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Lahlita Natural Medicine

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24.01.2022 s c h o o l s n a c k s Egg Free / Dairy Free Cookies that are still high in protein. For bubs under 12 months you can swap the honey for maple syrup. For nut free you could swap almond meal for pumpkin seed meal and have green ‘ninja’ cookies or coconut flour or buckwheat flour. These cookies are better to be under cooked thank over cooked, so be sure to set the timer.

24.01.2022 Last clinic day of the year tomorrow....

23.01.2022 Does your bub or toddler react to eggs? Too commonly the answer is YES !! We actually treat a lot of egg allergies and intolerance in clinic and have seen full head to toe eczema from eggs that we have been able to get the bub safely able to eat egg again, with NO skin flare up. We look at the liver, digestive system and the WHY + WHAT happened for this bub to react to eggs. ... Book an Apt with Georgia or Talita from February and you will be able to dive into treating and overcoming the issue plus also what to feed your child during the treatment phase until the intolerance is overcome - as lets face it, without eggs it can be tricky feeding bubs as they are such a nutrient dense helpful food that is found in alot of recipes. Georgia will have a bunch of egg free recipes to help also YAY! See more

20.01.2022 Meet the newest edition to Lahlita Natural Medicine. Georgia is our Nutritional Medicine consultant also known as @the_gut_fix_mummy Appointments are available to book with Georgia on our website if you are wanting to embrace food as your medicine

19.01.2022 Needing the book BABY ITS ONLY NATURAL over the festive season... maybe for that last minute present that any mama would be so thankful for... Here is where you can grab a copy: Peregian~ @bytheluxecompany Marcoola~ @_saltyshreds_ ... Buderim~ Hervey Bay~ @tobyandmae Cairns~ @stroll.on See more

19.01.2022 One of our LAHBUB mamas who birthed her Bub last week. This mama was left feeling 'such an amazing feeling'. And all involved commented on ‘how special’ the birth was. I am so blessed to have worked with this absolute beauty who really gave pregnancy her all and dove into doing all she could to optimise her pregnancy and her bub's kickstart to life. Stunning image by @koralainephotography ... I can't wait to meet his beautiful little girl, she is such a lucky bub to have a outstanding conscious mama. #heartfilled


18.01.2022 This Essential Pregnancy Kit Find it on the website which includes a Ebook + Meditation + Yoga practice for your pregnancy. The kit helps to educate and empower you in choices unique to your pregnancy, birth and beyond. It supports the healthy natural growth of your bub-to-be and optimises the birth process and outcome for you both. It is enjoyable and inspiring as you give your baby the best start in life from the womb. Why the Essential Pregnancy Kit?... Are you hoping for a conscious pregnancy that you can embrace the good as well as the challenges that are delivered? Do you enjoy hearing both conventional and holistic views and are open to finding the path that is best suited to you but unsure where to start? Would you like helpful easy tips to create smoother sailing through each week of your pregnancy? Do you find comfort in connecting with other people by hearing their ups and downs of their own pregnancy journey, and knowing you’re not alone? Do you love to be inspired by new knowledge and food ideas? Are you motivated by how beneficial for birth it is to practice yoga through pregnancy? Check out more information on the website at #mommatobe #expectingmom #bumppic #mypregnancyjourney #familyforever #mytinytribe #pregnancy #mama #fertility

15.01.2022 Merry Christmas from our family to yours Slide for Georgia’s family Santa photo. We wish you all the most beautiful holiday season. May it be filled with kindness, inner peace with extended family and an abundance of fresh nourishing foods.

15.01.2022 If we disrupt the microbiome late in life it leads to brain disease.

12.01.2022 Thorough Pregnancy Care - such a big one! This can be severely overlooked until a issue arises then all of a sudden the mama is scrambling to fix/ heal before bub arrives. The more health conscious path is to take all the steps possible to ensure your pregnancy health & bub's growth looked after before concerns arise. In clinic we support mamas health to PREVENT issues arising. We screen our mamas for potential risks with in-depth case history and family history, and through ...THOROUGH testing we stay on top of nutrients and pick up when levels are changing before it is detrimental to health of the mama or bub. To name a few areas we screen & treat for are pre-eclampsia, nutrient deficiency, risk of post-natal depression / anxiety, thyroid hyper or hypo, gestational diabetes, anemia, candida, preterm babies, low birth weight, urinary tract infections, excessive weight gain and more. Don't wait until your last trimester to improve your health and birth outcomes, as soon as you know your pregnant (optimally in preconception) we want to see you. Let us help you experience the best pregnancy, birth and post-natal journey. Swipe right to hear from a client who was an absolute super star that dove into optimising all she could through her pregnancy x See more

10.01.2022 This ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS BABY, named Ava came in for her & her mama’s six week check up today. @renaemichelmakeup Ava and her cuteness and getting the news a fertility client is pregnant has completely made my day/week/ month. Fun & Beautiful & happy tear filled day

09.01.2022 Zinc really can help Labour! Did you know zinc deficiency can contribute to prolonged labour and preterm births. I have a condition called Kryptopyrroluria (actually quite a common condition) which causes large amounts of zinc & B6 to be excreted from the body. So throughout pregnancy I was diligent to stay on top of supplementation to ensure my levels were optimal. Turned out my birth with Jet was only 1.5hrs long!! Lucky I had a planned homebirth, otherwise I would have be...en on the side of the road birthing Jet. Now that isn’t just due to Zinc being optimal there are of course many factors for to help a birth that isn’t prolonged. But this is what we certainly focus on in clinic is ensuring ALL nutrient levels are optimal as there are endless benefits for ensuring your nutrients are being looked after. Zinc is also used for ensuring a strong immune system + neuro/brain development for bub + prevention of mental health conditions in mum + structural support for protein to synthesis cells for bub, to name the big guys. Zinc is found in most prenatal supplements however it is such a minimal dose around 10mg, if zinc levels are low we support with doses up to 80mg per day where required. Best to always talk to your integrated health practitioner or us at Lahlita Natural Medicine to ensure your doing all you can for your bub’s and your own health outcomes. Much love to my midwife & hubby who made it just 10mins before Jet was born in the en-suite @lanicarterphoto

09.01.2022 This Essential Pregnancy Kit Find it on the website which includes a Ebook + Meditation + Yoga practice for your pregnancy. The kit helps to educate and empower you in choices unique to your pregnancy, birth and beyond. It supports the healthy natural growth of your bub-to-be and optimises the birth process and outcome for you both. It is enjoyable and inspiring as you give your baby the best start in life from the womb. Why the Essential Pregnancy Kit?... Are you hoping for a conscious pregnancy that you can embrace the good as well as the challenges that are delivered? Do you enjoy hearing both conventional and holistic views and are open to finding the path that is best suited to you but unsure where to start? Would you like helpful easy tips to create smoother sailing through each week of your pregnancy? Do you find comfort in connecting with other people by hearing their ups and downs of their own pregnancy journey, and knowing you’re not alone? Do you love to be inspired by new knowledge and food ideas? Are you motivated by how beneficial for birth it is to practice yoga through pregnancy? Check out more information on the website at #mommatobe #expectingmom #bumppic #mypregnancyjourney #familyforever #mytinytribe #pregnancy #mama #fertility

09.01.2022 Breastfeeding Journeying.... ( gratitude @melissajeanbabies ) ~ Julia from Newborn Mothers comments on BFing ~ "When a mother struggles to breastfeed, our cultures typical masculine response is to look for problems and fix and solve. Women are usually given advice and information, charts, diagrams and routines. Mothers are told to weigh babies and bottles of milk and introduce equipment such as breast pumps and formula.... Sometimes these strategies might be helpful, but I don’t think it should be our only port of call. My approach is radically different. Often when a mother expresses her breastfeeding challenges what she is really feeling is I had no idea it would be this hard, I must be doing something wrong, I’m a failure You are not a failure. Breastfeeding is natural, but it is also a learned skill and a difficult one at that. We need to stop thinking of breastfeeding as a 'kodak moment' and start seeing it as a marathon. When someone is running a marathon and they say it’s hard and they are tired what do we do? We cheer them on!! You can do it! Your halfway there! One foot in front of the other! You are doing great! Breastfeeding is a literally a full-time job! In those early weeks, a baby can feed every hour or two around the clock, often for 30-40 mins at a time. Do the maths, that’s easily 8 or 9 hours a day with a baby attached to your breast!! I’m not trying to scare you off. If you don’t want to breastfeed I respect your choice. But if you do want to breastfeed you are going to have to build your village. You will need to give yourself plenty of time and get plenty of support. Breastfeeding is a big job, it’s messy and unpredictable and challenging and wonderful." From these words the main thing is to acknowledge that every mama's journey is different, some smooth sailing some in the trenches for months but persistence, motivation and support are crucial. Check out my breastfeeding journey story on the blog for my experiences that were up and down. #homebirthbaby #babyprep #parenthood #parentingtips #positiveparenting #babyontheway #breastfeeding #boobmilk #immunebuilding #support #nourishthemama

07.01.2022 Newborn Bliss!! Those first moments when your baby is on your chest, skin to skin, with all those birth hormones rushing through your body. That PROUD f**k yeh moment when you hold the bubba that you grew and birthed. The endless gratitude for life and love. From the seed your grandmother grew in your mother to one day grow your own baby.... I absolutely LOVE what I do and that I can be apart of the journey as these bubbas grow and to hear when they are born is so special. Then when they come in for their 6 week check up and I get cuddles. Like this with divine baby girl Amelie who was super eager to meet her mama so came a squeeze early. Mama and bub doing amazing!! Love supporting and connecting with conscious mamas @koralainephotography

06.01.2022 P U R E E S. Yes purees are included in the book BABY IT'S ONLY NATURAL. Even though majority is supportive of Baby Led Weaning there is still nutrient-dense purees in the book to ensure your Bub is getting optimal nutrition whilst still learning the skills of chewing foods. Pages 1-4 outlines Purees are also at the start of each month of the food introduction guide as it explains what purees are helpful to align with the nutrient needs of you growing baby. Wholefood + Easy to make puree recipes are also included in the book.

05.01.2022 Banana Mini Muffins Page 88-89 in BABY IT’S ONLY NATURAL Try adding fresh raspberries before they go completely out of season. With the mix I make half big muffins and half mini muffins then the big people in the family get muffins too.... As a mama we can regularly forget or not make time to eat and nourish ourselves. I am certainly guilty of this and end up shoveling kimchi for a snack Simple things like making bigger muffins to help a mama be mindful to eat bigger snacks and to actually eat. Seems so simple but I’m sure most mamas would understand how easy it is to feed the family but not ourselves. Challenge today : eat as many times as your children but in adult portion sizes. And pack snacks for you too ! I’ll do it too Happy Friday parents! You made it to the weekend woohoooo thanks to @radleywhite

04.01.2022 Blocked Tear Ducts in Bubs. Called "Dacryostenosis" Did you know that bubs don't start to produce. tears until 4-6 weeks. Symptoms of a blocked duct include tears pooling in the corner of the eye + mucous or discoloured discharge in the eye + irritated skin + Bub rubbing at the eye Treat it by 'milking' the duct gently by massaging in a downwards direction. Keep the eyes clean with spraying with Colloidal Silver or a damp cotton wool ball with breastmilk or cooled calendula ...tea or chamomile tea. Homeopathics are also fabulous, check with your homoepath or naturopath for the best fit for your bub. Photo by @lanicarterphoto of my little Jet Anca - wasn’t he the cutest!

01.01.2022 Online Bookings now available! Visit and click the Bookings Tab. Here you can select appointments with Georgia @the_gut_fix_mummy or myself for Naturopathic or Nutritional medicine consultations. We have also a option for a 15min phone consultation for those small questions that pop up between your appointments. ... Apologies for being quiet on social media we have been busy getting over our amazing cup-filling holidays, planning a big year ahead and also swamped with seeing those clients that are ready to jump straight into 2021 with sorting our their health ~ you guys are an inspiration Keep an eye out for 2 workshops Georgia has coming up. One with me and one with Courtney @theconsciouscoven ~ a great place to see Georgia in her bliss with food and sharing how she makes family life easier with cooking. Much love to all our followers and clients, we look forward to sharing an abundant year of good health with you all. See you soon Talita xx See more

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