Language of Angels in Greenvale, Victoria, Australia | Medical and health
Language of Angels
Locality: Greenvale, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 432 193 181
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23.01.2022 If I could go back in time I’d love to give this little girl the biggest hug and tell her that we grow up to have the most blessed life. She is perfect the way she is and not to change for anyone. It’s taken me a long time to see my worth and to heal this little girl from her wounds. #languageofangels #archangels #blessed #blessedbeyondmeasure #me #melbourne #heal #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikilove #reikimasterteacher #reikiusui #reikilife #healyourheart #healyoursoul #balanceyourchakras #youvegotthis #onedayatatime #putyourselffirst #whatelseispossible #howdoesitgetanybetterthanthis #reikimelbourne
19.01.2022 Learn to let them go. Stop overthinking. #letitgo #heal #overthinking #burden #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikimasterteacher #reikilove #reikiusui #acceptance #guidance #silverlining #archangels #lookforthegood #signs #messages #quietyourmind #melbourne
17.01.2022 Today officially marks the last day of remote learning. 8 weeks of home learning and 11 weeks isolated. Over these last 8 weeks I’ve become as smart as a prep, 3rd grader and 5th grader. We’ve completed many assignments. We have had lots of tears and lots of laughs. One thing I’ll take away from this is I’m so grateful for the time I’ve had with all 3 kids. I got to fall in love with them all over again. To see what they’re like. What their strengths and weaknesses are and kind of people they’re shaping to be...I couldn’t be more proud. As their mum I worry about them going back to school, I selfishly don’t want them to go back. I will treasure these moments forever. COVID-19 I thank you for bringing my babies home to me. For slowing our busy paced life down and showing me what’s important in my life. @language_of_angels #covid19 #backtoschool2020 #melbournemum #grateful #blessed #languageofangels #godblessmyfamily #keepussafe #archangelmichael #archangelgabriel #archangeluriel #archangeluriel #backtoworkigo #reikilife See more
16.01.2022 Gratitude. How often do we say we are grateful for something? Do you really feel it though? When I practice gratitude I feel the emotion to what I am grateful for and it feels amazing. I love starting my day with giving thanks. #gratitude #givingthanks #ilovemyjob #family #friends #god #blessed #melbourne #married #mamma #love #archangels #guardianangels #reiki #whatelseispossible #howdoesitgetanybetterthanthis #businessowner #homeschooling #covid19 #lockdown #igotthis #health #hapiness #kickinggoals #languageofangels #alignment #lawofattraction
15.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who put their names down for tonight’s group absent healing in Reiki. Some common things that came up were anxiety, overthinking, pregnancy, grief, stress, fear, loss and illness. A general message that came through was for the base chakra. Our foundations are being rocked right now. You can’t build a home on a foundation that is cracked. Can you? What will happen? You’ll start to see cracks inside from all the movement from the base. Thus having to down the home and having to rebuild. This time is a great time to start rebuilding the cracks in our own foundations. Let’s start breaking the labels we have put on ourselves and the labels we have let define us in the past. Time to rebuild our base and our foundations. For the children that were apart of this healing. Our children have been so resilient but we need our little people to know we support them and love them. Did you know that showing our children our support and love is helping them build their own foundations? This time is a good time for going within. Journaling is such a good way to let go. Practising yoga, walking, dancing, gardening, deep breathing, singing, meditating, being creative are just some of the ideas we can adopt to unblock our chakras and lead to a healthier us. We can raise our vibration by practicing gratitude. When you wake up in the morning find 5 things you’re grateful for. I start off my day by saying thank you as soon as my eyes open. Ive been woken up for another day. Over the next few days stay hydrated. Be kind to yourselves. Tomorrow is a brand new day. I’m thankful you were apart of the group healing with me tonight. Sending you all much love Emilia #absenthealing #reikiabsenteehealing #reiki #reikimaster #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikilove #reikimasterteacher #reikiusui #reikimaster #archangels #thankful #gratitude #archangels #basechakra #sacralchakra #solarplexuschakra #heartchakra #throatchakra #thirdeyechakra #crownchakra #balancedchakras #aligned #blessed #crystals #love #yoga #meditation #journaling
14.01.2022 Breathe in and breathe day at a time #languageofangels #countmyblessings #practicekindness #letgo #listen #beproductive #breathe #gratitude #guidance #balanceyourchakras #reikihealing #archangels #love #friends #family #melbourne #reiki #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikimasterteacher #reikilove #reikiusui
14.01.2022 These are my 3 amazing kids. Way too tired to read a book to my little girl and my boys stepped up to the plate. The love they have for each other melts my heart. #ilovebeingtheirmom #happykids #blessed #grateful #covid_19 #lockdown #makingmemories #preciousmoments #proudmamma #alignment #god #melbourne #happy #fullfilled #makingthemostofit #life #languageofangels
14.01.2022 Everyday I am positive, I have my goals in sight, I’m grateful, we are in our routine, kids are doing well with remote learning, everything is going ok. However the afternoon broke me. I cried off and on all afternoon. I miss seeing my family. Zoom calls is not the same as giving them a big hug. I miss my parents that I cannot zoom with. A phone call with them is not cutting it. At the end of the day I am human too. I let the emotions come and go. I did a nice absent healing ...on myself and felt my vibration raise instantly. Tomorrow is a brand new day. #covid19 #lockdown #archangels #absenthealing #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangeluriel #gratitude #selfcare #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikilove #reikimasterteacher #reikiusui #reikimaster #love #onedayatatime #melbourne #howdoesitgetanybetterthanthis #whatelseispossible #lockdownsucks #family #friends See more
13.01.2022 You’ve heard me harp on about how much I believe in Angels. I even based my business name around it. Last night as we watched our 50 thousandth movie for the night my phone pinged with a notification. There was motion at our office. I opened the live view and this is what I found. I was dumbfounded. If this isn’t the biggest message that we’re protected and looked after I don’t know what is. #angels #languageofangels #archangels #archangelmichael #archangelgabriel #archangelraphael #archangeluriel #archangelariel #guidance #protected #lovelife #lovelife #blessed #family #friends #lookedafter
13.01.2022 #challengeaccepted thank you @live_plentiful & @lenielizabeth80 #womensupportingwomen
13.01.2022 Let yourself rest #languageofangels #archangels #guidance #gratitude #bekindtoyourself #onedayatatime #covid19 #checkinwithfriends #checkinwithfamily #family #friends #god #rest #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikimasterteacher #reikilove #wegotthis #faith #love
10.01.2022 OMG!! What a way to end the week. Beautiful souls to connect with and chocolate!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you, what a beautiful surprise gift. #imlucky #thankful #thankfulgratefulblessed #grateful #ilovemyjob #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikimasterteacher #nodiettoday #yummy #beautifulgift
10.01.2022 Kids are back at school, it’s been 3 days. I’ve been able to get back to work slowly. I’m enjoying working without distractions. I’m not liking how quiet the house is. I’m missing the time we had remote learning together. I’m missing the laughs, the morning breaks with dancing, the random hugs and them raiding the pantry all day. I’m missing these 3 monkeys a lot. #kids #missingmykids #covidsucks #lockdown #workingmamma @language_of_angels @fdcbuildingdesigns #schoolsback #meditation #archangels #onedayatatime #hurryhome #melbourne
09.01.2022 Like everyone I have days of uncertainty, days of feeling flat and days where I’m positive and optimistic. Tonight it’s all about connecting with my little girl. #connecting #gratitude #languageofangels #angels #archangels #healing #isolation #gratitude #faith #god #goodfriday #love #plantingseeds #motheranddaughter #onedayatatime #wecandothis #family #friends
09.01.2022 Have you ever met someone and felt like you instantly know them? You connect, you’re comfortable, you just click? I love my job, I get to meet and connect with the most amazing people. Some of those people turn into long life friends. I’m blessed and grateful that on my journey through life I come across beautiful souls to keep walking beside me on my path. #feelingblessed #grateful #blessed #souljourney #reiki #reikihealing #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikimasterteacher #reikilove #reikihealingenergy #reikiusui #pastlives #soulconnection #archangels #languageofangels
08.01.2022 Silence #silence #quiet #meditation #intuition #guidance #spiritualguidance #gratitude #blessed #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikilove #reikimasterteacher #reikimasterteacher #reikiusui #ilovemyjob #melbourne #2020 #archangels
08.01.2022 We always have a choice #languageofangels #understanding #acceptance #compassion #healing #love #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikilove #reikimasterteacher #reikiusui #choices #findyourself #bekind #bethebiggerperson #letitgo #melbourne #choosejoy #chooselove #choosekindness #dontbebitter #healyourself #healyourbody #healyourmind #guidance #gratitude
07.01.2022 So lucky and grateful to receive a thank you gift. I already feel lucky and blessed to call what I do work. To be acknowledged and appreciated is just the icing on the cake. Anyone who knows me knows just how much I love a plant, the most perfect gift. Thank you #grateful #gratefulheart #blessed #happy #ilovemyjob #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikimasterteacher #reikiusui #reikilove #archangels #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangeluriel #spiritguides #chakras #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #howdoesitgetanybetterthanthis #whatelseispossible #languageofangels #souljourney #pathtosuccess #manifestation #gooddeeds @language_of_angels
06.01.2022 Lockdown 2.0, remote learning...again. We’ve made it to day 3. I’ve had many people DM asking how I’m coping. I am coping by taking day by day. Anyone who knows me knows I’m a list lover. I love the satisfaction of crossing things off my list. At the moment I am home schooling, working 2 jobs (we have 2 businesses) and maintaining our household. Sometimes I don’t know if I’m coming or going but I am coping. Daily affirmations and being conscious about my thoughts are critica...l. Meditation and hot baths is my time to reset and recharge. This time round I’m much kinder to myself. I’m taking my time and being present in each moment. I’m grateful yet again my children are home with me learning. An opportunity to create more memories with my babies. Im staying connected to my family and friends. A phone call, a quick message, a zoom party keeps me sane. If anyone is not coping I am a message or a phone call away. I’d be happy to chat with you. #happy #grateful #lockdown2020 #covid19 #conciousness #wellbeing #healthymindhealthybody #remotelearning #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #itsokaynottobeokay #iamhereforyou #reikilove #reikiusui #archangels #protected #blessed #melbournemums #family #friends #wegotthis #onedayatatime #chakrasaligned #lawofattraction #raisevibration #manifestation See more
06.01.2022 I have been quiet during this time. I have been asked many times what I think about the COVID situation and sex trafficking. Do not mistake my quietness as weakness or stupidity. I’ve been made to feel as an outcast or weird because of what I believe and see. Let me tell you this! I will remain quiet with the sleeping. I am ready to shine my light. Together we are united! #together #shineyourlight #healers #covid_19 #lockdown #higherpurpose #awakening #languageofangels #awareness #shinebrightlikeadiamond #archangels #freethechildren #iamready
04.01.2022 When I think about some of the things I have been through I don’t know how I ever made it through. #survivor #human #spiritual #strong #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikimasterteacher #reikilove #reikiusui #reikimaster #yourestrongerthanyouthink #yougotthis #perserverance #onedayatatime
04.01.2022 Archangel Raphael protect and heal us. #archangelraphael #archangels #angel #protection #languageofangels #guidance #god #spiritualguidance #soulguidance #soul #healing #blessed #gratitude
03.01.2022 Healing energy is being sent to you...if you accept it. It’s that time again!! Friday 10th July 7pm I’m going to do a group absent healing. If you would like to be apart of the group absent healing I ask that you please write your name or a name of a loved one you would like healing for on my post and I will add them to my list. These uncertain times can bring stress, anxiety, fear and much more. We have each others back and this is my small gift to you. Please write your nam...e down xx @language_of_angels #guidance #gratitide #healing #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikimasterteacher #reikiusui #letsdothistogether #anxiety #stress #fear #natural-healing #peace #calm #positivity #spirituality #balancedchakras #chakrahealing #crownchakra #thirdeyechakra #throatchakra #heartchakra #solarplexuschakra #sacralchakra #basechakra #lockdown2020 #lockdown2020 See more
03.01.2022 Take one day at a time, be gentle with yourself we can get through this together. #stayhome #bethankful #doyourbest #blessed #inthistogether #languageofangels #gratitude #thankful #friends #family #archangels #onedayatatime #healing #reiki #reikimaster #reikimasterteacher
03.01.2022 Walking our kids to school this morning my 9 year old says look mum someone died and is going to heaven. #beautifulsky #heaven #heavenisforreal #blessed #melbourne #angels #archangels #protection #gratitude #peace #love #innocence
02.01.2022 Taking risks can be really scary. No-one knows that better than me. I used to be scared of everything. Scared of change, scared of taking risks. My husband is the risk taker. He’s the yin to my yang. So you can imagine my reaction when he came home one Friday night telling me that on Monday he was going to resign and we were going to open up our own business. With a one year old child and not much money behind us I FREAKED out! Monday came and at dinner he had the biggest smi...le I’d ever seen. That smile has been plastered on his face for the last 10 years even on hard days. Some risks are worth getting scared for. Leap and grow your wings on the way down Les Brown. @fdcbuildingdesigns #taketherisk #leapoffaith #worthit #doit #melbourne #risks #stayfocused #followyourdreams #youvegotthis #proudwife #goals #believe #blessed #almostourbirthday #10yrs #languageofangels See more
02.01.2022 R U Ok? It’s so important right now to stay connected to one another. We are all going through tough times. If you know your friend or family member is struggling right now, I know it can be so difficult to start up a conversation but a simple check in to see how someone is feeling can be so pivotal for that person not to feel alone. I am always open to listen to anyone today and always if you’re not ok. I can lend you my virtual shoulder right now until I can give you my real shoulder to cry on. It’s ok not to be ok. #itsoknottobeok #ruok #ruokday #shouldertocryon #languageofangels #covid19 #lockdown #lockdown2020 #anxietysucks #depression #yougotme
01.01.2022 Another work week done and dusted. I feel so blessed to be able to connect with such amazing souls. I have never been afraid to dream big. I know what I want and where I’m heading. The hardest part of dreaming was believing I was deserving of it all. Dreams, I’m coming for ya. #dreams #goals #workhard #makeithappen #blessed #gratitude #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikimasterteacher #reikiteacher #archangels #guidance #tribe #dreambig #dreambigworkhard #lovelife #workingmum
01.01.2022 Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would get to do what I do and absolutely love it. Another week and more beautiful souls I have been able to connect with, for this I’m truly grateful. I cannot wait to open up again and welcome back my clients but I am really enjoying my absent healings right now. Have a wonderful weekend @language_of_angels #grateful #healing #healingjourney #archangels #lovedones #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #reikimaster #reikienergy #reikihealer #reikiusui #reikilove #reikiteacher #reikilife #ilovemyjob #lovewhatido #gratefulheart #happy #chakras #chakrahealing #alignment #basechakra #sacralchakra #solarplexuschakra #heartchakra #throatchakra #thirdeyechakra #crownchakra
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