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LAE Australia

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25.01.2022 Hand in hand with @studyadelaide and its CEO Karyn Kent, we want to invite all students who have faced the COVID-19 crisis with their businesses. This is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate how talented, creative and hard working international students are! Do you want your business to be part of the LAE Community? You just need to register in this link: and we will contact you! Thank you all for supporting and welcoming our LAE Community project! This initiative allows us to keep supporting our students!

25.01.2022 Attention International Students! The latest update from the Government of Victoria regarding COVID-19: >Metro Melbourne has moved to stage 4 restrictions >Regional Vic will move to Stage 3 from 11:59pm Wed 5 August... >Face coverings are mandatory when leaving home for all Victorians (And visitors) Visit: What can you do if you have symptoms? If you have any of these symptoms, however mild, get tested: Fever, chills or sweats Cough Sore throat Shortness of breath Runny nose Loss of sense of smell or taste Staying apart, keeps us together. Find out where to get tested at

25.01.2022 Sabemos que son tiempos complicados. Sin embargo, algunos estudiantes internacionales desearn o debern continuar sus estudios de Ingls en Australia. Una buena forma de hacerlo garantizando un excelente precio es a travs del Super Sale que tendremos el da de maana, aparte de los descuentos los institutos estarn siendo flexibles con sus mtodos de pago. Si ests interesado, puedes inscribirte en: Y el da de maana entre 9 a.m. y 1 p.m. podrs ingresar, elegir tu curso, y nos comunicaremos contigo!

25.01.2022 LAE Spanish Speakers: Todo estudiante LAE afectado por cancelacin de vuelo a sus pases de origen y su visa est pronto a vencer, por favor leer este link: Es importante entender que es la obligacin del estudiantes mantener su estatus legal en Australia (a pesar del COVID-19), si los planes de estudio han terminado e iban a regresar a casa pero sus vuelos han sido cancelados, debern aplicar a una visa de turista u otra visa que les permita permanecer legalmente en Australia antes del vencimiento de su visa actual. Si eres estudiante LAE viviendo en Melbourne, Adelaide, Darwin o Hobart y te encuentras en esta situacin urgente de pronto vencimiento de visa por cancelacin de vuelos areos, djanos un mensaje de voz en el telfono 1800 290 777 explicando el caso especfico y datos de contacto. Te llamaremos pronto

24.01.2022 Con el anuncio sobre las etapas para regresar a la normalidad emitidas por el Primer Ministro Scott Morrison, algunos estados empiezan a crear sus propios cronogramas de acuerdo a su situacin especifica. South Australia empieza el camino a la normalidad este lunes 11 de mayo, puedes obtener la informacin OFICIAL aqu: Victoria, a pesar del anuncio del Primer Ministro, anunci que no habr modificaciones este fin de semana, pero que el lunes 11 de mayo har el anuncio de los planes de regreso a la normalidad, como puedes ver aqu:

24.01.2022 Hey Adelaide! We have an incredible deal in an amazing English school! Extend your English course with us in IELI (Bedford Park Campus) at just $210 AUD per week (Materials included) + $250 AUD Enrolment fee! Located in the new and modern Flinders University Campus, IELI delivers both General English and Academic English, and with the reputation of being one of the schools dozens of International Students recommend, this amazing deal through LAE is a steal! ... Contact us at [email protected] or leave us a message on WhatsApp at 0415 531 387

23.01.2022 Informacin importante de Migracin Colombia! Hay un portal nuevo en la pgina web de Migracin Colombia para comunicarse con ellos en caso de necesitar apoyo.

22.01.2022 Caring for your family does not always mean breaking your bank account! Access a great quality OSHC with Bupa, and get a unique price through LAE International Education, saving between $1,000 to $2,000 per year compared to other OSHC providers. Get in touch via Messenger or visit:

22.01.2022 We had a chat with @Natália Nobre Mazot about how she got her professional job in Marketing in Adelaide. Finding a professional job in their fields is one of the biggest challenges for the International Students that wish to gain experience. Natália shares with us her experience. She has changed TWICE her professional area, starting as a Pharmacist, moving to Real Estate and now, Marketing.... If you are short of time, skip to 27:00 to listen to the wrap up. The key takeaways of the interview are: Do your best to improve your English! this is the main issue why some International Students struggle to find a job, you can be the best in what you do, but if you don't speak proper English, its going to be VERY hard. Being persistant and smart with your resume. Every thing that you did might count for the job you want. A good boss will always appreciate your experience. Just be concise on your CV when adding some jobs that might not be heavily related to the opportunity you are applying to. Set a plan and start working on it now! don't wait, focus and do one little step at the time. . Look for opportunities everywhere, not only on Seek. Build a network, have an online presence on LinkedIn, and be patient. Every story is different! Don't put more weight on your back thinking about how others are ahead on the road. Walk your own path. We will keep interviewing more students that found their professional job on a Student visa, so you can keep the motivation up, and learn from every one of them!

22.01.2022 We started our week with some positive announcements from the Government of Australia regarding Student Visas Read the official statement here: In general, some positive announcements like the fee waiver for some students whose original study plan was affected by COVID-19 if they need to apply for a further student visa. However, we would like to mention some key points: ... There is no clear list of factors upon deciding about the visa fee waiver for students affected for COVID-19 that need to apply for a further visa in order to finish their studies. There is no specific date as of which Student Visas lodged from offshore will be resumed. Following the point above, even if a visa is granted, the border restrictions are still in place. Some announcements are not available yet, as most of them will require changes on legislation or policies. For more details about this please listen to our Instagram TV with Jesus Osorio (Registered Migration Agent (MARN 1067018)) for further clarification. Our summary, in English, of the interview will be out soon.

22.01.2022 El gobierno de Victoria tiene un plan para abrir de nuevo la economa y regresar lentamente a la normalidad. En el siguiente link podrs encontrar la informacin oficial y actual de parte del gobierno de Victoria sobre lo que puedes y no puedes hacer: Sin embargo en los ltimos das, se han descubierto diversos brotes nuevos en el estado, lo cual puede afectar los planes. Es muy importante mantenerte informado de fuentes oficiales, aplicar a las ayudas que los gobiernos locales estn ofreciendo, y planear con tiempo tus siguientes pasos en Australia para no estar ilegal en el pas.

21.01.2022 What could you and your partner do with extra $1,000-$2,000 per year? That’s what you save when you purchase your Bupa Advantage OSHC through LAE International Education. Especially designed for Couples and Families. Contact us for a quote today and save money in your new visa. Even if you are not doing that new visa process with us ;)... Visit:

20.01.2022 What could you and your partner do with extra $1,000-$2,000 per year? Thats what you save when you purchase your Bupa Advantage OSHC through LAE International Education. Especially designed for Couples and Families. Contact us for a quote today and save money in your new visa. Even if you are not doing that new visa process with us ;)... Visit:

20.01.2022 Immigration Minister live soon

20.01.2022 Se un lder de cambio y obtn el conocimiento y la experiencia en temas actuales de salud global y ambiental. Agenda tu asesora gratis Melbourne 0433208545 ... Adelaide 0415531387 See more

19.01.2022 This is the latest information published by Home Affairs for All Visa Holders.

17.01.2022 Tomorrow! Our first entrepreneurial student in Adelaide. - She is Natalia, a beauty student at TAFE, her passion is to make people look and feel beautiful. -... Stay Tuned and find out about the services that she offers, you might need them on any special occasion or just for any day that you want to look fabulous! See more

17.01.2022 Australia se ha convertido en el destino ms atractivo para los latinos. De acuerdo con Global Connection, aproximadamente el 40% de las personas seleccionan este pas debido a los mltiples beneficios que brinda a los extranjeros. Una de las ciudades predilectas por los estudiantes es Melbourne, sin embargo, existen ciudades como Adelaide, que se encuentran en crecimiento y son consideradas una buena alternativa cuando de estudiar ingls se trata. Quiero saber qu otro...s beneficios hay? Solicita ms informacin a uno de nuestros asesor Melbourne 0433208545 Adelaide 0415531387 See more

17.01.2022 We had a chat with @Natlia Nobre Mazot about how she got her professional job in Marketing in Adelaide. Finding a professional job in their fields is one of the biggest challenges for the International Students that wish to gain experience. Natlia shares with us her experience. She has changed TWICE her professional area, starting as a Pharmacist, moving to Real Estate and now, Marketing.... If you are short of time, skip to 27:00 to listen to the wrap up. The key takeaways of the interview are: Do your best to improve your English! this is the main issue why some International Students struggle to find a job, you can be the best in what you do, but if you dont speak proper English, its going to be VERY hard. Being persistant and smart with your resume. Every thing that you did might count for the job you want. A good boss will always appreciate your experience. Just be concise on your CV when adding some jobs that might not be heavily related to the opportunity you are applying to. Set a plan and start working on it now! dont wait, focus and do one little step at the time. . Look for opportunities everywhere, not only on Seek. Build a network, have an online presence on LinkedIn, and be patient. Every story is different! Dont put more weight on your back thinking about how others are ahead on the road. Walk your own path. We will keep interviewing more students that found their professional job on a Student visa, so you can keep the motivation up, and learn from every one of them!

16.01.2022 The search is over! We get it, we all need to save money and continue our studies in Australia to achieve our dreams. But dont risk your partners or familys health coverage purchasing the wrong cover. ... Save up to $2,000 AUD per year with our amazing deal with Bupa, get your quote now! Even if you are doing your visa with another agent ;) Get in touch via Messenger or visit:

16.01.2022 Extiende tu estancia en Australia y mejora tu Ingls con precios increibles, en los mejores institutos del pas! Registrate hoy mismo, y preprate para nuestra feria virtual este viernes a las 9:00 AM hasta la 1:00 PM.

15.01.2022 We invite you to out Migration Catch Up with Jesus Osorio (MARN 1067018) from Novo Migration We understand that since the Skilled Migration Program is temporarily paused, there are many questions, and a general anxiety from the audience in general regarding the potential changes it might experience because of COVID-19 and the following economic uncertainty associated with it. Join our Instagram Live this Thursday 23rd of July, 3:30 PM ACT. We will have a short chat with regarding the potential changes and what we know so far about the program. Register here and submit your question! We will answer 5 of them on our Live. Follow us on Instagram @lae.aus

15.01.2022 Our friends at Ironwood Adelaide are offering a workshop focused on Resume Writing to work in the Horticulture areas! Horticulture is a very dynamic industry in a state like South Australia, which has on agriculture and horticulture a massive component of its economy. Dont miss the chance, Please RSVP: [email protected] Date: Wednesday 12 August 2020... Time: 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm Venue: Ironwood Campus Level 3/68, Grenfell St, Adelaide See more

12.01.2022 ATENCIN Estudiantes Internacionales en Adelaide! El gobierno estatal junto con StudyAdelaide han lanzado un programa de ayuda a estudiantes internacionales en esta ciudad que se encuentren en una situacin complicada a causa de la COVID-19. Este paquete de AUD $13.8 millones es una ayuda muy til para la comunidad estudiantil en Adelaide, averigua ms y registra tu inters en:

11.01.2022 Necesitabas presentar el IELTS pero los centros cerraron durante COVID-19? Algunos centros estn operativos de nuevo! Tomaron medidas adicionales de bioseguridad y limpieza, as como distanciamiento social dentro de las instalaciones para poder continuar con los exmenes, sin embargo: - Su capacidad de personas por test se redujo (para poder cumplir con las normas de distanciamiento social) - Aumentaron los lapsos de tiempo entre un examen y otro. ... Ingresa a para realizar un booking!

11.01.2022 StudyAdelaide tendr el prximo 9 de julio, a las 2 PM, un webinar sobre migracin con IMMIGRATION SA. Esta informacin puede ser muy til si ests pensando en realizar migracin calificada u otro tipo de migracin en este estado. Puedes inscribirte de forma gratuita en el siguiente link:

10.01.2022 Have you tried to negotiate your rent with the landlord because you were affected by COVID-19? This might be VERY important for you! One of the relief funds from the Government of Australia is the Residential Rent Grant Scheme, for up to $1,000. The basic eligibility is, according to the website: a residential tenant must be significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, have less than $5,000 in savings and pay more than 30% of their current income in rent.... The tenant and landlord need to demonstrate that a revised rental agreement has been negotiated as part of the application process. The revised agreement will need to reflect that the landlord has provided rent relief to a tenant since 30 March 2020 and/or will provide such relief before 30 September 2020 (inclusive). Please see the FAQ website here: and the application process here:

09.01.2022 Si tu objetivo es estudiar en el exterior, nosotros conocemos el camino

07.01.2022 ATENCIN Estudiantes en Victoria! El Premier del estado ha anunciado un fondo dedicado a ayudar a los estudiantes internacionales "En circunstancias excepcionales", estos podrn recibir dinero que les ayudar a reponer los ingresos que hayan dejado de recibir como consecuencia de la pandemia COVID-19. Para mayor informacin ingresa a:

05.01.2022 Next Thursday! - Does your bear need a style? Does your hair need a cut? -... Meet Juan Pablo and hire his services! And you do not have to travel! He goes to your place! Easy! . - #laecommunity

05.01.2022 If you are making a hamburger, you leave room for the patty. And if you are studying in Australia, you MUST leave room for English. English will help you with your studies, finding professional work in your area, and help in your migration if it is part of your objectives. ... We will share important tips and experience of students who kept improving their English level after they finished their original courses and moved to vocational or higher education degrees. Which one do you think its the biggest obstacle for you to improve your English?

03.01.2022 Dont risk the health of your partner or children to save some dollars purchasing an incorrect OSHC Policy to save some dollars. We understand Couple and Family policies are expensive. That is precisely why you should keep reading! With our unique partnership with Bupa, you can save up to $1,000 AUD per year on a Couples Policy and almost $2,000 AUD in Family Policy. ... Get your quote with us today, contact us through inbox to learn more. Or visit See more

03.01.2022 LAE COMMUNITY is a project created by LAE International Education Australia with the support of the Government of South Australia in order to support and promote international students who because of COVID19 lost their jobs and have decided to start their businesses and offer their services to face the challenging economic situation we are going through. - LAE Students! This is the opportunity to showcase your talents, skills and to work doing what you love.

02.01.2022 One of our Student Advisors shares his tips on how he achieved a good score on his IELTS. This is not professional advice but the tips might be helpful for most students that have already finished their English courses and are enrolled in other studies. English is massively important to get qualified jobs, and also necessary if you have intentions of staying on a skilled visa or just to work in your profession while being in Australia. On top of the tips to improve English our everyday life, there are specialised courses for IELTS or other tests that might be in special prices this month! If you are the partner of a student you might be able to study up to 3 months, and if you are on a 485 visa you and your partner can study English in order to have a better score in your IELTS or other tests! Leave a comment if you want to know more!

01.01.2022 Don’t risk the health of your partner or children to save some dollars purchasing an incorrect OSHC Policy to save some dollars. We understand Couple and Family policies are expensive. That is precisely why you should keep reading! With our unique partnership with Bupa, you can save up to $1,000 AUD per year on a Couple’s Policy and almost $2,000 AUD in Family Policy. ... Get your quote with us today, contact us through inbox to learn more. Or visit See more

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