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25.01.2022 Broth Tummy goodness. I have a bunch of clients starting their bubbas on broth this month as they venture into the food chapter with bubs. In my book BABY ITS ONLY NATURAL recommends broth to start bubs off for encouraging gut-healing and sealing with providing nutrients such as collagen, glycine, proline and glutamine. Also huge immune supporting benefits. Check out my stories for the bones I’ve used today to make chicken broth. And where to find if local on the Sunshine For all the information check out page 7-8 & 60-63 of Book. Link in bio. Be sure to enter email for 10% off
25.01.2022 Snacks It's far too easy to get caught in the trap of constantly reaching for fruit as snacks for your little ones, a great way to mix things up is by introducing wholefood and protein snacks in between fruit to ensure blood glucose levels are balanced. A great go-to snack which is easy for baby led weaning are meatballs, packed with iron and protein these baby sized bites are great as a snack on the go, and something the whole family will enjoy! Animal products are essential for brain development, containing growth nutrients, proteins, fats, zinc, iron, and B vitamins (Fallon Morell & Cowan 2013), all which are essential for bubba's overall growth and brain development. See page 82 of Baby, It's Only Natural for the recipe. @radleywhite
23.01.2022 Today near the river across from Raw Energy, Gympie Tce Noosaville Free info session on foods for bubs. Hosted by Karen @birthandbabyvillage Any Noosa mums please come along and connect with other local mamas plus find out all the goodies that Karen offers in her village
23.01.2022 Avoiding Fluids with Food Did you know drinking while eating can see the gastric secretions and enzymes disable the guts natural ability to break down food, especially protein digestion. Therefore, it is best to avoid the consumption of large amounts of water 15 minutes either side of mealtimes this gives your babies growing digestive system a chance to do what it does best and reduces any unnecessary stress on the digestive system. Plus enhancing nutrient absorption
23.01.2022 Children’s Moods.. Ohhh how ever changing they can be! When your children are ‘off’ do you look into the ‘why’? It could be a few little things... * Nutrient deficiencies: zinc and B vitamins are two that alter moods in children. (Tip- look for white spots on their nails or cracked corners of their lips)... * Insufficient sleep: while your child may be going to bed at a good hour their availing to drop into a rested sleep might be altered. Ensuring good sleep hygiene with dark room (turn out the night light once they are asleep), don’t feed them right before bed time, right room temperature and clothing to keep them warm enough, especially for those children who kick blankets off. * Too much sugar or natural sugars not enough protein and good fats. Be sure to balance our natural sugars in fruit with giving alongside a protein or fats source. This will help regulate the blood glucose and stabilize moods. More info in Baby It’s Only Natural Book * Belly Health: did you know there is happy and calm receptions in our bellies. So if there is a disturbance in the function of our bellies we loose the ability to produce happy and calm hormones. Tummy butterflies is a way children express having a sore tummy or feeling anxious. Healthy daily poos are a way we can tell if our children’s bellies are working ok. And ensure a diet high in fibre (vegetables) to keep the bowels moving and prevent overgrowth if unwanted organisms. Also ensuring fermented foods in your bubs diet to help the microbiome flourish. Check out @culturedbaby for tips Happy tummies = Happy children * Sensitive souls: some children are more effected by everyday experiences than others, they can ponder deeper or hold onto moments that effect their emotions. I can’t recommend highly enough to use Essential oils to help these children. I have had amazing results with my client children and my own boys. Check out @theconsciouscoven for more ideas and how to use with your family. See more
23.01.2022 Zinc is a super special nutrient and one of my favs!! At the change of season I’m seeing alot of colds & runny noses. Zinc is a beautiful nutrient that is very helpful for the immune system, also with allergy treatment as the seasons change to spring. It is also amazing at helping our bub’s (and our) brain function by supporting neurotransmitter synthesis & regulating function (helping happy/calming moods) plus enhancing cognitive function. Zinc is found in foods: beef, capsicum, liver, eggs, ginger, fish, lamb, sunflower & pumpkin seeds and seafood.
23.01.2022 Pregnancy and Breastfeeding During COVID 19 Taking advice from the World Health Organization and other breastfeeding authorities, The Royal Women’s Hospital has advised women to establish and maintain breastfeeding and to promote skin-to-skin contact at birth for all women and their babies. The Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists from the UK issued this information (13 March):... Pregnant women do not appear to be more susceptible to the consequences of COVID-19 than the general population and there is no evidence that the virus can pass to a baby during pregnancy. There are currently no data suggesting an increased risk of miscarriage or early pregnancy loss in relation to COVID-19. At the moment there is no evidence that the virus can be carried in breastmilk, so it is felt the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh any potential risks of transmission of coronavirus through breastmilk. There is limited evidence about managing women with coronavirus infection in women who have just given birth; however, there are no reports of women diagnosed with coronavirus during the third trimester of pregnancy having passed the virus to their babies while in the womb. Source: RCOG website @melissajeanbabies
23.01.2022 Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1pm Qld Time tune into WMN Circle on Instagram or my @thebabynaturopath page to watch us talk all things immune and answer any questions that pop up.
22.01.2022 Anzac Day!! Such a beautiful day to have the family in the kitchen, tell them stories of their grandparents or great-grandparents that fought in the war and what it is all about. This morning we had a driveway service with our neighbours at 5:30 & it was so beautiful to see so many others out with candles at dawn. This motivated me to make some Anzac biscuits for the neighbours.... This recipe I threw together from a number of recipes. I wanted GF, DF, SF, but couldn’t leave out the oats. I also used golden syrup for a treat and to be more authentic but you could use maple syrup here instead. Also option to replace egg with Flax egg if need be. Enjoy your day remembering those who fought for the beautiful country we call home. Lest we forget.
21.01.2022 F A T H E R’ S D A Y Wishing all our Fathers, Dadas, Dads, Sperm donors all a special day.. without you we would not be here nor have our lil mung beans to cherish. We thank you for your seed and for all else you do. We can’t ignore the support you contribute to raising our bubs.. whether it be fabulous genes, or quirky genes to being there to hold our hand during birth or pass out in some cases. Also watching our bodies change and transform - physical AND emotional bod...ies that is. helping us transition into motherhood and see us flourish quickly or with bumps along the way where you have been that shoulder to cry on and strength to ground us and encourage us to carry on. The ‘father’ can play so many roles in our lives and we are grateful for those days you especially share patience, gentleness and unconditional love. Have a fabulous day to all the families that have touched Lahlita Natural Medicine, either as a client or book owner, I hope you can celebrate a day of good health and life with your family. @radleywhite
21.01.2022 Herbal Friday’s Fridays are the new day for herbal formulas. Get your order in before 6am Friday morning and you can collect your order Friday afternoon or over the weekend. For clients needing refills or one of the following formulas individually made to suit particular ages and needs. (Starting from 3 months of age)... Immune Enhancing Tummy Soothing Mama Survival Calming Tonic Family Wellbeing Please Text or DM me with your order.
20.01.2022 Newest stockist of BABY ITS ONLY NATURAL ~ nutrition book for our bubs. Nice and close to home, so local North of the river mamas on the Sunshine Coast, there is no need to wait. Collect the book this weekend from @bytheluxecompany In Peregian Beach. While your there check out the fabulous Xmas gift ideas, there is more and more stock arriving everyday
20.01.2022 Pregnant Mamas... those who need yoga.. well actually you ALL need yoga as there is SO MANY reasons to add yoga to your daily routine with a little womb bub. Please look at Dani's classes they are beautiful and nurturing xx
20.01.2022 This is Pettina Stanghon, Owner of Noosa Confidential and A Integrated Life. Pettina and I have a long standing relationship, both profrssional and personally, we have been chatting regularly about the current effects of Covid-19 and the long-term effects this will play on our physical and emotional health, plus how this will effect our little beings in the years to come. Will our microbiome defence system be weakened due to the increased amount of hand sanitiser used? Ho...w will this effect those with pre-existing mental health conditions, with OCD tendencies or anxiety, also the changes to social interaction for us mamas and our children. My son Jet is already asking if he can visit his friends and telling me how much he misses them, at 3 years old he doesn’t understand. I do wonder how it will effect his relationships and interaction. Through this time I do greatly encourage you to talk openly to those you can, seek help if you are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression or relationship challenges with the isolation. I highly recommend Pettina, as I too have utilised her over the last few months. Pettina has always offered over the phone consultations with a client base stretching from Sydney,to Melbourne and Singapore. She is extremely easy to talk to and refreshingly real with problem solving and helping you move through this time with correct support and mindset. Check out her Instagram pages to see helpful posts and videos. I am also happy to support the physical with my tools of herbal medicine and supplements to calm the nerves, anxiety and even improve sleep. Please do not struggle through this time, or be overwhelmed with how ‘awesome’ other family’s appear to be doing on Instagram or FB. We are here to help, as we are completely in this with you. Now is the time to address niggling health conditions and create healthy happy rituals in our families and community. Please stay tuned to our pages as Pettina and I will be launching our workshop series post CV-19, GROUNDED WOMAN Return to You.
19.01.2022 Skin Reactions Is your little one suffering from skin reactions and you can’t quite pinpoint what is the direct cause? Studies show that skin reactions are generally linked to the current health, so look into foods that are not agreeing with your Bub and reduce dairy or other potential allergen foods. Nutrients required to assist in the healing and health of the skins are EFAs, zinc, calcium, pre-biotics, vitamin A, vitamin B’s and selenium. For further information on skin reactions and my suggestions regarding introducing foods safely please refer to the Baby, It's Only Natural book or join me on Facebok at The LahBub Hub Facebook Group, a place for likeminded Mumma's to come together and support one another.
19.01.2022 THE BUBA JUGGLE You may be carrying a womb bub and also chasing a toddler, OR having one bub already while in the process of conceiving another OR birthing into having two bubs earth side. This year I have had an abundance of clients who are birthing their second bub with me. It has been a honour to watch these mamas flourish into motherhood with their first bub, being there with them for the bumps in the road (all while experiencing those bumps myself) and now also seeing t...hem step into muma life of two or 3 (due to twins) or 4 (due to triplets) 2020 has been beautiful to watch the grow, transition, challenges and beauty of it all that motherhood delivers. The greatest opportunity for growth, connection and community. Huge shout out to all the round two mama bears this year you warm my heart and provide me with a endless grin throughout my day. I absolutely LOVE having the bubs visit and diving into birth stories plus of course the cuddles Thank you fellow mamas, I am truly blessed to be on this journey with you See more
18.01.2022 Optimising your health Your health is long term, so consistency with good health, means staying consistent with good nutrition whole foods, and regular exercise. A good exercise is to keep a diary over the course of a week and record all food that you consume and all energy that you expel in the form of exercise. At the end of the week look at what is lacking in your diet, are you having a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, protein and healthy fats? Are their particular f...oods you are cravings, as this can indicate other nutrients that you are lacking. Are you incorporating prebiotic foods such as rocket leaves, kiwi fruit, cabbage, fennel, cashews, into your diet? A little tip that I suggest to my clients is to ingest 1 tsp of sauerkraut upon rising to feed and promote natural microbiome growth with several different strains being provided which benefits the digestive system function and ability to breakdown and absorb nutrients. This is great for digestive health, immunity, urinary tract health, and mental health. Plus doesn’t break the budget like some probiotic capsules or powders can.
17.01.2022 Looking for a Baby Shower Gift that keeps on giving? Just because it feels like the world has paused, doesn’t mean that it has, I mean just try and tell this to a pregnant Mama and I assure you she will tell you it has not. Whilst Baby Showers may not be a current possibility, it doesn’t mean you can’t shower your bestie/daughter/sister/loved one with a thoughtful and educational gift, which can be sent directly to them. My Baby, It’s Only Natural book provides new mums with ...practical advice and up-to-date information so they can confidently introduce new foods to their baby’s diet. This book emphasises the importance of building baby’s natural immunity, gut health microbiome, and the prevention of food intolerances and behaviour disorder. The book includes a week-by-week guide to introducing foods, explanation of baby-led weaning vs purees, food introduction guidelines, information about allergies and intolerances and recipes. It is truly rewarding to be able to give a gift that positively influence baby’s future physical and emotional health, and gives expert advice and support to first-time Mama’s, with each book purchase you receive exclusive access to my VIP Interactive group and Lahbub Hub Community support group both on the Facebook platform. @meganwillisphotography
17.01.2022 Vitamin B’s Did you know that Vitamin Bs have an abundance of health benefits!? You see Vitamin Bs assist in energy production, enhance nervous system function, and brain development, as well as mood and behaviour nourishment. Vitamin Bs also help maintain a healthy appetite, assist with digestion and metabolism of carbohydrates proteins and fat and is a neuroprotective. Great food source for vitamin B are liver, eggs, dairy products, green leafy vegetables, beef, lamb, poul...try, fish, bananas, spirulina, nuts and nut butter, asparagus, broccoli, mackerel, salmon, tuna, sunflower and pumpkin seeds and avocado. For more info on foods that contain specific nutrients head to page 103 of Baby, It’s Only Natural, available For purchase online via link in bio.
16.01.2022 IRIDOLOGY GENDER REVEAL A fun bit of iridology that I like to do with my clients is see what the pregnant mama’s iris shows when it comes to having a boy or girl. It was right when it came to my boys so check out your iris and let us know if it is right in your iris. How to... Look at the white part of your eye (the sclera) count around the coloured part of the eye (the iris) as though a clock.... When you get to 5 o’clock pull down the eye lid and see if there is a blood vessel pointing towards 5 o’clock. If the vessel is in the right eye that is telling girl, if it is in the left it is boy Have a squiz in your eyes, if you already have a child or those who are pregnant This is my eldest Jet when he was a chub bub. The Iris gender reveal was right with him.
16.01.2022 Prevention is Better than Cure At times, when we feel that nothing is wrong with us, this is fantastic! However, at Lahlita Natural Medicine, we do advise regular check-ups (every 3-6 months) to ensure you are still on track to stay on top of your health and prevent any future illness or disease.... With us here in the Southern Hemisphere slowly moving toward Winter, now is the optimal time for a check-up to ensure a strengthened immune system before the cooler months set in. This easily performed check-up includes assessing your integrated screening, your dietary regime and a few measurements, as we understand that at times we all need a reboot and a little shake up to get us back on track. By maintaining regular check-ups will also assist in slowing the ageing process and achieving quality of life. At present my clients old and new have the option of a video conference or an in person consultation, where the strictest of health guidelines and practices have been implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19. @radleywhite
14.01.2022 How to BOOST your immune system with items in your PANTRY and GARDEN One of the most common questions I am asked is how to boost the immune system. Little is it known that you can actually find many immune boosting foods and herbs in your kitchen pantry or garden. A few examples of these are: Thyme, is a common herb I use to treat conditions from a common cold to a chesty cough or whooping cough. It is ANTIMICROBIAL and anti bacterial also helping break up phlegm. It is also ...a great herb that supports digestion, which we know we need a healthy gut to have a healthy immune system. Oregano, in my thoughts this is THE NATURAL antibiotic. It is the herb that kills fungal and bacteria in our digestive & respiratory systems. Used for conditions such as bronchitis, coughs, to upset stomachs and parasites. FRESH Parsley, is one of my favourite herbs to use. We blend it into green smoothies most days. It contains Vitamin A which is an essential nutrient that plays a key role in your immunity and eye health. Vitamin K, a nutrient that supports bone and heart health. In fact, just two tablespoons (8 grams) of parsley deliver more vitamin K than you need in a day. Vitamin C also acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting your cells from damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals. The vitamin C also helps the iron (which is also found in parsley) to be absorbed. What’s more, parsley is a good source of the nutrients magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Manuka Honey not just ANY honey. This beauty is full of properties such as antibactierial, anti-microbial, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, heals wounds, burns, skin and mucousal membrane of our digestive tract therefore improving digestive function. It also has been shown to reduce Streptococcus which we associate with sore throats. A perfect must-have for the household medicine cupboard
14.01.2022 Improving breastmilk quality? There are different levels of breastmilk all across the globe due to varying diets. Protein is a key building block when breastfeeding, as are good healthy fats, as these promote breastmilk production. Probiotic foods, bitters, slippery elm, and kombucha all help with the microbiome to improve your milk quality in providing enhanced immunity to your bub. When mama’s come to me with milk supply issues, I also assess all aspects of their health, what the birth was like to how their current coping status is, and also dietary intake. There are many commercial products of boob cookies etc however I do always caution the sugar content that is included in these products, which will disturb your gut function, blood glucose, and microbiome that will also effect your bubs health. Brewer’s yeast is also commonly recommended however I try and avoid using this due to the potential negative effect on gut flora balance and digestive function. I do prescribe herbs in cases to my clients, while I’m able to also mix in other herbs that will help treat the contributing factors to the lowered milk supply. My initial suggestions for mums though is to support supply through nutrition. Increasing good fats and protein is the main focus. The easiest way for a mum to do this is by making a smoothie. My favourite add ins are flaxseed meal, almond butter, coconut milk, coconut oil, natural organic protein powder, pumpkin seeds/meal and hemp seeds. By adding these, it will not only help with milk supply but also assist quality of milk, energy levels & brain function for the mum, and calming of the nervous system. For more of my helpful tips, recipes and suggestions, pop over to FB and join my parenting group Lah Bub Hub, where parenting issues are discussed regularly and you can be connected to other health conscious mamas in a similar chapter to yourself, whether it be for pregnancy, newborn days right through to school lunches. @melissajeanbabies
13.01.2022 This recipe is a hit with my boys and they would still eat when teething which was reassuring as these cookies deliver ample protein and good fats. So if on those teething days they would only eat a cookie for dinner I could still rest easy. Seed Cookie Recipe Egg Free / Gluten Free/ Dairy Free Pumpkin Seed Meal 1 cup Almond Flour cup Sunflower seeds 1 cup... Chia seeds cup Flax. Egg 1 tblsp Flaxseed meal mixed with 3 tblsp water Maple Syrup cup Coconut desiccated cup Coconut oil melted cup Vanilla essence 1 tsp Cinnamon powder 1 tsp Salt 2 pinches Blend all dry ingredients in a food processor until made into a seed/nut meal. Add dry and wet ingredients until well combined. Bake for 15-18mins at 180 degrees or until cooked to cookie liking. Option to add goji berries, blueberries, choc/ cacao bits. Tip. For teething bubs cook to be a little firm as they love biting their gums on them. You can even make into finger like shapes for those back molars to be easily reached. Enjoy baking Mamas and Dadda’s.
11.01.2022 Ash first saw me before I had children! Both 2 kids later... Repost @_saltyshreds_ Let me introduce you to @thebabynaturopath !! Also known as Talita sheedy. Talita is , to put it lightly , an absolute inspiration. For those of you that don’t know, I’ve struggled with food intolerances, infertility and numerous issues all relating to gut health. Bryxton was conceived through a very long emotional journey of IVF after years of trying to conceive, which is when I first me...t Talita as my naturopath. I always ate healthy, but had absolutely no idea about gut health and the link it has to so many other issues ! Talita absolutely opened my eyes to a whole new world of healthy eating. I was so inspired by her, that I even started my health science degree ( halfway through and currently on a break ) just so I could gain a better understanding of how the body works and educate others. As I said, I was eating healthy but my body just wasn’t absorbing any nutrients due to the state of my gut and from memory my iron levels were almost non existent, so it’s no wonder I couldn’t fall pregnant or sustain a pregnancy. From there I cut out dairy, gluten, grains, processed sugars , and focused on consuming only fresh fruit , vegetables and meat, and basically went on a journey to try and reverse all issues my body was battling. My energy levels went through the roof, I was all around happier, less stressed, my skin was clearer and to top it off, I was able to conceive Ziggy naturally literally the first month of trying It’s because of Talita that I am so conscious of what I put in my body and so aware of what I feed my girls. From 6 months old, the girls daily go to, is their green smoothies This is something they absolutely love , and is awesome knowing that even if they don’t eat their veges each night, I know they have had enough greens each day. Talita has written this amazing book, that is packed full of amazing recipes and information on how and what to feed your Bub from when they first start consuming solids. Teaching them how to develop a relationship with healthy food , and how important it is for our kids, their behaviour and tiny growing bodies. See more
11.01.2022 SAFETY FOR FINGER FOOD While bub is learning to chew and move food around their mouths efficiently we can help them by cutting foods in half as shown here. This also helps to reduce risk of choking or food getting stuck. The benefit of Baby Led Weaning is the confidence and ability to gag and tongue thrust the food forward, a real must for bubs to learn. Then you will find that it will only be a short amount of time that you actually need to chop the food like this, as the bu...b will be able to bite and eat without assistance. Which makes life easier for mum but also safer for the bub when they have learnt the skills of eating from a younger age. For more information read chapters on BLW vs Purées and Choking vs Gagging in book BABY ITS ONLY NATURAL Link in bio. Happy safe Eating families x #ipreview via See more
10.01.2022 If we disrupt the microbiome late in life it leads to brain disease.
09.01.2022 T H E B O O K Incase you are new to my page and haven't seen what my book looks like... here it is! These are my two munchkins Jet & Hux. When we did this photoshoot for the book (thanks to @radleywhite ) Hux was 5.5 months and this week was when he started to notice food. Hence him looking down trying to grab the food . If only we did the shoot a week earlier he might have been looking at the camera, but at the same time PERFECT as the book is about bub's food chapter. ...This is a fitting picture of Jet sending out kisses. He is certainly a HUGE LOVER and if you meet him be prepared to get a hug and kiss goodbye. The beach is our local (First Bay) and the beach that I fell in love with when i first moved to Coolum, which made it an easy move from Nobby Beach. Sending out gratitude to all those involved in complying the book. Now 2 years on with over 750 copies sold, I love hearing the feedback from families and how it has helped not only the bub but the whole family's way about food. Check out my Stories for pictures of those I'm so thankful for and also a picture of the contents page, so you can see the goodness included in the book.
09.01.2022 Vitamin C for ongoing health Vitamin C which can be found in a few forms calcium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid etc, is a water-soluble vitamin well known for its role in supporting a healthy immune system. The body does not naturally produce Vitamin C this is why you must source it naturally from foods or supplements. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, meaning it neutralizes free radicals generated by the body's normal metabolism and by exposure to environmental s...tressors, including ultraviolet radiation and air pollution. Free radicals are charged particles that can damage cells, tissues and genetic material if left unchecked, and thus trigger harmful inflammation. Vitamin C also assists the absorption of iron, supports immune function, healthy gums and mucous membranes, skin health, collagen production, wound healing, assists the absorption of iron. This important nutrient is found in foods such as broccoli, citrus foods, parsley, kale, spinach, papaya, pineapple, tomatoes, sweet potato, strawberries, blueberries, capsicum. For more information on nutrients and what foods to source from check out page 103 of Baby, It’s Only Natural.
09.01.2022 S P R I N G . . . . It is the time we emerge from the season where we realign with our values, evaluate our roles in life and deeply nourish our physical and emotional bodies. Now Spring, it is the time to utilize our findings and new connections with self to rise and spring into action, to blossom all that we nourished. Today is my first day back with a full day of clients ... Spring brings an abundance of clients who patiently waited over winter to book in with me. I have just one day left for appointments in September, then taking bookings for October. I love aligning with the seasons and I am excited to work along side my beautiful clients in ripening and flourishing their health for Spring, to find out what has been bubbling over winter and clear the way for optimal health. Next week is the opening of my new clinic, I will send out emails today to all the September clients with the details of their apts, again thank you for your patience. Sending you all flourishing health for Spring Love & Abundance Talita
06.01.2022 Hello everyone. I am finally getting around to reaching out to my greater social media community. I have been quite busy with making immune formulas for children and their families plus shuffling consultations to align with COVID suggestions to ‘stop the spread’. Big gratitude to all my clients for having patience with me while I continue to juggle the clinic, questions, plus my own family’s needs. Looking forward, I wanted to let everyone know of the happenings for my clini...Continue reading
05.01.2022 CHILD SPACING. This is Jet at 12 months, when I fell pregnant with Hux. It was a planned pregnancy as I thought it would be great for them being close in age as we knew we only wanted 2 children. Even though it went against what we know from a medical perspective. Studies have confirmed that a gap of 3 years is best for health reasons for mum and bub, and 4 years from a eastern medicine view. Issues of having them closer range from placenta abruption & previa, low birth we...ight, higher risk for neurotransmitter dysfunction in child, nutrient depletion for mum and bub, increasing difficulty in the post-natal period. Effecting severe post-natal depletion resulting in hormone dysfunction, the impact ranging from mum's mental health to her breastmilk supply, even thyroid crashes. Hux is now 2.5 years and I am only just able to restore to a more sustainable state. Luckily I had no issues with the pregnancy nor birth however my hormones have certainly been alot of work. This is why my mums who have bubs close together is certainly a high focus client that I regularly check in on throughout pregnancy to prevent deficiencies arising and post-natally to ensure bub is developing well and mum is doing all we can to regulate the Endocrine system and restore all nutrients so her milk is providing the nutrient requirements. Extra note: interestingly the risks for both mother and child also increase after an extended gap of 5 years. SO... ensure you are under the care of a pregnancy/ post-natal practitioner to prevent conditions and health concerns that are preventable. By having a team of practitioners that know your journey through the reproductive years is the best way to prevent health issues arising. I am so grateful for my team.. Naturopath + Acupuncturist + different emotional health therapists that have been fabulous at helping me over the hurdles that arise physically and emotionally. See more
05.01.2022 Pumpkin Seed Meal Let’s talk Australian Pumpkin Seed Meal! Australian pumpkin seed mail is a totally unique product. It is the byproduct of the pumpkin seed oil making process it is highly concentrated in the nutritional aspects that exist in the original seat, but you’re not transfer easily into the world. Containing 49% protein, including branched chain amino acid’s, it is wonderful for muscle and tissue growth in developing body. With impressively high level but the amino... acid trytophan, it can also help to boost your mood enhancing neurotransmitter serotonin, which intern increases the levels of melatonin in the body (helping with sleep). The mineral content is also particularly high: iron combines with phosphorus and protein to help with blood development, and significant amounts of zinc add benefits for overall metabolism, energy production, organ function and developing a healthy immune system. Magnesium, manganese, and folic acid also found in significant amounts, as are all of the vitamin B’s apart from B12. Being naturally gluten-free and generally allergen free, pumpkin seed meal is a wonderful addition to both baked and savoury cooking. Find more information also where I sourced mine from at See more
05.01.2022 Yoga at home Here are just a few of my favourite go-to nourishing yoga poses helping with calming the nervous system and mind. You can easily do with the children playing around you: ~ Legs up the wall: Place your buttocks as close as you can to the wall, pop a cushion under your butt for comfort. Place your hands on your abdomen or relax your arms by your side palms facing up. Inhale for 4 counts, pause, then exhale for 4 counts.... ~ Childs Pose: The perfect way to start the day, as soon as you get out of bed or if your heart rate increase from watching too much media at the moment. Put your knees in a V shape, sitting on your ankles, bending forward to place your third eye on the floor and reach your arms forward, palms on the floor. Extend your exhales and be mindful to relax each part of your body. Perfect connect back in with you & the present! ~ Forward Fold: This can be seated with legs together, standing with legs together or hip width apart or wide leg stance. All folding the head forward towards the ground. This will delightfully stretch the back of your legs and butt, massage your abdominal organs, also increasing circulation to the reproductive organs (great for fertility), and of course calms the mind. ~ Pigeon Pose: From Downward dog pose, raise right leg to the sky, bring that leg forward bending the knee and placing the knee behind the right wrist, extend the left leg out behind, pointing the toe, square the hips, bring your torso towards the floor to where is comfortable, use cushions or pillows to lean on. Remember your breath. This pose can be interesting to feel however the opening of the hips is extremely helpful for releasing stress, fear and anxiety. Even just finding the time each day to do a few yoga poses can have fabulously helpful benefits for the physical and emotional body. Plus get the children involved or take the time to go within after the children are in bed to calm the body to set up for a peaceful night’s sleep.
05.01.2022 How BEAUTIFUL are these three mamas with their bubs! @koralainephotography is the talented photographer that captured such beautiful moments with their breastfed babes. Her work is gorgeous if ever in need of some family pics, perhaps to send family members for Christmas I feel so proud to say one of these mamas is the godmother of my boys and another is a long term client who I’ve watched blossom into motherhood. I couldn’t resist asking Kora if I could share the beauty she captured, as I feel us mamas never have enough photos that actually show us in the photos with our children. Moments to cherish
05.01.2022 Grounding Outside = present with children rather than media watch As spoken about in my last post GROUNDING is a way we can reduce anxiety and stress. It also has many more benefits around it and while we are in this ‘Stay Home’ world, it is also valuable to get outside and put your bare feet on the dirt or grass. Firstly Grounding is also called earthing, a technique to reconnect you with the earth or nature. The contact with the earth’s surface electrons transfers energy the ground into the body. Studies have shown the electrical conductivity effects the living matrix of cells, which has seen positive effects on the immune systems defences, antioxidants, changes in red blood cells and reduced inflammation of cells, therefore helping conditions from chronic illness, to pain to depression. To ground ones self you can lay on the ground ( and watch the clouds float by, a favourite with the boys), walk barefoot, go swimming in the ocean, lake, or river, or perhaps use specific grounding equipment. Grounding is fabulous to practice daily and you can do it unintentionally by playing in your backyard, on a patch of grass, or while exploring nature with your kids and collecting items of nature. The fresh air and sun exposure is also great for general wellness and helps to break up the days of being solely at home. Grounding is the perfect reset for the family when everything becomes too much or you are all feeling a little restless. In my family we have a grounding day most Sundays where we all go barefoot for the whole day. Give it a try and see what changes you notice in your family.
05.01.2022 Herbs & My Tips for calming the body, mind and soul With the current status of the world anxiety or signs of anxiety can be present in many families due to such uncertain times. During my time as a Mama I know firsthand just how daunting it can be to experience anxiety while trying to also hold myself together for the children. As mentioned in my breastfeeding blog (see blog page on website) I experienced quite severe anxiety and even panic attacks during certain times....Continue reading
04.01.2022 Winter Colds With the cold weather upon us boosting your and your bubs immune system is extremely important, especially when colds can spread so easily. By supporting the immune system and digestive strength naturally with bone broth, we can prevent colds, or at least reduce the severity and length. Focus on more food containing vitamin a, vitamin C, zinc and pre-biotics. ... Avoid foods that are inflammatory and that will interfere with the immune strengthening, such as dairy and sugary items. You will find a my go-to Bone Broth recipe a few posts back if you scroll down, and several others in my book, Baby, It's Only Natural. Also food lists of the foods you can find the above nutrients in See more
01.01.2022 Avoid Fluids with Food Did you know drinking while eating can see the gastric secretions and enzymes disable the guts natural ability to break down food, especially protein digestion. Therefore, it is best to avoid the consumption of large amounts of water or breastmilk 15 minutes either side of mealtimes this gives your babies growing digestive system a chance to do what it does best and reduces any unnecessary stress on the digestive system. #babyfood #drinkingwhileeating #liquids #mealtime #eating #toddlermeal #introducingsolids #mama #ftm #firsttimemum #pregnancy #blw #babyledweaning #toddler #mama #holisticmama #naturopath #noosanaturopath
01.01.2022 Zucchini Fritters I’m a big fan of making food for dinner that can then be used as snacks on the run for the next day. A prime example of this is my zucchini fritters recipe, which are both nutrient dense and delicious. Ingredients 2 zucchini... Half cup Almond Meal One egg, beaten One green shot, finely chopped 1 teaspoon Cuman 2 to 3 tablespoons fresh coriander herb of choice, finely chopped Half teaspoon of Himalayan salt Freshly ground pepper for seasoning Coconut oil Method Grate zucchini and sprinkle with salt and mix through. Let stand for 10 minutes and then squeeze excess moisture from the zucchini with hands. Chopped coriander. Mix all other ingredients together. Cook in a frypan to your desired size, using coconut oil to prevent sticking. Photo by @melissajeanbabies
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