Labour of love Doula services and post-natal support | Community
Labour of love Doula services and post-natal support
Phone: +61 432 147 490
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25.01.2022 This is definitely how belly births should be done!! what I wouldnt give to be a doula in a maternal assisted c-section!
24.01.2022 What an awesome feeling this must have been for this daddy!!
24.01.2022 Have officially become a member of the doula network Australia inc
23.01.2022 I'm thinking I will start doing some live discussions with all you mummies and daddies I'm taking requests on topics you would like me to discuss during these live feeds? Make sure your following my page so you get the notification when we go live :)
22.01.2022 #doulalife #birth #scrubsaresocomfy #csection #lovemyjob
22.01.2022 Welcome to the world little kaidyn! Born today at 4:27pm... mum and Bub doing amazing Congrats Lesley and Luke!
22.01.2022 Don't forget to share my page with your friends as I am currently taking bookings for 2017!! I customise my packages to suit the needs of each different client so shoot me a msg and lets work out something together!! No women should birth alone!
21.01.2022 This makes me sooo happy!!
20.01.2022 this!! I'm a mess!! How beautiful
19.01.2022 You would think that having the choice with how you position your body is a given considering that a) youre a grown woman, and b) its your body. But no, many care providers and hospitals try to force women into unnatural positions to help them, rather than positions that help mother and baby. You do have rights and you can insist on being left alone to find the right position for you. Care providers can always work around that if they know their stuff.
19.01.2022 Let's talk about VBACs! At Labour of love, all birth outcomes are supported! Whether it be scheduled caesarean birth, VBAC, unmedicated, medicated, home, hospital, and more! Here is some information on just ONE of many birth options! If a VBAC is something you're interested in check out this information!
19.01.2022 How do you give birth??
18.01.2022 Yes I am all of these things to my clients and more... celebrating world doula week and getting more awareness out there for all women who should never birth without a doula
18.01.2022 Every child deserves the right to play.
14.01.2022 Ask about my packages for Doula support 3 AMAZING PACKAGES Birthing-familiar presence in your home during early/middle labour such as:... Ensuring that you are well-hydrated Vocal nurturing and encouragement Emotional facilitation Warm bath assistance during labour Use of soothing essential oils Breath work Showering is supported and encouraged and is Ideal for comfort Therapeutic touch and sacral pressure point work Encouraging your mobility and helping with changes of position during intense surges The use of the ROBOZO to help with comfort and pain relief Incorporating sound and music if you wish Being your liaison with family & friends Continuous care during transition to birth centres or hospital (if you are not having a home birth w/Midwife) Communicating your wishes to numerous staff in the institutional environment in an elegant manner and setting up your room to make it as warm and natural for your labour and to be calm and joyous Actively supporting informed choices to reduce unnecessary medical interventions (Birth planning) Encouraging conscious communication between you and your labouring baby as you are both working to the end result of a beautiful delivery Helping you consistently move through fear into a return to LOVE and BREATHE Reminding you to attune to your bodys amazing ability to birth your baby Facilitating privacy & integrity between the labouring woman and her committed partner for optimal physiology Facilitating mother-baby skin to skin reunion upon birth & feeding Focusing on you and encouraging your focus using visualisations and mindfulness For Homebirth clients, assisting a licensed midwife Facilitating mindfulness for placenta/cord care and the benefits in delayed cord clamping as well as placenta encapsulation Ideal birth for your family can be as easy as the support and education you receive! Ask about my packages for Doula support!
13.01.2022 Some beautiful images that celebrate the role of us doulas...
13.01.2022 Couldn’t have said it better
12.01.2022 Are you pregnant, or know someone who is? Have you been looking for something different to the normal sometimes boring baby showers?? Let me tell you about the amazing blessing way ceramonies!! ... A blessing way ceramony is a spiritually holistic ritual to bring love and energy to the mother-to-be and her baby! In the Navajo tribe tradition, this ceramony binds the energy of the women closest to the mother-to-be, to bring protection and blessings to her and her unborn child, during the birth. It involves a series of rituals and usually takes place in the eighth moon of pregnancy!! I have teamed up with the amazing Megan Egan who is also a life celebrant, as well as a training end of life doula, to help bring this amazing ceramony to u! Want more info?? Please contact me via msg or even call 0432147490!
11.01.2022 "If you lay down, the baby will never come out." -Native American saying "Women walked, strutted, crawled, swayed, and leaned. They remained mobile, moving their baby down, facilitating a faster birth. The laboring woman would stand, kneel, sit, squat, hang, dance, or otherwise move her baby down; the one position that a woman never birthed in was lying down. Some Native American cultures used smoke bathes to help relax the perineum during birth. The smoke was usually created from laurel leaves burned in a small clay pot, which the mother would squat or kneel over. Some other times a secondary birth attendant would blow the smoke onto the mother's perineum."
11.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday to little Harry!! Can't believe it's been a year! hope your mummy and daddy spoilt you today! Happy 1 year of being parents Tania and Mark
08.01.2022 I want to wish all my families (past and present) a very happy Easter!! Please stay safe this long weekend and enjoy the choccies
07.01.2022 A year ago today I got to welcome this beautiful little girl to the world... happy first birthday Lacey-may
07.01.2022 yes!! Taking back control of your birth choices is so powerful. A vaginal birth is very much possible after 1,2,3 however many cesarean births.. with the right support and guidance.. Are you thinking of having a home birth, or maybe a VBAC? Let me support you and your choices but most of all help you make an informed decision!
07.01.2022 Hands up those who have consumed their placenta? Placenta is so full of nutrients and amazing hormones, it can help with milk production, post natal depression, reducing the size of the uterus and so so much more!!
07.01.2022 A shout out to all women who loved their labours and births. Our culture has become a place where often we find the only women that feel like they can share their stories post birth are those who found it disempowering, disappointing or even traumatic. We need to hear all stories and remember that every birth is important and every woman needs to voice her experience. Birth is a sacred, life changing event.
07.01.2022 Happy 1st birthday to little Levi!! this little man is growing up way too fast! Not only was I lucky enough to be his Mummas doula but I am his god mother too.. I love you little Levi and cant wait to see you tomorrow xx
06.01.2022 Finally got my business cards
06.01.2022 aww is this not the most emotional thing you have ever seen!! Bless her
05.01.2022 Couldnt have said it better
04.01.2022 PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE THIS! Changes need to be made now!
03.01.2022 I had to share this!! Lacey is amazing and she really put into words how the lack of knowledge can lead to misinformed choices.. The placenta is actually really beautiful and an amazing thing to see, it nourished your unborn and kept it safe. It is the original tree of life Let's normalise the 3rd stage (afterbirth) and remove the fear of the placenta and embrace what amazing powers it has both during pregnancy and even after (placenta encapsulation)
03.01.2022 Finally got to officially graduate from Australian doula college as a qualified birthing and post natal doula I have been qualified for some time now but was hanging out to have the wonderful Renee from the college officially present me with my certificate!! Im so proud of this achievement and being a doula is certainly my passion Thank you to my wonderful husband Trent who supported me through all the training and continues to support me in my journey as a doula! Thank you to my clients who helped qualify and the ones I have had since who continue support me! And of course my amazing friends and family! #proud #doulalife #birthingdoula #postnatalsupport #ilovemyjob #graduation #australiandoulacollege
01.01.2022 Wow!! Love this