Kylie Mort Business Author & Coach | Personal coach
Kylie Mort Business Author & Coach
Phone: +61 407 105 029
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23.01.2022 What dream will you start working on today? What is the first step? ...if you need a moment: it’s the first day of the week, it’s the first weekend of May, it’s the first day of the rest of your life...
22.01.2022 How are you today? What automatic response do you give? Is it positive? Are you creating a positive future with your automatic dialogue? You are the one individual that gets every single message, mindless or mindfulness...?... How can you better predict the emotional state that you desire? . . #howareyou #weathertalk #mindlessbehavior #automaticresponse #createyourfuture #positiveselftalk #hiddenmessages #predictyourfuturecreateit #automaticanswer #subconsciousmind #selfcoaching #kmort #kyliemort #performacecoaching #performancecoach #lifecoachingtips #tipsandtricks #recreateyourself #redesign #reimagine #goodthanks #whynotgreat #thingswesay #thoughtsbecomethings #fakeittillyoumakeit #mindsetcoaching #mindsetgoals See more
18.01.2022 Can’t express how excited I am to be part of this team! This is the most important and heartfelt piece I have ever written and I can’t wait to share it!! #author #kyliemort #kmort #childrensbooks
18.01.2022 The little local store with the LOT!
11.01.2022 Those who know me know I spend hours writing session reports every weekthis is something that continually comes to mind when I am reflecting on my clients #perspective #youareunique #youarevalued #youareimportant #speakingyourlanguage #mindsetmatters #kyliemort #performancecoaching #coachingconnection #kmort #knowledgeispower #educationmatters #ihearyou
11.01.2022 Why did I survive...? Why so much trauma...? What am I supposed to do with all this experience...? Why me...? #vocation #mentorsaremadenotborn
10.01.2022 Sometimes people say I over do things...that I spread myself way too thin and my capabilities get missed up with my ambitions...but I’m determined to make a difference and change the lives of as many young people as possible (isn’t that why anyone becomes a teacher?) . . Forever learning, constantly creating, permanently enrolled in professional development... helping to develop strong, resilient, unique young people who know their worth, challenge their weaknesses, build th...eir strengths and trust that they are #importantspecialsafeandloved . . #beyou #beyondblue #bepresentnow #professionaldevelopment #mentalhealth #mentalhealtheducation #teachersofinsta #teachertips #tutor #mentors #kyliemort #kmort #performancecoaching #coachingpsychology #psychologystudent #foreverlearning #continualgrowth #childrensbookauthor #appliedpsychology #vocation See more
10.01.2022 W LIFE a ART a LIFE . Teaching Pride & Prejudice Studying Narcissism Living Fusion...when life imitates art imitates life ... . My latest published article 5 min read #published #psychological #writerslife #kmort #kyliemort #psychologystudent #VCE #vcetutor #englishtutor #performancecoach #author #authorslife #narcissisticabuseawareness #narcissist #narcissism #toxicpeople #toxicrelationships #howtoguide #howto #selfcarematters #BeAware #reframe #evaluate #beyourbestself #TakeThePowerBack #lifeimitatingart #artimitateslife
09.01.2022 Happy World Health Day! April 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day. From its inception at the First Health Assembly in 1948 and since taking effect in 1950, the celebration has aimed to create awareness... . . .... And AWARENESS is key . Your key to is such a tug-of-war sometimes, forever battling between priorities and goals, expectations and the unexpected, good intentions and goodness knows what crops up! . . Today make sure you reflect on your health and what you can do to ease the struggle...we all have the same 24 hours in a day, spend it wisely and remember, you are not alone, it’s a team effort and there is always someone to help #worldhealthday #worldhealthday2021 #tugofwar #balancedlifestyle #teameffort #stayconnected #kyliemort #kmort #performancecoaching #expectations #prioritiseyourself #struggles #awarenessiskey #healthybalance #notalone #setyourmindset #mindsetgoals #futureplanning #starttoday #itsagooddaytohaveagoodday #warrenbayne #warrenbaynecommunity #easter2021 #lifemetaphor #metaphorical
08.01.2022 Loved the meditation with Tamara Levitt today sometimes the best answer is ‘I Don’t Know’ and that’s ok. You don’t need to have all the answers so pleas...e allow yourself this comfort. No one ever knows all the answers, this is why growth edges are so important, but you must first be ok with who you are now. In this moment. Sunday is a great self-care day, what will you do to take care of your well-being? See more
02.01.2022 When everything you have been through, everything you have accomplished, every step you have taken, leads to this. When passion and purpose collide and you know, this is where your journey has been destined to reach.... . . . . . Happy International Children's Book Day 2021 . . On this Good Friday #kyliemort #kmort #thejourney #vocation #beyourbestself #empoweringothers #guiding #author #writinglife #appliedpsychology #childrensbooks #teachthemyoung #ittakesavillage #childrensauthor #mentalhealthsupport #youareworthy #youareimportant #youmatter #YouMatterAlways #teacherforlife #mywhy
01.01.2022 When one of your students becomes an entrepreneur