Kylie Eaton | Athlete
Kylie Eaton
Phone: +61 435 928 259
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24.01.2022 !!!NOT A PREGNANCY POST!!!! Probably one only the women will care for though Shout out to all of the ladies who don’t know what they will get from their bodies day to day, week to week, month to month and all the rest.... If like me you’re lucky to have maybe 1 week a month when you don’t feel bloated, fluidy, suffer from blotchy skin, mood fluctuations or changes in appetite then I’m right there with you. It can also be really hard to navigate all of this around training and nutrition goals without feeling like things are not progressing as you want them to. Know that if your doing the work how your feeling in your body when your going through the hormonal highs and lows is only temporary and enjoy that 1 week a month when you don’t feel like a hot mess and for the other weeks you can’t control just do what feels right both physically, mentally and nutritionally. Women’s bodies are pretty incredible so try to embrace it all and if you have a male partner/friend in your life that will never have to know what it’s like to wake up feeling like you don’t know what body your in, why you don’t want to face the world or how it feels to be able to lift 10kg heavier one day for reps then barely move the bar the next then feel free to enlighten them. Listening is the least they can do #hormones #pt #mumlife #bloatedbelly
23.01.2022 Beautiful day with awesome humans yesterday. So thankful for our @fitstop_northcote crew @eato31
22.01.2022 A banana bread of sorts I tend to just go with whatever I have and no real idea of quantities or cook time but I will try to give the general outline. Organised people look away lol... About 4-5 very ripe bananas fork mashed 3 egg whites A scoop or so of protein powder About half a cup of almond meal Sprinkle of baking soda 1 100g block of lindt 70% Choc smashed into small pieces Mix all together, put into non stick pan and bake in a 180 degree oven for around 30-50 min (check after about 30 min then decide how much longer it needs) If the top is becoming too brown but centre isn’t ready, cover with foil and continue to cook. Once cooked, turn out onto plate, cool and serve with your favourites. I went with yogurt, strawberries and cacao nibs @fitstop_northcote #yum #bananabread #easyrecipes #bananaproteinbread #fuel #nutrition
18.01.2022 Sunshine #homestretch #whatayear #wegotthis #christmascatchup #family #rest #recharge #sunshine
17.01.2022 47.5kg push press Was getting the 45kg out comfortably on Monday so made a commitment to myself to try the 47.5kg and I did it. Coming for you 50kg ... #fitstop #fitstopnorthcote #pt #personaltrainer #fitmum #progress
16.01.2022 My latest 3 ingredient protein snack obsession - Mashed banana - Chopped 70% chocolate - @bodyscience salted caramel vegan protein powder.... Mix all ingredients (add enough powder so not too sticky) roll into bite size balls, put into an airtight container and try not to eat all at once #proteinballrecipe #bsc #snacktime #healthysnacks #mealprep #simplefood @fitstop_northcote
16.01.2022 New Years Day workout done Super stormy where we are so grabbed a set of 3kg DB and made myself a workout. My legs are still cooked from a few solid workouts so I focused on upper body with burpees thrown in. I actually don’t mind burpees and in small spaces they are easy to add to a workout.... I went for 25 minutes of continuous work then walked, jogged, skipped on the spot while watching tv to get my steps up. My normal days involve a lot of steps (usually on 10k by 10:30am after taking sessions) so I need to keep that consistency when having a few days off (especially to balance out extra food and drink) Also mentally exercise makes me feel great! If you need a workout option today or over the weekend here is what I did: X60 ALT SHOULDER PUMPS X10 BURPEES X30 SIDE DELT RAISES X30 CLEAN AND PRESS X60 DB BOXING PUNCHES X10 BURPEES X60 DB BENT OVER ROW As many rounds as you like with minimum to no rest @fitstop_northcote
16.01.2022 Today’s @fitstop_northcote FAST session was a good one! I had to complete the EMOM on my own as I didn’t want to miss out. I love an EMOM! The incentive to get through it as fast as you can to get more rest in the minute is worth the push ... EMOM was 8 min long X5 BURPEES X10 G2O’s X15 FROGGIES #fitstop #fitstopnorthcote #pt #personaltrainer #keepmoving #getitdone #emom
15.01.2022 Simple and delicious Sweet potato and black bean patty (store bought) Sautéed mushrooms & broccolini Steamed corn... Baked sweet potato Avocado & chilli flakes When I discover something I like I do it to death (3rd time this week I’ve made it) I like to keep meals simple and delicious when I can especially over the holidays to allow me to enjoy the days I eat and drink a bit more than I would usually. Super excited to spend Xmas weekend with the fam #6moresleeps #food #yum #nutrition #healthyeating #pt #personaltrainer #itsallaboutbalance #fitstop #fitstopnorthcote
15.01.2022 Stuck at home with sick bubs, almost no heavy lifting for me for 9 days due to leg treatment so was keen to get this @fitstop_northcote Good Friday workout done a day early. It’s absolutely perfect for a quick sweat session over holiday period or anytime you need a quick workout pick me up Took me just under 13 min from start to finish with only one interruption from Zaya when she turned on the hair clippers I left out from cutting sullys hair this morning ... I will post the no equipment needed workout in comments #holidayworkout #quicksweatsesh #pt #fitmum #fitstop #gettingitdone #fitstopathome
15.01.2022 First Saturday off work in a long time & I slept in until 7am, it’s raining outside, I have coffee, kids are in pjs on the couch watching cartoons & I’m getting started on this highly recommend book #theresilienceproject by @hughvancuylenburg I already started crying on the dedication to his sister at the start of the book clearly needing this right now. Thanks for the lend @mariawol x... #downtime #timeforme #forcedrestday #itsnotsobad #grateful
09.01.2022 "Surround yourself with people who empower you to become better" @fitstop_northcote #team #saturday #northcotecommunity
07.01.2022 Lovely day out with the Fitstop Vic crew yesterday #yeahthegirls @winecompass
04.01.2022 Boxing Day fun #winery #boxingday #christmas #mylove #family #itsallaboutbalance #winery @helenandjoeyestate
04.01.2022 We just finished our 6 week challenge @fitstop_northcote and it’s the first time I’ve gone into a challenge not setting any goals around fat loss Push press and deadlift were my focus and I’m so happy to say I increased on both lifts. Push press goal was to get 50kg (my best had only recently got to 47.5kg prior to challenge) but then week 2 into the challenge I tested myself with 50kg and got it so new target for end of challenge was 52.5kg & I did it ... Got the first one as you can see, lost the next then gave myself a you got this talking to and went again for 2. Pretty pumped with the result however I now have to put it on the back burner for a few weeks as I complete my varicose veins treatment and can’t heavy load using legs so look out seated shoulder press, we gunna get to work If I can improve my seated shoulder press in this "off time I have no doubt the transfer to be able to use my legs when I go back to push press will be on the up Also deadlift goal was 105kg for 1 and I got 1 for 110kg Did use straps for grip but hey those straps didn’t lift the bar on their own #pt #goals #progress #goingup #pushpress #fitstop #fitmum
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