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The Lara Care Group
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24.01.2022 Unfortunately, the planning process being pursued by the CFA for the new fire station opposite Serendip Sanctuary is still going ahead despite CFA failing to provide required documentation in time prior to its last bid. It has re-submitted and we will continue to face the threat of impacts on Serendip. This recently released video on Serendip highlights just what an invaluable asset we have...and why we are desperate to protect it!
24.01.2022 Since we launched this fundraiser, we have been overwhelmed by the support we have received from the community. Thank you to every single business or individual... who has donated to our cause, we are now 60% of the way to achieving our goal and making the Lara community safer! As you may know, The volunteer members of the Lara Fire Brigade are currently fundraising to purchase an Ultra-Light Tanker which will help us protect the Lara community more effectively. Being manoeuvrable and able to access areas that are inaccessible to the larger tankers, this tanker has an estimated cost of $148,500 and will be particularly valuable to the Lara area. We still have $55,000 to go, and your donation can make this possible. To contribute to these efforts, use the donation details below. Plus, donations over $2 are tax-deductible. Donations can be made to: LFB Ultra-Light Tanker Fund Raising Account. Lara District Community Bank BSB: 633 000 Account: 172 643 595 Thank you for helping us protect Lara lives and property.
21.01.2022 One of the major changes proposed in the master plan is the consolidation of the Parks Victoria staff facilities. The plan proposes to place all staff at Serendip and remove them from the You Yangs Park. Concerns that have been raised about this plan include 1-that the You Yangs is the larger park and, therefore requires a greater Parks Victoria staff presence to deal with visitors and ongoing maintenance, safety and other issues. Moving the staff to Serendip will negatively impact these important contributions that Parks Victoria staff have within the park precinct. 2-moving all the maintenance sheds and other facilities, including storage of vehicles, to Serendip Sanctuary. This means the staff will be less able to respond to events in the You Yangs when necessary and in a timely manner. This is especially of concern when related to fire prevention and visitor safety. 3-Placing all this infrastructure at Serendip Sanctuary, again reduces the space available for wildlife. The proposal is to place it in the centre of the Sanctuary, requiring removal of wildlife enclosures, contrary to the current wildlife conservation efforts of the sanctuary. The map below shows the proposal and also clearly states the intention to decommision the captive breeding capability as well as most, if not all of the other wildlife enclosures. This increased noise, movement, personnel presence and other disturbances will lead to wildlife leaving the area. Please make you voice heard by signing the petition at and making a submission to the master plan at [email protected]. #saveserendip #serendip #SaveOurSanctuary #SOS
20.01.2022 PROTECT SERENDIP LAST WEEK FOR PARKS VIC SURVEY & SUBMISSIONS The opportunity to comment on the proposed Parks VIC Master Plan for the You Yangs and Serendip will close at the end of next week. This will be the last chance to comment on draft proposals which will affect the future of Serendip. Our views are:... Retain and develop the existing paths, hides, tunnels, aviaries and captive breeding program which are the essence of Serendip’s visitor experience NO camping (at both sites) NO shared pathway THROUGH sanctuary and to west of lake which will threaten free range wildlife Ensure water supply for ponds and lakes at Serendip by maintaining pumps Build improved facilities for staff and visitors Improve interpretive signage and develop links to Aboriginal heritage including ‘bush medicine/bush tucker’ garden Develop improved education facility for students (with focus on woodland, grassland and wetland not just latter) and new information centre Visit You can give feedback by completing the survey at the bottom of the page or by emailing a submission to [email protected] . This is very important for the Lara, Little River and Anakie regions and anyone with an interest in our key environmental assets. The outcome of this consultation process will determine the future for Serendip and the You Yangs.
19.01.2022 SERENDIP’S SCHOOL PROGRAM ANOTHER POTENTIAL CASUALTY OF PARKS VIC DRAFT MASTER PLAN The Plan suggests that the current program is suffering from ‘infrequent use for educational purposes’ and ‘other competing educational facilities are drawing schools away from Serendip’. This is incorrect. Serendip’s school programs last year delivered to some 5000 Prep to Year 12 students. In addition, it delivered Junior Ranger programs for 5 to 12 year olds during school holidays. It is... also noted that 57% of students came from low socio economic backgrounds and special needs schools. These programs focused on wetlands, grassy woodlands and their native birds and animals. The sanctuary’s attraction and value is it's ability to deliver a high quality practical program enabling students to experience close relationships with its native wildlife these are real - not computer-based virtual reality and cardboard replicas. It enables young people to observe, understand and develop respect for our native wildlife and environment and teaches the best way to protect them. Education at Serendip does achieve this and has done for many years. These values need to be recognised and supported with greater investment, not less, into what is a unique asset.
17.01.2022 SERENDIP’S FUTURE AS A WILDLIFE ATTRACTION AT RISK A first reading of the Parks Vic You Yangs Region Master Plan raises major concerns about the future of Serendip Sanctuary. The core attraction at Serendip is that it offers unique opportunities to view captive and free range animals. As the report mentions, there are more than 150 bird species and 4 walking tracks which ‘meander past bird hides and animal enclosures enabling visitors close encounters with native wildlife.’ H...owever, it then recommends the demolition and removal of enclosures and other infrastructure which enable visitors to appreciate this wildlife experience, together with the termination of the captive breeding program and holding areas, tunnels, walkways, exhibits, aviary, existing hides and fencing. The co-existence of free range wildlife with facilities to manage close encounters with birds and animals is about management and investment. The captive breeding program is not about locking wildlife up but is about protecting and rehabilitating them. This is why we have free ranging Cape Barren Geese now wandering around Lara. The wetland centre can be set up anywhere what we need is to highlight that Serendip offers a diversity of habitat woodland, wetland and grassland and any interpretative, information or education facility needs to reflect each of these. The wetland centre without wetland (aka no permanent water supply) seems to be lost on the planners! The poor quality experiences referred to in the Appendix E on p128 is directly due to an ongoing lack of investment by PV in the infrastructure referred to above. If PV persist with this approach they will destroy the very essence of Serendip’s wildlife habitat and viewing role - and the reason why people visit there. It is also noted that 71% of respondents to Parks Vic’s survey, and who informed its recommendations have never visited Serendip! See more
17.01.2022 Parks Vic Master Plan Serendip Notice! We are advised that the on-line public information session for the Parks Vic You Yangs Precinct (Including Serendip Sanctuary) is booked out. Only a waitlist is now available. However we have been advised tonight by PV that there will be another Zoom meeting shortly.... It's important that residents have a say by filling out the survey. Follow the link: The submission deadline is 4 October. TLC is strongly opposed to proposals to remove infrastructure relating to wildlife viewing, protection and breeding which will turn the sanctuary into an urban ‘fun’ park.
17.01.2022 Last Tuesday night’s Parks Vic on-line information session was booked out and another session is now arranged. Please note that you will be required to register for the session and receive the session link. Tuesday 22 September 2020 05:30 PM 07:00 PM At this session people will hear from the project team and be able to ask questions. We will be adding further dates shortly.... Parks Victoria has extended the consultation process until Sunday I November. Register your interest for this second online session through Eventbrite We encourage everyone (and any family or friends) to visit You can register by clicking on the key dates link on the right. (To review previous consultation results go to the document library to the right of the Engage Vic page). You can give feedback by completing the survey at the bottom of the page or by emailing a submission to [email protected] . For more detailed responses we recommend emailing with any attachments. This is very important for the Lara, Little River and Anakie regions and anyone with an interest in our key environmental assets. The outcome of this consultation process will determine the future for Serendip and the You Yangs.
14.01.2022 ‘’Proves there really is gold at the You Yangs!’
14.01.2022 REMINDER - THIS INFORMATION SESSION IS TONIGHT 28TH. A new 300,000t per annum household waste to electricity conversion plant is proposed for Lara. An on-line community information session is to take place next Tuesday July 28 at 7.30pm and can be accessed at A couple of initial questions: (1) will there be emissions (airborne and noise) from the conversion plant? and (2) will all rubbish be consumed or will there be residual...and if so, how will it be disposed of ?
13.01.2022 A big thank you to Community Bank Lara District for their generous grant for the purchase of the trees.
12.01.2022 SERENDIP COMMUNITY TREE-PLANTING Lara Care Group would like to thank representatives of several community groups for helping with its annual tree planting program at Serendip Sanctuary this weekend.
12.01.2022 A big thank you to Roger Smith from Echidna Walkabout Tours for arranging for TLC members to tour the You Yangs and Serendip Sanctuary last Saturday (adhering strictly to Covid-19 rules). This was a most enjoyable and interesting opportunity for us. It provided informed insights for many of us who have lived in the region and have visited these locations in the past, and highlighted just how much we have missed! Our guide Brett was great and imparted knowledge which was mos...t impressive, and provided information about the wildlife that was outstanding . It was wonderful to see koalas and joeys in their natural habitats and to learn about their ‘lifestyles’ and individual characteristics. This added to the benefit of touring with guides who really understand these features. The opportunity to visit parts of Serendip which the public has little access to, was a bonus in enabling us to get up close to emus and kangaroos in a natural habitat. It was hard to imagine that this is available so close to Lara township and highlights why it is important to fight to protect the sanctuary and its wildlife, and the need to preserve this for future generation. See more
11.01.2022 Waste to Energy project Lara industrial area Following the on-line information session by Prospect Hill on July 28 many questions were raised. Responses have been provided to some click on the Dropbox link below:
11.01.2022 Summer might feel like a long way away right now, but believe us - it comes around quick! The volunteer members of the Lara Fire Brigade are currently fundr...aising to purchase an Ultra-Light Tanker which will help us protect the Lara community more effectively. Being manoeuvrable and able to access areas that are inaccessible to the larger tankers, this tanker has an estimated cost of $148,500 and will be particularly valuable to the Lara area. Your donation can make this possible. To contribute to these efforts, use the donation details below. Plus, donations over $2 are tax-deductible, so get in quick! Donations can be made to: LFB Ultra-Light Tanker Fund Raising Account. Lara District Community Bank BSB: 633 000 Account: 172 643 595 Thank you for helping us protect Lara lives and property.
10.01.2022 While we were planting trees at Serendip last weekend, we were lucky enough to spot and take a photo of a Curlew chick (pictured below) with its parents. This is the fifth chick the pair has reared in the last 3 years. We’re told the pair are the best they have at Serendip. The Bush Stone Curlew is listed as endangered in Victoria, and although more common the more north you go, it is important to maintain genetic diversity in Serendip’s captive collection for any future... releases into Victoria. Bush Stone Curlews live approximately 20-30 years and will form lifetime pairs. They breed once a year and commonly lay 2 eggs. The incubation period for the eggs is approximately 28 days and the chicks will stay with their parents anywhere from 3-10 months. Serendip have an existing relationship with Mt Rothwell Biodiversity and Interpretation Centre and have transferred 5 chicks to them in previous years, which have joined their official breeding program. It is important to provide captive support to other entities, as Serendip have skills and expertise in managing this species. The You-Yangs once had this species present, so it shows, that in a local context, how quickly these species can disappear. We have to keep an active breeding program for all species at the Sanctuary and not let Parks Victoria destroy it.
09.01.2022 SERENDIP SANCTUARY HISTORY OF REDEVELOPMENT The following information provided by Michael Helman, former Serendip Head Ranger for over 20 years, is important in understanding the recent history of its redevelopment and why its present infrastructure must be protected and rebuilt to reflect the original design concept: It is most disappointing that both the consultants GHD Group and Parks Victoria have ignored the most crucial thing that makes Serendip different to all of P...V's other assets and the zoos and wildlife parks in Australia. Serendip Sanctuary was designed in 1989 with extensive input from renowned wildlife experts Graham Pizzey, Don White and Gavin Sereni. They had years of experience and were internationally recognised. The wildlife experts provided advice and assisted with design of all Stage 1 aspects of Serendip's redevelopment. The main objectives were to establish how to: attract and ensure free-range animals would find Serendip's habitats suitable to feed and breed and choose to stay, while ensuring habitats and natural foods were to be available. provide a location for domestic and international visitors, families and students to view and learn about native captive and free-range wildlife without threatening the wildlife and allowing visitors to traverse the walks safely and avoiding disturbing the natural habitats. continue to and enhance the Captive Breeding program for threatened and endangered birds such as the Brolgas and Bustards and the wild populations of Cape Barren and Magpie Geese. The 1st Loop Walk was established primarily to display captive animals, while 3 other walks were established to take visitors to destination points screened by vegetation and then travel back on the same track. It has to be noted that these three walks kept visitors on a single line track allowing them to view free-range animals at specific points. This concept minimised animals feeling pressure of people surrounding them. If an animal felt pressure through visitor noise or movement the animals could move away till they felt safe and not feel the human pressure. This concept ensured the animals felt more comfortable and it encouraged them to stay in Serendip's habitats and not leave the Sanctuary. For GHD and PV to ignore this fundamental concept in the Draft Master Plan that has just been released demonstrates ignorance of wildlife management. PV has shown no leadership or commitment to Serendip through investing in the necessary infrastructure in the site since the above development was established and which is now evident in the poor presentation now on offer to visitors. The extensive passive and active interpretation that was in place throughout the sanctuary that engaged visitors has never been maintained and the majority of it has been removed, never maintained and never replaced.
09.01.2022 We support the present Lara CFA $148,000 community fundraising effort for a new ‘ultra-light’ tanker. As you know, the State Government’s fire-fighting services have been restructured to form Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) involving the merger of the MFB and the CFA career fire fighters. This organisation will effectively take over control of fire fighting in the State. It will ultimately have an impact on our volunteer CFA service in Lara. ... We hope that the new organisation will however, also ‘kick-in’ to provide some funding for the new Lara equipment. The FRV is essentially the same group responsible for ‘integration’ of career and volunteer fire fighters in Lara in 2017, ostensibly to improve the latter’s efficiency. Millions of taxpayer $’s were spent to upgrade the existing Mill Rd station in order to provide accommodation, facilities and salaries for incoming ‘permanent’ career fire fighters at that time. It is now about to spend additional millions of $’s for another new fire station in the wrong place! Public funds will again be used ($5.5 Million construction, purchase of rural residential zoned land cost unknown, and annual salaries and benefits for the 18+ career fire fighters to be accommodated there).
07.01.2022 REMINDER The Council hearing for the Planning Permit Application for the 17 double storey townhouses and 1 single storey townhouse at 45-58 Station Lake Road, Lara will be livestreamed at 5.30 pm today. Click on the link below from 5.15pm:
06.01.2022 DRAFT PARKS VIC MASTER PLAN FOR YOU YANGS AND SERENDIP UPDATE Great work by our Councillors Grzybek and Aitken at last night’s Council meeting to propose a ‘notice of motion’ requesting further council support, particularly for Serendip, and a requirement for more community consultation to improve the plan and protect Serendip’s major role in wildlife conservation and its breeding program.... They highlighted the importance of Serendip to our regional community and to tourism. The motion was strongly endorsed by Councillors, with Cr Sarah Mansfield pointing out that if native birds and animals leave the sanctuary, as a result of some of the changes proposed in the draft plan, they will never return, while Cr Jim Mason stressed the importance of protecting our native wildlife diversity and natural habitat. You Yangs, he mentioned, was now severely run down and at risk and requires much greater financial support from Parks Vic. Our thanks again to Cr Grzybek for taking up this cause for the Lara community and for Cr Aitken’s active support. Hopefully this collaboration will continue after the Council elections in October and we wish them well.
04.01.2022 Lara Group to Host Windermere Ward Webinar The Lara Community Network Group (LCNG) an association of Lara community organisations including service clubs, churches, sporting clubs and schools, will host a webinar for community members to listen to and ask questions of Windermere Ward candidates ahead of the upcoming Council election in October. All candidates will be invited to participate in the webinar which will be held at 7 pm on Tuesday October 6th.... Candidates will be given a fixed amount of time to present their case and then hopefully there will be time for a Q&A at the end. Questions will be able to be submitted to the email address below or during the session using the chat function. Questions will be moderated to combine duplications and give each speaker a fair opportunity to respond. LCNG secretary Ted Reeve will chair the meeting and said that people interested in attending can email [email protected] to register. More details and a link to the webinar will also be posted on The Lara Care Group and Lara Residents Facebook pages.
03.01.2022 PARKS VIC YOU YANGS REGION MASTER PLAN DRAFT We encourage everyone to read the draft plan via the following LINK: This has extremely important implications for the future of Serendip Sanctuary Parks Victoria will also be holding an online community information session on Wednesday 16 September, 5.30 - 7.00pm. PARKS VIC YOU YANGS REGION MASTER PLAN DRAFT We encourage everyone to read the draft plan via the following LINK: This has extremely important implications for the future of Serendip Sanctuary Parks Victoria will also be holding an online community information session on Wednesday 16 September, 5.30 - 7.00pm. Register for this session online via, or by ringing 13 1963 At this session people will have the opportunity to ask questions and hear from the project team. The report is long. However, TLC Group has particular concerns about certain of the detailed proposals for Serendip and will highlight these in further postings.
03.01.2022 Some fantastic photos from last weekend’s TLC members visit to the You Yangs hosted by Echidna Walkabout Tours. We are lucky to have wildlife so close to us in the You Yangs and Serendip Sanctuary which needs to be protected.’
02.01.2022 Local resident and Getaway TV travel host Catriona Rowntree provided the following link for travel and hospitality ideas in our Geelong region (including You Yangs and Surf Coast regions).