were involved in the landings ... 2,500 with the Royal Air Force and Royal Australian Air Force, along with 500 with the Royal Navy. 12 Australian soldiers were also imbedded with the British Army to gain experience in amphibious operations for later in the Pacific. Of this total, 14 Australians w...ere killed. #kokodacrossing #lestweforget
01.01.2022 Tom from California headed to Kokoda last year as hed heard rumours about the amazing oversized, organic fruit and vegetables we source for our trek nutrition. Rumour confirmed ... #kokodacrossing
01.01.2022 Has there ever been a better location for an outhouse ? #deniki #kokodacrossing
01.01.2022 Simply a great photo. Here we have the boys from the 2/6th Independent Company taking a stroll along the beach near Buna. This group were tasked with long range and remote patrolling throughout PNG, living off the land and moving with stealth. One specific job they had was to patrol out in front of the inexperienced US 126th Regiment, as they advanced from Pongani to Buna in November 1942. Can you imagine the confidence it gave those young National Guardsmen from the mid-wes...t of the USA to have these tough legends leading the charge ? The Company later had a name change to the 2/6th Commando Squadron. Although disbanded after the war, these groups were the forerunners to the amazing special forces units we have operating with distinction today. #kokodacrossing
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