Languages Roadshow | Businesses
Languages Roadshow
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25.01.2022 Amen, Gabbie!!! Affirming article for teachers but an important read for parents. Teachers and parents need to be partners in a child’s education. Meet Gabbie Stroud in person at Languages Roadshow Brisbane on 13 March
23.01.2022 Today I had the pleasure of working at in Yamba with Sam from @co_author to shoot the footage for the online CLIL course I’ll be launching for Languages teachers in term 4. I learnt A LOT today about the difference between presenting to a big audience and instead talking to a camera. Sam was so much help and it was great to finally see the ideas I’ve had in my head for a long time start to come to life! More details about the course coming soon! As you might be able to spot from the pics I have a pretty non-negotiable deadline coming up...
22.01.2022 Tip # 4 I felt I had a lot of creative freedom as a Languages teacher, not because I was specifically bestowed that freedom by my school leadership, but because most of the time the attitude was ‘Languages look after themselves’ The underlying message there is ‘you are a weird and difficult subject and I don’t know what to do with you’.... Am I the only one? Or is this a common experience?? I’m guessing the latter. It’s very easy and surface level to say ‘work with other subjects to create cross curricular links’ but the reality of making that happen is quite challenging. There ARE ways though and I cover this in the online course, Integrate to Maximise with CLIL. In the course there are plenty of examples for primary and high school teachers. Have YOU had any experiences, good or bad, of working with other subject areas? Tell us about them below My tip is to start small. Find out what topics the kids are studying in any of their other subjects and attempt a lesson or two in the TL, covering just one small aspect of that topic. If it goes well, try some more and share your experiences with your colleagues. Happy to answer any questions you might have about this! Comment below to go in the draw to win a free registration to an event or our online course. Also, let me know if you’d like to go on our expression of interest list for the next intake of the online course. Plenty of info on the website
20.01.2022 Tip #3 Let content, not grammar, be your guide By content, I mean topics, themes, questions - anything students are learning in addition to the actual nuts and bolts of language. Being guided by content doesn’t mean to say grammar is less important. I’m also conscious that in senior years we have a lot of grammar we need to get through and that needs to be planned for carefully. ... However, perhaps there are opportunities to arrange your teaching around meaningful content first and foremost and THEN select language that is suitable to that context. I read an excellent article a few months ago from EduCluster Finland called ‘The Bilingual Advantage’ and it says: Learning words, rules and grammar in a language lesson... often fails to work because what is being learned is detached from meaningful content. (p.5) How much is your planning guided by grammar, or content? What sort of content could you integrate into your teaching that is meaningful to your students? Any thoughts on the article? Comment to go in the draw to win free registration to one of our events or online courses
20.01.2022 Great initiative by Scott Cardwell at ImmerseMe - excellent speaking practice and a way to keep the kids motivated. Free for Australian and NZ students.
17.01.2022 I don’t even know these teachers but this gave me such a laugh, so I can’t even begin to imagine how much the kids at Laidley must have reacted
17.01.2022 Back in 2018 I was fortunate enough to be a co-author of iiTomo Senior with Pearson Publishing. I learnt A LOT about the complexity and intensiveness of putting together a professional educational text and it was exciting to get to work with such a talented team of co-authors. The iiTomo series is the only up-to-date Japanese series to offer a complete 7-12 learning progression, aligned to state syllabuses and the Australian Curriculum. Earlier this year, the ebook resources of iiTomo underwent a review so corrections could be made to audio and online files. A time consuming but important task so teachers and students can have access to the highest quality resources. Check out to see if the series might be suitable for your school.
17.01.2022 Reminiscing back to our Brisbane event in March, which we were soooo lucky to be able to hold just before covid restrictions tightened up. We had a special keynote from the extraordinary Gabbie Stroud which I know struck a strong and emotional chord with many of you who were in the room that day. We also had presentations from ImmerseMe and workshops on CLIL and overseas school trips (The school trip session seems like a weird topic now, but back in March many teachers were s...till hoping 2020 trips might go ahead.) We'll be releasing our 2021 program of events VERY soon and we are so excited to be visiting 9 locations next year! In the meantime, check out these photos to get an idea of the atmosphere of a Languages Roadshow event. Our conferences are not your standard PD day! If you were there at Factory 51 in March, see if you can spot yourself in any of the pics and tag any friends who you find along the way!!
16.01.2022 For obvious reasons, I have decided to cancel all upcoming Languages Roadshow events. Ticket holders were notified late last week and I am in the process of sorting out refunds. I had been optimistic early last week but in hindsight I can see my hopes were perhaps a bit unrealistic. But that is OK. A lot of decisions are difficult for a lot of people right now. I'm going to start channeling my energies into creating some online content and investigating how Languages Roadsho...w can offer virtual PD in the coming months. I'd love to hear what you need most right now. Send me an email or leave a comment below - what sort of content would be most helpful for you and / or your students in this COVID19 period? I hope you are all doing as well as can be expected right now. ("Let's do our best / let's keep going / general motivational comment in Japanese)
14.01.2022 Our Japanese yoga resource package is now ready to go! For free access, sign up here:
14.01.2022 Online course launching 12 October!! If you are interested in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) or looking for some Languages specific PD to round out your year, then think about joining this course as a founding member. Integrate to Maximise with CLIL is more than a course, it’s a community and I can’t wait to welcome you! Video below and more info on our NEWwebsite
13.01.2022 Tip # 6 SHOW, DON’T TELL We often spend a lot of time as Languages teachers having to justify our existence. We spend a lot of time promoting our subjects, including TELLING our students why Languages are valuable. These are important conversations but in my opinion; not always the most powerful motivators for our students. I think we need to spend more time SHOWING our students the value of Languages through allowing our students to use the language in class, not just learn... it. The ideas I’ve seen flowing through on these posts this week have been AMAZING examples of showing students the value of Languages through creative, purposeful, language-rich tasks. As a final discussion point for this series - what do you think motivates Languages students most? What have you found most effective in developing students interest in Languages? What misconceptions exist around what motivates students to continue their Languages study. Comment below to go in the draw to win a free registration to a Languages Roadshow event or online course! 2021 program should be landing in your inbox this arvo so keep a look out! Competition closes midnight 26th January
13.01.2022 Until I moved to NSW in 2017, I wasn’t aware that it was not compulsory for primary school students to study Languages (and in fact, I know from calling every primary school in the Clarence Valley that VERY FEW primary schools in my local area offer Languages). From 2022, thanks to a NSW Curriculum Review undertaken by Geoff Masters, this will change in NSW. The review does however raise the issue of staffing this reform and the report states that they will need to investiga...te how technology can be used to support the learning of languages in primary classrooms throughout the state (p. 104). It’s certainly better than nothing for NSW primary school kids, but I remain sceptical about the use of technology alone without a skilled and passionate Languages professional standing in front of the class. It’s so often our stories of travel and culture, our encouragement and the laughs we all have together with the kids that make the Languages classroom a magical place. There are amazing technologies available to assist Languages teaching and learning but I just hope that screens and headphones for 40 mins a week isn’t the first port of call for NSW in implementing these reforms. What are your thoughts? #nswcurriculumreview
13.01.2022 Hi teachers! In the next week or so I’ll be releasing a series of FREE yoga and meditation videos with worksheets for students of Japanese Check out the video for more info
13.01.2022 Tip # 5 On Friday I posted about letting content lead the way, but that obviously doesn’t detract from the importance of grammar (we wouldn’t have jobs if it wasn’t important ) A few years ago I experimented with teaching grammar in the target language, rather than explaining new functions in English. It took a bit of setting up in terms teaching the metalanguage, but with some colour coding and a lot of repetition I found the process very effective. Students were hyper-foc...ussed as their brains worked hard to process the TL input and the new grammar. It might sound counterintuitive, but I found this enhanced their understanding of the new language. This was especially the case when the grammar was used immediately to do something content related. Challenge: choose one of your classes to try this with! Comment below with any questions or ideas to go in the draw to win! This is the second last post in our competition series. Feel free to go back through our other posts and join the discussions
11.01.2022 Fascinating ‘How I Built This’ podcast episode with Duolingo founder Luis Von Ahn, who is also the founder of reCaptcha (you know the ‘type this word / tick all boxes with traffic lights’ software). Amazing story of how he went from obsessive Maths professor to becoming obsessive about wanting to bring more equality to the world through languages education. I’m not a Duolingo user but am keen to try it out now!! Does anyone else use it? Also, if you listen to the podcast episode let me know what you think!
10.01.2022 A post from a local occupational therapist who shares lots of great stuff. It’s gotten me thinking about multi-sensory learning and how it could work in Languages classrooms.
10.01.2022 Tip #2 As Languages teachers we cover culture explicitly and implicitly in every lesson. Sometimes we run ‘special’ lessons explicitly teaching a particular cultural topic, like a celebration or festival, school life in the TL country, food, housing, or if you are a Japanese teacher, maybe even a lesson on the wonders of Japanese toilets Like yesterday’s post, these topics could be another opportunity to test out a lesson where you only use the target language. Maybe when... learning about Carnevale students could make masks with the instruction entirely in Italian. Maybe instead of simply hearing / reading information about the history of Bastille Day students could arrange images of the historical events on a timeline. Maybe instead of being told about customs associated with New Years in Japan, students could be taught how to pray at a temple or shrine, or have a karaoke competition Kohaku style. What cultural topics or events do you cover with your students throughout the year? Are you mainly using English or TL to teach that content? What could you get the students to DO in the TL to help them understand those aspects of the TL culture? Comment below for your chance to win a free registration to a Languages Roadshow conference or online course. Make sure to comment on at least two posts this week and feel free to tag any Languages teaching friends!
10.01.2022 First online course coming soon!!
10.01.2022 For Queensland teachers who may not follow Languages NSW
09.01.2022 The Languages Roadshow family is growing!! David and I are expecting our second baby in November I needed headshots done for my new website but it turned into a mini maternity shoot too. These were taken a couple of months ago now so the bump is waaaay more ‘out there’ now. We don’t know yet if we’re having a boy or a girl, but we are excited either way for our little fella Darcy to have a sibling. I had just found out at the Brisbane event that I was pregnant Face to face events be re-starting for us in the second half of next year but there are a number of online developments happening between now and then. And if you want to nominate yourself as a babysitter for when events do start up again, please apply below!!
09.01.2022 Should have been me giving them a Christmas present but instead my beautiful team members @laurynhawkins and @rubyydavidson surprised me with a basket of goodies and Languages Roadshow merch they had made up!! So lucky to have these girls on board to help with events in 2020. Knew when I met them as Year 9s they were pretty special
08.01.2022 What do you remember most about starting high school? I went from a tiny state primary school with only 3 other Year 7s to a high school cohort of around 120 kids. I was SO excited to have more than 3 other kids to hang out with but I also remember getting lost all the time on such a huge campus. I experienced that many times over as a new teacher at schools too To help alleviate some of the anxiety our Year 7s face with working out their timetable and where all their ...classes are, I’ve created a CLIL style lesson that focusses on helping kids become more familiar with their surroundings at school, their timetable and their teachers. It’s a great chance to get the kids out of their seats and to show them that in Languages we USE language, not just learn it. You can download a pdf of the lesson here It’s in English, so will need to be changed to your target language. A good starting point though I hope Comment below what sort of ideas you have for your first lessons back
07.01.2022 Amazing opportunity for regional / rural high school girls
06.01.2022 It’s been a year since our first event in Brisbane! I could barely sleep the night before this. Thank you to everyone who has supported Languages Roadshow so far. I really did start thinking I’d just put on one event and to test the waters and then very, very slowly try and expand. I remember telling myself that even if 5 people came along I’d still run the event and make it an amazing day for those 5 people. Just a little maternity leave side project, nothing too serious ... That modest idea pretty quickly grew into an all-consuming operation and that momentum has been so exciting. When I walked out of my Japanese classroom in 2017 to go on maternity leave this was not on my radar. I miss lots of about teaching but getting to help other teachers fills that gap
02.01.2022 LANGUAGES PD WORKSHOPS DELIVERED ON SITE AT YOUR SCHOOL IN TERM 3 Integrate to Maximise with Content and Language Integrated Learning Are you interested in exploring how bilingual pedagogy could be used at your school? ... Are you located in Northern NSW or South East Queensland? Are you sick of online courses and keen for some face to face PD?? For Term 3 only, Languages Roadshow is offering full and half day workshops at discounted prices, fully customised to your school’s needs. Full day $550+GST Half day $400+GST That’s $550 for the full day session, not per person. These prices are a once off offer! Schools with small Languages departments can team up to take advantage of this offer What’s included? Consultation before the workshop to ascertain your needs and interests Full or half day workshop Resource package for all participants Consultation after the workshop to check on your progress and answer any further questions Message us or email [email protected] to register your interest and find out more info. Queensland dates are already booking up so get in quick to avoid disappointment!
02.01.2022 Languages Roadshow is heading to Sydney in June! Our 1 day professional development course "Engaging Gen Z through Languages" is NESA accredited. Tickets go on sale in late Feb but the flyer and program are available at We are running the same program in 3 different locations to try and reach as many teachers as possible: Parramatta on June 22... Sydney CBD on June 23 Lane Cove on June 24 Get in touch to register your interest.
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