La Perouse Public School | Education
La Perouse Public School
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25.01.2022 How we as adults talk about Maths impacts our children’s attitudes and ultimately success.
24.01.2022 "Learn as much as you can about the culture and participate." - Aunty Deanna. Each year, NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who are part of some of the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #NAIDOC2020 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
22.01.2022 School Holiday Research Project
22.01.2022 Social media and your tween. The issue of supervising your tween online is a serious one, especially in the primary and middle school years. We have all just a big reminder of this recently. I am particularly concerned about the vulnerability of 8 - 12 year olds who don't always have the language to process what they see. Most parents I know are faced with decisions about social media or gaming when their son or daughter is very young - usually between ages 8 and 12. For some, the pressure to be online comes much younger than this. Those with older brothers or sisters often get online so early that by the time they are 13 they are well and truly immersed in the online world. When your tween is 10, 11 or even 12 they are relatively easy to manage. It is therefore easy to say ‘yes’ to social media without spending a lot of time thinking about how you will manage it and what restrictions you might put on it. However, put a few years on them and a few more hormones, the desire for a boyfriend or girlfriend, and a few friends you aren’t so keen on... and you may not say ‘yes’ so quickly. Your ‘yes’ may come with a few more conditions; conditions which are hard to administer later if they haven’t been put in place from the beginning. My argument is this. When your tween first comes to you and asks for a phone or a social media account stop and think about it. You might want to be cautious. You might want to think about how to set things up to get through the bumpiest years that may lie ahead. Remember once you give them the phone it is there for life. There is always a lot of discussion about what is the right age to buy your child a phone or allow them access to social media or gaming. My thought is this: there is no magical age that makes a phone safe but the younger they are the more of a gap there is between them and the online adult work. Given the amount of safety software available these days I've come to this conclusion. It is not just about WHEN (the exact age) but HOW. HOW involves a lot of things including understanding the platforms they want to use, and filtering the internet as best you can. HOW is super important! I have put together an ebook for everyone with a little more on this topic. Please feel free to share if it will support someone you know. Use the link below to download: If you have a tween I would highly recommend you follow these experts over the next few years. @susanmclean - The Cyber Safety Lady (Leonie also does one on one consults for families who want to make tech safer for their kids). Common Sense Media Dr Kristy Goodwin #inthistogether
20.01.2022 Athlete Registrations and Umpire Nominations for the Sydney Netball Academy close at 5pm today! Don't miss this opportunity to take up the challenge! Find out more |
16.01.2022 Our Eco Warriors have been harvesting this morning. You can snap up a bag of fresh produce or some eggs this afternoon at the gate.
14.01.2022 Our school was taken over by spooky characters and creatures...
13.01.2022 Our research shows 25% of children aged 8-13 years have used the internet to chat to someone they didn’t know. Start a conversation with your child before a st...ranger does. Talk to them about how they can tell whether someone is safe to talk to whether they know them or not. As parents you have the life skills to teach your child to recognise the warning signs: For more practical strategies head to eSafety Parents ___________________ Play Your Part - National Child Protection Week #ncpw See more
12.01.2022 For the first time in its 44-year history, auditions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth aged 16-to-26 to join NAISDA Dance College in 2021 are bein...g held completely online, with applications to audition now open up to the extended date of 23 October. Past Alumni have gone on to successful national and international careers, including Bangarra Dance Theatre and across television, film, theatre, music, community and education sectors. Find out more about NAISDA and the audition opportunities here: #AboriginalArt #AboriginalEducation #AANSW courtesy of NAISDA Dance College Create NSW Barang Regional Alliance
12.01.2022 Our Activity Packs are back for the October School holidays! Available to South West Sydney, register via the link:
10.01.2022 This Friday we are having a Red Black and Yellow Mufti Day to recognise NAIDOC week, again.
10.01.2022 Hey everyone, Attached is our School Holiday Program ! Please call or text Jasmin on: 0402 426 987 to book. ***Rules & Restrictions:... 1. All participants are only allowed to choose 2 programs each for your first bookings. If our young people wish to go to more than 2 activities they will be placed on a waiting list. If all spots are not filled within a timeframe they will be considered to come on a 3rd activity. 2. We have limited numbers each day so please get in fast! 3. We will be running a COVID pre-screening questionnaire before each activity. Unfortunately if a young person displays signs or symptoms or does not pass the questionnaire they will not be able to participate. Look forward to seeing you guys this school holidays!
09.01.2022 Student leadership at its finest.
08.01.2022 Gurilwala has fantastic Insect Detectives!
08.01.2022 MY INCLUSION ABC'S A fun way to remember different strategies and best practices to make your classroom inclusive for all learners. All means all... Behavior is communication Choice be a behavior Detective Everyone starts together Fair means everyone gets their needs met Growth mindset child Honoring Independence Joyful learning Kids do well if they can Lead with strengths Movement breaks Needs based Open mindedness Plan & Purposes Question unexpected behavior. Why? Why now? Relationship Self regulation assistive Technology Unconditional positive regard Universal design for learning Visuals Words make Worlds X-tra processing time the power of Yet! Zone of proximal development #neurochild #classroomstrategies #inclusionmatters
08.01.2022 Looking for some educational games...?!/games
08.01.2022 School Holiday Challenge...
07.01.2022 Attention parents and carers, we want your feedback! Please could you give us 15 minutes of your time to complete this short survey.
07.01.2022 Today we support our wonderful Miss Bene, who today will farewell her dad. In lieu of flowers please send any donations to the Chris O’brien Lifehouse.
06.01.2022 Reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday) is our photo day! Full summer school uniform please.
06.01.2022 Thanks to the team at Indigi Grow and Ms Billie, our students had another wonderfully rich learning opportunity.
05.01.2022 What an amazing leader!
02.01.2022 Stage 3 Buriburi spreading kindness for Fairy Bread Day yesterday
02.01.2022 It’s all about GRIT...
01.01.2022 All behavior is always telling us something. Children don't always have the language to tell us what they need or what hurts, so they act it out with their behavior... thus... acting-out behavior. " Pam Leo #neurochild #communication #behavior #empathy #teaching
01.01.2022 We are so excited with only a week to go before we open on Saturdays. We have been super busy all week preparing and will be super busy again all next week everything ready. We have plenty of native plants to choose from with lots of bush Tucker and flowering plants with lots of colours. We have ground covers, climbers, small shrubs right through to trees that grow very high. Tell your family, friends and colleagues to pencil it in the diary for next Saturday and get along to IndigiGrow and pick up beautiful native plants at bargain prices. IndigiGrow opening times on Saturdays will be 8am - 3pm. No booking needed but COVID rules in the nursery must be followed.
01.01.2022 "They said it would be a million-dollar job". So far all it's cost is a sugar free coke and a very determined grandad. Thank you to Percy's grandad Ian for doing such a great job mowing and manicuring a part of the school grounds, which hasn't been used in a very long time. He is truly a community asset to La Perouse Public School.