Lakshmi Yoga in Gold Coast, Queensland | Yoga studio
Lakshmi Yoga
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 410 427 773
Address: Worongary Road, Tallai 4213 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Likes: 924
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25.01.2022 Just stretchin one hammie at a time thanks Who ate all the chocolate yuuuuuum! Have a happy Monday and because days now blend enjoy them all and hope some good things happen for you this week
25.01.2022 Thank you all for an amazing week ~ it was a choker block full one with two workshops and all the classes You are all incredible humans and you fill my heart thank you yogis in today’s Developing a Mindful & Physical Home Practice you all are awesome ... (I’m horizontal on the sofa ~ bring snacks & cool drinks pls )
25.01.2022 Sounds legit But I’ll stick with just doing yoga I feel like since March it’s been all about illness and how not to get sick ... Sending love to all Victorians and yogis here with family there So as we stay safe here in beautiful Queensland let’s keep light in our energy, positive in our minds and create a higher vibration by looking after one another & ourselves Classes this week will resume as they have.... MON 9am 6pm WED 6am 9am 6pm THURS 6pm FRIDAY 9am SAT 6:45am I will continue to confirm those classes that are dependent on size on where they will be held. I continue to keep you in class if you were in from previous week and I would appreciate a quick text if you can’t make it. You have all been so fabulous with letting me know THANK YOU
24.01.2022 Let’s spread the love for Christmas Tomorrow’s class Friday 9am starts the GIVEAWAYS of 3 free classes for one lucky yogi This continues for 12 classes last one on Wednesday 23rd. So good luck! Get booking online as that’s how you enter ... See one post back for details bookings via website
23.01.2022 Nature is such an amazing healer. Spending time last weekend doing this walk with a gorgeous friend brought me back to my centre after a few uncertain weeks Breathe in the fresh ~ be confident in your knowing ~ settle back into your heart ~ and rest your soul for a time Purlingbrook Falls magical
23.01.2022 HAPPY FATHERS DAY ROCKSTARS Keep being the legends, the strength, the love & dedication you bring to the world Lucky to have some pretty awesome Dads, stepdads , men in our classes!
23.01.2022 Hey hey I’ve been missing from the social pages but still here and spreading the love too excited for tomorrows workshop with 11 amazing humans Weeks have been super busy for me lately so my attention has been in class & workshops & other bits and pieces going on I truly hope everyone and your families are staying healthy from the dramas that unfold in the greater world & community. The best we can do collectively is be responsible if not feeling well, be hygienic, sleep well to keep immunity strong and pray it all just dissolves very soon into an event that’s then a memory
23.01.2022 All the brights & lightness coming into the week. Creating some normal and getting back into routine Cannot wait to share space, love , laughs & energy with you all. Classes are booked but please pop onto waitlist as you may get lucky. ... Love you
23.01.2022 Reminder that bookings are essential to guarantee a space for your asana Reminder that bookings are essential to guarantee a space for your asana
23.01.2022 Sounds legit But Ill stick with just doing yoga I feel like since March its been all about illness and how not to get sick ... Sending love to all Victorians and yogis here with family there So as we stay safe here in beautiful Queensland lets keep light in our energy, positive in our minds and create a higher vibration by looking after one another & ourselves Classes this week will resume as they have.... MON 9am 6pm WED 6am 9am 6pm THURS 6pm FRIDAY 9am SAT 6:45am I will continue to confirm those classes that are dependent on size on where they will be held. I continue to keep you in class if you were in from previous week and I would appreciate a quick text if you cant make it. You have all been so fabulous with letting me know THANK YOU
22.01.2022 Any plans for June 13 anyone?? Dont want to get ahead of myself but this is the date Im most looking forward too Even though we wont be back to complete normality within classes it will be a start ... I will update when I know more from the Yoga Assoc and as expected there will unfortunately be restrictions with class sizes and protocols in place for hygiene, health & safety for everyone Chat soon LOVE YOU
21.01.2022 Weekend of family, friends & fun Hoping everyone had a safe weekend and not too many of you are apart of the isolation over these days. I appreciate those yogis care in rescheduling their classes over the weekend due to this. I hope you are all still bouncing & healthy Life’s precious and we never know what tomorrow holds. Kiss your loved ones tell them you love them, keep your heart open ... Love you So many bookings for this week yeeephee can’t wait to play Piccie of my gorgeous friends garden. She has a green thumb, her herbs and gardens are soooo good
21.01.2022 JANUARY TIMES Bookings via Saturday 2nd @ 6:45am ... Monday 4th @ 9am & 6pm Wednesday 6th @ 9am & 6pm Thursday 7th @ 6pm Friday 8th @ 9am Saturday 9th @ 6:45am Monday 11th @ 9am & 6pm Wednesday 13th 9am & 6pm Thursday 14th @ 6pm Friday 15th @ 9am Saturday 16th @ 6:45am Monday 18th @ 9am & 6pm Wednesday 20th @ 9am & 6pm Thursday 21st @ 6pm Friday 22nd @ 9am Saturday 23rd @ 6:45am Monday 25th NO CLASSES Wednesday 27th NO CLASSES Thursday 28th @ 6pm Friday 29th @ 9am Saturday 30th @ 6:45am
21.01.2022 Just how it should be Have a glorious Sunday beautiful friends heres to another fabulous week to come
21.01.2022 Happy Sunday beautiful friends What a glorious weekend so far sunshine & relax A little reminder there is no yoga tomorrow~ Monday ~ I’ll see you ... Wednesday morning Pic of the view from my morning walk. There a big ol hill to tackle but the reward is so gorgeous
20.01.2022 Facing fears, taking the leap, having faith All things that make our heart race, create excitement, movement, and make ourselves proud. Sometimes taking the steps to change, believe & trust in the goal, learning, out of your comfort can be the most difficult thing evvvvvver. But imagine if you didn’t give it a go....... Here all week to create a quiet space for dreams, goals & energy in the right direction ... MON 9am & 6pm TUES 6pm Wk 3 Chakra pre booked WED 5:45am, 9am, 6pm THUR 6pm FRIDAY 5:45am, 9am SAT 6:45am leaping into the depth of my fear of WTF is under the water. Caught a shark 3 days later off the boat .... haven’t been in the water since
20.01.2022 Sharing the love with a 10 session pass card for $99 We are half way through Feb already and this special lasts all month. You can purchase up until last day of Feb and you have 6 months to use If you are a NEW yogi to Lakshmi Yoga you have the benefit of enjoying $20 unlimited for 14 days (and still able to purchase a 10 card special) ... Happy Friday Happy Valentine’s Day Happy happy days always
20.01.2022 Reminder there is NO classes Friday or Saturday morning this week Go on over and enjoy a practice @ Lakshmi Yoga Community page ~ lots to choose from If you are heading away for the long week stay safe and have fun
20.01.2022 Hi lovely yogis. While we are having a wee holiday a reminder of this group that you are all welcome to join . There is a great array of different flows & levels to choose from. Enjoy
19.01.2022 Merry Christmas wonderful yoga family Thank you all for an amazing year Merry Christmas wonderful yoga family Thank you all for an amazing year
19.01.2022 LOVE the magic of nature It truly is incredible when we stop and appreciate all the greatness that surrounds us, those things that show up in our day to remind us we are apart of something bigger. Letting all the small stuff we sweat on seem ok to let go. Breathe in the amazing that you are and what nature holds for you Classes this week..... (spots available ~ bookings essential) ... MON 9am studio MON 6pm hall WED 6am & 9am studio WED 6pm hall THURS 6pm studio FRI 9am hall SAT 6:45am Location is subject to change if numbers can be catered for @ Studio Love you
19.01.2022 INHALE ~ EXHALE Feelings of discomfort or uncertainty or when that rise in your belly gives you a sense of change can be frightening it can bring to the surface FEAR With LOVE we breathe and settle ourselves to bring in the trust that all things pass ~ feelings ~ people ~ words ~ actions. ... When we come from LOVE we draw it to ourselves and with every breath we expand our experience Blessed am I to have you in my space this week to breathe a little deeper and share the LOVE
19.01.2022 Jump on the LOVE bus! It’s full of good vibes, lightness, play, energy, rest & smiles Some days we feel like we’re on the wrong bus heading to the wrong destination - fear, overwhelm, emotional, reactive & sad When we can recognise that we caught the wrong bus jump off at the next stop take a breath and pop back on the LOVE bus! There’s alway a bus stop with the calmness, energy, space you need. Take a seat rest your body still that marvellous mind of yours and have fun
19.01.2022 ONE spot has become available in tomorrow’s Developing a Mindful & Physical Home Practice First in contact is in. $30 - 2 hours of creating space with awesome peeps and a cuppa & treat
19.01.2022 Just thinking of sunnier days from our NZ holiday The rain is beautiful but it’s becoming endless loving the green grass,nourished trees and our fabulous new infinity pool Stay safe on the roads friends & see your gloriousness tonight Thursday @6pm
19.01.2022 The medicines to keep us strong Classes will continue in full timetable and any changes if necessary will be updated. ... Monday 9am & 6pm Tuesday Chakra Wk 6 ~ 6pm Wednesday 5:45am 9am 6pm Thursday 6pm Friday 5:45am 9am Saturday 6:45am
18.01.2022 Beautiful sun shiny days January times are all up in the app so bookings are welcome Wednesday’s class this week is fully booked. Waitlist available ... If you have booked and unable to make it let me know or rebook yourself. Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday & rest Much love to you
18.01.2022 Your breathing has benefits it has the ability to settle you, bring you back, calm you Our thoughts wandering can make us anxious, we can induce feelings that arent comfortable, cause panic, uncertainty, particularly in this time we are experiencing there is such heightened tension. INHALE EXHALE INHALE EXHALE INHALE EXHALE INHALE EXHALE ... Breathe In Breathe Out In with Peace Out with Stress Photo by @jessdwahls
18.01.2022 Well that was a bit unexpected!!!! Yoga studios are able to open from 12pm tomorrow! Please check back a bit later and Ill have a plan on place. All the bookings I have taken today will be the first in for any classes running this week.
16.01.2022 Any plans for June 13 anyone?? Don’t want to get ahead of myself but this is the date I’m most looking forward too Even though we won’t be back to complete normality within classes it will be a start ... I will update when I know more from the Yoga Assoc and as expected there will unfortunately be restrictions with class sizes and protocols in place for hygiene, health & safety for everyone Chat soon LOVE YOU
16.01.2022 How’s everybody feeling? I don’t mean if you have symptoms how are you feeling in your heart and your belly? Slow it all down, to just smaller moments if you need. Breath deep and take rest and look at all the beauty around you. The sun is still shining there’s a beautiful breeze and the trees are green and lush The wonder of the world is still here, around you and within you
16.01.2022 Good morning friends Oh what a rainy wee morning! A quick reminder BOOKINGS are still absolutely ESSENTIAL for all classes. ... I have a lot of you on repeat as you are with me several times a week and/or every week. If unwell or unable to make class please a quick text at least 2 hours prior would be appreciated. If you miss a week due to sickness please let me know when youre ready to rebook, I will otherwise assume you are still away Love you
16.01.2022 Yeeeeweee tomorrow is a new day and we are able to OPEN!!! So after my big long winded post this morning we kinda need to have a new plan...... SO here it is! CLASSES THIS WEEK ALL @ HOME STUDIO ... MONDAY 6pm (FULL) WEDNESDAY 6am -1 spot WEDNESDAY 6pm - FULL THURSDAY 6pm - FULL FRIDAY 9am (FULL with waitlist) SATURDAY 6:45 (FULL with waitlist) (I will be in contact with everyone booked for these times for original start date to see if they suit as you will have first choice) There are some spots left in some classes. Friday 9am booked with a wait list. Due to me having appts prior booked there are times Im not able to start this week I apologise. From Monday 8th ALL classes are back. I will be deleting previous post as it will just cause confusion It GAME ON ! I ficken need a drink now
15.01.2022 * Time to stop and smell the roses * EDITED : Lakshmi Yoga will temporarily close from 12pm tomorrow 23/03/30 sad times but will see those wishing to continue their practice @ Lakshmi Yoga Community Please read to the end ... The last couple of weeks have felt a little out of control for me and I believe for most. Being completely in my comfort zone of my practice, my life, teaching, having the dream of creating, workshops, ideas & plans ( so many plans) to now every day questioning WTF am I going to do, OMG so many people losing jobs, are we all going to be ok? Are my parents ok? Fuck I haven't even phoned them in NZ. ( Their good, they are awesome actually, dealing with the exactly what we are too). I have never had to practice grounding myself so many times in a day but I'm so grateful I have the awareness and steps I can take. And the ability to be able to support you also & continue to do so in any aspect, I am absolutely here. Haven taken all the necessary steps to provide a safe, hygienic & supportive environment over these last few weeks in class things are changing so quickly. Receiving an email from Yoga Australia yesterday on the recommendation that students are to be 2m apart (for us this means 3 students + me @ home - 8 @ hall) OR close your studio. Having had time to think (just incase I hadn't thought of every possible scenario already) This is my plan in this moment - please beware this may change overnight. Tomorrow with all the absolute precautions in place Monday 9am will go ahead with the 3 girls booked (I'll be in contact) Monday 6pm at hall - bookings for 8 please message I will then update Tuesday on what I will do. This may mean if I haven't already been asked to officially close, I will be possibly temporarily closing for the comfort and safety of everyone which I believe is necessary, and be updating 100% on next steps. Please know pass cards are held and valid on our return. Good news is I have created a private group LAKSHMI YOGA COMMUNITY . This group is open to all wanting to keep their practice up, I want to still be here if you can't get into class because of booking or because of temporary closure. I will post videos at different levels. So we can still sweat, swear & laugh together . And collectively create peace, community, love, virtual hugs & lightness. A new way of being for a time. So please get on and join. Your yogi friends will be there and we are open to chat, share & practice together. I love you all so much from my absolute heart to yours, stay amazing, keep being incredible, dance, hug those close to you. Chat soon xxoo
15.01.2022 Hey friends ~ a little heads up that the next two Thursday @ 6pm classes are at home. Due to the elections there’s been a change up of rooms. So please come to home for Thursday 19th & 26th. Keeping with guidelines advised from health authorities I’m only going to be taking 6 yogis for the session. Please send msg to book a space ASAP ... EDITED: Tonight FULL I apologise in advance as there will be people that miss out. Please also keep an eye out for a post tomorrow with furthers plans to classes/ booking/ numbers etc EVERY STORM RUNS OUT OF RAIN This isn’t our forever it’s a speed bump for us to slow down and take care
15.01.2022 Spreading legs not germs here @ Lakshmi Yoga To keep us all feeling safe and supported @ yoga I have been taking measures to limit the contact on surfaces that we generally all touch I now will sign you in on arrival ... If using a studio mat, these as normal get sprayed but also wiped down with wipes and I will hang in sun Washing hands on arrival if not coming straight from home would be appreciated If feeling unwell rest at home & get better quick sticks Love you all and as a community we have the ability to limit the spread so easily if we are mindful, not complacent, & hygienic I’ll miss the hugs
15.01.2022 Can I hear a big exhale coming up as all the kids head back to school! Well done Mummas & Pappas Cant even imagine these weeks of home schooling & working & living. Starting to get some normality back yay! I hope theres coffee dates, ocean swims, relaxation on the list today. ... Inhale ~ Exhale & soften those shoulders
15.01.2022 SPRING TIMETABLE MONDAY 9am , 6pm WEDNESDAY 9am , 6pm ... THURSDAY 6pm FRIDAY 9am SATURDAY 6:45am BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL Please message me through PM on this page and I will book you in or let you know if there is a waitlist. At times the location may change and I will do my best to let everyone know via FB & messenger Fees for sessions are... $16 casual $70 - 5 pass $110 - 10 pass For now MON 6pm FRIDAY 9am will be held at the room on Worongary Road, beside toilets @ Showgrounds. All others will be at home studio. Look forward to practicing, breathing & creating peace with you
15.01.2022 Entering another year of possibilities, adventure, growth & love The unknown is always there ........ look at this past year. A certain amount of surrender, trust & flow is needed to move forward in anything. As much as we can plan a life path ~ things shift and change and our adaptability is our power. A surrender of one thing will always open to something more If you like to reflect & manifest at this time of year keep your grace, beauty, confidence & spirit high. Wha...t you have achieved little or big is amazing. What may not have come to fruition this year has the momentum for next year Stay amazing stay bright stay full of unconditional LOVE
15.01.2022 Love a good sage session ! Also helps lift your mood, settle anxiety, clear negative energy, and said to be antibacterial If you dont have a stick I saw some @ Nourish Lane in Mudgeeraba Village & Earth Crystals in Scottsdale drive. ... Happy Monday ~ take a deep breath to your belly ~ and smile
15.01.2022 Happy Mummas Day Rockstars Whichever roll you take in the care & love of children you are appreciated Lots more love today and hopefully its feet up and treated to cuppas and hugs
14.01.2022 Hello hello to all the newbies to my page and also to the new yogis this year! Wow it’s been awesome I think I’ve introduced myself once in the 9 years of teaching here in Mudgeeraba, I’m not a selfie taker so here at least is a recent pic from July with my gorgeous niece. I absolutely LOVE teaching, practicing and sharing the yoga experience. The growth mindfully & spiritually that happens organically from practice is something that really drew me in when I started pr...acticing 22 years ago. The flexibility it then allowed my body was tremendous and I continued on. When I’m in my body and caring and nourishing it well it responds with energy and love. The beauty of the practice is it’s for every BODY!! And we have an amazing balance of bodies that join each week, even when some knees don’t work, shoulders are stiff, hips are tight and when our minds and hearts just need the space. It’s here that the magic happens when you come back to the self and nurture those beautiful elements of yourself physically, mentally & emotionally with care There ofcourse are classes that may suit some bodies more than others. Over the coming days I will share an experience of how each class is generally run As I have moved through my practice over the years I’ve cleared out alot of what doesn’t serve my highest good, attitudes, beliefs, habits and I live my best self daily. My heart is happy I have two beautiful adult kids that I’m super proud of an amazing husband and friends that I cherish and most of all a ‘job’ that is filled with you all that bring so much fun, love and energy into my life & space I’m always a good 5 years behind the times cos technology really isn’t my thing BUT there’s a website on its way with a bookings tab (yay!) and all the thingsss, all thanks to of course a fabulous yogi friend. I’m so excited and feeling so fancy I’ll keep you updated. For now I send you LOVE HUGS & a SPRINKLE OF GLITTER love you
13.01.2022 Nature is medicine for the soul Just taking a walk through the trees soothes your heart. Two nights @ Springbrook at the best little cottage has reset my little heart and I’m rearing to get into the weeks as we head again to the end of another year This weeks classes are .... ... MON 9am @ home studio MON 6pm @ hall WED 6am , 9am , 6pm @ home THURS 6pm @ home FRIDAY 9am @ hall SAT 6:45am @ home Bookings are still encouraged
12.01.2022 Morning friends Feeling like the energy is lifting a little from this isolation space and we might just be back on the road to a settled routine, including some bendy stretchy sooooooon All the videos are free over on Lakshmi Yoga Community and I hope youve been enjoying them ... Heres to a Sunday filled with LOVE ~LIGHTNESS ~ LAUGHTER fredi_boldt
12.01.2022 What a beautiful long weekend of weather & family Happy Easter friends loads of love to you
12.01.2022 CHRISTMAS TIMETABLE DECEMBER MONDAY 21st 9am & 6pm ... WEDNESDAY 23rd 9am WEDNESDAY 30th 9am JANUARY SATURDAY 2nd 6.45am MONDAY 4th 9am & 6pm All classes will resume then Bookings ESSENTIAL via app from Jan 2021
12.01.2022 Thank you to everybody who has booked in this week and just bought back all that love and energy into the space. My cup is full and heart is bursting. And Ive only taken two classes. Just connecting back has been awesome A couple of little things..... as its getting colder bring some socks or a blanket for savasana. I still have blankets but you may prefer your own. ... Booking for each class will continue till restrictions and spacing changes. I will pop a post up of full timetable later this week. Friday 9am is super popular and for this Friday we are over at the room on Worongary Road. I have messaged everybody booked and those on the waiting list. Please be in touch if you would like a spot theres a couple left. and Im so excited to see you all! Im truly lucky you are all bloody rockstars!
12.01.2022 Thank you all so much for the messages and gorgeous pics of you practicing. Fills my heart and so excited we can all still share some yoga together This too shall pass and we will be back at it in no time. For now stay safe, stay home and take time to rejuvenate your spirit, as hard as it might seem now set your dreams and plans for the future, stay positive. Manifest while you have the down time . And if you are a frontline worker I salute you and sending sooooo much love & strength your way
12.01.2022 Saw this ~ loved it ~ want to share it Please pop a heart on how you are doing I’m 100% here if anyone needs a chat, a shoulder or an ear PM anytime ... Much love always
11.01.2022 So many beautiful ways to still the mind Personally I love moving meditations, walking, planting pots, swimming in the ocean & floating. I also sit every morning & evening and clear my head through Pranayama and gentle yoga So remember if your mind is busy maybe a distraction of gardening or a walk in the fresh air might be helpful ... Love you friends & miss you a load
11.01.2022 Hi yoga family There will be NO Wednesday’s @ 6am until further notice. Sending love Hi yoga family There will be NO Wednesday’s @ 6am until further notice. Sending love
09.01.2022 Happy Easter yoga family Although not such a gloriously sunny day here on the GC I hope your surrounded by sunshine, love, peace & ofcourse chocolate Have a beautiful relaxing day friends
08.01.2022 Saw this ~ loved it ~ want to share it Please pop a heart on how you are doing Im 100% here if anyone needs a chat, a shoulder or an ear PM anytime ... Much love always
08.01.2022 A few spots left if you were considering attending Last two sessions booked out so hence a sneaky third to keep the energy of self practice going Would love to see you there. It is open to any level of yogi and we roll with the energy of the day to create the practice
08.01.2022 My power bird and they have been around me the last three days so I can feel the change coming Please read following as it is important to be clear on the changes in place at the studio. As previously stated on an earlier post the studio is cleaned to an inch of its life I am doing all the sign ins for you. ... If possible bring your own mat. If not coming straight from home please wash hands on arrival. If ANY symptoms of flu/virus/cold are present please respect the space and rest at home. If you are in contact with anyone that has travelled or in isolation or unwell please rest for recommended period of time. ALL CLASSES FOR NOW CAN ONLY BE 6 STUDENTS bookings are required Please send a msg with class time & day you would like to book spot. I apologies deeply for anyone missing out. THURS 19th (tonight) FULL FRIDAY 20th FULL (I am planning on creating full class videos so if hits the (there’s no fan ) we are good to go. Will update this. I absolutely hate writing all these conditions but they are necessary and we are all able to continue on with our yoga practice. LOVE YOU
08.01.2022 Looking at the 8 limbs of yoga to bring it back to our essence, our responsibilities, and care for our community Have a blessed day friends Chat soon with an update on developing requirements for our practice together
07.01.2022 It’s Monday so HAPPY Monday I did have to check what day it was yesterday. Sending love to all and hoping everyone’s safe & healthy Keep taking each day as it comes, some we win and some we want a restart. Be kind to yourself. Keep positive. Do something that you know that will make you feel good today...... walk or sit in the sunshine ~ do a yoga practice ~ phone a friend ~ do one chore that you’ve been putting off ~ take 10 deep beautiful breaths
07.01.2022 Just how it should be Have a glorious Sunday beautiful friends here’s to another fabulous week to come
07.01.2022 This mornings class 9am @ home studio This mornings class 9am @ home studio
07.01.2022 A big thank you to all that have booked through the website app this week Everyone saying how easy it’s been which is perfect! Take a moment over the weekend to check it out if you haven’t had the chance! I’m planning a fabulous GIVEAWAY to everybody booking through the app !! It’s EXCITING ... Loads of love friends
06.01.2022 Sending love through the little square with hearty hands May your evening be peaceful, may your plate be full of nourishing food , and your heart soft Much love
06.01.2022 In love with the colours of nature Wonderful to see National parks busy with people enjoying nature and its wonders. Spent time at Purling Brook Falls this week with family soaking up the love Also a little heads up there will be NO Saturday class this week. And keep an eye out for Sundays post in regards to new restrictions that is all positive for us. ... A BIG thank you to everyone that was so understanding and patient on waitlists during this time we are very near the end of this Fridays 9am has a couple spots if you are looking for a gentle flow practice to start your weekend
06.01.2022 A little exited to think we might just be open in mid June (with restrictions) and fully open mid July Seems like forever but when the likelihood of September was on the cards this is good soooo good. Im hoping everyone is well and healthy and ready for a beautiful weekend! ... I will keep updated on dates and restrictions and we will be back bending, stretching & playing so soon Meanwhile Ill keep forgetting what day it is, playing with my ponies, walking with friends and staying healthy. Keep doing all your happy things too . Love & miss you friends
05.01.2022 Two new videos up today on Lakshmi Yoga Community so please head over to enjoy ~ I would love to have you there All welcomeTwo new videos up today on Lakshmi Yoga Community so please head over to enjoy ~ I would love to have you there All welcome
04.01.2022 Gorgeous local girl has designed and made these. Absolutely love the idea! With one of our own yogis being one of the master sewers helping create them. Ive popped a link to page so in these times where butts n faces are squished into bolsters you can rest easy that you have your funky design to support said bits
04.01.2022 Little refresher weekend away for a celebration and rested and ready for a new week ALL classes will continue as normal. Following latest restrictions we are able to fit more into home studio. I will still be taking booking as these classes could easily over book. Please message to book or confirm no problem I will be in touch with each yogi confirming attendance I am more than happy to have ongoing bookings running for classes and will leave it to you to let me kno...w if you cant make it, we can sort that following each class this week. Continuing with good hygiene practices - I will continue to do sign ins and let you know where you are up too each practice. - if you are unwell lets play it safe and I would be grateful if you avoid practice and return when well. Online practice always available on Lakshmi Yoga Community - locations for Wed pm / Fri & Sat am classes will be confirmed once I have numbers. Lucky they are so close to each other - lastly couldnt do this without your amazing support, love & laughter! Love you all massively
03.01.2022 Jump on the LOVE bus! Its full of good vibes, lightness, play, energy, rest & smiles Some days we feel like were on the wrong bus heading to the wrong destination - fear, overwhelm, emotional, reactive & sad When we can recognise that we caught the wrong bus jump off at the next stop take a breath and pop back on the LOVE bus! Theres alway a bus stop with the calmness, energy, space you need. Take a seat rest your body still that marvellous mind of yours and have fun
03.01.2022 NEW WEBSITE IS LIIIIIVE YEEEPHEEE A lovely website created by a gorgeous yogi Aliesha is now live and ready for bookings. Bookings via website are not essential at the moment (although encouraged) . This will be essential to secure a spot from Jan 2nd 2021. So we have time to get used to the system. Which I will help those that aren’t familiar with bookings online. ... You are welcome to message me through PM on this page and I will book you in or let you know if there is a waitlist SUMMER TIMETABLE MONDAY 9am , 6pm WEDNESDAY 9am , 6pm THURSDAY 6pm FRIDAY 9am SATURDAY 6:45am Fees for sessions are... $16 casual $70 - 5 pass $110 - 10 pass For now MON 6pm FRIDAY 9am will be held at the room on Worongary Road, beside toilets @ Showgrounds. All others will be at home studio. Look forward to practicing, breathing & creating peace with you
03.01.2022 Old mate got scissor happy at the back door Making use of the time home and having the energy to get shit done So often the - to do list - is endless , but not having full weeks weve found we have the time & energy. Not a fantastic situation we are all in but make use of the time if you have it. ... Rest your body ~ Move your body ~ Still your mind ~ Stimulate your mind ~ Breath deep & make peace with each day whatever it brings Find the balance and no pressure
03.01.2022 Can’t stop laughing I’m crying
03.01.2022 Its Monday so HAPPY Monday I did have to check what day it was yesterday. Sending love to all and hoping everyones safe & healthy Keep taking each day as it comes, some we win and some we want a restart. Be kind to yourself. Keep positive. Do something that you know that will make you feel good today...... walk or sit in the sunshine ~ do a yoga practice ~ phone a friend ~ do one chore that youve been putting off ~ take 10 deep beautiful breaths
02.01.2022 Moving into the last full week of classes of this year It’s been a fun & interesting year, looking towards the sunlight & brighter times Over the next couple of weeks take it easy, slow down, breath and have patience to move about with awareness Everything gets done always ... Thank you to everyone booking online I can see so many coming through and it’s so exciting. You are all in the draw each class to WIN 3 FREE CLASSES! Yay 12 to GIVEAWAY Congratulations to Diana & Deb so far MONDAY 9am & 6pm WEDNESDAY 9am & 6pm THURSDAY 6pm FRIDAY 9am SATURDAY 6:45am
02.01.2022 OMGosh this is the cutest Melissa who attended Developing a Mindful & Physical Home Practice workshop on the weekend getting her practice done without excuses Made me smile & laugh big she not only has this gorgeous cherub but also a new born
02.01.2022 LOCATIONS : Due to you all being incredibly amazing and booking out classes so quickly I have moved certain classes to the room @ Showgrounds so numbers can be catered for during restrictions. Bookings are essential ... ~MON 6pm ~ WED 6pm ~ FRI 9am ~SAT 6:45am ~ are all at Showgrounds entry via Worongary road. Remaining classes are at home studio ... MON & WED 9am WED 6am THURS 6pm Stay amazing Keep smiling Breath deep
02.01.2022 Love seeing all the bookings coming through for classes next week yay! Anybody having issues with booking let me know ~ happy to set you up Hope your beginning of 2021 has been lovely and you’re treading lightly & with love as you enter this beautiful year ... I snuck up to Springbrook early yesterday morning to do a wee walk (17k Warrie Circuit) unfortunately it was closed but what a gorgeous spot after the rains
02.01.2022 Who’s up for some breathing & slow karate ? MON 9am & 6pm TUES Wk 2 Chakra 6pm pre booked WED 5:45am,9am & 6pm ... THURS 6pm FRIDAY 5:45 & 9am SAT 6:45am Lots a love for your week
02.01.2022 SPRING TIMETABLE MONDAY 9am , 6pm WEDNESDAY 6am ,9am , 6pm ... THURSDAY 6pm FRIDAY 9am SATURDAY 6:45am BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL Please message me through PM on this page and I will book you in or let you know if there is a waitlist. At times the location may change and I will do my best to let everyone know via FB & messenger Fees for sessions are... $16 casual $70 - 5 pass $110 - 10 pass For now MON 6pm FRIDAY 9am will be held at the room on Worongary Road, beside toilets @ Showgrounds. All others will be at home studio. Look forward to practicing, breathing & creating peace with you
01.01.2022 12 classes til Christmas It’s GIVEAWAY time friends Here’s the deal ........ and all you have to do......... book through website that’s it!! You are now in the draw for 3 FREE classes! 12 classes ~ 12 to giveaway 12 classes in the draw run from Friday Dec 11th - Wednesday 23rd EXCITED!!!
01.01.2022 Moody Sunday ~ perfect day to dash to the farmers market and then chill on the couch Getting ready for another amazing week full of warmth, sunshine & peace A couple of spots available in..... ... Monday 6pm ~ @ Showgrounds Wednesday 6pm ~ @ Showgrounds All others full. Please pop onto waitlist as spots do become available. Also happy if you need to check on your bookings to confirm Full timetable pinned to top of page. Bookings for all classes are required til further notice
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