Lamington Native Nursery in Cainbable | Nursery & garden centre
Lamington Native Nursery
Locality: Cainbable
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25.01.2022 At night our wildlife cameras capture all sorts of action and visitors. Recent late night visitors include: Pretty-faced wallabies... A Bandicoot - Most likely a Northern Brown Bandicoot A Feral cat! ..and a Brush Tailed Possum The feral cat is a concern as we are 16km from the nearest population centre and our neighbours are about 1km away on all side... and dont have cats. Time to talk to the Rangers.
24.01.2022 One of the few things flowering here are the Dianellas. As long as they get some water that is. These are the delightful small yellow and blue flowers of Dianella caerulea - the common Blue Flax Lily. The second picture is the edible fruit of D. caerulea. These fruit were also used by indigenous Australians as food, and the leaves used to make baskets and fibres.... This hardy plant also makes a great understory in a garden and is easy to maintain. We have Dianella caerulea in stock now Lamington Native Nursery.
24.01.2022 Hey Plant Lovers, heres an event you wont want to miss! Canungra Valley Tropicals is hosting a garden tour and market stalls this weekend with many different plants available for sale. Sunday Sept 20 from 9am - 12pm. 1 Mahoney Rd, Wonglepong QLD.... Lamington Native Nursery will have a selection of Aussie natives available for sale. We hope you can make it! See link below for more details and let us know if youll be coming.....
24.01.2022 The return if the rain has brought the return of the animals and insects that fill the forest. This is a caterpillar for a Josephs Coat moth - Agarista agricola A spectacular multi coloured moth, that we havent seen for many months. Lots of Australian Natives are host for Butterflies and Moths - and all our plants are marked with a if they support Butterflies.... Pop in and see, or even create a Butterfly Garden with multiple butterfly-friendly plants. We are OPEN this weekend.
23.01.2022 Do you see these guys at your place?
23.01.2022 Lamington Native Nursery is CLOSED . The nursery will be CLOSED until further notice. Due to the continuing covid-19 crisis and the opening of of the Queensland border we have chosen to stay closed.... #stayhome #covid19 #staysafe
23.01.2022 This is the delicate flower of the Native Plumbago - Plumbago zeylanica. This is an ideal water-efficient plant to grow among shrubs, where it wanders about, popping up where it pleases. It is also the native host plant for the Plumbago blue butterfly (Leptotes plinius). It makes a great understory plant and may just survive in these dry times. ... We wont be open today as the heat, dry and fires continue. With no rain in sight, and limitations on our local water, we are working on just keeping things alive. When the weather turns we will be here :)
22.01.2022 Like lots of people and businesses in our area, we are really starting to feel the effects of the drought now. This graph will show you just how much rain is missing for our area. The Orange line show our median rainfall - and the Blue is what we have received.. :( ... (Yes - that was ZERO for August!) We will post about some of our water saving tips and tricks for the garden this month and hopefully we can help everyone keep their gardens alive and ready for rain.
22.01.2022 Curry Corner is back! While Australian Natives are our love and life, we also grow lots of other edible plants. At the Nursery in Curry Corner you will find edible Ginger, Turmeric, Galangal and Lemongrass plants. All are booming after the rains.... So if youre a curry maker,... save time and money by having your own ingredients. Its a great feeling to be able construct a curry with your own produce :) We often also have Curry leaves, Kaffir limes, Finger Limes, and Kaffir Lime leaves for purchase. Come see whats booming and edible. We are 16km from Canungra in the Gold Coast hinterland.... just follow Lamington National Park Rd
21.01.2022 Our neighbouring Council area - Gold Coast - joined us as being drought declared today. Not a good sign. :( We have our water situation under control, but the bush around us, and plants and trees in our gardens are struggling badly. This is our Melaleuca thymifolia. Today and 2 years ago at about the same time.... Theres a chance of rain this week.. and our fingers are crossed. We hope everyone gets a good drop!
20.01.2022 Well.... its hardly stopped raining since the beginning of Feb! :) ... and things have sprung to life! This is just some of the the wildflowers and flowering plants that have burst to life around the Nursery We are OPEN today - as long as the weather stays good ... So come and check whats blooming up here on the mountain. You will find us just 16 kms from Canungra in the Gold Coast hinterland. Just keep an eye out for the Big Lamington!
20.01.2022 Plant of the Month!! - December- 2019 Cinnamon Myrtle Backhousia myrtifolia Backhousia myrtifolia is a small tree that grows to approx. 3-6m in a garden.... One of the Australian native Myrtles that include Lemon Myrtle Backhousia citridora and Anise(ed) Myrtle Syzygium anisatum Commonly used by the indigenous people of Australia as bush food and bush medicine. The leaves of Backhousia myrtifolia have a cinnamon/bubble gum smell and flavour and can be used in cooking to enhance flavour and fragrance. Backhousia myrtifolia is known to be a tough and drought hardy plant once established and it flowers profusely and maintains the calyx of the flower, so that it appears to flower for long periods. This rainforest tree will grow in part-shade, or full sun, but needs good drainage. Lamington Native Nursery has Backhousia myrtifolia/Cinnamon Myrtle/Grey Myrtle in stock right now. Plant of the Month!!
19.01.2022 We have decided to close the Nursery to the public during this difficult time. So we will not be open this weekend, and possibly for the next month or so. We are of course, here, working, growing and planting... so we are happy to open by appointment" for anyone that wishes visit or come and make a selection Just contact us here or via Insta @lamington_native_nursery. Stay safe, wash your hands and do some gardening. :)... We will be here when this all blows over.
19.01.2022 It was just back in April of this year when we opened our little nursery on the side of the hill. And now after just 8 months, we have 500+ likes on our FB page and some great interaction from those we have met via Facebook. Especially those that have traveled from within our area to come and see us and have a chat.... Thank you FB friends.
18.01.2022 How's this for a weird one??? We collected this seed pod of a Brachychiton discolor/Lacebark tree and were surprised to see these spiral, gel-like protuberances from the pod. Apparently this is the work of the Brachychiton Weevil - Axionicus insignis. A weevil that attacks Brachychiton seed pods when they are are in a stressed state as during drought.... We are stressed and in a drought... and so are the trees We will crack these open when they dry out a bit and we will see if the Weevils left us any seeds. Lamington Native Nursery sells Brachychiton bidwilli - The Dwarf Kurrajong - and we have plenty in stock.
18.01.2022 We might be closed today... ...but our good friends at Canopy Wholesale Nursery are having their HUGE CLEARANCE sale today. They are over at Tamborine, and well worth a visit. Tell Ryan we sent you
18.01.2022 They should have known you cant stop nature! This is one of the Corymbias, knocked down in the roadworks growing back through their concrete structure. Weve seen lots of trees and plants growing through the road here. ... Natives are tough old buggers. :) And so are most of the rest of the plants we sell. So if youre out and about, come and see us. We are just 16 km from Canungra in the Gold Coast Hinterland. Follow Lamington National Park Road and you cant miss us
17.01.2022 The "Queensland" Nut
17.01.2022 Heres a simple and delicious drink you can whip up in Summer. All you need is some Native Raspberries :) Step 1. Go to your Native Raspberry and pick some of the fresh fruit that has grown over Summer.... Step 2. When you discover you dont have a Native Raspberry in the back yard, and therefore no fruit... quickly invent a Time Machine and go back to April 2019 and drive to Lamington Native Nursery and purchase a delicious and healthy Sweet Native Raspberry plant. Drive immediately home and plant it. Step 3. Time travel back to January 2020. Step 4. Go to your Native Raspberry and pick some of the fresh fruit that has grown over Summer. Step 5. Grab a tall glass and put in your Raspberry fruit, and give it a bash with the end of a rolling pin. Step 6. Fill the tall glass with Soda/Lemonade/Mineral water and add some ice. Step 7. Sit back, Relax, and enjoy your home-grown(and healthy) Sweet native Raspberry Spritzer. If you dont have the space and time to build your own Time Machine, dont miss out next Summer. Get yourself to Lamington Native Nursery and grab a - Rubus probus - Sweet Native Raspberry this weekend. Available all through January unless sold out! You will find us 16km from Canungra, in the Gold Coast Hinterland, on Lamington National Park Rd - on the way to OReillys.
16.01.2022 Proud Aunty moment! This song was written by my 10-year old nephew, Bodie and 9-year old Emily (with a little help from Bodies Mum) over a play date and drawing session one Friday afternoon, in late August 2019. With the recent bush fire crisis in Australia, Emily, Bodie and their families thought the song would be a great way to show support to those people fighting fires and experiencing hardship from the bush fire crisis in Australia. The song is also a way they can crea...te further awareness over the issue of climate change giving the kids a healthy way to express their feelings and thoughts on the issue through the process of songwriting and recording. Please take a listen, buy the track, share among friends, make a donation, and hopefully, the kids can have their future again. All proceeds will be split between the Salvos, Bushfire Appeal and WIRES wildlife rescue.
16.01.2022 An Australian Raven takes advantage of our water habiat at Lamington Native Nursery. Put out a bowl for your wildlife.
13.01.2022 As some of you may have seen on the news.... our local town rain out of water on the weekend! Its a long story but essentially the lack of local rain has led to Canungra Creek drying up and not flowing. This is the towns source for all water. Many of you know, we have essentially been out of water for about 3 months, and have relied on town water over that time. Now that has been cut off. ... A temporary filling station has been setup but it does not provide the same service. We have enough water to survive, and keep running, but if the rain does not arrive soon we will have to reassess things. So... keep those rain dances up, pray to your god or gods, wish on a star, crack a chicken bone etc.... we need some rain! The second picture is our rainfall over the last 12 months. The orange line is where the blue columns should be :(
12.01.2022 Looks like some of the Gold Coasters are having a bit of trouble finding our wallaby :D
12.01.2022 Things are a bit grim in our home garden at the the moment as many of you would know. So here are some pictures of what should be flowering now amongst our native trees. I had to dig these pics out of the archives though, because there is almost nothing flowering here at the moment.... Swamp Hibiscus - Hibiscus diversifolius Cats Whiskers - Orthosiphon aristatus Thyme Honey Myrtle - Melaleuca thymifolia Wooly Frogmouth - Philydrum lanuginosum Kangaroo Paw - Anigozanthos When the weather improves we will have some, if not all of these for sale. Keep an eye out.
10.01.2022 There is always a period of Bee "bedlam" when we fill the water dishes around the nursery and the property. The bees sit around the edge of the water, so that when we go to fill it, the rising level males them all take off! Bee Air Traffic Control also becomes very busy!... Like everyone at the moment, the bees are constantly on the hunt for water too. :( They said we might get a sprinkle today.... fingers crossed! ...and dont forget to put a little water out for the bees!
10.01.2022 Weve harvested from our existing Australian Native Finger Limes that have struggled on through the drought. We did not get a lot of fruit, but what is here is fat and juicy. :) Finger Limes(not trees) will be available at Lamington Native Nursery this weekend. Drop in and grab some lime caviar pearls. ... They are a perfect addition to almost anything. Finger Lime(trees) will be available later in the year from the Nursery.
09.01.2022 This is our local Feathertailed Glider caught on our wildlife cams at the Nursery. One of the many animals that pop in when we are not there to grab a drink. This tiny marsupial must be tough because there are predators galore here, we are in the middle of a drought, and there is little to no vegetation around Just another reason we have water out for animals across the nursery and property.... Image #3 Credit - Tony Rees
08.01.2022 A little brightness amongst the smoke and the dry. :D Vulnerable and endangered Richmond Birdwing butterflies have appeared on the property. They are swarming over our Poinciana - one of the only trees flowering here. The Richmond Birdwing butterfly is endangered because much of its normal habitat has been developed. Additionally the sub-tropical rainforests that are the habitat of its main diet have also been impacted.... The larvae of the Richmond Birdwing only feed on Richmond Birdwing Vine(Pararistolochia praevenosa). Planting and cultivating these vines helps with the support of the species. We have multiple Richmond Birdwing Vine plantings across the property as well as in pots and at the nursery.. with plans for more. At this time, because of the dry, we do not have Richmond Birdwing vines available... but they are coming. Keep an eye for these guys and girls - The guys are the pretty ones :)P
07.01.2022 This year has been a really doozy! We opened the Nursery in April - as the drought really kicked in. Fires were the next thing. Around us in three directions and close to our home and to homes of friend across Australia.... Then our local town - Canungra, ran out of water! Thats three things... so that should be it hopefully. Despite the year we have had, we still had a great time... We have met lots of new people, made lots of new friends, got our Nursery up and running and continued to regen our property, and clear the exotics and weeds. 12 months ago... this is what the Nursery looked like! A building site with water tanks! Weve come a fair way since then. :) Happy New Year to All! Stay safe and have a good break, and we will see you in 2020.(Can you believe its bloody 2020!)
07.01.2022 Hows this for a weird one??? We collected this seed pod of a Brachychiton discolor/Lacebark tree and were surprised to see these spiral, gel-like protuberances from the pod. Apparently this is the work of the Brachychiton Weevil - Axionicus insignis. A weevil that attacks Brachychiton seed pods when they are are in a stressed state as during drought.... We are stressed and in a drought... and so are the trees We will crack these open when they dry out a bit and we will see if the Weevils left us any seeds. Lamington Native Nursery sells Brachychiton bidwilli - The Dwarf Kurrajong - and we have plenty in stock.
07.01.2022 Its Hot, Smokey and Dry here,... like it is in most of the south east today. We wont be opening the Nursery today... its just too damn Hot! If your heading this way, drop us a message and we will open up for you. :)... Meanwhile Stay Cool, water early and late, put some water out for the wildlife and dont forget yourself.
07.01.2022 They should have known you can't stop nature! This is one of the Corymbias, knocked down in the roadworks growing back through their concrete structure. We've seen lots of trees and plants growing through the road here. ... Natives are tough old buggers. :) And so are most of the rest of the plants we sell. So if you're out and about, come and see us. We are just 16 km from Canungra in the Gold Coast Hinterland. Follow Lamington National Park Road and you can't miss us
06.01.2022 Can you see the Pretty-faced Wallaby in this picture? There is a immature male pretty-faced wallaby somewhere in this photo. So lets us know if you find him. This is an indicator of how dry things are up here at the moment, and also shows you the remarkable camouflage of our native animals.... There are not many wallabies left up here. Most have headed down to find water. ...but they will be back when the weather improves. :)
05.01.2022 If you have the time and space.... throw a little water outside for our nature wildlife. They are all struggling to find water.. just like us. Here is one of the Ravens that drinks at the Nursery Water habitat.
04.01.2022 Here's a simple and delicious drink you can whip up in Summer. All you need is some Native Raspberries :) Step 1. Go to your Native Raspberry and pick some of the fresh fruit that has grown over Summer.... Step 2. When you discover you don't have a Native Raspberry in the back yard, and therefore no fruit... quickly invent a Time Machine and go back to April 2019 and drive to Lamington Native Nursery and purchase a delicious and healthy Sweet Native Raspberry plant. Drive immediately home and plant it. Step 3. Time travel back to January 2020. Step 4. Go to your Native Raspberry and pick some of the fresh fruit that has grown over Summer. Step 5. Grab a tall glass and put in your Raspberry fruit, and give it a bash with the end of a rolling pin. Step 6. Fill the tall glass with Soda/Lemonade/Mineral water and add some ice. Step 7. Sit back, Relax, and enjoy your home-grown(and healthy) Sweet native Raspberry Spritzer. If you don't have the space and time to build your own Time Machine, don't miss out next Summer. Get yourself to Lamington Native Nursery and grab a - Rubus probus - Sweet Native Raspberry this weekend. Available all through January unless sold out! You will find us 16km from Canungra, in the Gold Coast Hinterland, on Lamington National Park Rd - on the way to OReillys.
04.01.2022 Around lunch time today this Brown Cuckoo Dove - Macropygia phasianella - decided to drop in the grab a drink. We see Brown Cuckoo Doves around here regularly and often in pairs. They are a calm and placid bird as you can see by this photo which I took from about 1 m away. :) If youre looking for these guys its often good to look close to the ground as thats where they do most of their work.... These guys are of course a native bird to Australia
04.01.2022 The beautiful flowers of Ciodyline petiolaris - a native rainforest cordyline. Not available yet..... but on our list. :)
03.01.2022 We got some! 16 much needed mmm of rain overnight. Our first significant rain since March 2019. Lets hope we all get some more today.... Hope your rain gauge got a drenching Did you get any?
03.01.2022 Well it finally arrived.... more than 100mm of glorious badly-needed rain. Within one week things are starting to turn back to normal. The valley is green, plants are flowering, grass is booming and the tanks are overflowing. So we are OPEN again and fully stocked. Come by and see us this Australia Day long weekend. We will be open on the Monday public holiday.... Youll find us 16km up Lamington National Park Rd from Canungra, in the Gold Coast hinterland.
03.01.2022 Australian Native Raspberries
02.01.2022 We have been essentially closed for the last 3 or so weeks, as fires have continued around us and the badly needed rains have not arrived. Though we received a good 40 odd mm last week.. little has changed apart from a few grass shoots that the animals devour within days. Despite what some other people have said!, there has been no relief and no "tanks filled". We need hundreds of mm of rain before things can be said to have improved.... That all said.. we are still here and our plants and trees are in good nick and ready for your garden :) We will be OPEN this weekend 4/5th January and look forward to seeing some visitors and travelers dropping by. We are 16km from Canungra, in the Gold Coast Hinterland, on Lamington National Park Rd - on the way to OReillys.
01.01.2022 We've harvested from our existing Australian Native Finger Limes that have struggled on through the drought. We did not get a lot of fruit, but what is here is fat and juicy. :) Finger Limes(not trees) will be available at Lamington Native Nursery this weekend. Drop in and grab some lime caviar pearls. ... They are a perfect addition to almost anything. Finger Lime(trees) will be available later in the year from the Nursery.
01.01.2022 Hey Plant Lovers, here's an event you won't want to miss! Canungra Valley Tropicals is hosting a garden tour and market stalls this weekend with many different plants available for sale. Sunday Sept 20 from 9am - 12pm. 1 Mahoney Rd, Wonglepong QLD.... Lamington Native Nursery will have a selection of Aussie natives available for sale. We hope you can make it! See link below for more details and let us know if you'll be coming.....
01.01.2022 This is a Love Flower - Pseuderanthemum variabile - We give them away for FREE in most of the trees and plants we sell. They naturally pop-up here in the pots and make a great little accent, and they are yours to take home with every pot that has one
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