KX Pilates Brighton SA in Adelaide, South Australia | Sport & recreation
KX Pilates Brighton SA
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 8 8358 0679
Address: 426 Brighton Road 5048 Adelaide, SA, Australia
Website: https://kxpilates.com.au/studio/brighton-sa-pilates-studio
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24.01.2022 Let's reset those expectations This recent period of isolation has brought businesses to a stand still and sent social lives into hibernation. It's been a challenge mentally and physically. With the studio reopen this Saturday it may cause some of you to reflect on your bodies and how you might feel coming back to your first KX class. We understand that some of you may have been working out at home the whole way through, which is awesome. We understand some of you may hav...e taken a complete break from exercise to enjoy a slow down, which is completely fine as well. Everyone has adapted to their new normal the best way possible. When returning to KX it's important to understand that you probably won't feel like you did the last time we saw you, which is A-OK. This is a normal process of de-conditioning that our bodies go through when they don't do a particular type of training or any training for a while. It doesn't mean you're bad at KX. It doesn't mean you'll never get better. It just means you're a little out of practice. To get into a new routine regularity is crucial to building your strength and endurance back up on the reformer. A widely known key to fitness success is by setting goals. We need to make sure these goals are realistic and achievable in order for you to feel positive about your progress. Be kind to yourselves, be honest with where you're at and understand that it's ok for your expectations on your fitness level to shift with the current climate. We've got your back on this as well. To ease you into things you'll notice more Beginner classes on the schedule for a while. This will give you more opportunity to get reacquainted with the KX basics in a safe way. But don't worry, intermediate classes are still available, just a few less of them for now. Whether you're apprehensive or pumped about getting back onto your fave reformer (2nd one in from the left down the front) just know that we're here to support and encourage you every step of the way. With consistency you'll be reformer fit again in no time. Let's enjoy it
24.01.2022 Now's the perfect time to get started Classes recommence THIS Saturday We can't wait to welcome you back into the studio and help you get back on track with your fitness regime. Our reopening specials are available for purchase online or via the KX App for all new and existing clients. You can even take advantage of them both together to maximise their value! 15% off any class pack - use promo code "REIGNITE" at the check out. This code can only be used once per person s...o make sure you use it wisely 10 class pack $150 - valid 30 days from Saturday June 6 Any existing class packs can be placed on hold to utilise these specials. If you require assistance with this or have any questions please reach out to us for support. If you're a new client to KX all of this can also be combined with our intro offer (say whaaat?!) setting you up with a killer KX routine for exceptional value. Whether you're a die hard addict, you've had a little KX hiatus (lets face it, we all have right now) or you're brand new and keen to give KX a try, there's never been a better time to get involved Tag your workout buds below to make sure they don't miss out
24.01.2022 "I can't believe how much I missed my KX classes!" "I didn't realise how much not being able to come would affect my mental health" Those are the overwhelming messages we've heard from you in the studio since reopening ... Staying physically fit with regular KX workouts improves your immunity, makes you fitter and stronger, reduces stress and anxiety symptoms and releases those 'feel good' endorphins post workout Mental and physical health have never been more intertwined than they are right now, what a valuable opportunity to learn. Sometimes it can take a crisis for us to reassess our priorities and realise what's truly important in our lives. If ever you're feeling the sting of buying your next pack, feeling sore from your last class or resenting that early alarm, remember this - It's about so much more than just the KX workout. It's about committing to being the best version of yourself, it's about belonging to a supportive community of likeminded people, it's about mental health as well as physical health and it's about valuing the things in life that make you feel great. We're beyond happy to have you back in the studio. Keep making that time for you. You've got this
24.01.2022 Welcome to our new community members There's never been a better time to embrace a fresh fitness routine with us at KX. Controlled class numbers, high levels of hygiene, flexible pack options to fit your lifestyle, not to mention kick a** trainers, personalised service and a fun welcoming atmosphere. It's no surprise we're bursting at the seams right now with new clients signing up to learn what we're all about with our great value intro offer! We currently have a KX40 cha...llenge underway in the studio, which means it's a little busier than usual and might be more challenging for some to book in. Any new client who purchases an intro offer with us within the current KX40 challenge period (Aug 24-Oct 2) will be automatically gifted extra time to complete it, free of charge. This is our way of making sure the experience our clients get from us at the start of their KX journey is top notch, while giving them a warm welcome to our community For any extension or pack related enquiries please don't hesitate to reach out for us to better support you. We're always happy to help.
23.01.2022 Bookings are essential Classes resume next Saturday June 6 and we're already seeing your bookings roll in! We can tell you're just as excited about it as we are To abide with Government regulation we have reduced our class numbers to 10 per session, with bookings available 10 days ahead of time (10 is the magic number right now). ... If the class you want to book is full just pop yourself on a wait list and we'll notify you when a place becomes available. You'll have 2 hours to confirm that place. If we don't hear from you the spot in the class will go to the next person on the list, so make sure you have your text and email notifications from us turned on in your profile settings. If you need further support from us making bookings or any other general enquires about getting back in the swing of things post COVID closure - please reach out via Facebook or email. Book online or via the KX App now
23.01.2022 Our Spring KX40 Challenge has officially sold out We thank you for your interest and enthusiasm in the challenge! We apologise to anyone that missed out. To be one of the first notified when the next one rolls around, follow the link below to pre-register your interest https://kxpilates.com.au/offers/kx40/... Challengers, we're looking forward to starting the KX40 journey with you on Monday 24th August
23.01.2022 Our COVID Cleaning Spree During our period of forced closure we worked hard behind the scenes to ensure we did everything possible for your smooth and safe return to the reformer. Our friends at Electrodry helped us with a deep clean of all our carpets. They finished it off with their Electro-Shield sanitisation spray, proven to kill 99.9% of all known bacteria and viruses; this includes COVID-19. ... On top of this the studio received a full professional deep clean before reopening. This professional cleaning schedule will continue regularly multiple times each week with our cleaning team who are fully educated on current Government cleaning policies. Rest assured we're constantly going above and beyond with our hygiene measures to keep you COVID Safe in the studio See you back on the reformer soon!
22.01.2022 Cancellation Policy Change 4 hours Back to 9 hours prior to your class time, as of 9pm Thursday 2nd July If you can't make your session anymore please stay in the habit of cancelling yourself out so someone else can take your place. You can do this online or via the KX App If you've stayed home because you're feeling unwell, looking after your kids or got called into work last minute just let us know. We're more than happy to return your session to you if something has... come up that's outside of your control. Any booking or cancellation queries please direct them to the studio via email or phone, we're here to make your experience with us as smooth as possible [email protected] (08) 8358 0679 See you in the studio!
22.01.2022 More Intermediate & Advanced classes from next week Upon reopening our schedule has featured more Beginner classes than usual. This was to ensure everyone had the opportunity to get re-aquainted with the KX workout and reintegrate regular sessions into routine in a safe way. From Monday July 6 (this time next week) you'll see more Intermediate time slots available and our Advanced classes are making a comeback ... If you regularly do KX with us, have done 7-10 Beginner classes, feel confident changing your springs and are familiar with these basic exercises - lunge, squat, four point kneel, plank, woodchopper, side lying leg, mid back series, legs in straps - you're more than ready to move into Intermediate classes In an Intermediate session everything has a little more spice You'll move a little quicker, get pushed a little further and sweat a little more. Beginner springs will still be offered as an option if you need them and your trainer will be there to support you the whole way. Speak to your instructor in your next class if you're unsure about moving to Intermediate or Advanced, we promise it's less scary than you think Bookings can now be made 40 days ahead, view the schedule here - https://bit.ly/2YDkjJc
20.01.2022 Happy Friday from your KX team We love seeing you challenge yourselves and we love being a part of your fitness journey. Keep up the great work
20.01.2022 Spring has officially Sprung When we see you turn up 3+ times a week for months on end its pretty obvious you love KX Pilates. But what weve noticed is that you Pilates lovers out there also love your indoor plants! Thats right, we hear your compliments, we see you fawning over the devils ivy in reception, we also hear your following embarrassed comments, I cant keep plants alive I kill everything I touch I wish I could but I just cant. Well team, we're here to ch...ange that. Meet Caroline, AKA Plant Mum Caroline is our resident green thumbed gardening guru, shes also the one who deserves full credit for all the glossy jungle vibes around the studio. Check out Caroline's top Spring plant care tips for the good of your growing indoor companions: In Spring your plants become active again after a period of dormancy, this means new growth! Now is the perfect time for liquid fertilising to feed your plants increased activity Indoor plants become dusty. Be sure to give your plants a good wipe with a soft cloth and warm water. Outside under the hose, in the shower or outside in natural rain are all great too. Keeping the dust off keeps pests and diseases at bay as well as looking more lush Try not to plant directly into ceramic planters. Its best to keep your plants in plastic pots that sit inside decorative planters. Repotting can be successfully done in Spring if your plant has outgrown its plastic pot Water more frequently than throughout winter. Remember your plants have begun to grow more. But only water your plants if dry; usually in the warmer months a plant can go a week between drinks if watered correctly. An overwatered plant is more likely to die, an under-watered plant is sick but can be improved. So, less is more! Prune off any yellowed leaves or dry stems. Allow the plant to put its energy into the healthy parts Allow plants to get fresh air, just like us they will benefit from having fresh air on their skin. Open the windows or move your plants outside, just don't allow the sun to get directly on the plant If you have had an Indoor plant on or by the window sill it may be time to move it before it gets burnt. From now the days get longer and the sun gets hotter. The heat on plants from sun magnified through glass will become more than it can bear Having indoor plants has been scientifically proven to improve your mood, increase productivity levels and reduce stress. Caring for plants and seeing them grow also releases endorphins just like after you exercise! Pilates and plants, what a combo Spring is the perfect time to get in touch with your green thumb and Caroline is here to help. If you have any plant questions just let us know
18.01.2022 Have a question about your Class Pack or Bookings? Since reopening the studio you've been getting just as reacquainted with the KX Booking System as you have with the KX Workout. With limited spaces in each class bookings are crucial to get those regular sessions in each week, but you might be feeling a little rusty with how to do that. If you have any questions relating to your Class Packs, bookings or waitlists please reach out to us. We're here to help and make the proc...ess as easy for you as possible We're also more than happy to grant extensions on your class packs to ensure you can use all of your sessions. All active class packs prior to our period of forced closure have been automatically extended for your convenience. Reach out, say G'day and send your questions our way. We're here for you [email protected] (08) 8358 0679 Book here - https://bit.ly/2YEx3OB
18.01.2022 KX40 crew we're officially halfway The KX40 challenge requires the completion of 20 classes over 40 days. We're 20 days in and our Senior Trainer Jules is sending good vibes to keep up the great work When we checked in with all our challengers on Friday last week, the general consensus was you're, "Feeling sore but feeling so good at the same time!" Congratulations to those who have already completed the challenge! Some serious goal smashing is going on right now in the... studio Whether you're already finished or still going, keep focused on the commitment you've made to yourself to be fitter and stronger than ever. You've got this
17.01.2022 Our sister studio up in Blackwood officially opened today If you're in the area or just keen for a sticky beak, their Grand Opening offer of 5 classes for $30 is still available until 11:59pm tonight! Find it online or via the KX App before it's gone for good. Well done Margot and the epic KX team
17.01.2022 Your mindset makes a difference By now you may have completed your first few classes back and are having those post class feels (soreness, tightness, shakiness) that come from not using your muscles for a while like you do on the reformer. One of the most important things to remember when feeling like this is maintaining a positive mindset. Everyone is starting from scratch after iso life and we are all working together to improve our strength and endurance, KX style. We ...won't lie, at times it will feel tough! But give yourself credit for creating a routine and showing up, that on it's own is a big win and a great start If you catch yourself thinking negatively in your next class, take a moment to turn that idea into something more positive. Rather than, "This is harder than it used to be, I should quit while I'm ahead," try thinking, I am grateful to be back exercising, if I keep at it I'll get stronger." Your body listens to what you tell it, so the more positive your internal dialogue is the more likely you are to keep up with your regular workouts. Lean on your instructors to support you through the next couple of weeks while you get back on track. We are here to encourage you the entire way. You've got this
16.01.2022 Community Vibes Recently we had a visit from the crew over at Lululemon Burnside. They know activewear and we know Pilates, so it seemed logical to put them through their paces with a team sweat! If you didn't already know; Lululemon prides itself on it's Community Values by always putting people first - something we like to think we have in common.... We get regular drop in's from the Lulu team into our classes, check in's to see how the team are, how our community is going and what more they can do to support us. Likewise we drop in to the store at Burnside to say hey, ask about the latest products and see how they are too. We love being surrounded by likeminded individuals and are extremely grateful for the support we receive. Lululemon Burnside - Thanks for being awesome
16.01.2022 WE'RE SO READY TO REOPEN With classes recommencing tomorrow we're pumped to start welcoming you back into the studio Some things may be a little different to what they were 10 weeks ago, so make sure you acquaint yourself with our recent changes before making your KX return: Please use hand sanitiser on entry and exit... BYO towel. We have towels available for hire at reception if you forget yours BYO pre filled drink bottle. Our water fountain will be temporarily unavailable All communal items have been removed from bathrooms and reception New cancellation policy of 4 hours prior to class start time Class numbers temporarily reduced to 10 maximum. If you can no longer make your class please cancel yourself out Wipe down reformers before your class begins as well as after All reformers have been accurately spaced to accommodate 1.5m during your workout. Please respect physical distancing when moving in and out of your class If you've recently travelled interstate, overseas or are feeling unwell please stay home Feel free to wait outside or in your car until just before your class time, this will reduce any potential reception area congestion Feel free to take your personal items with you to your reformer, this will reduce any potential pigeon hole congestion For any further COVID Safe studio practice please visit out website: www.kxpilates.com.au/covid-19 We can't wait to be reunited with you all. See you soon!
15.01.2022 Know someone who'd love KX? Share the KX love with our special ‘refer a friend’ in-app offer. For every newbie you introduce to us you’ll get a $20 credit and they’ll get $10 off their first purchase. Win-win!... Offer only available in the KX app and referring offer only available to new KX clients. Exercise is always more fun with friends! Get referring and your next pack might just pay for itself
14.01.2022 EXCITING NEWS - OUR KX FAMILY IS GROWING Studio owner Margot, alongside the amazing teams at Brighton and North Adelaide are expanding the KX network and opening a brand new studio in Blackwood. In a world full of negativity and despair it feels beautiful to be sharing a good news story! Margot and the team are extremely excited to be growing within the KX network of Adelaide and preparing for the journey ahead. Head on over to the KX Blackwood Facebook page if you're int...erested in following this new studios journey. You can also pre-register for the Opening Special of 5 classes for $30. We would like to take this opportunity to whole heartedly thank our direct KX Communities of Brighton and North Adelaide, the incredible KX studio owners across Adelaide and their respective teams, as well as the crew at KX HQ (locked down in Vic right now but doing a ripper job coordinating a new studio opening!) Without the enthusiasm for the epic KX workout or the genuine support we receive each and every day we wouldn't be where we are. Thank you
14.01.2022 Our KX App got a makeover Easily book and buy classes. Find your favourite Trainers. New dashboard with your stats. Special offers. More choice. Got an active pack? Youll get FREE premium access to 45+ on-demand dynamic, Pilates workout videos. Mat, reformer, low, and high intensity as well as pre and postnatal workouts.... Get organised for the week ahead & update your App today IOS - bit.ly/KXAppIOS Android - bit.ly/KXAppAndroid
13.01.2022 Hi KXers, Today, the South Australian Government announced that SA would implement new restrictions in an attempt to curb the COVID-19 outbreak. This means from 9 PM, Monday 16 November 2020, all SA studios will be temporarily closed. A hard and fast measure to prevent the further spread of COVID, we are with you in doing what we can and hope to be back as soon as possible.... Our Team are working behind the scenes to cancel all classes on the schedule from 17 Nov until 29. All of your credits will be returned to your KX account for future use and any active pack will automatically be extended for the duration of the closure. You don’t need to request an extension. For those with an active pack, you will have complimentary access to our At Home Dynamic Mat Workouts via the KX App to help keep you active during this temporary closure. We wish you all well at this time and we are always here to answer your questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Stay healthy and look after yourselves. Margot & the KX Brighton team
11.01.2022 Happy Birthday to us Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate our 2nd Birthday on the weekend. 2 years of building our epic community and making magic on the reformer. How time flies when you're having fun! Taking time to celebrate, particularly in the current climate, was really important to us. Thank you for all of your continued love, support and passion for KX Pilates which allows us to do what we love every day. Heres to many more happy birthdays yet to come. ... Margot and the KX team
11.01.2022 Tomorrow may be the Queen's Birthday public holiday but we are still open Classes are running Monday June 8 from 7am until 2pm. If you're booked into a class you can no longer make, remember to cancel yourself out for someone to take your place from the wait list. Please note our newly updated 4 hour cancellation policy. If you would need any help or support with your bookings please reach out to us via email: [email protected]... See you in the studio
10.01.2022 KX40 Challengers - Screenshot this Our KX40 challenge starts in studio tomorrow! To keep you on track: Tick off your classes in studio on our challenger boards... Share your progress via social media with our KX40 story tracker Our schedule is available to book 40 days ahead of time whether you're a KX40 challenger or not. We recommend booking in advance to ensure you lock in your fave trainers and ideal time slots.
10.01.2022 NOW RE-OPEN Today we are thrilled to be welcoming you back into the studio with wide open arms! Thank you for all of your patience and love through these uncertain times. The outpouring of support we have received has been overwhelming and deeply appreciated.... So keen to get back into our new routines and start smashing those fitness goals with you. Lets do this Margot and the team
09.01.2022 Reopening specials ending soon We know post lockdown life is looking different for everyone, so there's two Welcome Back offers still available to suit your lifestyle 10 Classes $150, valid 30 days from purchase... 15% off Packs, use promo code "REIGNITE" @ checkout YES you can take advantage of both offers YES we can extend current or existing packs to get all your classes in YES we love having you back in the studio If you have any questions relating to your packs or bookings feel free to email us for further support [email protected] Grab yours now and set up your routine for the next few months Offer ends 11:59pm Friday 12 June Shop here - https://bit.ly/2Uysc06
08.01.2022 Thank you for helping us stay Covid safe Since reopening after lockdown theres been new health and safety regulations weve needed to stay on top of. This community has adjusted without hesitation and passionately embraced our return, so we wanted to send a big Thank You your way Staying consistent with the small things each time youre in the studio goes towards the bigger picture of everyone staying healthy and getting to more workouts more often.... Please keep up the great work by: 1 Remembering your own pre filled drink bottle 2 Remembering your own sweat towel 3 Grabbing hand sanitiser on your way in and out 4 Thoroughly wiping down your equipment before and after your classes Lets all do the right things to ensure we can keep getting fitter and stronger together in the studio
07.01.2022 Back to maximum capacity this Friday As per the recent SA Government announcement regarding group fitness classes; from Friday 19th June we can return to our maximum number of 14 people per class We continue to ensure your safety at this time by allowing a minimum of 1.5 metres between each reformer station, all equipment sanitised before and after every session, hand sanitiser available throughout the studio and social distancing encouraged when coming in and out of ...your classes. Youll see this accurately reflected on the schedule now. If you had put yourself down on multiple waitlists over the next few days this could mean youve made it into a few of those classes! We encourage everyone to go through your bookings and waitlist requests to double check what your schedule looks like since its expanded. Any support needed with this, please reach out to us. Pretty much back to business as usual for us team! Hopefully now youll get more KX and less waitlisting in your life Thank you for your patience during this time of uncertainty and change. Cant wait for those full class feels again
07.01.2022 Book your classes 40 days ahead Our scheduling window has now expanded to allow bookings 40 days ahead of time It's the perfect opportunity to commit to your post-iso routine and plan out your next month. Bookings essential via the KX App or online - https://bit.ly/2XSvSf1
07.01.2022 Check out our Thursday 6pm Advanced crew Our Advanced clients are absolutely dominating the studio right now! They've been attending intermediate classes regularly for a few months, have been taking advanced spring options in their regular classes, they're loving the challenge and are eager to push themselves to the next level. So here they are in Advanced classes (Basically, Brighton community we see you getting super strong and we bloody love it ) As of this week catch ...Studio Owner and Master Trainer Margot taking you through your paces every Thursday evening - 6pm Advanced 7pm Intermediate 8pm Beginner Speak to your trainer before your next class about taking the next step to Advanced classes
06.01.2022 Refer a Friend and be rewarded Working out with a friend can be great for holding you accountable to your fitness goals. It's also super fun to have someone to debrief with after class If you refer a friend to us directly from the KX App you'll gift them $10 off their intro offer. As a thank you for sharing the KX love we'll gift you $20 towards your next purchase. How good is that?? It's a win win for everyone!... You'll receive a $20 credit per person you refer, so don't be shy. Get referring and help your friends start their KX journey with you by their side
06.01.2022 Our girl Melanie is back Thanks to the rona Mel switched her Europe holiday plans to somewhere a little closer to home. After taking time off up in the tropical Queensland sun over the last month (following all necessary health and safety precautions re-entering the state) Mel is back to lead you through your KX sweat sessions once again Frankly, we're all a little jealous of her tan. Catch Mel back in the studio Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Book here -... https://bit.ly/3kcngIC There will be burpees
04.01.2022 Spring has officially Sprung When we see you turn up 3+ times a week for months on end it’s pretty obvious you love KX Pilates. But what we’ve noticed is that you Pilates lovers out there also love your indoor plants! That’s right, we hear your compliments, we see you fawning over the devils ivy in reception, we also hear your following embarrassed comments, I can’t keep plants alive I kill everything I touch I wish I could but I just can’t. Well team, we're here to ch...ange that. Meet Caroline, AKA Plant Mum Caroline is our resident green thumbed gardening guru, she’s also the one who deserves full credit for all the glossy jungle vibes around the studio. Check out Caroline's top Spring plant care tips for the good of your growing indoor companions: In Spring your plants become active again after a period of dormancy, this means new growth! Now is the perfect time for liquid fertilising to feed your plants increased activity Indoor plants become dusty. Be sure to give your plants a good wipe with a soft cloth and warm water. Outside under the hose, in the shower or outside in natural rain are all great too. Keeping the dust off keeps pests and diseases at bay as well as looking more lush Try not to plant directly into ceramic planters. It’s best to keep your plants in plastic pots that sit inside decorative planters. Repotting can be successfully done in Spring if your plant has outgrown its plastic pot Water more frequently than throughout winter. Remember your plants have begun to grow more. But only water your plants if dry; usually in the warmer months a plant can go a week between drinks if watered correctly. An overwatered plant is more likely to die, an under-watered plant is sick but can be improved. So, less is more! Prune off any yellowed leaves or dry stems. Allow the plant to put its energy into the healthy parts Allow plants to get fresh air, just like us they will benefit from having fresh air on their skin. Open the windows or move your plants outside, just don't allow the sun to get directly on the plant If you have had an Indoor plant on or by the window sill it may be time to move it before it gets burnt. From now the days get longer and the sun gets hotter. The heat on plants from sun magnified through glass will become more than it can bear Having indoor plants has been scientifically proven to improve your mood, increase productivity levels and reduce stress. Caring for plants and seeing them grow also releases endorphins just like after you exercise! Pilates and plants, what a combo Spring is the perfect time to get in touch with your green thumb and Caroline is here to help. If you have any plant questions just let us know
04.01.2022 KX supporting you from home The last few days have been rough for us in SA New restrictions coming into action tonight will plunge us back into lockdown, sending our regular KX routines out the window. We are doing everything possible to make sure our community stays supported during this time. If you're an active pack holder with us, don't forget you have premium KX At Home access available to use at any time via the KX App. Dynamic mat Pilates workouts, all 20 mins ea...ch, available on demand to use at any time. Physically distanced but in this together. We've done it once and we'll do it again! Margot and the KX team x
04.01.2022 This week we welcome Makahla to our team Makahla has just completed our 6 week intensive KX Academy program and we can't wait for you to meet her. Certificate IV Reformer and Matwork Pilates, Breathe Education... Fave exercise- Flying splits Beach enthusiast Big fan of Thai food Proud (obsessed ) owner of Lola The Pug Lover of nature and all things outdoors Makahla is a self confessed KX addict now turned trainer and is looking forward to sharing her passion for reformer Pilates with you all. Here's a few words from Makahla- "Before KX Pilates I couldn't find a form of fitness that kept me engaged. I love that KX is a dynamic full body workout and it makes you feel great after every class! That's what drove me to learn more about Pilates and fall in love all over again by becoming a Pilates instructor. I have been addicted to KX ever since I started, I love that I'll have the opportunity to share that passion and help clients along their journey falling in love with KX too." You can find Makahla on the schedule Wednesday nights, Thursday afternoons and Sunday afternoons (that's right, we've been pumping so we've added more classes to our schedule on Sundays ) We think you're fab Mak, welcome to the community
04.01.2022 KX40 Week 1 completed How are you tracking? Well done on making it through your first week challengers! Hopefully you're well on your way to hitting that 20 class target and getting stronger than ever Whether you're a KX40 challenger or not, Studio Owner & Master Trainer Margot has some tips on how to stay healthy and fit outside the studio, while you're working hard and kicking goals in the studio:... Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated Prioritise good quality sleep for your muscles to repair Stay as active as you can with situational exercise like walking, it helps as a low impact form of recovery between classes and is a great healthy habit! Aim for 10,000 steps a day if you own a wearable tracker
03.01.2022 Did you know we offer a Student Discount? We understand it's tough when you're studying. Hitting the books while working a casual job and balancing a social life can all be pretty hard to handle! That's why we offer 10% off our KX Class Packs for current students, so you can Stress Less and Sweat More ... Send us a photo of your current Student ID and we'll make sure you get all the info to take advantage of this special offer Be sure to tag your study buddies below so they get the message too [email protected]
03.01.2022 WE'RE TURNING 2 This year has been pretty crazy, to say the least. The uncertainty of corona has brought with it unsettling times that wed all like to leave wayyyyy behind us. We want to use every single opportunity we can to acknowledge and appreciate the amazing things in life... What better way than with a party ... This Saturday 4th July we will be celebrating the 2nd birthday of KX Brighton and KX North Adelaide. Its not exactly the right day, but this year the timing of everything hasnt really mattered (what month is it again...?) So instead of missing out, were having a collective party on the same day to double down on the celebrating Join us for a class over the weekend and help us celebrate 2 wonderful years of our amazing communities If you need any extra convincing - there will be cake
03.01.2022 When should I move to intermediate Our bodies are very clever. They acclimatise to exercise over time, so we need to keep challenging ourselves to continue getting stronger and seeing results. Signs that youre ready for intermediate classes ... Have done 5+ beginner sessions You know your way around the reformer and its props Youre confident changing your springs Youre familiar with basic exercises without them being described, eg: squat, lunge, plank, woodchopper, legs in straps Youre not getting as much or any muscular soreness in the days following your classes like you used to Intermediate classes are the natural next step to elevate your training when youve been with us for a while, this also allows a more effective learning environment for those who are brand new to the KX workout in our beginner sessions. If youre not sure, shoot us a DM or speak to your instructor in your next class. Well support you the whole way
02.01.2022 The KX40 challenge has officially come to a close Congratualtions to all of our recent challengers! We're beyond proud of the commitment and hard work we've seen in the studio over the last 40 days. Whatever goals you set yourselves, we hope you hit them out of the park and we see you all as winners The challenge now is to keep that regular routine happening beyond the KX40 period Increasing your frequency throughout something like a challenge can fast track your st...rength, fitness and overall mindset around tackling your exercise routine. Try to keep it up and reset those goals to aim for more over the next couple of months. Book your next class via the KX App or online here- https://bit.ly/2HN0GIB Sal and the KX Brighton Team x
02.01.2022 The KX40 Spring Challenge is here 20 Classes over 40 Days Mon Aug 24 - Fri Oct 2 $290 ($14.50 per class)... Receive a bonus $50 gift upon completion All current packs can be extended to ensure you don't miss out. We'll also help keep you accountable for your class tally's with challenge boards in the studio, love that tick feeling Develop healthy habits, change your routine and challenge yourself to get stronger than ever with the KX40 challenge Limited spots available so get in quick! Full T&C's please visit: https://kxpilates.com.au/terms-conditions/ Any further support we can offer in helping decide if the KX40 challenge is right for you, please don't hesitate to reach out [email protected]
02.01.2022 Learn how to meditate As a local initiative to support your mental health as well as physical fitness during this challenging time, we are gifting our KX community an intro to guided meditation. Delivered via Zoom, our superstar trainer Jayde (a yoga/ medi guru when not whipping out epic KX sessions!) will discuss the benefits of a regular meditation practice and how to approach it in an achievable way. Whether you’re one of our dedicated clients, needing a mood booste...r, or simply keen on a bit of familiar connection, you are most welcome. This Friday 20 Nov at 7:30am join us for a guided meditation session, helping you gain mental clarity and perspective for the day ahead. Details for further sessions to be announced shortly. Info to join the Zoom meeting in comments. We’ve got this guys
01.01.2022 Free Live class this morning 8am State training manager and all round legend Aden will be taking you through a dynamic mat Pilates workout. Finish lockdown strong with one last workout at home Then we’ll see you in the studio tomorrow! Join via link below https://kxpilates.com.au/offers/free-live-classes/
01.01.2022 RE-OPENING this Sunday 22 Nov Thank you for the messages of support from our amazing community! It’s with great pride we’ve watched how quickly everyone has embraced and adapted to what’s unfolded over the last few days. Now we’re ready to get back into the studio and do what we love With updated SA Gov announcements today we are able to resume our regular class schedule from this coming Sunday. Abiding by 1 person per 4sqm, as we have confirmed before, there is ...ample room in the studio to accommodate this with a 14 participant capacity. Also please make sure to keep remembering your sweat towels, drink bottles and to sanitise your hands on entry. Boy will we appreciate those fans and our KX classes even more than ever Look forward to booking your next class with us as of tomorrow morning
01.01.2022 Have you done a class with Jayde? Jayde was an original member of the KX North Adelaide team and returned to the KX network after spending the last 18 months in her home town of Mount Gambier. The timing aligned perfectly with our reopening from lockdown, so it was all meant to be With a dance background, Cert III & IV in Fitness, Cert IV in Pilates, as well as oodles of experience teaching Barre, TRX and Yoga, Jayde is an absolute guru. ... Here's a few words from Jayde about her KX return: "I'm so passionate about functional movement, which is why I love KX. KX has made reformer Pilates accessible to the greater population which everyone deserves the opportunity to experience. I'm committed to empowering individuals with knowledge and motivation to be leaders of their own health journey. I'm excited to be back in the KX Community and I look forward to connecting with everyone!" When Jayde isn't in the studio, you can find her enjoying time in nature and connecting with loved ones over platters and wine. Find her regularly on the schedule @ Brighton Mon 11:30am/ 12:30pm Fri 11:30am/ 12:30pm/ 4pm/ 5pm/ 6pm Sat 11am/ 12pm/ 1pm/ 2pm Follow this link to make bookings: https://bit.ly/2OoY1VH Welcome Jayde, we're stoked to have you part of the team
01.01.2022 PSA: Grip Socks are back in stock We've been hanging for these babies to arrive (cheers for delaying our deliveries corona ) and they're finally here! Workout in style, keep your tootsies warm and slip no more with our new style KX Grip Socks, only $19.... Available for purchase at reception on your next visit, or send us a DM and we'll put a pair aside for you.
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