Koncept Designs WA in East Victoria Park, Western Australia | Home improvement
Koncept Designs WA
Locality: East Victoria Park, Western Australia
Phone: +61 414 748 011
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24.01.2022 Homemade cappuccino - social distancing done right Stay safe everyone. We will come out the other side stronger and more appreciative of the simple things because of this. Yes its scary, yes there are sacrifices to be made, but there is always someone doing it tougher; think of those people. Be thankful for what you do have. ... #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #perth #perthisok #interiordecor #interiordecorating #styling #homestyling #homeoffice #smallbusiness
22.01.2022 If going to work is the scariest thing you do today, life is slow! (Whos with me??? hahaha) www.kdwa.com.au Look me up on insta - Koncept Designs WA... #brave #creative #colours #kdwa #konceptdesignswa
22.01.2022 This mornings effort. Zen garden finally complete Want some advice on how to fix your outdoor space or just that corner youve no idea what to do with? www.kdwa.com.au or @konceptdesignswa on Facebook or DM me here to discuss your needs.... . . . . . . #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #interiordesign #exteriordesign #bringtheinsideout #decor #decorating #diy #perth #perthisok #perthinteriordesign
22.01.2022 Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. I am available but have limited spots between now and New Years Eve to assist with any last minute home or party styling and decorating so if you are stressed out about getting it just right, DM me to discuss it or head over to my website and send a message through the contact page www.kdww.com.au @konceptdesignswa... #konceptdesigns #konceptdesignswa #kdwa #styling #party #homestyling #christmas #christmasdecor #partydecor
21.01.2022 Lots of people are working from home still or have made a change to get more days at home now so I just had to share this. Scroll through the post and watch the video walk around. It turned out so well and a whole other room on a very low budget!! :) https://www.ikeahackers.net//billy-room-divider-home-offic... For assistance with any renovations - hard or soft, like this one, I can certainly help get the most out of your budget. #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #ikea #ikeahacks #homeoffice #workingfromhome #WFH
20.01.2022 With the heat were expecting this weekend one of these would be sooo nice to have dont you think??? And, we could actually fit one of these babies in our backyard... Post credit to Home Base W: www.kdwa.com.au insta: Koncept Designs WA... #kdwa #interiordesign #exteriordesign #summer #plungepool #perth #perthisok #perthheatwave #hot #chillout #cooldown #winetime
20.01.2022 Feeling retro with this old skool flashback. Happy Friday Fans! www.kdwa.com.au @konceptdesignswa . .... . . . . #friyay #freshfriday #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #interiordesign #interiordecorating #interiorstyling #interiorinspo #decor #decorating #retro #flashback #oldskool See more
19.01.2022 An organised pantry is not only aesthetically pleasing to look at, but it makes cooking dinner easier, helps you to avoid both overspending and prevents food waste. Shop food storage > http://ow.ly/aH2S50A7xhr @homeiswheretheplantsare_ (Instagram)
18.01.2022 Harmony of form and function is the philosophy in Bauhaus design. I think thats why i love that era so much :) Happy 100th Birthday Bauhaus! #GoogleDoodle
18.01.2022 Inspiration for your Fri-yay!!! A little bohemian, a little beachy, a little rustic, a lot of classic white. ... www.kdwa.com.au #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #decor #classicwhite #white #fresh #bohemian #beachy #rustic #decorating #interiordecor #interiordecorating #perth #perthisok
18.01.2022 Renovating your kitchen? What king of top have you picked? Have you considered stone? Carters Cabinets the Perth Cabinet Makers, provide quality and affordabl...e cabinet making services for domestic and commercial cabinetry projects. From kitchen to laundry cupboards, benchtops to shelving, we assist you with modern design, layout and construction. Free Quote Free Kitchen Design 3D CAD planning Guaranteed Quality Modern Features 20+ Years Experience We Bring Samples To You Visit: https://carterscabinets.com.au/domestic-cabinets www.facebook.com/carterscabinetswa Call Troy: 0407 644 736 #perthtradies #bathroom #kitchenrenovationperth #bathroomrenovation #carterscabinets #yourqualitycabinetmakers #perthsmallbusiness #kitchendesign #kitcheninspo #renovation #newkitchen #perthhomeideas #cabinetmaker #cabinetmakerperth #kitchen #perthmade #perthkitchens #kitchencabinets #designinspo #kitchendrawers #kitchentransformationsperth #kitchentransformations #kitchenupdate #kitchenconversions
15.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone! Make sure you call your family & friends over the long weekend. Email, texting & messaging are fine but they dont replace the feeling of a verbal conversation, hearing their voice, knowing they are, or are not, ok because you can hear it in their voice. Stay safe!... www.kdwa.com.au #easter2020
14.01.2022 Wanting to upgrade your kitchen (or laundry or bathrooms)?? Check out this deal from IKEA, available until the 1st December for all complete orders over $5000. https://www.ikea.com//customer/interest_free_finance.html
12.01.2022 A different take on word art decor in Eviva Cafe, Dunsborough. So lively and interesting, very reflective of the atmosphere here. #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #art #wallart #interiordecor #interiordecorating #perth #perthisok #southwest #Evivacaf #dunsborough
11.01.2022 Things have been quiet around KDWA for a while but I feel a surge of energy for doing something new. As well as furniture and decor customisation, KDWA will also be offering PC Tower customisation!! Stay tuned for more details #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #custom #furniture #furnituremakeover #customisation #customisationavailable #decor #decorating Koncept Designs WA Group www.kdwa.com.au
11.01.2022 Inexpensive CUSTOM artwork for the ensuite toilet www.kdwa.com.au @konceptdesignswa . .... . . . . . #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #interiordesign #interiordecorating #decor #colours #coordinated #diy #perth #perthisok #perthinteriordesign See more
11.01.2022 Enough said! A reminder to everyone that i am available for all your decorating needs - got a gathering coming up and want the house to look just so call, message or email to discuss it :) www.kdwa.com.au
10.01.2022 Nothing else needs to be said!!
09.01.2022 Happy Friday! What project are you making plans to do on the upcoming Easter long weekend?? I'm planning on finishing all the unfinished things...packets of biscuits, chocolate, hot cross buns... hahahaha... And maybe some furniture restoration in between too! If you're decorating and need help?? Head to my website and contact me ASAP. www.kdwa.com.au #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #decorating #home #homedecor #interiorstyling #interiordesigner #interiordecorator #perthisok #perthinteriordesigner #perthinteriordecorator #decor #furniture #upcyclingfurniture
09.01.2022 An organised and tidy kitchen does make things easier. If you could use a hand organising your kitchen, in whole or part, to any budget, I'm happy to help. www.kdwa.com.au... #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #kitchen #organise #howardsstorageworld #happyness
08.01.2022 A great idea to organise all the necessities of morning and make the start of the day soooo much easier!!! Need some help with organising some space in your place? PM me to chat! www.kdwa.com.au... #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #decor #organise #lifestyle #organisedspace https://www.ikeahackers.net//grundtal-beauty-bar-and-lapto
08.01.2022 Rest, recharge and reflect this long weekend. How we commemorate this annual event is different but it doesnt mean we cant commemorate it in our own way. Driveways/balconies at dawn (6am) for those that would normally attend their favourite dawn service spot; a great initiative so that we dont lose the traditions that mean so much to so many while we are all isolating, making such a small sacrifice in comparison to those before us - Lest we forget.
07.01.2022 Happy New Year everyone. Like me, Im sure loads of you are getting back into the swing of things, back to work routines etc. Well, when youre looking for a distraction on your lunch-break, head over to my Instagram or website and check out how I can help you put some fresh new year feels into your home or alfresco. ... Dont forget to like & follow my page to keep updated. Ive also started a community page so you can ask questions of the KDWA community and get some instant assistance. www.kdwa.com.au Koncept Designs WA #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #happynewyear #2020 #newyearnewstart #decor #decorating #perth #perthisok
03.01.2022 #swingsandroundaboutswinery doing the facilities right #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #bathroomdesign #publicrestroom #margaretriver
03.01.2022 I'm diversifying. Check out my Lorraine Lea website and let me know how I can help you co-ordinate EVERYTHING in your home. https://lorrainelea.com/stylists/21107 Note there is a 25% off EVERYTHING sale until the 8th March!... #lorrainelea #softfurnishings #home #homedecor #interiorstyling #interiordecorating
03.01.2022 Still trying to move these on. Ive got them advertised all over the place. If youre interested in new mirrors like these but the colours just arent right for you, you should by them and then we need to talk #kdwa #upcycle #ifthecolourisntrightmakeit
03.01.2022 I had a conversation with a friend recently who is renovating their ensuite. They have selected dark floor tiles and gorgeous gloss marble effect wall tiles. My first instinct was to suggest matt black tapware and accessories (shower screen frame, towel rails etc) ... And then to confirm with his partner that she liked it before going to buy the parts!! What do you have? Do you want to change it up?... DM me to book a consultation. www.kdwa.com.au #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #interiordesign #interiordecorating #interiorstyling #interiorinspo #decor #decorating
02.01.2022 Whos with me!!??? I love Fridays, I start thinking about the cool and creative things I can do for myself on the weekend. Why do you love Fridays??? ... Check me out at www.kdwa.com.au or @konceptdesignswa . . . . . . #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #interiordesign #interiordecorating #interiorstyling #interiorinspo #decor #decorating #diy #upcycle #perthisok #perthinteriordesign #perth #friyay #friyayvibes
02.01.2022 #mondaymotivation
02.01.2022 What a great idea!!! For any time really, but very handy if you happen to be self isolating Jokes aside, I do hope all my friends and fans are staying safe. Be alert and read the official information issued (and updated daily) on: ... https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Coronavirus Dont spread misinformation - it only makes the fear grow, Knowledge is power. #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #perthisok #perthwillbeok #coronavirus2020 #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #decorating #design #diy #upcycle
20.12.2021 So we've all just wrapped presents and fought with paper rolls and gift bags and ribbon getting tangled, only to jam it back into the back of a cupboard or shelf in frustration - all to be done again the same next year...but not with this solution!! How great is this!!?? Thanks Howards Storage
10.12.2021 Introducing the joint venture with @Perthcomputerhelp This is a sample custom tower. Any colour is possible to fit your decor - blend in or stand out!! Pricing starts from $150. [email protected] for a quote. ... #customized #perthComputerhelp #kdwa #konceptdesignswa #computersaredecortoo
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