Kristy Lee Rackham | Public figure
Kristy Lee Rackham
Phone: +61 487 769 629
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25.01.2022 Did you know you can work (aka heal!) with me from WHEREVER YOU ARE in the world!?! I have been training, healing and coaching health and wellbeing seekers around Australia and the world for over 28 years via online/remote self-empowerment, health-education and soul-evolution services You can choose your own healing adventure and get more clarity, inner calm and confidence starting NOW... PERSONAL POWER private mindset Mastery and energy blocks breakthrough session packages to connect with your soul path, shift stress, anxiety and tension and light up the way forward. BUSINESS BREAKTHRU private mindset mastery and energy blocks breakthrough session packages to help you get unstuck and in accelerated forward momentum with greater ease. SOUL GUIDANCE READINGS : Intuitive Energy Reading with Mayan Tzolkin Oracle and/or tarot to offer specific guidance and messages for clarity, confidence and peace. SACRED ENERGY Mastery TRAINING PROGRAMS: "Daily Survival to Soul Revival" Self-healing digital + Live group training courses, 'Instant Peace' 6 Day Mindfulness Challenge course Therapeutic Applied Percussion (T.A.P.) Acute Care, and Intuitive Transformation Technique Energy Healer Certificate courses for health practitioners. Want to know more BOOK a free 30min 'Me Map Clarity Chat' with Kristy to light up your best path forward. CLICK FOR ACCESS TO KRISTY'S CALENDAR NOW! AUGUST ALMOST BOOKED OUT #remotehealing #online #phone #myholisticnurse #sacredenergymastery Image may contain: 1 person, text
22.01.2022 Life is so uncertain and confusing right now! So I have decided to open my books for 2 weeks only to offer help and healing to those who aren't in my programs, but want some clarity, peace and practical guidance! Sometimes you just need to hear from someone outside your everyday lifethat you're on track, and to understand the energies at play in your life... It helps you find greater understanding and feel more confident on your path!... Soul guidance intuitive energy readings help you to unlock your greatest potentials for a happy, healthy and harmonious life. I'll tune in to the guidance of the Universe on your behalf using intuition and/or tarot/oracles to sense the energies, help you unravel the challenges in your reality going forward to sooth your soul and calm your mind! I usually only give readings for my program clients but for the next 2 weeks only they're open to you too! I have only 2 spaces left next Wednesday at 1pm and 2pm.... There are a few spaces left the following weeks. Book your reading here #energyreading #helpful #soulfood #journeyoflife
22.01.2022 Roses are said to be the highest vibrational flower... Their oil is revered in ancient cultures as extremely valuable for its refined healing properties, and it is felt to be able to bring one closer to the goddess energies of Mother Mary, Mary Magdelaine, Quan Yin. I use flower essences to help support my clients healing processes too. They're amazing! Flowers can also say a lot about a person and your current phase of healing... What flower powe are you most drawn to at... the moment? #spiritualgrowth #energyhealing #healing #flowerpower #flowers
22.01.2022 BECOME AN ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY HEALER Our next Sacred Energy Mastery Healer Certificate training program is starting on Monday 7th Sept. I have 2 places left... Are you interested?... PM me now with HEALER and I'll hook you up with the info! #healer #energyhealer #tapping #meditation #healing #massage #holisticnurse
20.01.2022 This Crazy Covid age requires MORE, DIFFERENT, ADVANCED, EMPATHIC and ENERGY LITERATE healers who can assist clients to heal from the wave of stress, anxiety and trauma that has hit our world, and will continue to influence ALL health workers decades into the future. BECOME A SACRED ENERGY MASTERY HEALER! Training starts Monday 7th September, 2020... In just 120 days, you’ll learn how to rapidly clear energy blocks, effectively re-pattern limiting mindsets, alleviate emotional and physical distress, deepen your client’s access to inner peace, confidence and whole-being healing, and raise their vibration to new stratospheres of joy, grace and ease in all areas of their life. Because the world needs more harmonious, calm, centred and sensitive healers like you to sooth the soul of humanity. Designed for COVID TIMES: Therapeutic Applied Percussion (TAP) Acute Care, and TAP Intuitive Transformation Technique (ITT) Healing are powerfully designed to be used exclusively via REMOTE/DISTANCE with maximum efficacy via phone or video/tele-health which means you can work from home, AND heal others from theirs. Rapid, gentle healing without re-traumatising your clients with endless talk and opening old wounds. BONUS : Within the first 4 weeks you’ll be able to integrate and begin to use T.A.P. Acute care within your coaching/nursing work while you complete the rest of the healer training. BONUS: You'll heal as you learn... access to our Sacred Energy Mastery Healing Portal filled with additional energy masterclasses, tapping and healings to look after YOU! You'll also be clearing your own energy system of heavy, stuck and limiting energy as you practice your skills with your fellow students! You'll be empowered to direct your work, health, healing and growth into new and sustainable places of peace and satisfaction, and begin to live the inspired life you dream of whilst creating a light-filled ripple-effect of positive change within yourself, your family, clients and in the community. Through the course, you'll also ACCELERATE YOUR PERSONAL and SPIRITUAL GROWTH, INTUITION and ENERGETIC CAPACITY! We will be working together for the express purpose of energetic optimisation, consciousness streamlining and mindset mastery to bring you to a place of greater ease, grace and joy so you are in a state of high vibration that helps others just by being in the vicinity of your healing presence... We have 2 places left for this next training round. PM me with the word HEALER... I'll send you some info on the Sacred Energy Mastery HEALER course. xxKristt
19.01.2022 MINI FREE MASTERCLASS: What to do when the world around you is going NUTS!
19.01.2022 New chapters! So excited to be in my lovely new office/clinic space today! I've been healing, helping and teaching soul as an antidote to stress and anxiety for so many years, it was an awesome treat to be working with clients in person again. Online/remote sessions are always available for interstate and international clients of course, but it makes me so happy to support my local community now too! PM me to enquire about a Soul Activation and Heart Liberation journey for you.
18.01.2022 [SACRED ENERGY READING] Full moon eclipse in Sagittarius The energies are about as dualistic as we can get this full moon eclipse - intense and elevating, so...ul evolutionary and epic! I've been feeling waves of deep bone fatigue, sadness and grief alongside deep peace and elation. What about you? More than ever we need to be shifting, releasing, resolving and rewriting the heavy constructs of our personal beliefs and the congested energy of generations from our field so that we can play our unique and vital role in the demise of outworn and outdated archetypal energies of oppression, violence and victimisation... As long as they trigger you, there is a resonance within your system that wants release. We must do this personally to be able to hold more light to counterbalance the global trauma. More than ever we must take care of our own energy fields and practice deep acceptance and allowing of our emotions... Rest when our body calls for rest, rise when it's time to rise... There is significant lightness happening right now in the energy too... We must focus there and radiate it out! With 3 powerful eclipses in June, magnificent changes that are life altering and dramatic can happen this month. Structures will crumble, slates cleaned to make way for new ones to be created from a place of heart and soul alignment. In any such pivotal time, constructs of darkness must be revealed and brought into the light of day for healing to happen. We are in the middle of a global revolution... Love is the antidote, light is the way. Be with your feelings. Let them wash through you and away. Get angry, feel sad, find the peace in each beautiful moment you have here on Earth. If you're triggered, learn to Master those emotions. Dive in, find their origins and resolve them forwards and backwards on your timelines. Worlds are shifting to make way for the NEW EARTH that is being born before our eyes. Birth is messy, it's dark and scary at times, it's pure survival and Divine thriving all at once. This is where we are globally. The process of birth is in full swing but this month we must be in the deep stillness that such darkness brings to await the light that is inevitable as we move through the tunnel of time. This full moon AND ALL for violent eruptions of anger in self and others... Step back, breathe and avoid harm to self and others. Avoid rash and radical changes in haste. Pace it out. Seek out the peaceful golden threads of Divine energy that DO exist amongst all this. Let yourself feel gratitude for the flowers the bright blue sky, the rain and clouds. TAP and ground into Earth and feel the eternal safety in her arms. This month go within, learn to be with yourself, master your energies, learn to hear your heart voice, trust your intuition on your direction, have faith and wait for the tide that will inevitably turn. There is magnificence in the world if you choose to focus your energy there. May peace prevail on Earth and in the heart of Humanity. --- FOR MORE HELP TO RISE, TO RELEASE, TO RENEW... Click below to book a call. Learn more about my Sacred Energy Mastery self and soul discovery programs here.
18.01.2022 If you want to create a positive lifestyle change that truly STICKS over the long term, generating INSTANT PEACE and anchoring it into SUSTAINABLE PEACE... you have ot start by CHANGING YOUR MIND every day! Life can look very different in just 6 days if you let it! Change your mind for the better HERE
18.01.2022 Next T.A.P. Acute Care provider training STARTS 7th SEPT. Smash out the 12hrs in a week or spread over 4 weeks! Are you in? Next T.A.P. Acute Care provider training STARTS 7th SEPT. Smash out the 12hrs in a week or spread over 4 weeks! Are you in?
18.01.2022 OCTOBER STUDENT INTAKE NOW OPEN Level 1 : TAP Acute Care And... Level 2 : Sacred Energy Mastery with TAP Intuitive Transformation Technique... HEALER CERTIFICATE COURSES... Be fully qualified to kick off the new year as a fully fledged energy healer! Our next practical TRAINING RETREAT will be in November... in-person for those able to cross the boarder into Queensland and live-streamed for Interstate and International trainees. PM me with a happy emoji for more details
17.01.2022 Our world is currently in a CHRONIC STRESS CRISIS We believe it doesn't have to be this way. We believe that T.A.P. is the FIRST VITAL STEP in turning this around and that it is a blessing that EVERY Man, Woman and Child deserves and needs RIGHT NOW.... We believe that once the people learn T.A.P. with their Healthcare provider they become EMPOWERED TO CHANGE THEIR OWN REALITY. We believe that by using T.A.P. often, in all facets and settings of a person's daily life, they can rapidly self-generate 'calm on demand'. T.A.P offers the people... Better capacity to think clearly and make more positive choices The power to self-regulate difficult emotions for improved relationships and communication Improved productivity, creativity and problem solving ability Offset cumulative stress and prevent current and future stress related illness Increase capacity for meaningful work Harmonise family dynamics for inter-generational healing. ...This is just for starters! We believe the R.O.I (Ripple of Impact!) of T.A.P is limitless! IT IS OUR MISSION to take T.A.P. to the world Our mission is to take T.A.P. Acute Care to the world via ALL mainstream health and well-being settings so that we can reach as many people around the globe as possible to bring about rapid stress relieve, enhanced health, happiness and harmony, WITHOUT medication. We will do this via training ALL health providers in the Acute Care technique so that we can reach as many members of the general public as possible, globally. Join us and be part of the solution... take T.A.P. into your workplace now >>> BOOK A FREE INFO CALL HERE Go to #taptraining #mission #vision
17.01.2022 Meditation can change your life!
14.01.2022 It's not enough to keep doing what you've always done, is it? You sense that. You've thought about the need to upskill...... And you've realised you need more flexibility and a skillset that can be applied from home... You have also noticed a deep desire, a calling, to help and heal others... It's not just a casual want... You're COMPELLED to help in spite of yourself! But perhaps need MORE, DIFFERENT, EXPANDED skills to do it. I'd love to help you add powerful and rapid acting ENERGY HEALER QUALS to your health practice. Over the past 10 years I have created the most comprehensive Energy Psychology/Energy Medicine Healer Certificate training around... designed for Covid times directly addresses the growing necessity to be able to work remotely from anywhere get fast results to help your clients alleviate emotional triggering, anxiety, overwhelm, panic and pain. complete with scientific research and biz support to get you up and running and using the tools with your clients asap. We kick off Monday 7th Sept. PM me asap with the word 'Healer' to get info and get stared now. Xx Kristy
10.01.2022 Im so excited to be working with you in the community again!! Join me for a new healing and self-care experience - TAPPING CIRCLE!
09.01.2022 When you can rapidly reduce your stress, you become more productive think more clearly, open up your intuitive capacities to make more decisive and soul ali...gned actions, speak with more kindness, listen with an open heart... This is what we ALL need now... There is nothing to be gained by stressing out with everyone else. Raise up, calm down, open to how good life could be. Everyone you love is better off when YOU THRIVE
08.01.2022 Wow. Doozie energy at play... We are in the guts of a Galactic ACTIVATION PORTAL which is highlighting extremes and heavy trapped energy and emotion that is beg...ging for healing. If you're struggling right now, please know... IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS ANY MORE! Book a call now and get our of the black hole If you're a HEALTH PROFESSIONAL or EDUCATOR and you feel drawn to gather more, faster and powerful techniques to help your clients wherever you are in the world, please get in touch with me ASAP... The world needs you now more than ever, and needs you to have the right tools to help people transcend their darkness Much love xx Kristy
08.01.2022 Hi peeps This may be useful for you today... The energies have been challenging to say the least! Watch my "SOUL as the Antidote to Stress" interview with the lovely Melissa Schulz So grateful for the opportunity to speak with her group members in Australian Mums in Business in 2020 today... And for letting me share the replay with you too!... Enjoy and drop your thoughts in the comments #soul #stress #riseup #healing #energyblueprint #sacredenergymastery
08.01.2022 ASK KRISTY ANYTHING: How to be yourself when you know that your new thoughts might upset others. How to navigate this, not hurting others and stay true to you...... 4 Key Ways to stand in your power and allow others to do the same! #askkristyanything #sacredenergymastery #healingrelationships
07.01.2022 Join My Soul Family asap to take part in a special free Live T. A. P. EXPERIENCE with my trainee Jackie Campbell
06.01.2022 To all my beautiful torches of light.. I SEE AND APPRECIATE YOU My favorite part is that awakened women do not announce themselves as a savior of our time:... There is a band of women present on this earth who are carrying flaming torches for the evolution of humanity. These women are rare, unique, highly-crafted jewels of the ancient feminine spirit. These women possess more courage, resilience and perseverance than is fathomable. These women have silently walked through thousands upon thousands of years to find themselves back here on earth, charged with the task of re-awakening the deep feminine soul to humanity and earth. Emerging one by one from the etheric temples of Shakti in all Her forms, the Awakened Women plant their naked feet on the barren soil of earth. The Awakened Women do not announce themselves as the Saviours of our Time. They mostly get on with their immense workload with devotion, discipline and immeasurable commitment to mission. All of these women will go through deep dives into their own accumulated emotional suffering arising from the suppression of the Goddess-Consciousness. This karmic load of the feminine wound will inevitably reach a crisis point at some point during this lifetime, pulling them into profound self-healing and self-awakening. When these women heal themselves, they ignite a domino-effect of healing and transformation for generations of females both past and future. Not only that, the innate spiritual power of these women, who have spent eons devoting their entire Selves to serving the High Feminine, is so catalytic, so immensely creative and illuminating, so alchemizing - when these women pour sacred intention into bringing themselves into Wholeness, the entire Universe receives a body-full of oxygenated divine-blood. If you have been pulled into the vibrating web of an Awakened Woman's energy field, you will experience a spiritual change. Firstly, no matter what you think, your Soul chose to connect with her. This woman carries deep and significant mystic information for you; sacred intuitive-based codes that are vital for the evolution of your Being. These women all carry pre-arranged agreements that bring them into contact with specific people. These women are never 'randomly' placed. There is always a deep purpose to the connections and places that these women bring their energy to. It is not always an easy task to carry the sacred Torches for the feminine awakening. You know her. You could not have missed her. She will not be the flashiest, loudest, attention-grabbing woman. She will not manipulate, beg, or guilt-trip you into being around her. She does not work at the level of the ego. She works at the level of the spirit. Spirit does not need to announce Itself because It is ..... SOURCE: Sophie Bashford Photo : Victoria Markham by Natalia Newman
03.01.2022 ** BIG ANNOUNCEMENT ** I am running an ENERGY HEALER CERTIFICATE TRAINING pilot program to teach my remote energy healing and energy psychology techniques to an intimate group of people. This is a pilot program and it starts in a few weeks... its designed for self-paced study from home with mentoring from me. ... If you're interested in learning more, PM me now and we can discuss your suitability. #ITT #SEMhealercertificate
02.01.2022 Hello! I'm looking for 5 Massage Therapists who are looking to add a rapid-acting remote energy healing modality to their client care for better patient outcomes in 30 days. If that's you, comment below with 'HEAL' :)
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