Lachlan Dansie Fitness | Sport & recreation
Lachlan Dansie Fitness
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21.01.2022 DAY 42 - JABBERWOCKY (21:26)/ MOBILITY "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe." 4 Rounds of 3 exercises. ... Each Round 25/12, 20/8, then 18 seconds back to back R1: Walking Squat, Frog Squats, Cossack Jumps R2: Kick Sit, Agility Sprints, Triple Hurdle Jumps R3: In Out Push ups, Cave Crawl, Frog Kick Burpees R4: Tabletop toe touch, Get Ups, Squat High Knee Finisher all 12 exercises back to back, 18 seconds on each To join me in doing the full workout head to: #LDFitness #fitness #gym #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #ocrwc #obstacleracersaustralia #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
21.01.2022 DAY 37 - EXCESS BAGGAGE / KETTLEBELL CORE The mind is everything. What you think you become. Buddha BODYWEIGHT WORKOUT - EXCESS BAGGAGE (20:49)... 3 Rounds with 3 Exercises in each round. Each exercise done 30 seconds work 12 rest, then 25/10, 20/0. Finisher: 3 core exercises, 30 seconds back to back, 3 x through. Round 1: Jack Skaters, Pulse Push Ups, Extended Plank Walk Round 2: Ballet Squats, 360 Shoot Through, Half Moons Round 3: Sprint, Burpee Long Jump, T Sit Ups Finisher: Extended Plank Walk, Half Moons, T Sit Ups To follow along the full workout head to: KETTLEBELL CORE 5 slingshots 10 sec Bottoms up hold L 5 slingshots 10 sec Bottoms up hold R 20 Hot Potatoes 5 Dynamic Deck Squat 5 Atlas Swings 5 Windmills L/R 5 Turkish Get UPS L/R 10 Standing side crunch L/R 5 Controlled Deck Squat 10 Single Leg hip bridge L/R 10 Bicycle crunch and reach 10 Windshield wipers 5 Gladiator get up L/R 5 Kneeling Halo L/R 10 Plank pull through 10 Second Single Arm plank hold L/R To follow along with the full workout video: #LDFitness #fitness #gym #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #ocrwc #obstacleracersaustralia #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
16.01.2022 DAY 44 - KING KONG / KB SWING A Beast is a Beast. Size does not matter! BODYWEIGHT WORKOUT - KING KONG (26:10)... 15 exercises, 5 rounds of 3. Each exercise done 30 seconds work 10 rest, then 25/10, 20/0. Finisher 60 seconds Gorilla Crawl 1. Double Borrower Squat, 180 Jump Press Up, Forward Shoot Through 2. Squat high Knee, Sprint Punch, Gorilla Crawl 3. Sweep Side Lunge, In Out Squat Thurst, Single Leg V Up 4. Shallow Burpees, Plank Up Down, Hurdle Jumps, 5. Skater hop, Hammer Blow, Reverse Plank To join me in the full workout go to: FO the workout timer go to : KETTLEBELL SWING 1. 5 pass arounds L+R 2. 5 Figure 8 pass throughs L+R 3. 5 Halos L+R 4. 10 Russian Swings 5. 10 Alternating Swings 6. 10 Single Arm Swings L+R 7. 10 American Swings 8. 10 Borrower Swings 9. 10 Stay Low Swings 10. 10 Rocker Swings 11. 10 Russian/American Swings (again) 12. 10 Single arm High Pull L+R 13. 10 Snatch L+R 14. 10 Clean & Press L+R 15. 10 Thrusters L+R 16. 10 Slingshots 17. 10 Atlas Swings 18. 3 Turkish Get Up Windmills L+R 19. 20 Swings to finish To join me in the full workout go to: #LDFitness #fitness #gym #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #ocrwc #obstacleracersaustralia #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
15.01.2022 DAY 40 - HIT & MISS / KETTLEBELL COMBO If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Tony Robbins BODYWEIGHT WORKOUT - HIT & MISS... 8 exercises. 3 Rounds. Round 1: 30 work, 12 rest Round 2: Exercise Pairs, 20 seconds each, x 2 Round 3: Blocks of 4, 18 seconds on each. Finisher: Random order & timing. 1. Squat Jumps 2. Sprint Punch 3. Rebound Squat to Lunge Right 4. Rebound Squat to Lunge Left 5. Oblique Mountain Climber 6. Spider Plank 7. Burpee Tuck 8. Hammer Blows To join me doing the full workout go to: KETTLEBELL COMBO A combination of 2 or 3 of the following Kettlebell workouts: Kettlebell Swing: Kettlebell Upper: Kettlebell Lower: Kettlebell Core: #LDFitness #fitness #gym #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #ocrwc #obstacleracersaustralia #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
14.01.2022 DAY 43 - 20/20 CIRCUIT I hated every minute of training, but I said, Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." Muhammad Ali Today's workout is a repeat of the circuit we did on 30 August. 20 Reps of 10 exercises, 2 sets back to back. Can you beat your time? It's important that we maintain good and consistent form, so we can see any improvements.... The exercises 1. Push Ups (either chest to ground, or chest to target) 2. Squats (bum to hit a target - ball, bench or chair - the lower the better) 3. Bench Dips (legs extended) 4. Burpees (chest to ground - hands overhead at the top) 5. Sit Ups (no bouncing the butt up and down off the ground) 6. Lunges (20 each leg - back knee either to floor or to a target) 7. Swimmers (lying on the ground, arms reaching up and down) 8. Plank Jack (either hands or elbows - legs jumping in and out) 9. Frog Squats (elbows between knees, bum lifting up and down) 10. Shuttle run (20 laps between 2 markers - approx 5 m apart) Remember 2 rounds back to back, so in total 20 x 20 - 400 reps. Maintain good form. #LDFitness #fitness #gym #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #ocrwc #obstacleracersaustralia #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
13.01.2022 DAY 45 - LEGACY (19:05) Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover. Mark Twain 6 exercises, 5 Rounds. ... Round 1: 40 secnds work, 12 rest, R2: 35/10, R3: 30/8, R4: 25/5, R5: 20/0 1. Compass Squat Jumps 2. Hand Release Push Up 3. Sprinter Lunge R 4. Sprinter Lunge L 5. Butterfly Sit Ups 6. 2 Step Dash To join me in the full workout head to: #LDFitness #fitness #gym #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #ocrwc #obstacleracersaustralia #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
09.01.2022 DAY 47 - NEXT LEVEL "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda 9 Exercises. ... 3 rounds of a 3 Exercise Matrix. 20 seconds work 10 rest. Finisher all 9 exercises, 25 seconds back to back. 1. Sumo Punch, Donkey Kick, Squat High Knee 2. Long Jump, Split Press Up, Pop Ups 3. Bob & Weave Squat, Tabletop Toe Touch, Stay Low Lunge For the full workout go to: For the workout timer go to: #LDFitness #fitness #gym #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #ocrwc #obstacleracersaustralia #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
08.01.2022 DAY 39 - GUNSLINGER / TABATA You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Wayne Gretzky BODYWEIGHT WORKOUT - GUNSLINGER... Two 4 exercise Matrices. 20 work, 15 rest. Finisher all 8 exercises in a row. 20 seconds each. Matrix 1: Agility Sprint, Burpee High Knee, Loaded Groiner, Mogul Jumps Matrix 2: Lunge Jumps, Gorilla Crawl, Push Up Knee Tap, Explosive Jacks To follow along with the full workout go to: TABATA WORKOUT Alternating Pairs. 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest, 8 x through (4 each) 1. Deadlift / Frog Squats 2. Bent Over Row / Chin ups or Inverted Row (you can use a table) 3. Clean / Squat 4. Push Press / Push Ups #LDFitness #fitness #gym #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #ocrwc #obstacleracersaustralia #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
08.01.2022 DAY 35 - DIRTY DOG / KETTLEBELL LOWER BODYWEIGHT WORKOUT - DIRTY DOG (21:50) 5 Rounds of Exercise Pairs ... 30 work, 12 rest. Then 22/8, and 15 seconds back to back x 2. 1. Sprint, Explosive Jacks 2. Down Dog Push Up, Forward Shoot Through 3. Airborne Lunge Right, Airborne Lunge Left 4. Frog Kick Burpees, Ballet Squat Taps 5. Get Up Tuck, Single Leg V Up Finisher, all 10 exercises, 20 seconds back to back For the full video go to: For the timer go to: WEIGHTED WORKOUT - KETTLEBELL LOWER 1. 5 Pass Arounds R+L 2. 5 Figure 8 Pass Throughs R+L 3. 10 Slingshots 4. 10 Goblet Squats 5. 10 Cossack Squats 6. 10 Russian Swings 7. 10 Borrower (In Out) Swings 8. 10 Sumo High Pull 9. 10 Lunge Drive 5 Lunge Press R 10. 10 Lunge Drive 5 Lunge Press L 11. 10 Deadlifts 12. 10 Single Leg Deadlifts R+L 13. 10 Stay Low Swings 14. 10 Swing Rockers 15. 10 Skaters 16. 5 Overhead Squat, 5 Overhead Lunge, 5 Windmills R 17. 5 Overhead Squat, 5 Overhead Lunge, 5 Windmills L 18. 10 Tactical Lunges 19. 10 Side Lunge High Pull L+R 20. 10 Swing Catch Squat 21. 5 Swing Catch Squat Press 22. 10 Heel Lifts 23. 10 Second Sumo Hold For the full workout video go to: #LDFitness #fitness #gym #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #ocrwc #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
04.01.2022 DAY 36 - BURPEE SQUAT EMOM CHALLENGE The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning - Pele It's a return to the Burpee Squat EMOM, that we did after week 1. ... Every Odd Minute we do Burpees: Advanced - 20, Int-15, Beg -10 Every Even Minute we do Air Squats: Advanced - 40, Int - 30, Beg - 20 Keep going for as long as you can get the reps done inside the minute. The minute we fail, that is our result. Can you beat your score from week1. 30 minutes to beat for me. Let's see how we go today! If you want to follow along with me, or if you just want to rubbish my reps, my full workout video is at You can download the workout timer from: #LDFitness #fitness #gym #burpees #emom #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #fitnesschallenge #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #rawchallenge #truegritau #toughmudder #ocrwc #obstacleracersaustralia #engadine #metafit #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
01.01.2022 DAY 34 - BODYWEIGHT WORKOUT - CHICKEN RUN (18:18) Pain is temporary, regret lasts forever. 9 Exercises, 3 rounds of 3 exercises. Each round 30 work 10 rest, 25/8. 20/0. ... Finisher all 9 exercises, 20 seconds back to back. 1. Cossack Lunges, Skaters, Donkey Shoot Through 2. Double Thrust Burpee, 3 Step Borrower Squat, Groiner 3. Rabbit Run, Push Up Rotation, Sprint For the full workout video go to: For the workout timer go to: #LDFitness #fitness #gym #workout #lockdown #functionalfitness #Spartanraceau #spartan #spartanpro #ocr #bodyweight #ocrwc #obstacleracersaustralia #fitnesschallenge #fitover40 @fitafter35project #dadbod @spartanraceau
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