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La Boheme Vintage Prop Hire

Phone: +61 413 038 779


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25.01.2022 My little room of Boheme vintage treasures! I love this space, sometimes I just seat there looking at my props imagining new ones and magical combination for your event! I think what I love the most is that they all have a story! The panels against the wall are from a friends home we were helping renovate last year and I just couldn’t see them being destroyed! Now the Travis panels can be photo booth backgrounds or trestle tables for a unique vintage feel! Contact me to sta...rt planning your unique event with one of a kind props and come check out the props in my little bohemian room of creativity #laboheme #labohemevintageprophire #vintage #vintagelove #bohemian #prophire #sydneyprophire #sydneyeventhire #eventhire #vintageprophire #strokesurvivor #ilovewhatido #lovewhatyoudo #woodlove #upcycle #imagine #reimagine #wedding #eventplanning #oneofakind #unique #heartofagypsy

24.01.2022 Fuzzy is missing the day Mom would spent her days woodworking but then her wood collection makes a perfect day bed! #laboheme #woodworking #lazycat #fuzzy #tabbycat #cat #workshop #ilovewhatido #lovewhatyoudo #handmade #thinkoutsidethebox #create #creativemind #catprentice #strokesurvivor

21.01.2022 Last year before my stroke I was floating on top of the world training everyday with the best trainer @mardiwillcox and going through a crazy creative phase for La Boheme which was quite noticeable in the way I decided to dress sometimes! I miss my long brunette hair, my cowboy boots, creating new things everyday and gaining new skills and even missing weight training very much! Who would have thought? #laboheme #labohemevintageprophire #personaltrainer #girlfriend #bohemian #frenchie #crazyclothes #colours #inyourface #ilovewhatido #bebold #bebrave #getbackup #strokesurvivor #watchmekickmystrokeass #icanhandleit #strongwoman #lifeisbeautiful #imcomingback #gettingthere

21.01.2022 When life gives you lemon, make lemonade! It’s ok if it takes time to figure out the recipe #betteryourself #workhard #nevergiveup #love #lifeisbeautiful #life #thereisalwayshope #hope #getbetter #strokesurvivor #isurvived #survivor #thinkoutsidethebox

21.01.2022 Vintage armchair for for the queen of the day! During your life you should feel like the queen of the day everyday but for that extra special occasion come to La Boheme and I’ll make you my priority #laboheme #labohemevintageprophire #queen #vintage #vintagelove #prophire #sydneyeventhire #sydneyprophire #weddingprops #babyshower #wedding #wedding #lifeisbeautiful #specialday #imaqueen #strokesurvivor #ilovewhatido #love #lovewhatyoudo #iwanttomakeyouhappy

20.01.2022 Want to organise a tea party? La bohème has the perfect bohemian vintage assemble of pieces ! Message to start planning your one of a kind event!... #wedding #teaparty #vintage #vintagelove #bohemian #laboheme #labohemevintageprophire #babyshower #kitchentea #prophire #sydneyeventhire #sydneyprophire #eventhire #ilovewhatido #love #lovewhatyoudo #strokesurvivor #ecclectic #oneofakind #babycoming #girlfriends #victorian #womenentrepreneur #imcomingback #riseup

19.01.2022 This little boy changed everything for me! He brought Love and excitement into my recovery When I woke up from surgery I asked for a dog but little did I know I would find my best buddy, Walter. Beautiful doodle you! #laboheme #labradoodle #walterthedoodle #mydog #bestmate #strokesurvivor #companionship #mylove #iamstrong #inlovewithhim

18.01.2022 Fresh air always clears your head... Now is my knee going to take me back home?... One step at a time #walk #park #freshair #australiantrees #gumtree #pushinglimits #rehab #strokesurvivor #isurvived #training #onestepatatime

17.01.2022 Always trying to come up with original ideas that will highlight my vintage treasures and blend perfectly in different settings or styles! Those hanging dollies are the perfect bohemian/romantic/vintage touch for your event! Guaranteed handmade with Love ... #vintage #vintagelove #weddingprops #prophire #laboheme #labohemevintageprophire #sydneyprophire #eventhire #sydneyeventhire #upcycle #ilovewhatido #handmade #love #dowhatyoulove #strokesurvivor

13.01.2022 Running ideas pass my baby boy but not getting much feedback apart from the puppy eyes and the nibbling of my feet! Come on Walter, you can do better than that! #laboheme #labohemevintageprophire #labradoodle #bestbuddy #mate #puppyeyes #vintagelove #thisdogsavedmylife #strokesurvivor #prophire #sydneyprophire

12.01.2022 Before/ After picture of a much loved hand luggage now wishing well! I wish I had taken more of these transformation picture I would be able to feed my creator’s mind with it while I can’t make anything at the moment. This wishing well comes with a cards bunting and add the perfect pop of vintage and colour to your event! Contact me to start planning your event!... #vintage #vintagelove #laboheme #labohemevintageprophire #prophire #wedding #wishingwell #sydneyprophire #eventhire #weddingplanning #lovewhatido #craftsmanship #australiawedding #vintageprophire #original #uniqueprops #strokesurvivor

10.01.2022 Found those beautiful Singer sewing table legs which have aged beautifully and tell a story of where they’ve been and how cherished they were (many layers of various coloured paint tells me someone really loved them and wanted them to evolve with them) it needed a top so I hunted an old wooden door from a lovely woman called Connie. She was thrilled that the old door of her dads shed will be transformed to be part of a beautiful assemble. I called it the Connie table , pe...rfect little table for a gift table as shown on the picture(with a Moses basket and vintage laces for a baby shower) or as a wishing well or guestbook table for a wedding or any event you want! Message me for more infos and to start planning your event with La Bohème #handmade #reclaimedtimber #vintage #vintagelove #wedding #babyshower #eventplanning #prophire #sydneyprophire #eventhire #sydneyeventhire #laboheme #labohemevintageprophire #oneofakind #lovewhatyoudo #ilovewhatido #strokesurvivor #upcycle #handmadewithlove

08.01.2022 A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to prop my dear friend @amongthepigeons baby shower! It a very hot Australian day but British inspired theme! #vintagelove #babyshower #prophire #eventsydney #prophiresydney #vintageprops #victorianthemed #laboheme #labohemevintageprophire

06.01.2022 #bohemian #prophire #vintage #sydney profite #sydney events... #sydney wedding #rusticevent See more

02.01.2022 Lookback at an amazing day I had the privilege to prop! I love that Miss Olive is out of your belly @amongthepigeons but what a feeling it was at your baby shower to be so looking forward to meet her! I miss my work so much! I spent so much time creating my prop collection and they just await while I work hard on recovering the use of my hand can’t wait to get better and find THE event that will bring them to life again! ... #vintage #vintagelove #prophire #prophiresydney #doityourself #weddingplanner #weddingprops #babyshower #handmade #eventplanning #eventhiresydney #eventstyling #eventhire #strokesurvivor #rehab

01.01.2022 Nothing better when you are under the weather than a cuddle on the couch n front of the fireplace... I love you doodle #labradoodle #ilovemydoodle #doodle #doodlesofinstagram #mydog #myboy #walterthedoodle #couchcuddles

01.01.2022 Found this vintage piece on the street all broken up. With love, timber and paint you can accomplish miracles... Once loved by kids to draw on, now the perfect welcome sign to your event. Comes with 3 little milk bottles to put at the front with flowers. Contact La Boheme to start planning your dreamy event #sydneyprophire #vintageprophire #heartofagypsy #unique #laboheme #labohemevintageprophire #prophire #sydneyeventhire #vintage #vintagelove #blackboard #wedding #weddingprops #welcomesign #renovate #pieceofhistory #withloveandcare #ilovewhatido #lovewhatyoudo #imaginationisthelimit #love

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