Landholders ASCERT | Local business
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25.01.2022 GasHAZ - if you are struggling with a problem related to the unconventional gas industry on your place contact us
25.01.2022 A timely reminder by George Houen that you can participate in an independent audit of the Qld governments performance in regulating the coal seam gas industry. ... This is the link to the web page were you can make a submission to the Qld Audit Office Originally published as a letter to the editor in the September 5 2019 issue of the Chinchilla News.
24.01.2022 Check out the link below for news on our free APP and our new billboard!! #gasHAZ
24.01.2022 " " Arrow has been supplying its domestic requirements for some time via its Daandine Field (it now owns the ERM Power a large electricity generator and selle...r also), the reality is it has had many missteps along the way locally. It will now have to ensure it does not repeat missteps if it wants any kind of local social licence. Its early handling of landholders with subsidence and weed problems was far from satisfactory, and its suggestion originally that the Condamine Alluvium was effectively separated by aquitards from the Walloon Coal Measures ultimately proved laughable. It is one thing to have government approval, but another thing altogether to have a social licence. Energy companies doing their utmost to get a contract signed without property owners getting advice first, should be a thing of the past. Arrow has to ensure that its use of multi-well pads doesnt just operate to avoid it having to compensate neighbours that are then impacted extensively by noise, dust and light (but with arguably no right to compensation). Recent government changes to the law look suspiciously designed to assist with that and if it is used in that manner I am also deeply concerned that the regulator is not capable of enforcing noise limits and has all but given up in imposing adequate protections for landholders. All of a sudden the modelling done in the EIS process is being overtaken by claims the companies are now able to operate seamlessly far closer to houses than ever before. " " See more
24.01.2022 CSG and COVid19 Last week (14/3/20), we sent an email to the major CSG companies, (given their highly mobile, communal, multi-tiered and interactive workforce),... requesting an urgent coordinated response on behalf of our (otherwise relatively isolated rural) clients relating to: 1. what the CSG company protocol will be for the accessing landholders properties and limiting exposure; 2. contingency plans for the infrastructure on or near their properties, given a presumed reduction in physical surveillance. No acknowledgement or response to date. Our recommendations for landholders will be provided soon. #COVid19au
21.01.2022 GOVERNMENT AUDIT QUESTIONS CSG COEXISTENCE AND THE FUTURE OF THE GASFIELDS COMMISSION The Queensland Audit Office in reviewing the government management of the... CSG industry has found that the robust regulation designed to manage coexistence between the industry and the farmers expected to host them lacks transparency, evidence of enforcement is not available and no one is checking on their performance anyway, leaving those dealing with the industry vindicated that the discontent and concerns they have raised over the last decade, 17 government inquiries and innumerable complaints have been validated, however, the vindication sours and turning to grapes of wrath given the impotent response from the departments audited.
20.01.2022 My research into the Work Health and Safety implications for farmers hosting unconventional gas has been published in the UK Policy and Practice in Health and S...afety Journal (IOSH). COME TO THE FREE WORKSHOP to hear all about it! A link to the research is below.
19.01.2022 FARMS vs GAS for MANUFACTURING All of the discussion and media around the Gas-Fired Economic Recovery being pushed via the gas industry through the NCCC which s...tems from the Office of Prime Minister & Cabinet fails to raise the point that that in order to extract more gas the industry needs to impose directly onto MORE host farming communities. In an environment of increasing red & green tape for agriculture the government want to FURTHER reduce red & green tape for the gas industry reduced regulatory protection for landholders. This means increased impacts on farms, removal of the resources farmers need including water, in order to boost the economic growth of another sector. This is not acceptable and not in the public interest. Take action by contacting your local MP to express your objection and raise this point, object to what the NCCC are proposing and sign the plethora of petitions that are raising alarm bells across the country.
17.01.2022 The words we use to describe the primary production profession leaves a big impression with people, our latest View From the Paddock columnist says.
16.01.2022 Doctors for the Environment Australia - please watch our 2 minute video that says volumes! then consider signing the petition and sharing. I get to say THE CHOICE IS CLEAR - TURN OFF THE GAS!
14.01.2022 Pressure is increasing on state governments to lift their bans on gas exploration, so the Morrison government can keep its promise to reduce the nations power bills. But in Queensland, farmers are worried their industry is being pushed out as the energy industry expands.
13.01.2022 Please Join us for a free outdoor event and learn more about the Channel Country and why we need to protect it. This event will be held in West End on Thursday ...Feb 13 a 6:30pm. Please follow the eventbrite link below to register. Featuring a screening of the award-winning documentary film Desert Wetlands Pulse of the Outback and special guest speakers. Please pre register for tickets at Eventbrite
11.01.2022 You are invited to a KCCG Forum: New Ways to Envision a Future for the South Burnett. KCCG has organised a most interesting forum set for Wednesday 16th Octobe...r, 2019. The three invited speakers will be addressing some topics that are of high interest to our local area both now and into the future. Tim Buckley: What is happening in the world and Australian energy markets that may impact on a district like the South Burnett that already has coal, wind and solar energy industries in place? Wendy Farmer: What did the Latrobe Valley community do when it was faced with the need to need to change its coal-fired power station dependent economy? Dr Amanda Cahill: What is currently happening in the Queensland energy sector and in our regional areas with a mixed farming and energy economy? When: 6-30pm, Wednesday 16th October, 2019. Venue: Taabinga Room, DPI, Cooyar Rd Kingaroy Cost: Free RSVP: For venue seating purposes only: KCCG Secretary (Marilyn Stephens): [email protected] See more
11.01.2022 Finally, a professional service focussed on the impacted landholders
11.01.2022 The ever enduring warrior for landowners, George Houen needs only a short letter to make a very poignant point about the CSRIO/ GISERA nothing fracking to see here study. Letter to the Editor, Chinchilla News, April 30, 2020
11.01.2022 CN 31/10/19 #gasHAZ PEOPLE impacted by unconventional gas on their land walking down the main of Chinchilla have had no where to go, but thats all about to cha...nge. Molliwell offers services supporting farmers and community members in the Downs and wider area impacted by unconventional gas as well as traditional Health, Safety & Environment issues. Great support has been shown for these services and this has led to the opening of a new office for Molliwell. Shay Dougall announced the opening of the new office in Chinchillas main shopping precinct, right next to Chinchilla one hour photos. I am excited and delighted to announce the opening of this office in this new location, she said. It strengthens the presence and the need for such services. Many offices in the area are house businesses that service the Gas Industry so finally the farmers and locals have a little corner of the community dedicated to them and their interests in this field. Farmers and the community are the forgotten part of the gas supply chain. They are required to host the industry. What that really means is a lot of the time, research, preparation and ongoing management on the farmers behalf. Wanting the office to be a place were affected farmers and members of community were they feel come in, have a chat and a coffee, get moral support the office is fitted with a kitchen and kids play room. Ms Dougall can also offer some expert and professional backing in dealing with the complexities such as general health, safety & environment consultancy services including Safety Management Systems, Bio-Security Plans, Safe Work Method Statements, Job Safety Analysis, and support to meet Contractor / Supplier qualification systems of being required to host the unconventional gas industry if necessary. However the unique and most exciting development is the companies GasHAZ services. These include supporting our recently launched FREE GasHAZ APP, a see, snap and send app for support on gas industry issues for host farmers and community members. They can also assist with baseline testing (soil, water, air), professional auditing and reporting services, where they identify WHS impacts of the gas industry on host farmer workplaces. We can liaise with your advisory team to ensure these issues are addressed and support you in CSG Access & Dispute Negotiations and the day-to-day management of the industry activities on your property, Ms Dougall said. We support all of this by providing and maintaining a private, password protected web page for your data and records. To celebrate the opening of this new, strategically important office, Molliwell is holding an Open House event on Friday 1 November from 4.30pm 7.30pm. There will be drinks including beer and wine being served, delicious finger food, great conversations and all the information you need to know about her services. Come on down, you wont be able to miss us! It will be our pleasure to meet new and existing customers along with suppliers, partners, colleagues and friends to celebrate the services we are making available to the Downs and wider community, Shay said. Full details of the event are available here.
10.01.2022 WHEN CSG workers first arrived at Brian Benders Chinchilla property, he was told there would be little - if any - impact on his groundwater. Fast forward to 20...19 and Mr Benders water bores are just a few of hundreds that have been depleted by the resource industry. In recent years, Mr Bender has had six of his water bores decommissioned, the last in August 2018. Three were long-term impacted by draw-down, while the other three were affected by free gas which made them unsafe to use. "The process of getting decommissioned is improving, but they do affect bores," Mr Bender told the Chinchilla News. "People need to wake up to themselves that this industry is taking a lot of water. Its just unsustainable." Up to 101 bores in the Chinchilla, Roma and Miles are expected to be affected by CSG activity within the next three years, according to the latest draft Underground Water Impact Report from the Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment. All will be subject to make-good agreements, where gas companies are obligated to make up for the damage done. The report outlines in the long-term, an estimated 574 bores will be affected by CSG companies. As part of the draft UWIR, OGIA hosted a series of community information sessions throughout the Surat Basin. Contamination, 200 year turnarounds, and the ongoing legacy of Linc Energy were discussed at the Chinchilla meeting. Good information - but still not enough THE last impact report was completed in 2016. For OGIA general manager Sanjeev Pandey, the key message is the office has been able to revise predictions on the cumulative impacts of CSG industry. "New data and information helps us to understand impacts," Mr Pandey said. According to the report, the Hutton Sandstone and Condamine Alluvium aquifers are now predicted to experience less impacts than in the 2016 models, while the Walloon Coal Measures and Springbok Sandstone will experience even more. Chinchilla resident and consultant Shay Dougall said the data has never been more complete. That said, the data was in Mrs Dougalls words "disturbing". 200 years to return to pre-CSG levels FOR Dulacca landholder and Basin Sustainability Alliance chairman Lee McNicholl one of the biggest issues is unsustainability. He said the OGIA model predicts it will be at least 200 years before water standing levels returns to what they were before the onset of the gas industry. "The bottom line is we are taking more than what is being recharged. It will take at least 200 years to correct this," Mr McNicholl said. "I sound like a cracked record but its high time we start taking water management a lot more seriously." Contamination concerns ONE question that got no clear response surrounded the impacts of contamination of the Linc Energy site. Ms Dougall said she was told she would need to complete a Right to Information Request to access any information about the potential movement of contamination from the Linc Energy site through draw-down on affected bores. Its also Mr Benders biggest concern - especially after the Department of Environment and Science allowed for monitoring bores close to the site. "Theres a water bore in the middle of the Linc site thats been predicted to drop long term by 160m," Mr Bender said. "Its next-door neighbour has a long-term drop of about 140m, and on the western boundary the neighbour to Linc is 120m. "So theres three bores within not very far of the Linc Energy site that are predicted by OGIA to drop by more than 120m over the long term." "Water moving away from that site is potentially dangerous with contamination risks. "You dont want that water moving any faster than it does naturally." Should coal mining take be included? IN ALL past UWIRs there is one industry thats crucially been left out - coal mining. However, Mr McNicholl said that could change, with the DES now gauging support for including the water take of coal mines in future reports. "Its insanity that it hasnt been, because the coal industry targets the Walloon Coal Measures," Mr Nicholl said. "They are another major taker on an unlimited basis." He said the BSA "enthusiastically supported" the proposition to include the coal industry take in future reports. Consultation still open PUBLIC submissions for the draft 2019 UWIR are still open but are set to close on July 8.|0bcc7232a294f0b11f1ab3bcf33f88b0
07.01.2022 THE QUEENSLAND Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 (RPI Act) has loopholes they are driving drilling rigs through and there are major lessons for Lake Eyre and others that should be learned from the experiences on the Darling Downs. See more
06.01.2022 Our dive into the latest fracking headlines.. (published by nwpa, thank you)
05.01.2022 Pink Cockatoos in the Channel Country. A beauty of the outback. The Pink Cockatoo is known by a variety of names, most commonly as Major Mitchells Cockatoo. ...English explorer and surveyor Major Mitchell wrote in his journal in 1836: Few birds more enliven the monotonous hues of the Australian forest than this beautiful species. Photo credit: Geoff Spanner See more
01.01.2022 Landholders should get support before allowing Csg companies to do baseline bore testing on their place - appalling standard and no regulatory oversight and no one is checking
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