Kokoro Bliss Reiki in Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Spa
Kokoro Bliss Reiki
Locality: Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 478 028 320
Address: Palmview 4553 Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 Posted @withregram @kokorobliss So I had to buy this from a very talented silversmith at the local markets. Nothing is a coincidence and I just had to finally have this for my Healing Space. You know when your just drawn to something Or more like it chooses and draws you in - you are just meant to have it. This little Buddha has travelled back from Chiang Mai, there must be some sort of deeper spiritual connection to this incredible Buddha sitting on a stunning clear quar...tz point. Amazing I have looked at this for so many months on the stall at the market and now it is where it is meant to be. Funny when you think about it, it wasn’t purchased until I decided I had to have it. It’s as though it was waiting for me. Similarly - years ago as part of our spiritual development we were set a task to find a Journey Stick or rather it found us. I stumbled on mine lying on a shelf after walking into an interesting shop for a browse. I was instant drawn to a fat wooden stick with stunning silk braid wrapped around it. Once I explained to the store owner what I intended to use it for, she quickly removed the braid for me and handed me the wooden stick. (Here you must have it ) she said with enthusiasm and willingly volunteered what became my Journey Stick. I bought some rolls of beautiful silk braid to create my jewelled beauty. Funny how this Journey Stick had travelled from India out of an old Indian woman’s basket of have woven treasures - back to Australia. I now travel to India frequently in pursuit of my second passion for sourcing hand woven and hand printed textiles. You never know the tale behind connecting with something and the past it reveals as well as the connection to the future
24.01.2022 So lately loved ones like to come and sit in the Healing Energy of the healings with my clients. How beautiful to connect with someone special who has come to let you know they are with you all the time. The most recent client had her Mother sitting on my couch doing her hand sewing. Sometimes I am so much in my own world, but I always manage to see who is there. Can’t describe how much I love being able to let my client know who has come to surround them with love in such a sacred space
23.01.2022 Love the connection between the practice of yoga and the practice of Reiki. Both practices open up the channels of energy in the body and bring greater balance between body, mind, and spirit. Both practices bring fresh energy into the body and help old energy flow out. Both practices are nourishing and healing to our systems. And they can each feel simultaneously challenging and nurturing. When you breathe deeply the extra air you take in not only contains oxygen, but also P...rana, the vital life force that animates all living things. We take so much for granted with breathing and breath to ground us, it helps us meditate, reduce stress and centre ourselves. We start each Energy Healing by focusing on our breathing with the delicious aroma of essential oils and grounding to help the body open up to the beautiful surrender of Energy Healing. I find Bergamot is the most amazing calming essential oil for my clients, as soon as they walk into the healing room I see their body go into a state of relaxation.
23.01.2022 Each intention anger, greed, compassion, understanding sets energy into motion... What you intend is what you become...Power is energy that is formed by the intentions of the soul. It is Light shaped by the intentions of love and compassion guided by wisdom. It is energy that is focused and directed toward the fulfillment of the tasks of the soul upon the Earth. ~ (Gary Zukav - The Seat of the Soul) At the beginning of an Energy Healing with a client - we look at the int...ention for the healing and this is something that is set and can be incredibly powerful for the client. This is something they focus on and their own personal intention. When you’re setting powerful intentions you’re creating within yourself a new and specific state or frame of mind that serves your purpose in life. You’re sending a message to the Universe, to the world and to yourself about * Who you want to be. * What you wish to contribute. * How you choose to touch the lives of others. There is a direct correlation between the choices we make and our intentions. Every choice we make announces our intention to the Universe about what we desire and puts energy in motion to make it so. The root word for intention is intent, which means, An aspiration to do something on purpose with an objective goal or target in mind; by design. Whether we are aware of it or not, we each live by intention. While many of us believe otherwise, our intentions, whether our highest or our basest, conscious or unconscious, are always being served. If we find our lives to be off course it is only through the process of becoming consciously Self aware that we can begin to challenge and change the compass coordinates set for our journey thus far. Awakening to our spiritual nature gives us access to the wisdom of the soul which, as Zukav points out, brings us into alignment with our soul’s desire. It is comforting to remember that the intentions of the soul are always for our highest good through the actualization and application of love and compassion in our daily lives.
23.01.2022 Lifeforce energy animates our physical form and flows through, within and around us always. Known to every wisdom lineage Aka to the Egyptians, Prana to the Hindu, Qi to the Chinese it is this vital force that gives us life and when directed with conscious intent, brings a deeper meaning to our lives. When our prana energy is on point, we often feel in the flow. Synchronicities are a regular occurrence and we are only mildly affected by the challenges we will ultimately... incur. We feel lifted by some unnamed energy which gives us the grace and support to navigate the illusions of this reality. This anonymous energy is your life force. Much focus is given to high vibrations. High vibe is a sure sign prana is moving through you unencumbered. Vibrations and focused life force energy resonate pure and easily when we can take care to elevate our life force energy through easy and gentle bliss. Simply put, the flow of pranic feels good and naturally draws to our life purpose and joy. Lifeforce energy is also crucial when clearing and aligning our chakras. If no life force is present the body will become inert, slowly fading to the moment of death. It is at death in fact that our life force ceases and our soul is freed from the human body. When working with affirmations or manifestations, it is crucial our life force matches the sincerity of our intention. Just as a prayer without a heart-centered connection to source is empty, the Universe needs free-flowing prana energy to fuel our intentions. How do we increase our Life Force Energy? Mediate Breath - conscious breath Eat High Vibe Foods - fresh organic foods Affirmations Laughter Loving actions & being Live your passion Be in your body - not disconnected to your physical being Release toxic relationships Be compassionate Xoxo
22.01.2022 Fabulous article by Dr. Jayashree Ramana. Mental and emotional pain is the most common and least discussed problem in the modern world. The corona pandemic has further exacerbated this problem with the new norm of social distancing impacting our lives at multiple levels. It is affecting our finances, our relationships, our travel plans and this has set the perfect storm for anxiety and depression. At the energetic level, anxiety and depression arise from a lack of overall bal...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Take time today to listen to everything around you! Walking early this morning through lush tropical surroundings,the best time of the day. When you focus on spiritual development and increasing your auditory, you are taught to sit in silence and to just listen to what is around you. Do the same on a walk in nature. The sweet sounds of a soft breeze through the grass, crickets, lyrical songs of the birds and rustling of the trees. I guarantee you will feel so centered and grounded. Happy Sunday beauties
17.01.2022 A weekend of beautiful kindred spirits and the ongoing journey so thrilled to have met some beautiful souls and always so much to learn in so many ways.
17.01.2022 A message from spirit from Elaine Thorpe, an amazing Trance Medium on the COVID-19 Virus. So true and makes so much sense to me
16.01.2022 Our thoughts are energy. Our feelings are energy. Our world is energy. Science even proves that our bodies consist of energy systems. The electrical energy in our bodies is responsible for the proper functioning of the heart, the nervous system, and every cell in the human body. Currents of energy flow through us, but energy blockages from unresolved emotions tend to disrupt the flow, leading to unhealthy patterns and illness. In other words, emotional blocks are energy block...s. And, clearing emotional blocks requires healing at the root cause the energetic level, in order to release the unhealthy ties to past situations. Although there are various modalities to clear emotional blocks, since our bodies are energy systems, working with an energy healer can address the emotional blocks at the root. One big benefit is energy healing works with a system which already makes up the lifeline of our bodies. Energy healers connect with the Divine and infuse positive light and energy into the parts of our energetic fields experiencing deficits. Like to clear these? xox See more
16.01.2022 So proud of the beautiful clients that are learning to STAND IN THEIR OWN PERSONAL POWER it’s all about our SOLAR PLEXUS when we work on this major chakra in a healing ( removing any blocks or negativity and making way for for what only serves our higher good) . The Solar Plexus are the seat of our personal power, energetically it’s the fire that fuels our metabolism and when this is activated again, increases our energy, drive and sense of purpose. Here’s to strong women and standing in your amazing power
14.01.2022 A message from an amazingly talented Trance Medium ( Elaine Thorpe) on Covid-19, very interesting reading and so true
12.01.2022 Ever dreamt of crystals - happens frequently to me and last night I dreamt I found a beautiful large Aquamarine - of all places just growing naturally by the road! So vivid and definitely a message in this dream so this prompted me to share the healing properties of this incredibly beautiful stone. The name Aquamarine comes from the Latin aqua marinus, meaning "water of the sea," I have always been drawn to aquamarine and you know what they say ? ( the crystal chooses yo...u - you don’t choose the crystal) Aquamarine is the stone of Prophets, Sharmans and Healers and a strong connection to the sea and heaven. Used by seers and strongest under a full moon for predicting the future, the treasure of mermaids and a talisman for safe passage across the sea for sailors! A stone of eternal youth and happiness. Connected to the throat chakra, Aquamarine helps you speak your truth, speak clearly and without anger in difficult situations. A stone of natural justice, compromise, negotiation, compassion and Healing sweet dreams x See more
11.01.2022 Another amazing day of healing and readings with clients The journey continues and I cannot wait to spend this weekend pursuing the next phase for me completing my Reiki Master. The thing I love about this spiritual journey - you never know it all! ... We learn everyday and there’s so much I want to do and experience. It will be so enlightening and amazing to be with like minded people to share & develop further. I love seeing how other practitioners work as we all follow the Usui way of healing, however like everything you adapt your Energy Healings to include so much more as a reflection of yourself as a Healer and what you have learnt along the way. One of the most incredible experiences and part of sharing the practice of Reiki is the attunement. Hard to put into words, however the spiritual side of me and my own personal experience was profound.
09.01.2022 Look at this Angel that came for a healing today with his Mum. Such a darling and slept while his mum was having some time to nurture Mind - Body & Soul
08.01.2022 I have Bookings this week for Healings and the amazing benefits of this incredible life force energy once it starts flowing freely through you!! Reiki Energy Healings work with the several main chakras ( Energy Centres) connected to major glands & organs in our body, critical to overall wellbeing. *Energy Healings promote-:... *Harmony & Balance *Deep Relaxation & Sleep Disorders *Release Stress & Tension *Dissolve Energy Blocks *Promote Natural Balance between Mind Body & Spirit *Assists the body in cleansing from Toxins Support the Immune System *Feel free to read current Facebook reviews *Bookings can be made via the calendar on Facebook xoxoxo https://www.facebook.com/kokorobliss/appointments/
06.01.2022 Something to consider passed onto me by my little starseed (daughter) to share with you
05.01.2022 The new world reality of Covid-19 has devastating impacts for everyone and I don’t think anyone is untouched by the current pandemic. My heart goes out to loved ones fighting the long battle inflicted by the virus, lives that have been lost on a global scale, economic consequences with businesses, families grieving and suffering as a consequence. Like most, I watch the daily updates on the virus and it is consuming our daily lives. I am noticing however that as a bi-product ...and out of every challenging time there are learnings, lessons and the sweeter moments to relish. Gaia has time to heal and recover from the frantic day to day of business, industries and people taking so much for granted provided by Mother Earth. Nitrogen Dioxide levels are incredibly low and that means less pollution, waterways and the vast expanse of our oceans, will have a break from being polluted! Look at the beautiful story in Venice with the canals finally clear. Crystal clear enough to see plenty of small fish and dolphins are freely playing there)! Families and friends are bonding in a collective human kindness. We are reassessing what is more important in our lives, holding what is dear to us, time to meditate, up-skill and expand our horizons, manifest our dreams and create what you really want in your life. The earth and human kind will survive this pandemic as it has in the past and will again. There will be an awakening on a global scale that is for the better of mankind. Stay safe, stay well and for now stay at home. Namaste See more
05.01.2022 I think this is one of the most beautiful things I have read about our soul journey enjoy reading as much as I did! I am sure you will relate to this. FINDING YOUR SOUL LAND Ashwini Chube...Continue reading
05.01.2022 During this new world reality of Covid-19 we are experiencing so many difficult times ahead and alternatively joining together as a collective. Distance Healing can provide a sense of profound wellbeing and security, feeling grounded, balanced and help build our immune system at a time where we are our most vulnerable. Energy Healing by distance is just as effective as an Energy Healing in person as we are working with universal energy across time and space.... I work on an intuitive level with each of my clients, walking you through the healing for an hour or more recognising each clients needs are very different. If you would like to book a distance healing - feel free to do this via the Facebook Page or message me for more information. xoxoxo
04.01.2022 How cool is this? We all have seven layers of Aura and each Aura is connected to our Chakras !! It’s the energy field that surrounds your body and the energy we feel with other people. Each layer relates to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual condition of everyone one of us... Every layer or level is an energy field varying in vibration. The outer layers are larger and with higher vibration. I love the energy the (Ketheric Template) holds, (the aura furtherest away from the body). It’s gold in colour and connected to the beautiful CROWN CHAKRA. This Auric field holds all the information about your soul and past lives Amazing
03.01.2022 I have Bookings available this week for Energy Healings| Readings! Experience the amazing benefits of this incredible life force energy once it starts flowing freely through you!! Reiki Energy Healings work with the several main chakras ( Energy Centres) connected to major glands & organs in our body, critical to overall wellbeing. ... *Energy Healings promote-: *Harmony & Balance *Deep Relaxation & Sleep Disorders *Release Stress & Tension *Dissolve Energy Blocks *Promote Natural Balance between Mind Body & Spirit *Assists the body in cleansing from Toxins Support the Immune System *Feel free to read current Facebook reviews *Bookings can be made via the calendar on Facebook xoxoxo
03.01.2022 Well this is a very significant day in Numerology !!! The date 2/2/2020 is very rare in numerology !! Tomorrow is a (Palindrome Day) in numerology and that means you can read the date the same way backwards and forwards ... The next one will be 101 years from now - 12-12-2121 After that 909 years !!!... So what’s the spiritual significance ? Incredible luck and good fortune, positive news and long awaited clarity - reminders that goals are manifesting - magic- miracles and blessings This is the optimum day to set intentions and trust that everything you want will come to fruition. It’s an Angel Number 22 as well which means Harmony & Balance - your life path and purpose - it is the ability to give you insight to make the best decisions - resolve conflict with peace. Seems to be a theme here See more
01.01.2022 A gift from my beautiful client today ! Not only do I love my work with Healings and Healing Space - I have the most amazing clients
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