Kylie Papazoglou in Darwin, Northern Territory | Coach
Kylie Papazoglou
Locality: Darwin, Northern Territory
Phone: +61 419 815 243
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25.01.2022 PLEASE SHOVE THAT GINGER BISCUIT AND PEPPERMINT TEA UP YOUR ARSE SUSAN Okay I'm not that angry at Susan anymore, she was only trying to help but 2 years ago at 8 months pregnant I was getting pretty damn peeved at suggestions that ginger or peppermint might help cure my HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM (HG). Hyperemesis Gravidarum Australia explains that "HG is a complication of pregnancy in which women experience 'extreme' levels of nausea & vomiting". Some women vomit up to 50 ti...mes a day & need to be hospitalised due to dehydration & malnutrition. #HG effects about around 1% of pregnant women. The most challenging part of #HGmorningsickness for me was the constant nausea, vomiting, dehydration, reflux, constipation, absolute exhaustion & depression that crept back into my life. I felt incredibly isolated & depressed. I felt sad about having to give up my career & business. I felt guilty about not spending time with friends and family & unable to do basic chores. I was also worried about treatment options & how they would effect my growing baby. Although my nausea & vomiting ceased as soon as I gave birth, the mental and physical strain of being sick for the whole pregnancy took its toll on me. 21 months later & I'm still trying to recover from post natal anxiety and depression, reflux and pelvic organ prolpase that I believe was made worse from the pressure of vomiting and severe constipation caused by anti nausea medications. Because of that isolation I felt, I have come to realise that there are other women out there who are probably feeling the same way. I hardly knew a thing about Hyperemesis Gravidarum prior to this #pregnancy & so I know how important it is to bring awareness to this debilitating complication & show support to other women going through it. Please check out @hyperemesisaustralia and read more stories like mine from other women who have experienced HG. #HYPEREMESISGRAVIDARUM #HGSurvivor #morningsickness #pregnancy
24.01.2022 When you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them. Don't be a victim to your circumstances. Strong women look at challenges in the eye and gives them a wink. ... Take responsibility over your life and give yourself the power you need to change direction, overcome obstacles and achieve great success. For those who've been following me for a while, you'll know I ended up with 3 prolpases (one a grade 3) and pubic symphisis after the birth of my little guy. Just over twelve months ago, on the 21st September 2019, I took back control of my circumstances and have never looked back. I found my amazing Prolpase Coach @terrellbaldock who worked with me, helping me to master pelvic floor muscle training as well as building a strong foundation with strength training and sticking to the basics and functional movement. Nowadays I'm training with Kettlebells, taking myself way out of my comfort zone. I once thought I'd never be able to do a Swing let alone all the other amazing KB movements I'm now doing. To think we've never met in person, yet Terrell and I have become friends and she was able to coach me online, from the other side of the World. I could have given up on regaulr exercise, on my dream to be a Women's Fitness Coach, on training like a bad ass, on ever doing anything but glute bridges and kegals. But that's not what strong women do. They acknowledge their limitations, then find ways to turn them into opportunities. It also helps to have some amazing support behind you. Do you have a limitation you're trying to work around? Is it stopping you from adding physical activity into your daily routine? Do you feel you need some guidance to navigate your circumstances? Drop me a DM and we can connect. #limitationsareopportunities #nolimits #theobstacleistheway #nevwrgiveup #findaway #womenshealthandfitnessday #strongwomen #womensfitnesscoach
21.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR When I relaunched my business as FEMFITLIFE at the beginning of this year, I had no idea how much it would grow. To be honest, I've had trouble keeping up with it. I feel proud of myself for preparing, putting in the hard work and navigating the pandemic, to ensure my business flourished. ... I also feel privileged and honoured to have made some beautiful connections with both my clients and my followers here on social media. I now call many of the friends which is so special. I APPRECIATE YOU ALL It has been rewarding to see my clients blossom and succeed at their goals. It has been inspiring to watch my peers navigate around the challenges thrown at them this year. A BIG VIRTUAL HIGH 5 TO YOU ALL I do feel very blessed and grateful for the abundance I experienced during 2020, when so many did not. Looking forward now to 2021, I do have big goals for my professional self and my business. - grow into the online market - grow my email list - improve my fitness app - produce professional educational content - finish my pregnancy and postnatal certification - become a certified kettlebell coach - start a weight management certification - have more clients achieve their fitness goals If your 2020 wasn't so great, I'm sending you love and light this New Years Eve and I hope that 2021 will be your year. We all survived 2020 in one way or another and I'm glad you're all still here with me. LET'S MAKE 2021 GREAT NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES!
21.01.2022 Look who achieved her first ever assisted pull up on Saturday. In fact she did 12. Another fitness goal achieved, on the whiteboard in the gym. Kathryn Heath has sbeen working hard on her mobility and muscular endurance.... Kath has always been active but had never done much resistance training when she came to see me. Kathryn's current training is 50% mobility and 50% muscular endurance and stability. Kath is dedicated to the process and although some things get in the way from time to time and motivation wanes, she is disciplined and habitually moves her body daily.
21.01.2022 FIND YOUR NEW MAX Your maximum, not someone else's maximum. Always work at your own pace but progressively overload in order to move forward and towards your fitness goals. ... This might look different for each person: Go faster Go heavier More reps (under load for longer) Longer distance, faster time Shorter distance, faster time More power Lifting the heart rate More reps for time Shorter breaks /rests The list goes on. There are many ways to find your new max or personal best. However what often happens when we have been training for a while is that we get comfortable in a sweet spot. But we don't grow in our comfort zone. Comfort zones are okay if you want to maintain, take a break, rest for a while. Nothing wrong with that at all and are often times necessary for recovery. But find yourself in your comfort zone too often and you will risk losing momentum, motivation and progress. Is it time you found your new Max? . #challengeyourself #comfortzone #empowerfit #normalisenormalbodies #bodyconfidence #bodypositive #strongfitwomen #strongwomen #livingwithpop #femalefitness #femfitlife #empoweringwomen #personaltrainer #womenshealthpt #fitnessforlife #fitnessforeverybody #postpartumbodies #selflove #realbodies #realstrongwomen #thisgirlcan #youcandohardthings #realisticexpectations #celebratingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #girlpower #healthyatanysize #ditchthediet
20.01.2022 There is no need to skip your workouts while you are away or on holiday. With the FEMFITLIFE FITNESS APP you can take your program with you. Just like Ashley Gillies has done for the next two weeks. Ashley just checked in to let me know she did her first workout whilst in Sydney.... That's dedication... Not to be confused with motivation. Ashley has made incredible progress over the past few months with me. The last thing she wanted was to go backwards. This program is body weight only but it's enough for her to maintain what she has achieved so far in the gym with me. Go Ashley #fitnessapp #ptdistinction #fitnessclient
17.01.2022 IT'S NATIONAL COFFEE DAY Good morning TEAM! Today's good mood is sponsored by COFFEE!... I'd love to know...what is your favourite coffee? Currently mine is a Decaf Cappuccino! #topend #darwinlife #dothent #ntliving #darwinpersonaltrainer #womensfitnesscoach #coffee #nationalcoffeeday
16.01.2022 "I STOPPED MYSELF FROM FALLING, THAT'S NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE" - Janice Loss of proprioception is a major contributor to falls. Faulty proprioception is not dizziness or vertigo. It is jumbled signals coming from the receptor nerves in our muscles, joints and ligaments, to the brain.... Proprioception plays a role. In every move you make, from walking to eating. Can you improve proprioception? YES!!! Proprioception training improves your motor skills, muscle strength, balance and coordination. Anyone can have a loss of proprioception, not just someone like Janice who suffers from MS. Other things that can continue to a proprioception disorder include: Alcohol abuse Drugs abuse Inner ear problems Diabeties Stroke Peripheral neuropathy Age Brain injury Plantar facsitis Arthritis Herniated disks Autism Joint replacement Parkinsons disease It should also be noted that research has shown that proprioception training can also be a preventative measure to reduce risk of injuries and falls. To hear Janice tell me today, that our training together has improved her quality if life, made me so happy.
16.01.2022 5 X MORE ENERGY REQUIRED FOR A PERSON WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS TO COMPLETE A WORKOUT MS has changed Janice's life, it's made her cry, caused her to fail and given her pain. Buddha says that every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it. ... MS has taught Janice to fight, to not give up and to find new ways to achieve her goals. There currently isn't a cure for MS but you can modify it's activity, slow it's progression and alleviate its effects. Sensibility programmed exercise actually helps someone like Janice to take control of MS. It boosts her mood, decreases overall fatigue, decreases spastocity and improves balance, stability, mobility, strength and endurance. All that said, it really does take a lot of effort for someone with MS to find the energy to do simple activities. Fatigue is a huge barrier for Janice to navigate. That's what makes me so proud of Janice for turning up early on a Monday to get it done. Have you got some words of encouragement for this incredible woman? Drop them below I'm sure she would love to read them.
13.01.2022 Kylie Papazoglou Certified and Registered Exercise Professional, insured through Guild Insurance Helping women to become fit, functional and fulfilled _______________________________________________ address | 13 Leanyer Drive, Leanyer, Darwin, NT 0812 email | [email protected]... mobile | 0419815243 website | instagram | facebook VIP Group: See more
12.01.2022 KETTLEBELL WINDMILL For #TrainingTipThursday I thought I would design an infographic to give you some coaching cues for the Kettlebell Windmill. I took this photo of Annette Traugott demonstrating perfect form this morning, and achieving a PERSONAL BEST of an 8kg Windmill, to design an Infographic for you.... So proud of this girl, always setting herself goals and achieving them. For someone who didn't think she would enjoy strength training, she is nailing it! If you'd like to see more info graphics like this, drop a "hell yes" in the comments below and while you're at it, share some love and give Annette a "GO GIRL" as well. #kettlebells #kettlebelltraining #kettlebellwindmill #functionaltraining #womensfitnesscoach
11.01.2022 WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ME IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS Want to know what is my business? The way I THINK about ME!... Even at my fittest and the leanest I ever was, I still wouldn't have been seen dead wearing bike shorts and a crop, let alone sharing a photo of it on social media. I had ZERO SELF ACCEPTANCE! I look back at what I used to look like and I can't believe I used to have that much shame over my body. These days, I'm over here feeling too damn hot in his weather, too busy, too focused on my own internal growth to give a rats about what people may think of my body. I've also done the work on me and have come to realise that the way I look is the least interesting thing about me. So I'm no longer hiding this body away. I'm f&$king proud of this body, what it's been through, what it still endures and what it has given to this world, 3 amazing humans. Days like today, I have huge wins in the self acceptance space and embrace all that I am. It's days like today I share these posts with you my FEMFITLIFE community. Today I'm celebrating wearing whatever the hell I want because it's comfortable and easy to train in. Other days, like you and many other women, I struggle to accept the way I look. That's okay. Self acceptance is hard AF and a work in progress. But it's days like today that remind me that I have spent far too many years worried about how my body looked and if it would've been accepted by people. People who didn't mean anything to me. But now I get to spend that mental energy instead, on other things like learning new skills, loving my family, thinking about the future, enjoying the moment, feeling happy and energised. I have LOTS MORE SELF ACCEPTANCE now and it literally feels like FREEDOM. And just so you understand that what you see on social media is often someone posing and using lighting to their advantage, I have also posted a photo of me unposed and totally smashed after my workout, because, THAT'S THE WOMAN I'M PROUD OF! If this post resonated with you, I want to know about it. Let me know below what your self acceptance wins are.
11.01.2022 TODAY IS WOMEN'S HEALTH AND FITNESS DAY What better way to represent strong women than having a Women’s Health and Fitness Day? Health covers all aspects of our lifemental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, intellectualjust to name a few.... Are you a woman who has taken control of her health? What aspects of your life need a little more focus? I totally get it, women are busy! Jobs, families, and nights out with friends tend to take priority. Unfortunately your health & fitness can suffer due to the crazy demands of life. Days like today, remind us that we need to make sure we’re taking care of our health. Here are my amazing clients, all strong women, who have taken control of their health, committing themselves to becoming fitter, more functional and fulfilled in life. Ladies, I celebrate you all today and thank you for trusting in me as your Women's Fitness Coach. I'm so proud of each and every one of you. If you would like to join the FEMFITLIFE Community of strong women, drop me a private message and I'll add you to our waiting list for when sessions become available. #womensfitness #womenshealthandfitnessday #strongwomen #womensfitnesscoach #womenempoweringwomen
10.01.2022 FIRST WORKOUT FOR 2021 And it was day 20 of #StreetParking. METCON 3-6-9-12-15... KB SWINGS KB GOBLET SQUAT BURPEES Goal: 14 minutes or less Score: 14:36 Not the best effort for the first one of the year but I'm tired, it's TTOTM, and I had a massive day yesterday so I'm feeling bloated and weak. But I got it done and I'm still on track. Doing 5 SHIFT workouts a week. Up to day 20. Got another 2 weeks and I'll start adding my Olympic lifts back in as well. This year I intend to get out of my comfort zone even more and kick some challenging goals. I'm up for it and I can't wait to see what 2021 brings. LET'S DO THIS!
10.01.2022 SCORPION MOBILITY #TrainingThisTuesday Moving the body in an almost primal manner is not something you see in the average gym workout.... But I've become come a huge fan of natural movement, primal movement, body weight flows or ground flows, whatever you want to call them. Some of the well known movement systems around at the moment are: Animal Flow MovNat Primalthenics Gymnasticsbodies Exercises that have you moving like beasts, crabs and scorpions, using bodyweight only turned into flowing sequences are great for mobility, strength and motor control. I highly recommend considering adding these movements into your weekly training, in a mobility session, warmup or as a complete workout in their own. I've been doing this weekly and I've feeling amazing benefits. I've become more mobile and flexible. I've gained strength in all my traditional functional movements patterns like my squats, hinges, lunges, pushes, pulls etc. I've also found my balance and coordination improving. Give this simple scorpion style movement a go. It's basically a glute bridge with a reach. HOW TO: get set up to do a glute bridge. lift your hips and raise your right shoulder off the ground. reach with the right hand behind your head and to the left. lower hips, shoulder and return arm to starting position. repeat on the other side. #naturalmovement #primalmovement #movemore #motionislotion #trythis #moveyourbodydaily #mobility
10.01.2022 YOUR WILD WEDNESDAY WORKOUT TABATA TROUBLE 20:10 WORK REST FOR ADVANCED... 20:20 WORK REST FOR INTERMEDIATE 20:30 WORK REST FOR BEGINNER Whatever you choose you'll have 8 minutes of total work time. Don't forget to warm-up rhythmically (walking, cycling, jogging, rowing, marching) for 5 to 10 minutes at 60% maxHR or 6 RPE. Also cool down for a few minutes by walking around and letting the heart rate come back down slowly and then do some static stretching. LIKE and SAVE this workout and TAG me if you POST a photo or video doing it.
08.01.2022 Current goal is a 5 minute deep squat hold. Today I managed 2 minutes and 30 seconds during the decompression phase of my kettlebell workout. Legs burning. #deepsquatchallenge #asstothegrass #functionaltraining... #mobilitytrainingisstrengthtraining #mobilitytraining #personaltrainer #womensfitnesscoach #onlinecoaching See more
07.01.2022 YOUR WILD WEDNESDAY WORKOUT EMOM10 #wildwednesdayworkout #workoutwednesday... Don't forget to warm-up rhythmically (walking, cycling, jogging, rowing, marching) for 5 to 10 minutes at 60% maxHR or 6 RPE. Also cool down for a few minutes by walking around and letting the heart rate come back down slowly and then do some static stretching.
07.01.2022 #nothighgaphere #toddlermomlife #endlesslytired
06.01.2022 I HAD A NON SCALE VICTORY! I have many clients come to me wanting to lose weight. I'm more than happy to help them reduce their body fat percentage but there is one thing I like to encourage above all else... ...I ask my clients to take the focus off the scales and place it onto the health and lifestyle benefits of commencing an exercise program. ... So what non scale victory did Annette have? HER CLOTHES FIT HER BETTER! Want to know what else has happened? - she got stronger - she lost body fat - she gained flexibility - she is able to push herself harder If you want to find out how you can also achieve this and more, check out the LINKS in my BIO I am currently fully booked but please JOIN the WAITING LIST and you will be given priority when training sessions become available.
05.01.2022 Imagine your head is a 5kg (10 pound) bowling ball. Imagine now, how much neck strain is involved in looking down at your mobile phone or computer all day. It's no wonder we end up with so many jiggly neck, shoulder and upper complains, am I right?... We really do need good mobility in our cervical spine to be able to look around us when we drive, walk and talk to people, however we can lose this mobility when we have over used and under used muscles. Here is a little exercise to add to your daily mobility routine, because I know your doing some daily movement practice There age about 13 muscles that insert into the neck to allow it to function properlytheae are muscles that also connect into your head, shoulders and upper back. Whilst standing or sitting and keeping the rest of your body (including your shoulders) stable, jut your chin forward and then retract your head backward. Aim for 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions to start with, progressing up to 15 reps after a few weeks. Keep your neck resilient and functional by moving it in all directions constantly. This is just one exercise. There are plenty of other ways to move. Don't forget that motion is lotion for your joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. #mobilitymonday #mobility #motionislotion #keepmoving #movedaily #functionaltraining
04.01.2022 EVERY NEXT LEVEL OF YOUR LIFE WILL DEMAND A DIFFERENT YOU... ... YOUR ONLY LIMIT IS YOU! Day 18 of #streetparking done with another SHIFT workout.... AMRAP 12 MINUTES 5 Push Ups + Taps 10 DB Jump Overs 15 Air Squats to target Goal: 6+ rounds Score: 7 rounds + 5 reps RX
04.01.2022 LAST WORKOUT OF THE YEAR And it was day 19 of #StreetParking. METCON 12 ROUNDS... 5 KB Power Hang Snatch R 5 KB Power Hang Clean L 10 High Step Ups Alternating Goal: 18 minutes or less Score: 17:15 minutes RX HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE
03.01.2022 THE REALITY OF WORKING OUT AFTER HAVING KIDS 3 years ago, my husband and I would wake at 4am, not because a toddler had climbed into our bed, as is the situation now, but because we were off to the gym for our daily strength training session. We had grand plans of continuing our lifestyle, training regularly, staying fit and strong. Being amazing role model for our growing boy.... The best laid plans... You'll often hear stories from women about the difficulties of returning to exercise after a baby. I've shared plenty and you only have to google the two words "exercise" and "mom"and you'll find all kinds of workouts for getting back into exercise after birth. What you don't see much of is the difficulties dads have continuing to exercise after a baby. Dads don't need the physical rehab mom's do, however they do need to step up their responsibilities. They still have to go to work but they are also now sharing the care of a new baby and helping their wife to cope. For my amazing husband, finding time to exercise has been a real challenge. He still works long hours, six days a week in a physically demanding job. He has always stepped up to share the care of our baby boy allowing me to to recover, get sleep, study, start my business and navigate my own physical training. So you can imagine how happy I was as a Personal Trainer to have the opportunity to finally get my husband back into the gym, doing a program I've designed for him, to help him ease back into training again. We've decided to make some changes with our lifestyle to free up some time to allow us both to train. We are embarking on a new journey now that our son is 2 years old. Get ready to see more of Vagelli in the gym. He is making a comeback.
02.01.2022 I may or may not have purchased a few more kettlebells for the gym today. A set of 10kg and 15kg for those getting too strong for the ones I already had #kettlebells #kmart #doesthetrick... #garagegym #homegym #kettlebelltraining See more
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