Kyabram District Health Service in Kyabram, Victoria | Public & government service
Kyabram District Health Service
Locality: Kyabram, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5857 0200
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25.01.2022 Only three days to go! Kyabram District Health Service have been participating in Dry July this year to raise funds for the Cancer Council. Congratulations to everyone who has been taking part in Dry July. Not only are we raising funds for people affected by cancer we are improving our own health as well. Cutting out alcohol for the month may mean you see amazing benefits such as If youd like to donate to those that are affected by cancer please visit: Or if youd like to directly support the Cancer Council you can donate though:
25.01.2022 Dental Health Week (3rd-9th August) Have you thought about how much sugar is in your grocery items. Sugar is everywhere in supermarket staples, even those that might appear to be healthy on the surface. Next time your at the supermarket be sugar savvy and check the products ingredient list to see how much sugar is really in there, you may be surprised!
25.01.2022 Today is World Patient Safety Day. This year the focus is- Healthy Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety
24.01.2022 If you have any symptoms, no matter how mild. Please get tested. Drive through COVID-19 testing clinic open 9am-11am daily
24.01.2022 Tis the season for fun in the sun and Sheridan residents have been enjoying a variety of spring activities. We’ve had a beach party happy hour & bingo as well as a spring carnival with dagwood dogs & water bombs. Residents have really enjoyed being able to go outside and do activities in the fresh air.
24.01.2022 Career Opportunities available at KDHS ANUM Acute Services- .6 part time Facilities Coordinator- Full time Registered Nurse Casual Bank... For more information and to apply please go to our website
24.01.2022 An exciting opportunity exists for an aspiring Executive to provide a pivotal role, leading the strategic and operational requirements of KDHS Corporate services. For further information or to apply online please visit our website
23.01.2022 Team Players Wanted! If you are passionate about providing customer focused care in our community we want you! Positions exist in the newly created Home Care Team. ... We also have the following positions available: - Executive Assistant - COVID workforce response surge relief team - Registered nurse casual bank. For further information or to apply online please visit our website
22.01.2022 Congratulations to Deanne a member of the KDHS Board on her appointment as the new chief executive of the committee for Echuca Moama.
20.01.2022 Today is Aged Care Employee Day. We would like to recognise and thank each and every team member involved in caring for our residents. #ThanksforCaring
19.01.2022 R U OK? Day is a day of mixed emotions for KDHS staff member Danielle Shelton. Danielle has shared her story about losing her daughter to suicide. Madi was a typical teenager, always smiling and attached at the hip to best friend Lori. She was smart, and she particularly loved animals, fashion, and music. But in January 2012 the music stopped. The 15 year old took her own life. More than 8 years on the pain remains raw. Danielle says So many people are struggling at the ...moment I just felt like this year was the right time to share my story. If I can help just one person to reach out and ask those words R U OK? It may just save another family from the heartache my family has been through. R U OK? Day is an extremely emotional but important day. It brings mental health to the forefront and encourages conversations to break down the taboo about suicide. There is still a long way to go and a lot of stigma but raising awareness gives people the courage to speak up about mental health, especially this year when so many people are struggling. See more
19.01.2022 Everyone at KDHS is working hard to keep our patients, residents and staff safe and we need everyone in our community to do their bit and mask up when leaving the house from 11.59pm tonight. #MaskUpKyabram
19.01.2022 Career Opportunities available at KDHS Clinical Support Nurse- Part time .6 EFT Quality & Consumer Participation Coordinator- Part time .4EFT Dietitian Grade 1 or 2- Part time .2 EFT... Speech Pathologist Grade 1 or 2- Permanent Part Time or Full time Physiotherapist Grade 1- Part time .8 EFT District Nurse Level 1 or 2- Up to .6EFT Part Time Fixed term until 31/1/21 with potential for ongoing EFT after this date For further information or to apply please visit Please note: photo taken pre covid
18.01.2022 Corporate Governance Sub-committee- Independent member vacancies The Corporate Governance sub-committee assists the KDHS Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibilities of governance. Vacancies currently exist for independent members on this committee, which meets up to six times each year, (3rd Tuesday bi-monthly at 5.15pm) with expressions of interest sought. Independent members are eligible for sitting fees as per the relevant KDHS policy.... For more information please visit our website
17.01.2022 Kyabram District Health Service (KDHS) is preparing to cease pre-op COVID-19 swabbing for elective surgical patients as of 9.00am Wednesday the 4th November. This follows the guidelines outlined by the Department of Health and Human Services in response to much lower Covid case numbers and analysis of the preoperative Covid testing program. All elective surgery patients being booked at KDHS will no longer routinely require a pre-op COVID19 swab. Elective surgery patients are not required to stay isolated until their day of surgery but are advised to minimise their movements. All patients will continue to be screened using KDHS' pre-op COVID screening tool. Any elective patients who do not pass the screening assessment will be referred for a pre-op COVID-19 swab and be advised to isolate until they receive their result
17.01.2022 Stanhope Health redevelopment update Things are moving fast at Stanhope Health. The building demolition has commenced. Asbestos removal will be complete by this afternoon with the roof and brickwork to be demolished next week.
16.01.2022 We are currently seeking applications for an enthusiastic, passionate Allied Health Assistant Part Time 0.8 EFT Fixed Term For more information or to apply visit our website
16.01.2022 This week is Womens Health Week where we encourage all the women in our lives to take a moment to look after their health. To celebrate our Health Promotion Officer asked KDHS clinicians that are passionate about womens health, how they support women to improve their health. Enjoy this short clip, and take a moment this week to check youre up-to-date on all screening and health checks.
16.01.2022 Dental Health Week Being healthy is something that most of us aim for. You might think that a little extra sugar here and there isnt such a big deal, but the odds are that you are taking in far more than you realise. Visit the Australian Dental Association to find out more.
16.01.2022 Its been a big week in Sheridan with the AFL Grand Final & Halloween celebrations. Bingo is a crowd favourite so this week it was played with a Halloween theme while the grand final was celebrated with a footy tossing competition.
16.01.2022 KDHS is holding our annual NAIDOC Week celebrations on Tuesday 10 November. See flyer below for more information. RSVP is essential.
16.01.2022 Applications for the KDHS board of Director positions are closing soon. Click on the link for more information.
16.01.2022 Men freed from traditional masculine stereotypes enjoy better physical and mental wellbeing Meet Kane Young an early childhood educator working at Campaspe Community Children’s Centre. Kane has been fortunate to travel the world while working as a childcare worker. He has had no trouble gaining work overseas, even as a male. ... I enjoy working in child care, I have been doing it since I was about 20 and no two days are the same. All of my work colleagues are inclusive, no matter what you identify yourself as. #CampaspeNoExcuseForAbuse #CampaspeSaysNo2FamilyViolence #CampaspeFreeFromViolence #FamilyViolenceisPreventable #16daysofactivism #RespectWomenCallItOut
16.01.2022 KDHS supporting career opportunities Congratulations to both KDHS staff member, Alicia Cunningham on her temporary secondment role at GV Health as Executive Manager of Covid-19 response as well as Maryborough District Health Service staff member, Tara Cramer who has joined KDHS for the same period to replace Alicia as the Executive Officer of the Loddon Mallee Health Partnership. This is a great example of KDHS supporting local career opportunities as well as showing our commitment to regional partnerships for Hume and Loddon Mallee. We wish both Alicia and Tara success in their new roles and commend them on their achievements.
15.01.2022 R U OK?Day is this Thursday 10th September and this years message is Theres more to say after R U OK? You dont have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone says theyre not OK. By knowing what to say you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before theyre in crisis, which could change their life. Visit the R U OK? Day website to learn how to prepare yourself to start the conversation. If you need immediate support please call: Lifeline on 13 11 14 #stayconnected #RUOKDay Ritchies SUPA IGA Kyabram Burnt Butter Hinchliffe & Greed Real Estate
15.01.2022 Another example of how KDHS is working to keep our community safe.
15.01.2022 Multiple Career Opportunities Available Paediatric Occupational Therapist Grade 2- .4 EFT Registered Nurses- Part time Maternity Leave Replacement positions available Facilities Coordinator- Full Time... Associate Nurse Unit Manager- .6EFT For further information or to apply online please visit our website Please note: this photo was taken pre COVID
14.01.2022 Sheridan residents celebrated Fathers Day a little differently this year. On Thursday residents enjoyed a sausage sizzle and on Sunday gifts were distributed to all the dads. Families celebrated their dads over Skype and FaceTime calls.
14.01.2022 KDHS in the running to win $50,000 The Kyabram Ladies Auxiliary has drawn barrier 11 in tomorrow’s Melbourne Cup, this is the most successful barrier in Cup history with eight winners so far! We will be cheering for number 4 Master of Reality to bring home the win. A big thank you to Miles Gould for nominating the Kyabram Ladies Auxiliary into the VRC sweep with the chance of winning $50,000 to go to Kyabram District Health Service.... Lets get behind Master of Reality by liking and sharing this post. Kyabram Club Kyabram, Victoria Kyabram Free Press Ky Lucky Lotto #MelbourneCup2020 #number4 #MasterOfReality
14.01.2022 KDHS are looking for an experienced individual to join our team to provide leadership and management for a diverse portfolio including building, engineering, maintenance, emergency management and ICT. For further information or to apply online please visit our website
14.01.2022 Are you interested in becoming a Healthcare Consumer?
14.01.2022 Be part of our dynamic nursing and support services areas teams who will be responding to anticipated increase demand with COVID-19! We are seeking motivated Registered & Enrolled Nurses, Undergraduate Nurses and Support Services to join our team at Kyabram District Health Service (KDHS) on a temporary basis during the pandemic with potential for short term or maybe ongoing employment. This experience will provide you with opportunities to expand and explore your professional practice at a time when we will need you. If you are passionate about assisting KDHS during this crisis and providing care to our patients, residents and local community, please apply online on our website Please provide an expression of interest letter and CV.
13.01.2022 Following a comprehensive recruitment process, we wish to advise that Cameron Olsen has accepted the position of Director of Corporate Services at KDHS. Cameron has more than eleven years of professional experience in finance, corporate services, accounting and auditing roles with a wide range of industries including health and medical, manufacturing, primary production, professional services, local government and not-for-profit organisations. Cameron has a Bachelor of Accoun...ting, is a Chartered Accountant, and is currently completing his MBA. Cameron is currently the Acting Director of Finance & Corporate Services at Maryborough District Health Service. Cameron will commence his executive role at KDHS on Monday 12 October and we look forward to his contribution to KDHS.
11.01.2022 KDHS Social Support Program- Helping you stay connected Are you over 65 years? Are you under 65 and have a disability? Do you want to do activities you enjoy or learn new skills while socialising with others? We are revamping our Social Support Program and welcome any new ideas.... What we can offer: Exercise programs including, walking, yoga, gentle exercise Support Groups Social Groups Cooking for one Craft Groups Gardening Groups Technology- lean how to use your phone or iPad In-house meals provided by the Health Service For more information please contact Di Hunter on 5857 0236
10.01.2022 Quality and Education Manager Fantastic Opportunity for an experience manager to lead the Quality and Education teams in the newly merged unit. Enquiries: Anne McEvoy, Chief Executive - Phone 0407364014... Susan Briggs, Director of People and Culture Phone 58570255 Other positions available include: - Home Care Worker - COVID Workforce Response Surge Relief Team - Registered Nurse Casual Bank For further information or to apply online please visit our website Applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are encouraged.
10.01.2022 KDHS have been working hard to keep our community safe. A reminder that our COVID-19 drive through testing clinic is open Monday to Saturday 9.00am to 11.00am. All members of the community who have any symptoms no matter how mild are encouraged to get tested.
10.01.2022 "Show children examples of women and men doing non-stereotypical jobs. Meet Amy - a welder and design engineer currently working at Foodmach. The struggle I face in the workplace, is that people have a tendency to say things like ‘she can’t do that because she is a woman’, and that motivates me more to complete the task... Amy is undertaking further study to increase her roles and responsibilities at Foodmach but also to challenge herself, and work towards breaking down the stereotypes and rule out the comments she receives regarding being a female in a male dominated workforce. #CampaspeNoExcuseForAbuse #CampaspeSaysNo2FamilyViolence #CampaspeFreeFromViolence #FamilyViolenceisPreventable #16days of activism #RespectWomenCallItOut #Foodmach
09.01.2022 Freeing yourself from gender stereotypes increases your options in life Today marks the first day of the 16 Days of Activism against gendered based violence. Today, the 25th of November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Watch this space for more photos of community members who are supporting the campaign and who are challenging the gender roles, norms and structures that contribute to gender inequality. Show your support by sharing thi...s post today. It is up to everyone to create a Campaspe free of violence! #CampaspeNoExcuseForAbuse #CampaspeSaysNo2FamilyViolence #CampaspeFreeFromViolence #FamilyViolenceisPreventable #16daysofactivism #RespectWomenCallItOut
09.01.2022 KDHS growing our own Recently KDHS merged our Quality and Education units into one key department and recruited a new Quality and Education Manager. We are excited to announce that KDHS’ own Sara Pettifer has been appointed. Sara has worked at KDHS for six years. When Sara moved back to Kyabram after several years in Melbourne she commenced working at KDHS as a Registered Nurse. After a couple of years Sara was successful in applying for a position as an Associate Nurse Unit Manager and later took on the role as acting Nurse Unit Manager of Acute. Sara is excited to have been appointed in the new role and is looking forward to building the Quality and Education department.
09.01.2022 KDHS has a position vacant for a Fixed Term Occupational Therapist contract ending September 2021. Grade 1 or 2, Part time or Full time will be considered. For further information or to apply online please visit our website
08.01.2022 An exciting opportunity exists for a Telehealth Officer Murray Lead Part Time .5 up to .8 EFT Fixed Term 12 18months. For more information or to apply please visit our website
08.01.2022 Residents have been very busy ‘decking the halls’ of Sheridan with the Lifestyle staff. Residents have enjoyed making all sorts of Christmas decorations and the place looks fabulous.
08.01.2022 Did you know we run our COVID-19 Testing Clinic 7 days a week? If you have any symptoms no matter how mild, please attend our drive though COVID-19 testing clinic between 9am and 11am daily.
08.01.2022 Is quitting smoking your resolution for 2021? Quitting smoking can be hard, however it’s never too late to quit. If you have decided to go smoke-free for 2021, don’t feel you have to do it alone. Free support is available via Quitline on 13 7848, or text 'call back' to 13 7848. For more information and support visit:
07.01.2022 Career opportunities available After- Hours Manager Part time 48 hours per fortnight Telehealth Officer- Murray Lead... Part time.5 up to .8 Fixed term until 12/12/2021 For more information or to apply please visit our website
07.01.2022 This week is National Stroke Week celebrating everyday Australians who know and can recognise the signs of stroke. They are F.A.S.T. Heroes! Across Australia, F.A.S.T. Heroes can save lives, simply by knowing and recognising the F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) signs of stroke and calling an ambulance immediately. They know that stroke is always a medical emergency and time is critical. Stroke Foundation
07.01.2022 Click on the link below to view our latest Wednesday Wellness Newsletter
06.01.2022 KDHS Testing Sites and Times for Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th October 2020 Drive Through Site KDHS only Back Entrance off Pettifer Street (please enter from Lake Road)... Hours: 9.00am to 11.00am Saturday and Sunday See more
06.01.2022 Did you know? Skin cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Australia. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the major cause of skin cancer. UV cannot be seen or felt. It is not like the sun’s light that we see, or the sun’s warmth (infrared radiation) which we feel. Our senses cannot detect UV so it can be damaging without us knowing. This is why we should protect ourselves from the sun using these five simple steps; Slip on a shirt, Slop on SPF 30 (or higher) sunscreen, Slap on a hat, Seek shade and Slide on sunglasses. The free SunSmart app tells you when sun protection is recommended for your location using forecast information from the Bureau of Meteorology website and live UV data from ARPANSA. Download it here today. If you have concerns about your skin, visit your GP for advice.
05.01.2022 An exciting opportunity exists for a Workforce and Innovation Project Officer. Fixed term 12 months Part time 40 48hrs per fortnight For further information on this and other career opportunities at KDHS or to apply please visit our website
05.01.2022 Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2020- 'Antimicrobials: handle with care' World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) aims to increase awareness of global antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy makers to avoid the further emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections.
05.01.2022 We have a number of career opportunities available Peri-Operative Nurse Unit Manager- Full time 1.0 EFT Registered Nurse- Part-time 0.9 EFT Allied Health Assistant- Grade 2- Part-time or full time (up to 1.0 EFT) For further information or to apply please visit our website
05.01.2022 Last week was a busy week for Sheridan Residents with a number of favourite activities on offer: Bocce, Bingo, a visit from Rosie, dance therapy and Friday happy hour. Robyn also held her weekly church service with communion for those wishing to partake.
04.01.2022 We are seeking a dynamic and energetic Executive Assistant with exemplary experience; including administrative and secretarial functions to support the Executive Team on a casual basis. For further information or to apply online please visit our website Applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are encouraged. Applications close: 4 September 2020
04.01.2022 If you have driven past KDHS this afternoon you will have noticed a crane onsite. KDHS in conjunction with DHHS are participating in a solar project. We will be installing a 200KW solar system that will be integrated into our existing switchboard.
04.01.2022 Drive through COVID-19 Testing Clinic KDHS will commence a drive through COVID-19 testing clinic on Monday 27 July for people with symptoms. The clinic will run 9.00 am to 11.00 am daily (including Saturdays and Sundays). This clinic will replace the current format and WILL NOT REQUIRE BOOKINGS. You will be asked for your personal details and Medicare number. Visit our website for more information. ... See the image below for directions to the COVID-19 Testing clinic.
04.01.2022 Kyabram District Health Service is celebrating Liptember! Liptember is a campaign dedicated to raising funds and awareness for womens mental health by encouraging and inspiring people to listen, share, and learn. We know its a little difficult to pop the lippy on at the moment, however, we still encourage you to have the conversation and help break down the stigma around mental health. ... If youd like to know more about Liptember or how to donate, visit: For urgent mental health assistance, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 Liptember
04.01.2022 As per previous advice KDHS welcomes Austin Health Pathology to KDHS collection centre as of Monday 9 November 2020. We thank ACL for their service with their final collection day being Friday 6th November 2020. Please note: The KDHS collection centre will be closed on Saturday 7 November 2020.... We apologise for any inconvenience.
04.01.2022 If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 please do not delay in getting tested. Our drive-through COVID-19 testing clinic is open from 9.00am- 11.00am daily (including Saturday and Sunday). Enter via Pettifer Street/Warramunda Drive.
03.01.2022 Its R U OK? Day today! Take a moment today to check in with someone you think may be struggling to cope with lifes challenges. Prepare yourself for what to do if they say No theyre not okay. We accept there are things people cant do but lets focus on what we can do. We can make every day the day to ask Are you okay?. We can be a listening ear and a (virtual) shoulder to lean on. Lets make time to look out for one another, be kind and #Sta...yConnected. - Katherine Newton, R U OK? CEO. #stayconnected #RUOKDay Annie Dillon Florist and Gifts Woolworths See more
03.01.2022 12noon wait times Northern Oval- CLOSED Stanhope- Closing at 12.30pm KDHS- Closing at 3.00pm
03.01.2022 Its Dementia Action Week 2020. This years theme is Dementia. A little support makes a lot of difference. Dementia affects close to half a million Australians. That number is set to double in the next 25 years. Many Australians will start experiencing the impact of dementia amongst their own family and friends in the coming years. With so many people impacted now and into the future, it is vital we clear up some of the prevailing misconceptions about dementia. ... Dementia Action Week 2020 will demonstrate that people living with dementia can continue to live active and rich lives many years after diagnosis. It is our role as a community to do the best we can to support people living with dementia live well for as long as possible. To support the campaign we will be sharing tips on how we can all support people living with dementia to live well. For more information about dementia please visit
03.01.2022 Thank you to the Kyabram Community for doing your part and getting tested if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19. Over the past 5 days we have tested over 200 people. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 please do not delay in getting tested. Our drive-through COVID-19 testing clinic is open from 9.00am- 11.00am daily (including Saturday and Sunday). Enter via Pettifer Street/Warramunda Drive.
03.01.2022 With Sheridan staff now wearing masks at all times, resident Chris Jones noticed one of the staff wearing a crocheted ear saver to relieve the discomfort the masks can have on the back of the ears. Chris who loves to knit thought she would have a go at making a knitted version of the ear saver for staff to trial. After seeing that the ear savers worked well, Chris has been very busy making more for staff and family in a variety of colours. Chris says knitting keeps her busy and making them for others makes her happy. So far Chris has made 83 & has made the staff very happy. Thank you Chris.
03.01.2022 At its core, a fair and just society is one where opportunity is open to all not just those at the top. To conclude the campaign, today, the 10th of December is Human Rights Day. Meet Emily - working at Maccas Demolition as an administrator as well as working on-site.... Emily enjoys the challenges her job throws at her, she takes it in her stride and gets the work done to the best she can. Fortunately for Emily, she has had great experiences with gender equality and hasn’t really experienced any barriers. I don’t really think of my job as being male dominated I know it is but I enjoy it and it just doesn’t feel male dominated Emily was a recipient of one of the ‘Balance for Better’ scholarships in 2020. #CampaspeNoExcuseForAbuse #CampaspeSaysNo2FamilyViolence #CampaspeFreeFromViolence #FamilyViolenceisPreventable #16daysofactivism #RespectWomenCallItOut #Maccas Demolition & AsbestosRemoval#‘CCLEN#C4EM#Campaspe PCP
02.01.2022 I am the only female on the team. Having a female on the team brings a bit of balance and a different approach Amanda Williams Meet Amanda Williams - a compliance officer and ranger working at the Murray River Council. Amanda highlights the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone to put yourself in a position you may not normally find yourself and encourages all women to work towards breaking down the stereotypes associated with working in a male dominated job. ... My Dad and my partner inspired me to change career path and become a ranger, they always have my back #CampaspeNoExcuseForAbuse #CampaspeSaysNo2FamilyViolence
02.01.2022 Changes to COVID-19 testing at KDHS: The KDHS drive through clinic will now be open Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 11.00am. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 please do not delay in getting tested.
01.01.2022 Kyabram District Health's unveiled sixty years of history in an artistic fashion. A timeline sharing the stories of those who've played a pivotal role is now s...plashed across the walls for the community to recognise and reminisce. To understand the issues and find out how you can help the future of your local media, visit #WINNews6pm #SaveOurVoices
01.01.2022 We are developing a new website. Do you want to be involved?
01.01.2022 KDHS and pathology are working to get results back as soon as possible. If you are waiting on your results you will be notified as soon as they come in.KDHS and pathology are working to get results back as soon as possible. If you are waiting on your results you will be notified as soon as they come in.
01.01.2022 Did you attend for COVID-19 testing as a result of the Shepparton Outbreak? Have you got a few minutes to complete our survey? We would love to hear from you about your experience and any improvements you think we could make in the future. You can also provide your feedback by calling 5857 0334 This survey is confidential and will provide valuable insight for future planning....
01.01.2022 If you attended one of our COVID-19 testing clinics during the Shepparton outbreak, could you please complete this short survey? This survey is confidential and will provide valuable insight for future planning. The survey will close 5.00pm 11th November 2020
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