Kurrajong North Public School in Kurrajong Hills | Primary School
Kurrajong North Public School
Locality: Kurrajong Hills
Phone: +61 2 4567 7291
Address: Stone Terrace 2758 Kurrajong Hills, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.kurrajongn-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
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25.01.2022 Our first ever 3-Way Interviews have been a roaring success, in terms of numbers at least. We have had 100% of K-2 parents and students attend and 92% or 3-6 parents and students attend. Teachers have indicated that the be process has been successful, with lots of valuable conversations around student learning occurring. We would like to also gauge whether 3-Way Interviews were useful for parents and students. So we have two surveys for parents to complete. They are very short and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete both of them (even shorter if you say really nice things!). The links will be provided in tomorrow's newsletter and will also be sent through SkoolBag and email. Thanks for your support
25.01.2022 From classroom desks to dining room tables. See how the students, parents and teachers from these schools navigated online learning, and what they learned together along the way. #EdWeek20 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
25.01.2022 Good Morning. Welcome to Week 2. This will be the last week of the current learning model before we move to students attending 1 day per week on Monday 11 May. You will receive a SkoolBag notification shortly about the model due to start in Week 3. Very briefly, we will be looking at students attending 1 day per week. Students will receive teaching from their teacher when they attend. The next 4 lessons will then be consolidation activities directly linked to the teaching st...udents received on their face-to-face teaching day. This will hopefully assist parents as students will be given a demonstration of the work to be completed before it comes home. Students will also be given worksheets to take home and there will be a lot less online work to be completed from Week 3. More information on SkoolBag. Thank you for being so patient and supportive of the school and your children throughout these testing times. You are all doing an amazing job and we think you are all fantastic. We are missing everyone and can't wait to see our students again. Even if it is only 1 day per week! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school. Keep being brilliant. Be kind and we will see you all soon
25.01.2022 The chickens are invading!
25.01.2022 Last week we mentioned that students in Years 1-6 are trying to reach 10 000 000 words read by the end of Term 4. In just one week we have read an additional 200 000 words to add to the tally! We still have a few to go, but we are well on the way. The holidays will be a great opportunity to establish new routines around reading at home and we might be able to smash out a few more hundred thousand words while we have the time. 3/4 have been tallying their words read for this term and for the year. Jazmin has read a massive 381 053 words this term and is over 1 000 000 words for the year. Wow! What an amazing effort, Jazmin. You are inspiring us all to improve our reading skills
25.01.2022 Our leadership speeches have begun. Please contact the school on 4567 7291 if you have any issues
24.01.2022 Origo at Home Week 2 is now available for all students
24.01.2022 KEEP CONNECTED - TERM 1 WEEK 4 Tue 16 Feb Scripture ... Wed 17 Feb Library borrowing Thu 18 Feb Mr Carter visiting KNPS Fri 19 Feb Canteen open AFL Sporting Schools program
24.01.2022 #MathsTrainsBrains
23.01.2022 More swing fun
22.01.2022 We have had an awesome day with stage 2 at Yarramundi. W have finished a bit early, so if you wanted to come and collect early that would be fine. Otherwise, 3.45 is the pickup time
22.01.2022 K-2 have arrived at Shelly Beach. We’ve seen lizards and crabs already and now we are learning about the beach and the amazing ecosystem near the ocean.
22.01.2022 And we’re away...
21.01.2022 Welcome Back! Just a reminder that students return Tuesday 21 July. We can’t wait to hear all about the fun times during the holiday
21.01.2022 It's hard to believe, but Christmas is just around the corner. For most of us, this is a fun time of year filled with family, laughter and a little bit of relaxation. For some, though, it can be difficult to experience the joy of Christmas due to the circumstances they find themselves in. To remedy this, Strong Nation Community (formerly Hawkesbury Community Services), has put together a Christmas Hamper drive, which they hold at the end of every year; and with Christmas bei...ng just a few months away, they are beginning preparations for this year! Strong Nation Community are asking for donations of shelf stable food items which they will happily collect and turn into much-needed hampers for families in the Hawkesbury. Below is a list of the items that are often included in the hampers: Rice Canned Tuna Tuna Bake Tinned Vegetables Tinned Fruit Tinned Spaghetti Pasta Sauce Mixes Spaghetti/Pasta 2 Minute Noodles Cereal Instant Coffee Tea Bags 50pk Long Life Milk UHT Custard Spreads Biscuits Lollies Jelly Cake Mix Self-Saucing Pudding Mix Please send in these items, if you are able, to the front office and we will organise for collection later in the term. Thanks in advance for your generosity.
21.01.2022 In 2022 the new selective stream offering in North West Sydney at Richmond Ag College will commence. Enrolment for this stream opens officially today via the Selective Schools website. As this is a new and unique offering that will see students work across both the Centre of Excellence campus at WSU Hawkesbury, as well as Richmond HS, following a more unique, transdisciplinary - design thinking curriculum, we will be holding an information session Thursday next week to provide additional information to parents. Please see the attached flyer. Feel free to contact the school if you require additional information
21.01.2022 Congratulations to Flynn D who was awarded first place at the Sydney Royal Easter Show in the Dairy Goat Junior Paraders competition. Flynn was judged on how he handled his goat and had to answer lots of questions about his goat. Sydney Royal Easter Show The Hawkesbury Gazette
20.01.2022 Good afternoon parents. The attached image includes suggested times that students in each stage of schooling should spend completing work each day. You will notice that the suggested times range from 2.5 - 3 hours per day, plus the other category (wellbeing, sport etc). We are not expecting parents to be spending a full 6 hour day teaching students. If you can't get the work done each day, that's ok. Let the school know and we can support you to adjust learning as need be. If you are finding there is not enough work, let us know and we can work with you to provide additional work. Thank you for all that you are doing to support the school and your children. You are all doing enough and we appreciate what you are doing
20.01.2022 Join us at 8:45am AEST on 1 May for an interactive session with former NRL player Alan Tongue! He'll be tackling the importance of respect, and how to pass the footy the way you'd like to receive it! So don't forget to bring a ball, some pen and paper and a lot of enthusiasm. Find the stream:... Website: https://bit.ly/35bKJmV Facebook: https://bit.ly/2xiikPz YouTube: https://bit.ly/3aLkXHw #EducationLive #LearnFromHome *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
20.01.2022 After the fire comes regrowth. See how Grafton Public School welcomed Baryulgil and Nymboida Public Schools, providing a safe haven for students from fire-affected communities so everyone could learn together and recover. #EdWeek20 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
19.01.2022 Traffic Update A crane has been organised to clear Bells Line of Road. The road has been blocked off below and above the accident. If you are attempting to travel from Kurrajong you will be stopped by police. The police have advised us that you will be allowed to pass the roadblock to pick up your children if you let them know you are travelling to the school. We have been in contact with OOSH. This service will continue to run as normal at this stage as the bus will be given permission to pass through the roadblocks also. The bus cannot get through at this stage, so students who would normally catch the bus will be kept at school until the bus can get through, or parents arrive to collect children. We are in contact regularly with the bus company and RFS. We will attempt to keep you as updated as possible.
19.01.2022 EDUCATION WEEK 2020 Today’s Learning Together post focuses on Aboriginal Education. Over the past year we have had Erin Wilkins come in once a term to talk with our students about Aboriginal Culture and History. Erin has taught the students at KNPS about bush resources (flora and fauna), maps, weapons, tools, games and a little bit of Darug Language. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with Erin and learning more about the traditional owners of the land we learn and live on.... The photos are from Erin’s most recent visit to the school where we learnt about local Darug language. We learnt how to say hello - Worimi and goodbye - Yanu. We also played played some Aboriginal games. We learnt a lot and had so much fun! We have also begun to work closely with our Aboriginal community to create a cultural mural in the bottom playground. We have met with Leanne Tobin, a local Darug elder, and Aboriginal families within the school to plan and design our mural, which will include local Aboriginal history and links to the local environment. We are also creating an Aboriginal edible garden designed and built by Muru Mittigar. Working closely with the community, we are creating a culture of knowledge and understanding for all students at KNPS. We are incredibly lucky and honoured to be able to create these experiences with our local community for our students and hope the shared learning experiences continue long into the future.
18.01.2022 Dear parents, Welcome back to school for Term 2! I would like to introduce myself as your child's Principal. I am looking forward to starting the journey of getting to know everyone in the school and developing a strong partnership between home and school. The teachers have been hard at work today preparing classrooms and planning lessons in anticipation of students' return to school tomorrow (Tuesday). If you spot me before or after school, please come and introduce yourself.... Kind regards, Mr Davies See more
18.01.2022 So much fun at lunch time playing with the leaves
18.01.2022 Students in Years 3-6 have read 7 233 695 words so far this year. I think we can get to 10 000 000 words by the end of the year. Ask your child today how many words they have read and encourage them to read even more! We have 3 months to reach 10 million. We have heaps of books available at school to read. For words to count, students have to complete the quiz in Literacy Pro and get at least 7/10. We are averaging 8/10 per quiz this year, which is amazing! Let's go, KNPS. We've got this!
18.01.2022 More Manly K-2 photos
17.01.2022 Is your child learning at home? Download resources, find new content and discover tools to help manage learning from home. Find out more: https://bit.ly/2ShxwE6 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
17.01.2022 Don’t forget! Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 April will be pupil-free days! Term 2 starts on Wednesday 29 April, with students returning to the classroom for one day per week from 11 May. Find more information on the transition back to the classroom here: https://bit.ly/2XTkb8C *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
16.01.2022 Our kids area back. Yay!!!
16.01.2022 EDUCATION WEEK 2020 Today's "Learning Together" post is about our Kitchen Garden experience. The amazing Kate Fewtrell has a passion for outdoor education and, with the help of our awesome P&C, has established a number of Veggie Garden beds at the school. Over the past few months, students have been able to plant and grow a number of different veggies, including spinach, lettuce and parsley. They grew so well that we decided to take the veggies and cook something yummy to eat...! The wonderful Sue Rigg ran the canteen side of the operation with the fantastic Nicola Murison and we made spinach and feta scrolls, chicken and salad wraps, tabouleh salad and home-made hummus. Every student had the opportunity to harvest vegetables and help to prepare food. They also all had the opportunity to eat the spoils of their hard work, as you can see in the photos attached. This was a wonderful experience for our students and demonstrates the strength and versatility of our community. It was great to see our parent community, teachers and students "Learning Together" to plant seedlings, help them to grow, harvest them, prepare food and enjoy a fabulous meal at the end of all the hard work. It was also positive to see students make the connection to the food they were eating and experience the process of taking food from the ground, right through to it being on the plate. We had about half of our students try a new food that they hadn't tried before, partly due to the fact that they experienced the connection between harvesting and cooking. A huge thank you to all involved. It was a fantastic day and one that we will try and replicate in the future.
16.01.2022 The new NSW school curriculum will build strong foundations in numeracy and literacy, give teachers more time on essential learning, and better prepare students for future work and study. Find out more: https://bit.ly/30agpXV *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
15.01.2022 Today is your last day of learning on-line! Woo Hoo. We are so excited to welcome all students back to school next week, all at once. I think there are some parents out there excited about this, too! We have sent information out via SkoolBag for next week. Please check your emails and the SkoolBag app for this information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. A few points of interest:... - The advice from AHPPC is that schools are safe and all students are expected to attend school next week and return to full face-to-face teaching. - We have received from the department additional supplies to ensure hygiene requirements to keep us all safe can be met. - Parents are asked to drop off and pick up students using the Kiss and Drop zone. The buses are also still operating as normal in the mornings and afternoons. - We are trying to keep reporting and interview times as normal as possible. Student Reports will be modified this year obviously and more information about this will be included in the Newsletter. More extensive guidelines have been provided by the department and these are in the SkoolBag app. We hope everyone has an amazing weekend and is as excited as us to return to some form of normality next week. See you all on Monday
15.01.2022 Today we celebrated student achievement for both the KNPS and Small Schools swimming carnival. We are thrilled to announce that Kurrajong North PS was the winning school for the SS swimming carnival. Congratulations to all of our students, with a special mention to the following who were awarded Age Champions at the SS swimming carnival. Junior boys - Oliver J... 11 yrs boys - Will W Senior girls - Gypsy J See more
15.01.2022 We made it to the end of Week 2! Well done everyone Monday 11 May marks the beginning of Phase 1. This means that students will return to school for at least 1 day per week. On this day, students will receive face-to-face teaching from their regular class teacher. It is important that you check the day your child is supposed to attend school. Emails have been sent with this information last week. If you are unsure of any details, please contact the school to confirm. It is... important to remember that after your child's first face-to-face day they will be given a booklet which contains their Home Learning activities. If your child is attending additional days they will need to bring this booklet with them each day they attend school. This will enable your child to engage with their learning while at school. For those parents with children attending on Monday 11 May, your child will no longer be required to complete their work in Google Classrooms. There may still be PowerPoints, weblinks and other resources students need to access in Google Classrooms however, most work will be completed in the physical booklet. This will be explained to your child when they come to school on Monday so this should all become a little clearer after your child's first day at school. For those parents whose children will attend on Tuesday 12 May, Wednesday 13 May or Thursday 14 May for their first School Learning day, your children will continue with online learning until this date. This work has already been scheduled in Google Classrooms and will appear each day @ 8am as it has for the last four weeks. Once your child attends school, they will no longer be required to complete work online. We are asking parents to provide headphones for students attending school if at all possible. This will help us to ensure that the classroom environment is as safe as possible. I am sorry for the long post. We are trying to make things as clear as possible. If you have any questions at all, please contact the school to clarify. If there are any further developments we will continue to provide these to you through Facebook, SkoolBag and email. Enjoy the weekend and the beautiful weather we are experiencing currently. We hope that all of the mothers are going to be spoilt this weekend (no pressure dads and kids ) as they deserve to be. We can't wait to see students next week. We are all very excited!
14.01.2022 Stage 3 YMCA photos. We have videos as well. These will be sent home via USB later in the year
14.01.2022 Kindy students were doing their research this morning, trying to learn a bit about our hopeful Year 6 leaders for 2021. Good luck Year 5
13.01.2022 With school holidays approaching it's important to know what vacation care options are available to you. A list of vacation care services near to your school can be found here: https://bit.ly/3eaSmhI *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
13.01.2022 Happy Easter to our Kurrajong North families!
13.01.2022 Our Carnival Fairs Book Fair opens Wednesday 21 October and will close Monday 2 November. Your children have started exploring and have brought home some ideas. With only 9 Sundays until Christmas, it’s a great place to start (or finish) your Christmas shopping while supporting our school. Go to www.carnivalfairs.com.au and click on the Virtual Book Fair button. Our Book Week Book Character parade will be held on Wednesday 28th October, with Year 6 preparing a fundraising lun...ch for afterwards. We are looking forward to seeing everyone dressed up as their favourite book character. Go to www.carnivalfairs.com.au and click on the Virtual Book Fair button Our school receives free books in commission from items you purchase for your children Books for all ages from K to teens Specials Activity and craft kits Novelty stationery Books to help with homework
13.01.2022 Do you want your children to catch the bus to and from school for free? Apply for Regional Travel - Bilpin Coaches with Transport NSW. Follow the link below. All students who live in Kurrajong Heights are entitled to free bus travel.... https://apps.transport.nsw.gov.au/ssts/home#/applyNow
12.01.2022 See you 8:45am on Thursday April 30 for a cooking class with chefs Matt Preston, Manu Feildel and Gary Mehigan! They'll take you through some special classes for cooking at home, exclusive to the students of NSW. Find the stream: Website: https://bit.ly/35bKJmV Facebook: https://bit.ly/2xiikPz... YouTube: https://bit.ly/3aLkXHw #EducationLive #LearnFromHome *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
12.01.2022 Crews are cleaning the road now. Hopefully it won't take too much longer. Please let us know if the traffic starts moving so we can let other parents know
12.01.2022 We sent out information about our first ever 3-Way Interviews and how to book late last week. A few parents have contacted us to let us know they didn't receive an email. The first step is to check your junk mail folder. Some emails have ended up in the junk/spam folders. If this doesn't work, give us a call and we can either link you up with the Sentral booking service or manually enter a time for you to book in
12.01.2022 3-WAY INTERVIEWS - Upcoming bookings These interviews are planned for Weeks 2 and 3 of this term. Please be aware that online bookings open through the Sentral Parent Portal or app as of 9:00am tomorrow morning (Tuesday 20 April). If you are limited in your availability, we strongly advise that you book early to secure the time you need.
12.01.2022 For all of those cricket tragics out there, or for anyone else looking to play cricket this season, see the attached flyer. Looks like fun!!
11.01.2022 EDUCATION WEEK 2020 Sporting Schools is a $240 million Australian Government initiative designed to help schools to increase children's participation in sport, and to connect them with community sporting opportunities. Sporting Schools programs are provided free to children and their families to help students build the confidence and capability to be active for life.... We have been lucky enough to receive funding on numerous occasions over the last few years and have been able to provide opportunities for kids to be active and learn skills in a number of sports. Ty, our amazing sports coach has taught students a variety of sports over the years, including squash, hockey and badminton. "Learning Together" with Ty and local sporting organisations helps us provide learning experiences for students in sports they may not be familiar with, gets kids active and develops important gross motor skills. We very much value the connections we have with the Sporting Skills initiative and Ty and feel that it adds to the learning experience here at Kurrajong North Public School.
11.01.2022 Today we reflect on the service and bravery of the many Australians who have served during wartime. Lest we forget.
10.01.2022 It has been a happy place at KNPS this week. The school seems whole again with our students returning slowly. There has been lots of learning, play and laughter. Let’s hope we continue on this path in the weeks to come!
09.01.2022 one of the things that my granddaughter especially said she liked about the school was the teachers. Also the outside physical environment, the children themsel...ves, their learning and the school and community spirit combine to make this a special school that encourages their ongoing learning as well as nurturing their positive and growing contribution towards the community and later society as a whole. The bus service, and driver, are also an asset to the school.
09.01.2022 Here's a guide to managing the return to school from May 11. Find more information here: https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
09.01.2022 Student Report Cards for Semester 1 will be coming home today, so keep an eye out for envelopes in school bags this afternoon. Reports will look a little different in Semester 1 due to our disrupted school year. They will still contain information about your child's achievements and progress, which will be further discussed in our inaugural 3-Way Interviews next week, however, they will be a little shorter than normal. Student Report Cards are an important opportunity for par...ents to engage in conversations about student progress and future directions. We encourage families to have those discussions prior to attending 3-Way interviews next week so that you have an idea of where your child is at and what you would like them to learn in the future. So far we have 91% of Stage 1 families and 77% of Stage 2 & 3 families attending 3-Way Interviews. An amazing attendance percentage so far. We have not hit 100% yet, so if you haven't booked a time to discuss your child's progress and set goals for the next two terms of learning you still have time! Jump onto the Sentral Portal or contact the school and we can manually book a time. We are looking forward to engaging with you and your child about their learning next week. Have a great weekend
08.01.2022 Pass it on: #EdWeek20 is only 3 weeks away! Celebrate the amazing work of NSW public school students, staff, parents and carers learning together this year. More info: https://bit.ly/2Dt3U1R *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
08.01.2022 Term 2 Week 1 Home Learning starts tomorrow. Lessons scheduled to appear in Google Classrooms @ 8am. Any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the school. Enjoy your first day back students and parents!
07.01.2022 Good Morning. We have had a couple of questions about the bus service. Buses are running in the morning and afternoon as they always have. Ray is still driving and doing an outstanding job. Thanks Bilpin Coaches.
07.01.2022 School is back! Join Guy Sebastian for an exclusive livestream to kick off your day of learning from home! Connect and learn together each day at 8:45am. Learn more: https://bit.ly/35bKJmV #EducationLive #LearnFromHome
06.01.2022 Dear Parents, As you would be aware from media reports, students will be returning to school full time from next week. At this point in time this is all the information we have. More information is being provided this afternoon about what this will look like in schools. As soon as we have worked through the details we will inform you of what this means for Kurrajong North Public School. Regards,... Matt Carter Principal
06.01.2022 Traffic Update The bus will not get through this afternoon. If you have a child at school, we will stay until you are able to get through and pick them up. You can contact the school on 4567 7291 for additional information. Matt
06.01.2022 Tomorrow is the last day of Term 2 and we have two exciting events happening. The first is pyjama day, an initiative run by the SRC as a fundraising event. A gold coin donation is requested for all students wearing pyjamas. The second event is part of our rewards system at KNPS. Students earn Dojo Points for demonstrating positive behaviour aligned to our school expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience, which add to a school tally. When the school tally reaches... a multiple of 2000 the whole school is rewarded. Last term students reached 2000 points and received 5 minutes extra play at lunchtime. This term students reached 4000 points and will receive a school movie! This will take place tomorrow, with each class watching a G rated movie of teacher choice. Mrs Burgess and the Holmes family have kindly donated some popcorn for students to enjoy as well. How spoilt! We are very proud of our students' behaviour and achievements throughout 2020. Well done boys and girls, we hope you enjoy your well-earned, special treat tomorrow!
06.01.2022 Kurrajong North PS are now taking enrolments for 2021. If you or any one you know would like an enrolment form, please contact the school on 45677291.
05.01.2022 EDUCATION WEEK 2020 Education Week is an annual celebration of NSW public education and the achievements of local schools and students. This year, Education Week will run from Monday 3 August to Friday 7 August 2020 and the theme is 'Learning together'. We would normally hold an assembly to share with the community all of the amazing learning which takes place at KNPS each and every day, however, we obviously can't do that this year, so we have decided to utilise Facebook to ...share with our community. Each day we will post an example of how our school community demonstrates "Learning Together" to create shared learning experiences. Our first post showcases "Learning Together" through connections with real Australian Authors. Last week students engaged with a number of Australian Authors to learn about their books and how they create the amazing books we read at the bookstore. Each day a new author engaged with students in all grades K-6 about their writing process and students then took part in some writing of their own. The authors included; James Foley, Andrew Daddo, Oliver Phommavanh, Thomas Mayer, Kristin Darrel, Jackie French, Suzanne Gervay, Katrina McKelvey, Wendy Orr, Lisa Nicol and Kirli Saunders. Students took inspiration from the live video session and created their own work. We have included some of the students' work as photos for your enjoyment. Please keep in mind that we are on a continual journey of learning. Students will make mistakes in their work and that's okay. We strive for perfection, but our main aim is continual progress and improvement. So if there are a few errors in the work here, I am sure that we can all read past these and focus on the amazing storytelling instead If you would like to engage with some of the video sessions yourself, we have included a link below. These are recordings. The sessions we engaged in last week were live and offered opportunities for students to engage with the authors. https://www.littlescribe.com/free-author-videos/ Make sure you keep an eye out for tomorrow's "Learning Together" post. We look forward to engaging with you then.
05.01.2022 KEEP CONNECTED - TERM 2 WEEK 1 Mon 19 April Pupil free day... Tue 20 April Students begin Term 2 Scripture Lessons Wed 21 April K-6 sport - softball Library - K/1 and 3/4/5 Thu 22 April Library - 1/2 and 5/6 Fri 23 April Hawkesbury Show begins. Make sure you find our Painted Horses and visit our Vertical Wall Garden Sun 25 April - ANZAC DAY
05.01.2022 Dear Families, We are super excited to share that we have signed all of our wonderful students up for some at-home dance resources from EZRA at Dance Curriculum! By following the link below and setting up your own account, you will get instant access to all of these resources. ... https://dancecurriculum.mykajabi.com/offers/ne9gzjpf We recommend downloading the 'KAJABI' app from the Apple Store or Google Play to access your videos easily from your phone! Dean Langham | CEO Dance Curriculum
05.01.2022 Dear Parents, A huge thank you to everyone for your efforts this term. We had a successful start to Phase 1 last week. Lots of smiling, learning and playing. We almost felt like we were back to normal! We are continuing to have enhanced cleaning of high touch areas in the school throughout the day, and students are washing hands and using hand sanitiser regularly.... Next week we will be continuing in Phase 1 with students attending school 1 day per week. The school will continue to be open for essential workers. If there are any changes to school attendance we will let you know as soon as possible. We hope you have a great week, either at home or at work
05.01.2022 "Learn as much as you can about the culture and participate." - Aunty Deanna. Each year, NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who are part of some of the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #NAIDOC2020 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
04.01.2022 Yesterday we enjoyed a very special visit from Mr Carter. The students were very excited They prepared farewell letters, thank you speeches and asked several times... When are you coming back? Mr Carter will be dearly missed BUT we will always be grateful for the inspiring programs/routines we now have in our classrooms, the big improvements in our playground, and of course his silly dad jokes See you again soon Mr Carter
04.01.2022 NEWS: NSW students will progressively return to face-to-face learning at school from Week 3, Term 2 with appropriate and enhanced social distancing measures. Read to find out more: https://bit.ly/2wRcdS2 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
04.01.2022 Looking for the ultimate #LearnFromHome lesson? Mel Silva, Google MD is coming to the rescue at 8:45am on Monday 4 May. Get insider tips and tricks on innovation and how it helps people at Google make some of your favourite tech tools. Find the stream:... Website: https://bit.ly/35bKJmV Facebook: https://bit.ly/2xiikPz YouTube: https://bit.ly/3aLkXHw #EducationLive #LearnFromHome *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
04.01.2022 We are on our way home. Due back at approximately 3.30. We will keep you updated on our progress.
04.01.2022 Calling all parents and carers: Have you downloaded the School Updates app yet? Opt in to receive notifications about the operational status of our school (e.g. temporary closures). Find out more and download via https://bit.ly/2PD2jd3 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
03.01.2022 Richmond Agricultural College is opening in 2021 for Year 7 students. How exciting! If you are interested we have included a flyer for you to look at. Full application packages available at the address below. https://richmondagcollege-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/ If you have any questions, please feel free to email:... [email protected]
03.01.2022 Just a reminder that Term 4 starts tomorrow (Monday 12 October) for all students. See you tomorrow
03.01.2022 REMINDER - WE'RE COVID SAFE Students should not attend school if they are unwell, even with the mildest of symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of taste, and loss of smell. Students need to be symptom free and a negative COVID-19 test result must be received and sighted by the school prior to their return to school. Please contact the School Office or your child's class teacher via Class Dojo if you have any questions. For further COVID-19 ...health guidelines, please use the following link https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families See more
02.01.2022 Good afternoon. Unfortunately, there has been a truck roll on Bells Line of Road at cut rock. Traffic blocked in both directions. Crews are currently working to clear a large amount of sand off the road. We are liaising with the bus company in regards to the bus run this afternoon. We are being updated at 3pm and will have more information to provide then.
02.01.2022 We want to hear from all NSW parents about their before and after school care needs in light of COVID-19. Complete this form to help us improve access to services for public school students: https://bit.ly/32JNpsZ *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
02.01.2022 Dear Parents, We are currently gathering and analysing data to help us create the next school plan cycle which will be implemented in 2021 and take us through to 2024. It is a very short survey in relation to teaching and learning at KNPS. Survey Monkey assures me that it will only take you two minutes to complete! We will organise a Zoom meeting to take the parent community through the results later in the term and work more closely with you around the directions and vision... of the school. The link is provided below. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BNP9SGW Thanks in anticipation of your support. Matt Carter Principal
01.01.2022 Pyjama Day Fun. A nice way to ease into the holidays, dressed in our night time best
01.01.2022 This is what happens when there are no kids at school! These two clucky criminals broke into the kindy classroom today. They were sent on their way quick smart, with a stern warning from Constable Burgess
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+61 8 9757 2564
4 Clarke Road 6285 Margaret River, WA, Australia
- Saint Monica's Primary School, Kangaroo Flat
Businesses Education School Primary School
+61 3 5447 7832
- Poowong Consolidated School
Childcare service Nursery Primary School
+61 3 5659 2356
27 Ranceby road, 3988 Poowong, VIC, Australia
- Karoo Primary School
Primary School State school Campus building
+61 3 9759 6222
160 Karoo Road 3178 Ferntree Gully, VIC, Australia