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Koree Farm Produce in Tea Gardens, New South Wales | Speciality food shop

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Koree Farm Produce

Locality: Tea Gardens, New South Wales

Address: 415 Kore Kore Creek Rd 2324 Tea Gardens, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Another great weed ready to pick in the raspberry patch.


24.01.2022 Some of the weeds hanging out in the raspberry patch. Evening primrose is a great deep rooting perennial that provides bee food. Wild sage is a very strong flavoured version of sage for smudge pots and bee food. Fat hen as you would expect is a favourite green for the chooks and has edible fine seeds. The so called farmers friend is unwanted and is slowly being removed, loves this wet weather ; really need to find a use for this weed.

23.01.2022 Well the wet is over for the time being! over half a metre of rain over 5 days. Our little bell frogs are every were and the Monsteria is in flower again. Fungi and weeds are rampant so lots to catch up on. Spent the morning spraying the citrus trunks and branches with lime Sulphur to prevent fungal diseases taking over.

23.01.2022 Bees are doing their work on the broad beans. Looking forward to a good crop.

23.01.2022 Busy weekend! Saturday was a perfect day to go through the bee hives! Thanks Janine for helping and picking up some bee lore. Today's effort picking and packing some fruit and Lavender for Margarete to take to restaurants in Sydney. Blood oranges are at their best at the moment and the colour is .... well Bloody.

23.01.2022 Another rainy day job wiring up bee frames then attaching the foundation comb. Bit different to Sunday a week ago HR and then putting in a new gate.

22.01.2022 Picked the last of the Blood Oranges for the season and thanks Margarete for taking them down to Tetsuya's restaurant in Sydney. Every restaurant needs one of these juicers especially when doing 40Kg Seville oranges.

22.01.2022 Don't be a wimp! Time to Prune the Lemonade fruit trees; whats a few thorns anyway. Such vigorous growers need to be tamed from time to time as in the second photo. The third photo is of trees pruned over a year ago. Taking out crossed branches and opening up the middle lets light and air in helping keep pests and diseases under control.

22.01.2022 Still have a few blocks of wax from the last honey extractions.

22.01.2022 Koree Farm will be at the Market this Saturday. Plenty of Honey and Creamed honey. Jams but no fresh fruit. Photos are Nick and I boxing a huge swarm from a couple of years ago.

22.01.2022 On a lighter note! There be dragons at Koree Farm!

22.01.2022 Who knows we might get some of the wet stuff from the sky! So pulled some of the early garlic so it doesn't rot in the ground if it does get wet. Not all the varieties are ready yet. One which I pulled last week has small but intense flavoured bulbs!

21.01.2022 Checked the hives out yesterday. Looked in the Brood boxes of most hives and found this one that must have swarmed recently as no eggs or young grubs. Did find this Queen cell ready to hatch. The hive also had a lot of Drone brood ready to hatch and then mate with the new Queen. 15 boxes to extract on the weekend, crammed full of honey.

21.01.2022 Koree Farm will be at the Tea Gardens market this Saturday. Will have plenty of Honey to keep the winter chills at bay, Jams and some Limes and other citrus. Need to go and check what citrus are ready, with this warm weather lately they are taking a while to sweeten up. Hopefully the Blood oranges should be ready next market. At least the bees have been able to bring in some swamp mahogany honey which Will be extracted over the next weeks before the cold really sets in and the hives need to be closed down for winter whenever it arrives!

21.01.2022 Still at it! Wiring up WSP frames to hopefully collect honey this season. Next step is to melt the foundation comb onto the wire ready for the 10 new WSP supers (boxes) .

21.01.2022 The Satin Bower bird male is getting ready for spring. A new pristine bower has been built and blue has been collected from miles around. The placement is well thought out as it is hidden and has a perch for the females to watch him dance and appreciate the BLUE.

20.01.2022 Bees foraging for different things in the citrus flowers. The native bees are after pollen while the Honey bee is after nectar.You can see its tongue extended. Have to keep the citrus well watered as if they get too dry they stop producing nectar. When I kept bees on a citrus orchard in Griffith the trees stopped producing nectar overnight before the next irrigation. Bees got soooo angry after having been so good for days. Couldn't walk past them until the trees were irrigated again and flow resumed.

20.01.2022 Another tree down on the track with this wind. At least we can use the wood for heating in a year or so. Loquats are starting and no fruit fly yet. Maybe a few for the restaurants next weekend.

19.01.2022 Koree Farm will be at the market this Saturday in any weather! Plenty of Honey and creamed honey and jams. Haven't got around to making Bush tucker plum jam yet. The 2nd photo is where I was last Sunday. First photo is our ground water 1.6m down. Low ground water is why TG HN is on water restrictions and also we are sending tanker loads to Gloucester who are totally out of water.

18.01.2022 Maybe Evening Primrose is the plant to grow! Hasn't had any watering since the last rain more than a month ago and starting to flower. Bees working it on dusk as the flowers open.

18.01.2022 Spent an afternoon cutting up this old Banksia that had fallen on the track. Some good logs for anyone interested in wood turning. Mainly the base was rotten in the middle.

18.01.2022 The Python is down from overwintering in the roof. New skin and now ready to get to work on all the marsupial mice and rats that are breeding again.

18.01.2022 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our customers. Next market is 4th January 2020, the new decade!

17.01.2022 With warm wet weather and lots of travel these will be coming south sooner than later. Thanks for the heads up John!

17.01.2022 Extracted the last of the honey for the season. Very late, but with the recent warm weather the bees have been busy on the Swamp Mahogany and Iron Bark that is in flower. Heated the honey extracting container and the boxes of frames to 30C for 24 Hours so we could get the honey to spin out. Good drop of rain (42mm) in the last 24hrs so timely!

17.01.2022 Koree Farm has restocked Tillermans restaurant/cafe with jams. If you need your fix that's the place to get it as there will be no market for a while.

17.01.2022 Back from five weeks in Europe only to find that the running bamboo have sent out shoots up to 3m high . First photo is of a 40+ year old Lanes Late navel that had a chainsaw prune last winter and is now looking like new. Will be restocking IGA with Honey tomorrow and be at the 3rd Saturday markets again.

16.01.2022 1003 was the last time it was this dry! 820mm rain that year cf 860mm 2019. My records at the farm go back 35 years so not a complete picture. Just keeping raspberries and fruit trees alive with deep watering.

16.01.2022 Some photos from around the house. The Swamp lily is doing well with lots of scented flowers. The Canna lilies in full bloom and Emmas birthday tree in purple splendour.

15.01.2022 Sooo dry now so back to hand watering the Raspberries. Deep watering every week to ten days. Using the mini sprinklers on the irrigation system wastes too much water. Ground water going down rapidly and no rain on the horizon.

14.01.2022 Bees have been very busy lately. Male Casuarina are in flower producing lots of pollen, the tree is buzzing with bees! Plenty of honey to extract too.

14.01.2022 Plenty of good seasoned hardwood for the fire. Bit of Charcoal as well. Now just to cut it up before the rain starts. At least the track is cleared now.

14.01.2022 over 200mm in the last three days. Bloodwoods are in flower but the poor bees can't get out; pity as this is a great tasting honey. Still, as we always leave at least one ideal super full of honey for the bees to use they won't starve.

14.01.2022 In this drought you can cut back Tamarillos and they will usually shoot again and need much less watering as the old root system doesn't need to support a large area of foliage.

13.01.2022 Different summer this year thanks to La Nina. Butterfly bush has many visiting and the little bell frogs are loving the Kale.

12.01.2022 This needs to stop.

12.01.2022 Koree Farm will be at Saturdays Market. We will be there early with plenty of Honey and creamed honey, jams and some garlic. No fresh fruit at the moment as am just keeping things alive watering. The Lemonade fruit tree cut back last year is surviving the drought better than many. Had about half our average annual rainfall in 2019. Non in the last two hot months.

12.01.2022 Trying to irrigate and the pumps start cavitating. Time for the green man to take a dip and swim out to clean the inlet filters on the pumps. Cutting a path though the duckweed. At least the ground water is at top level after earlier rain.

12.01.2022 Time to harvest the turmeric as the leaves have all died. Will bring some to the market this Saturday! Also mandarins, Leng Navels, Lemonade fruit, Lemons and lemon butter. Plenty of Honey and some just made Seville marmalade as well.

11.01.2022 Koree Farm will be at the market this Saturday with Honey, creamed honey and jams including sour Bush tucker plum jam and possibly Jaboticaba jelly. Picked some Jaboticaba fruit today after having a look into the bushes.

10.01.2022 I guess this is why I haven't been on FB for a while. Cutting back more of the Nagamie Kumquats. Better fruit and accessibility when the tree shoots. Beginning of spring is the best time to do major pruning as the trees go into growth stage after winter sleep.

10.01.2022 Visiting the farm is not for the faint hearted. 4.15km Council track and three natural creek crossings. Lots of wash-aways at present too. The first creek, Kore Kore Creek is prone to flood after heavy rain and can rise quickly. We have seen maximum flood debris half way up the far hill in the photo so for submarines only then. An elderly lady recently nearly came to grief after bogging her small car and then attempting to walk to the farm to get honey. Luckily one of our nei...ghbors found her lying on the side of the road after a fall and rescued her. Koree Farm Honey and jams are available at a number of outlets in Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest..... Tillermans and The two Fat Bakers in Tea Gardens Have Honey and Jams. IGA and the Paper shop in Hawks Nest and BT's Fashions in Tea Gardens stock Koree Farm Honey See more

09.01.2022 More seedless mandarins, Creamed honey and honey to Hawks Nest IGA this morning. Been a bit wet of late including the 70mm Monday evening.

09.01.2022 IIGA HN restocked with Mandarins (10.30) this morning. Picked late yesterday.

09.01.2022 The running bamboo is doing that again....running, sending up suckers metres away from the grove. Have to cut out the new shoots for the next couple of weeks before they give up. A bit late this year as they usually stop before November, but this year they have just started.

09.01.2022 The owners of the market area have cancelled the market until further notice. Hawks Nest IGA sell my 500gm jars and 1KG buckets. I can drop off 3KG buckets @$40 when I come in to town. If you want some please message me your details and best times to drop off. Keep well.

08.01.2022 There's always something for the bees at Koree Farm. White Sapote producing nectar and pollen. will need to check the hives for queen cells soon as the bees think it's spring.

08.01.2022 It gave up the ghost yesterday with a thump. This one was a very old lightening strike.

08.01.2022 Replacing some trees that have never done well with more Blood Oranges. Cutting back another cumquot tree and painting to stop the bark burning. All the smaller branches and leaves mulched with the old slasher. A job for a Sunday arvo.

08.01.2022 Changed the Small Hive Beetle (SHB) traps on all the home hives. Now to clean them up. Lots of SMH caught so they are doing their job. Important to do this when we get hot/humid conditions as many of the hive bees have to hang out in front as the hive gets too hot giving the SHB free rein

07.01.2022 Well what can one do on such a cold wet day but make sauerkraut! Three large fresh 2Kg cabbages (Thanks Margarete) from Harris Farm arrived today. Now to wait two weeks or so for the magic to work. The cabbages I'm growing are only seedlings, so a bit of a wait to use mine for the ferment. Using a Polish/Russian recipe Angelica Trace. Fed up cleaning the shed anyway.

07.01.2022 A pair of King parrots munching the Gymea Lilly fruit. At least they aren't eating my Lady Finger bananas at the moment.they knew they were being photographed through the front window. The male was keeping lookout!

07.01.2022 Thank you BT's Fashions who will be selling my Honey until the markets start again. Shop 11/12 Myall Quays Shopping Centre Tea Gardens.

06.01.2022 Been busy this week checking my bees and getting some honey off. changed over about 50 Small Hive Beetle (SHB) traps. The photo shows that they are doing the job. Using diatomaceous earth does the trick and isa non toxic. SHB have already started and found a few queen cells, some hatched so must have already been a couple of swarms. Split a few hives using the new queen cells.

06.01.2022 The King Parrots left me some Lady finger bananas for once so made some banana jam.

06.01.2022 Koree Farm will not be at the market this coming Saturday. Have stocked up Loveys IGA Hawks Nest (creamed honey, 500gm jars and 1Kg buckets honey) and Hawks Nest News agency( 500gm jars).

05.01.2022 Still picking Seville oranges! Will have to prune some of these trees again as it's getting difficult to get the best fruit which as always is at the top and just out of reach.

04.01.2022 Koree Farm will be restocking IGA Hawks Nest with Honey, Creamed Honey and some Lemonade Fruit this morning. Even though it is winter bees are still working on sunny days. Swamp Mahogany is in flower and 3 hives are full 12 nearly full. Have had to extract honey late winter previous years. The days are getting longer now so they will have more time to forage.

04.01.2022 With this hot sunny weather the Solar wax melter is working overtime, daylight saving is a real boost too! The 18 boxes of honey are now in the extracting container ready to start tomorrow. Thanks Steve for help this morning taking off the boxes and Nick on Monday working the hives and putting on the escape boards.Using escape boards is much more friendly for the bees. Lots of comb honey for the next market as we replaced many of the lids that were full of comb.

04.01.2022 Probably the first of many such actions!

04.01.2022 Koree Farm will be at the Myall Quays Shopping Centre Market this Saturday. Will have plenty of Honey, Creamed Honey and Jams. Some Garlic too but no fresh fruit.

04.01.2022 Starting to sort out the raspberry canes in the hope I'll get a crop in the next couple of months. Replanting some canes and cutting off the old canes to new shoots. Probably the worst summer for growing anything in the 35 years we have been here.

03.01.2022 Just checked the rain gauge....31mm. One rainy day this and last August the main difference this year to 2018 is that we have had 582mm so far while last year we had 850mm. At least the water table is up at the moment not like in the photo of earlier this year.

03.01.2022 Hawks Nest IGA will have some Koree Farm organically grown Seedless Mandarins from now on. Bags of 10 fruit. Also restocked with Honey.

03.01.2022 Our garlic industry is rallying after cheap imports in the 1990s caused a rapid decline in local production. There are a number of good reasons to BUY AUSSIE G...ARLIC, no reasons not to! #nofarmersnofood Note: we do have some white Australian varieties of garlic that are naturally white and very good, the point is, don't buy the imported Chinese and Mexican stuff.

01.01.2022 More Mandarins for IGA Hawks Nest this afternoon. Restock Honey too. The cold weather will start to ripen (colour -up) the rest of the trees so there will be more soon.

01.01.2022 Not sure whether the horses love the tractor, want to stay out of the rain or like to snooze somewhere dark under shelter.

01.01.2022 A rainy day job painting bee boxes. Using a heat reflective Soarcoat paint to help the hives through next summer.

01.01.2022 A bit dry at the moment so keep an eye on your citrus trees. Wilting leaves are a sure sign of water stress. You can see this of an evening after a hot day as the tree starts to close up leaves to reduce evaporation. If there is still such wilting in the morning then the tree is desperate for a deep watering or it will die!

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