KT Equestrian in Yarra Junction, Victoria | Sport & recreation
KT Equestrian
Locality: Yarra Junction, Victoria
Phone: +61 428 110 656
Address: Settlement Road 3797 Yarra Junction, VIC, Australia
Likes: 212
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25.01.2022 Sad but true :( credits: Pinterest
25.01.2022 Has becoming a professional riding instructor been easy for you? Now that you are here... what are you going to do to get to the next level?
24.01.2022 Hi everyone, This is the latest information released from EA. Due to stage 4 restrictions, i am not allowed to travel for coaching for the next 6 weeks. ... Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you would like a chat! I am still available to assist with any questions that may arise over this period Im just a phone call away.
23.01.2022 Following consultation with the relevant government agencies, Equestrian Victoria, HRCAV, PCV and RDAV advise that the current restrictions for Stage 4 Metrop...olitan Melbourne and Stage 3 Regional Victoria, will remain in force until the Victorian Roadmap to Reopening commences from 11:59pm 13 September 2020. Read the current restrictions https://www.vic.equestrian.org.au//EQUESTRIAN%20VICTORIA%2 METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE ROADMAP For Metropolitan Melbourne, the First Step Commences at 11:59pm on 13 September 2020. Restrictions for equestrian activity remain the same as currently in place for Stage 4 - Metropolitan Melbourne. Subject to trigger points and public health advice, the government MAY then move Melbourne Metropolitan to the Second Step from 28 September 2020, but ONLY if those trigger points have been met. We are still awaiting clarification of what the impact on equestrians under Step 2, Metropolitan Melbourne may be. When will Metro Melbourne move to the Second Step Metro Melbourne can move to the second step after 28 September 2020 AND when we reach an average daily case rate in metro Melbourne of 30 to 50 cases over a 14 day period with public health advice regarding transmission source. Links: Website: https://www.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-restrictions-ro PDF: http://bit.ly/MelbRoadmap REGIONAL VICTORIA ROADMAP For Regional Victoria, the Second Step commences at 11:59pm on 13 September 2020. Restrictions for equestrian activity remain the same as are currently in place for Stage 3 - Regional Victoria. When will Regional Victoria move to the Third Step When specified trigger points and public health conditions are met, then, the Government MAY move Regional Victoria to Step 3. Those trigger points are when: - Daily average number of cases in the last 14 days in Regional Victoria is less than 5 AND - Less than 0 cases in Regional Victoria with an unknown source in the last 14 days. Links: Website: https://www.vic.gov.au/restrictions-roadmap-regional-victor PDF: http://bit.ly/RegionalRoadmap The current provision to care for your horse/s under animal welfare grounds is still in place. This applies to both Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria. We must all remember that we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Victoria is at the centre of this pandemic in Australia, and how we all behave over the next few weeks determines how successful or otherwise we emerge on the other side. We understand that there will be disappointment and frustration that there is no further relaxation of restrictions at this point, but we will continue to advocate on behalf of the equestrian community. Once we have further information, we will email all members direct. MATTHEW BROWN CEO - Equestrian Victoria
23.01.2022 How did everyone go with last weeks exercises? Id love to see some pictures Here is the next 3. Happy riding everyone!!!! #horseriding #horseridingcoach #horsesofinstagram #poniesofinstagram #dressagecoach #jumpingcoach #polesandgrids #equestrianlife #equestrianvictoria #pcav #ponyclubvictoria
23.01.2022 This is a great exercise for everyone to do!!
23.01.2022 Horses are much better than politics! :D credits: Pinterest
23.01.2022 What a beautiful winter day, it was perfect for coaching!!! #sunnywinter #perfectsunset #equestrianlife #equestrianvictoria #coacheslife #horsesofinstagram #poniesofinstagram
23.01.2022 We are in to week 2 of stage 4 lockdown and i hope everyone is keeping busy!! Here is the next 3 excersises out of 101 jump excercises for horse and rider. I would love to see some pictures of you all riding #horsesofinstagram #horseridingcoach #ponyclubvictoria #poniesofinstagram #coachinglife #dressage #jumping #equestrianvictoria
22.01.2022 You may think that youre ready for the fancy warmblood, you may think youre ready for the 16hh+ sports horse. The truth is... The horse you trust will take yo...u further than anything you can imagine. The horses you laugh with will give you their heart. You dont need to lunge before every ride, lead out with a hefty bit, have an extra tack room for all of your gadgets to taste success. Just enjoy it and the rest will come. So to all the owners who dont have recorded breeding, the owners of fluffy feet, to those of you who arent taken seriously in the warm up ring. Keep pushing, your story is so special, and it might be too late before you realise just what you have Be bold, be brave and be bloody brilliant.
22.01.2022 Rein my golden pony!! #wintersunset #horsesofinstagram #horseridingcoach #equestrianlife #equestrianvictoria
22.01.2022 Hoolie and Rein have been enjoying the sunny warmer days this week!! They have been having lots of bonding time without there rugs on!!
22.01.2022 The last couple of days have been beautiful!!! We have been only working in hand as i dont have anywhere suitable to ride but Yesterday Hoolie and Rein had a bath whilst the sun was out #horsesofinstagram #horseridingcoach #happydays #thoroughbredsofinstagram #quarterhorsesofinstagram
21.01.2022 Congratulations to Karen who has been battling her fears and had her first trot in 2.5 years on the lovely Grace!! Proud coach moment!!!
21.01.2022 Congratulations to all the riders that braved the cold and wet weather over the last couple of days!!!! #dressagetraining #polesandgrids #equestrianvictoria #equestrianlife #winterishere
18.01.2022 This is the incredibly inspiring story of a young girl paralyzed from the waist down in a car accident. How she overcame her injuries to go on to compete in the American Rodeo will amaze you! Speaker: Amberley Snyder for National FFA Organization
18.01.2022 It has been confirmed that equestrian events at the Paris 2024 Olympics will be held at Versailles. The famous palace of Louis XIV will provide a fabulous backd...rop for Olympic and Paralympic horse sport, with organisers confirming that all equestrian events will take place at the UNESCO World Heritage Site.... Read more: www.equestrianlife.com.au//Equestrian-events-at-Paris-2024 Image: Paris 2024 #eqlifeaus
17.01.2022 Happy birthday everyone!!!
17.01.2022 Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all have an amazing day with family and friends!!
16.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE RESTRICTIONS EASED FROM 11.59pm ON TUESDAY 27th OCTOBER METRO MELBOURNE Summary of the Third Step and further easing of restrictions The lates...t easing of restrictions for Metro Melbourne allows an increase in activities for horse owners / equestrians. From 11.59pm on Tuesday 27th October 2020 - there are no restrictions on reasons to leave the house BUT you must stay within 25kms of home when engaged in equestrian activities and you may not cross the Melbourne/Regional Victoria border. Exceptions to the travel restrictions include: COACHING Professional equestrian coaches may travel outside a 25km radius from home including over the Melbourne/Regional Vic border provided they can produce their Permitted Worker Permit. CARE OF HORSES Owners, lessees and carers of horses are permitted to travel outside a 25km radius from home including over the Melbourne/Regional Vic border to care for their horse on welfare grounds. They should carry proof of their requirement to travel to provide care for the horse/s e.g.: registration papers, agistment contract etc. PROVIDED YOU REMAIN WITHIN YOUR 25km BUBBLE & FOLLOW GATHERING, HYGIENE AND SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIREMENTS YOU MAY RETURN TO EQUESTRIAN ACTIVITIES. You can: Ride your horse Care for your horse Have lessons Give lessons Attend rallies or clinics Attend competitions RESTRICTIONS AFFECTING EQUESTRIAN ACTIVITIES IN MELBOURNE METRO Indoor arenas remain closed. Activities must be outdoors and restricted to groups of up to ten people. More than one group of ten people can attend a venue provided 100m distance between groups can be maintained and there is no mixing of groups. Coaching may involve a group of up to ten people plus the coach. Rallies and clinics may involve a group of up to ten people plus coach/s and personnel required to run the activity. Competitions may be held with numbers limited by venue size/ social distancing requirements. No spectators. Essential support persons and event officials only. Face masks must be worn unless you are out of breath or have a valid reason for not wearing a mask. As per our previous advice, Club grounds and equestrian facilities may open provided: The owners/operators/Clubs have a COVIDSafe Plan in place including a booking or tracing system to facilitate recording of users’ details and to limit numbers in accordance with current restrictions. Club/Equestrian centre indoor facilities (e.g.: clubrooms) remain closed except for toilets. Competitions may be held provided a COVIDSafe Plan is in place including tracing, gathering, hygiene and social distancing requirements. Basic requirements include: - 10 riders at venue plus coach/s and essential support personnel (unless venue size allows more than one group of 10) - Maintain 1.5m social distancing - Record participants’ name/phone and time at venue - 4m distance between parked cars and floats - Every second yard/stable to remain vacant - Encourage good hygiene practices including wearing of face masks COVIDSafe Plans are required for organised equestrian activities. Equestrian Victoria has developed COVIDSafe Plans for a Return to COVIDSafe Competition please refer to the EV website for further information on running competitions, squads, training and clinics during COVID-19. The next Victorian Government review of restrictions for the Melbourne Metro area is scheduled for 9th November. Subject to Government confirmation, the 25km travel limit and Melbourne Metro / Regional Victoria border will be removed, allowing state wide travel. REGIONAL VICTORIA From 11.59pm on Tuesday 27th October, Third Step Restrictions in Regional Victoria are easing further. For equestrian, this means: INDOOR ARENAS can re-open with a limit on the number of people indoors. Exercise, training and coaching can resume with up to 10 people per indoor space and a limit of 20 people per facility. Equipment must be cleaned between uses. You should wear a face mask unless you are out of breath. Exercise must be non-contact. INDOOR NON-CONTACT SPORT can resume for those aged 18 years and under. Indoor sport can resume with up to 10 people per indoor space and a limit of 20 people per facility. Indoor sport is limited to the minimum number of people required to play the sport. Equipment must be cleaned between uses. There are limits on spectators to one parent, guardian or carer where the child requires supervision. TRAVELLING INTO MELBOURNE METRO You may not cross the border into the Melbourne Metro area unless: You are a professional coach with a Permitted Worker Permitted travelling for work or You are required to care for a horse/s on welfare grounds. You should carry proof of the requirement to travel to provide care for the horse/s e.g.: registration papers, agistment contract etc Matthew Brown CEO, Equestrian Victoria Read this release on our website https://www.vic.equestrian.org.au//covid-19-update-restric
16.01.2022 These also apply to what you are doing as a professional in the horse business. Do you agree?
15.01.2022 Thursdays are riding, coaching and mask wearing days #kickingcovidinthebutt #mask #coacheslife #equestrianlife #equestrianvictoria
14.01.2022 To feel correct contact "Imagine a fishing line. When the horse is behind the hand or empty, the contact feels like the fishing line is just hanging on the... water [image on left], but once you get the horse pushing into the bit, the contact you feel is like a draw on your back, elbows, forearm and handjust like a fish taking the line [image on right]." Mica Mabragaña Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz This image first appeared in the Fall 2020 issue of Practical Horseman magazine.
14.01.2022 R U OK Today is R U OK day. If everyone today, could just reach out to ONE person at least, and ask them this question. Sometimes it can mean the world to them, just by having a little chat, or even them knowing that someone cares <3 For those that may need any help or support:... Mensline Australia - 1300 789 978 Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636 (24/7) Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14 Kids Helpline (Ages 5-25) - 1800 55 1800 (24/7) #ruokday See more
13.01.2022 Reading #quote of the day, minds comes in handy
13.01.2022 SO true #FridayFunny
13.01.2022 Congratulations Edith and Bambie, you have both come so far in such a short time frame!!! Looking forward to seeing you soon!!
12.01.2022 What a fun weekend of coaching!! 7 private lessons yesterday and Dandenong Ranges pony club rally today, well done everyone!!! #horseriding #horseridingcoach #horsesofinstagram #poniesofinstagram #dressage #showjumping #equestrianvictoria #equestrianlifestyle
12.01.2022 Haha yes this is definitely my current situation!!
12.01.2022 It was a lovely day for some jumping practice!#poniesofinstagram #jumpinghorse #equestrianvictoria #practicemakesperfect
10.01.2022 CORONAVIRUS - YARRA RANGES LOCKDOWN. Finally, its been confirmed: Horse riding / care is permitted during Stage 3 Lockdown in Melbourne Metro/Mitchell Shire re...stricted area, which includes the Yarra Ranges, as advised by the Government. Horse Riding schools can operate - two students plus an instructor (max 3 at a time) Off property riding to exercise your horse Travel to a second property only to feed/care/ride Travel to transport horses if needed 1.5 metres physical distancing, hand hygiene before and after, and no sharing of equipment. Any questions? [email protected]
10.01.2022 Fisher showing how to wear a mask
09.01.2022 Hahahahahaha!!!
09.01.2022 When you have had a nice bath and a new rug put on a roll in the mud is definitely the next step!!! #mudmonster #horseridingcoach #horsesofinstagram #springhorse #poniesofinstagram #equestrianlifestyle #equestrianvictoria
08.01.2022 Jumping lesson with Edie and Bambie, such little legends!! #poniesofinstagram #showjumpersinthemaking #ponies #equestrianlife #equestrianvictoria #equestrianlifestyle #horsemad #coacheslife
07.01.2022 How bit pressure affects the movement of the hindlimb!!! The horses tongue attaches to the Hyoid bone (see photos) The hyoid is Intimately connected to the airw...ays and therefore affects the horses breathing, and is connected to hind limb via fascial. See below Sternohyoideus connects the hyoid to the sternum Omohyoideus connects the hyoid to the inside of the shoulder -Direct connection from the tongue to the sternum and shoulder along the bottom of the horses neck. Tension in the tongue tension in sternum horse cant lift through back to allow for collection- affects hindquarters Small muscles also connect the hyoid bones to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the poll. The TMJ is an important center for nerves that control the horses balance and proprioception. And the pollits ability to bend and flexis of central concern to the dressage rider. Because of the small muscles connecting them, there is a very close relationship (which few riders know about) between the horses tongue, hyoid bones, TMJ, poll, head, and neck. When the horses tongue is free and soft, all of this translates into a horse who is better able to move well, with coordination, improved balance, and a significantly lengthened stride.(L.Tellington- Jones 2013) L.Tellington-Jones (2013) Dressage with Mind, Body & Soul: A 21st-century Approach to the Science and Spirituality of Riding and Horse-and-rider Well-being.Trafalga Square. ISBN9781570764264
07.01.2022 You are invited to a Zoom Webinar on Horses & Bushfires on 29th Nov from 6pm. If you are a horse owner or operate horse agistment or equine training services th...en this Webinar is for you. The following topics will be covered by an experienced horse owner and CFA educator: - The local fire risk - Information and warnings - Some general bushfire safety information - Your horse and bushfire safety - Preparing your property - Your bushfire survival plan Register in advance for this webinar: https://au01web.zoom.us//register/WN_03elyyMsRCaU5qNuHYdM5Q*
07.01.2022 Horse-people mostly think about horses from a humanistic perspective. The use of derogatory terms such as nasty, stubborn or lazy and the emphasis on the ...horses attitude can blur training so that when training doesnt work we excuse ourselves by blaming the horse. Such terms imply the horse is born that way and will never change. While horses vary in their genetic tendencies to behave in particular ways, these characteristics have significant learned components and can, therefore, be unlearned or suppressed, and better still avoided. Humanistic terms disempower us as trainers because they provide no useful answers for retraining the problem or difficult horse. Worse, they lead to beliefs that place unfair expectations on the horse and often create further conflict through punishments and incorrect reinforcement strategies that are beyond the horses mental abilities. More horses would succeed to higher levels and fewer would be wasted if training were more closely aligned with the horses learning capabilities from the start; prevention is always better than cure. Furthermore, learning can be accelerated in all horses to optimal levels when trainers fully understand what they are doing beyond second nature functional abilities. It is every horse-persons responsibility to understand the horse as completely as possible. Evidence-based horse training is our way to protect the welfare of the horse. Deep dive into this matter with our Academic Horse Training book: https://www.esi-education.com/prod/academic-horse-training/ (Excerpt from the Academic Horse Training book, p. 9)
07.01.2022 I get to meet some pritty cute animals whilst Im out coaching, this is a day old Lamb i met at gembrook vet clinic!! #cutenessoverload #coacheslife #gembrookvet
07.01.2022 WEDNESDAY 5 AUGUST 2020 STAGE 3 REGIONAL VICTORIA & STAGE 4 METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE Equestrian Victoria is still awaiting formal government advice re travel ...and care for horses under COVID-19 Stage 3 and Stage 4 Restrictions. In the event you are stopped whilst travelling to care for your horse(s) please advise the relevant authorities that: Equestrian Victoria advises that you have a positive obligation under the Section 9 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 to ensure your animals are fed, watered, exercised and sheltered". We also recommend you carry both your horse registration papers and any documentation related to agistment with you when travelling. We will provide an update as soon as we have formal advice from the Victorian Government. You can download this statement for printing and to carry with you here: https://www.vic.equestrian.org.au//Holding_Statement_S3_S4 Thank you for your patience. Matthew Brown Chief Executive Officer - Equestrian Victoria
07.01.2022 How #quote of the day, much more could you want!
06.01.2022 UPDATE: The new Spirit calendar is now available to order. Please follow this link to place your order :https://www.createphotocalendars.com//Spirit+2021+Calen...dar I am so excited to announce the Spirit 2021 calendar is now available to order. Celebrate your love of Spirit all year long with this gorgeous 2021 Calendar. Each month features a full page photo of Spirit. I have also included quotes from the movie Spirit, Stallion of Cimarron. Spirit served as muse and model for DreamWorks Animation’s beloved 2002 Oscar-nominated film, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. Happy 25th Birthday to Spirit. I just loved being able to photograph such a magnificent horse. Spirit, the Kiger Mustang stallion served as the artists muse and model for the 2002 Dreamworks Animation film "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. " In April 2002, after completion of the film, DreamWorks chose Return to Freedom’s American Wild Horse Sanctuary to be Spirits permanent home. He serves as a prominent ambassador of the Kiger Mustang breed. Thank you Neda DeMayo and everyone at RTF for giving him and so many other wild horses an incredible home. https\://returntofreedom.org/what-we-do/sanctuary/our-horses/spirit Photos may be purchased at my website: https\://www.megfrederickphotography.com/Spirit-Stallion-Of-Cimarron All proceeds from photos sold will be directly donated to Return to Freedom to help care for Spirit and the other rescued horses. See more
05.01.2022 Is this still... true for you?
05.01.2022 Sunny days are for trail riders!!!
05.01.2022 A fantastic book for every rider and trainer wanting to develop there skills, confidence and balance in jumping! Every week i will post some new excercises every rider and horse combination can work on to help keep our focus during stage 4. Happy riding
05.01.2022 A State of Disaster has been declared in Victoria, with new restrictions for both Melbourne metropolitan and regional Victoria. We, along with HRCAV and... Pony Club Victoria, are working through the implications for our community and will make a detailed statement tomorrow. #staysafe #loveyourhorse
03.01.2022 What a fun weekend of coaching, we worked on creating confident riders outside of the arena!! Or cowgirls as younger riders like to call themselves!!! I will post some videos separately!!
03.01.2022 Starting the last week of 2020! Looking forward to a new start & exciting things to come in 2021!
01.01.2022 Happy 25th Birthday to Spirit. I just loved being able to photograph such a magnificent horse. Spirit, the Kiger Mustang stallion served as the artists muse and... model for the 2002 Dreamworks Animation film "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. " In April 2002, after completion of the film, DreamWorks chose Return to Freedom’s American Wild Horse Sanctuary to be Spirits permanent home. He serves as a prominent ambassador of the Kiger Mustang breed. Thank you Neda DeMayo and everyone at RTF for giving him and so many other wild horses an incredible home. https\://returntofreedom.org/what-we-do/sanctuary/our-horses/spirit Photos may be purchased at my website:https\://www.megfrederickphotography.com/Spirit-Stallion-Of-Cimarron All proceeds from photos sold will be directly donated to Return to Freedom to help care for Spirit and the other rescued horses. See more
01.01.2022 Week 4s excercises! If you cant ride currently thats ok hold on to them as they will be great excercises to refer to when bringing them back in to work!! #horseriding #horseridingcoach #equestrianlife #equestrianlifestyle #equestrianvictoria #horsesofinstagram #poniesofinstagram #lovemyjob
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