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Lara Rawson

Phone: +61 400 218 846


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25.01.2022 Who uses Cryptocurrency as an additional revenue stream? DM me your offer. Im open to invest .Who uses Cryptocurrency as an additional revenue stream? DM me your offer. Im open to invest .

24.01.2022 A close family relative told me the other day that "he was ashamed to tell anyone he knows me because of what I post online" I was gobsmacked. I didn't realise my content was so offensive ! ... I post about positivity, my kids, health & fitness, my personal feelings, mindset, network marketing and social media marketing... Oh there it is. It's the Network Marketing that's offending him. I should be posting about the messed up state of the world, covid, politics, taxes, poverty, floods, famines, fires, murder, robbery.... That would be more acceptable. But to post about helping people grow their Network Marketing business with training and strategy is simply not on. So even after 2 years, the rejection from friends and family over being a Network Marketer continues.... lol !! So I got off the phone and blocked, banned, deleted him and all the people who feed him gossip about me. Easy. I have no problems doing that anymore. This kind of rejection really hurt in the beginning and I'm not going to lie, it hurt again this time.... just not as much as it used to. You see, I finally came to realise that those who really care about me will support me and those that don't, won't. I won't let criticism, ridicule, judgement, fear, worry & doubt into my life. I've been there and it did not serve me or my family well. I'm here to serve others who need help with their Network Marketing businesses. Others that need health & fitness inspiration. I'm here to serve those looking for positivity, growth, peace, joy and abundance. AND those that want to lift others up not pull them down. Have a wonderful day my awesome friends AND don't forget we have an amazing FREE webinar coming up tomorrow night and here’s what we’re covering: *How to create a conscious income online that does good for you, others and the planet *The new earth business vehicle that’s creating huge impact across the planet *How to create a legacy that pays you each month for life *The 3 keys to creating success online (High Impact - High Income Business Model, Social Media Skillset, Automation) DM me for the link to register... its going to be hot hot hot !!

23.01.2022 Trail Run races are back on We did the 12km Trail run through the beautiful Mount Elliot National Park today. The trail included 4 creek crossings which was just MAGIC ... I chose to dive right in and enjoy the crystal clear cool water cool down. I love doing events like this with my man xx Trail Running is so therapeutic. It doesn't get much better than working out in nature with a whole lot of super happy, fun people. Physically, you need to lift your feet with every step making your hip flexors and glutes scream. The rough terrain engages your core the whole time for balance. Your feet and ankles get a massive workout. Making sure you don't trip or slip means you can only think about what you're doing, not anything else, so it's a great mind getaway. A race environment means you push yourself more than you would ever on your own and that in itself is super rewarding In the hours after you feel more relaxed than you can imagine. Walking the next day may be an issue, but its worth it !!

21.01.2022 I can't stop thinking about a post I read yesterday. It was written by a mum of 12 month old twin girls who is facing the dilemma of going back to work. She was asking mums in our group for their advice. This is her post ... ___________________________... "Please weigh in mom friends (in a dilemma making me sick for a week now bc a critical decision needs to be made quick)...situation is I'm a teacher that has always wanted to be a SAHM and after my 7 year battle to have my twin girls at 47 yrs old figured I would because they are only little once and I love watching them bloom right now. I want to be the one to show them new things and teach them rules, manners, my ways, go to places with them, etc. I have 21 yrs in teaching (well established great salary) and need 4 to retire early which will give me more health benefits and better pension if I wait these 4 years and continue working (yes I realize I'm lucky bc many don't get this). Thing is my district has given me a year off already and when I tried to extend for one more year they denied it saying return in sept or resign...what would you do? If I resign I would stay home with them till they go to nursery school and get a part time job after but not at all what I'm making and lose more benefits for my older years ...if I go back to work then I will commute 40 min dropping them at daycare and see them nights weekends...I feel like I'll be missing their little younger years...which do they need me more? Now till 4 or 5 or school years? Thx guys...what would you do?" _____________________________________ The part I CANT get out of my head is the "only seeing them nights and weekends." I honestly believe No mother should only see their babies at nights and weekends. They should be in our arms day & night. So close, we breathe them in with every breath. So close, we are able to plant a thousand kisses a day on their soft little foreheads. So close they can smell us, they know we are there. So, before you say it, I'm not delusional. I know this is how it has to be for many, many mums. This mum has a choice to make here... many mums have NO choice. It breaks my heart for those that don't. Some of my friends will remember the very short time I had David in Day Care. I was a mess. My heart ached for him. It hurt so bad being away from him. They were long days for both of us. I lasted around 6 weeks. I'm am grateful daily that I am home with him. If I can fulfil one mission on this earth, it is to help more mums not have to do this I have the heart I have the faith I have the system and the business vehicles. I am where I want to be. See more


17.01.2022 He’s not going to make it but I will 2 HOURS , 30 MINUTES to GO until Our FREE live webinar The New Way To Doing Business Online... Click on the link below to secure your virtual front row seat now

17.01.2022 Hey my Network Marketing girl friends... Get your lippy on and get yourself to this FREE presentation The NEW ERA in Network Marketing , presented by the lovely Jessica Zalums . I’m SO excited for YOU to see this ... This amazing Free webinar is coming up next Tuesday and I promise you are going to love it. DM me for the link to register. If you love Network Marketing but not getting the results you want ... this is for you. If you are doing well but you want to SMASH it ... this is for you. If you are smashing it already and want to be PAID like you’re smashing it ... this is for you . If you want Less HUSTLE... this is for you. If you want to be paid your WORTH .. this is for you. If any of these resonate with you, you don’t want to miss this. Because here’s what we’re covering: How to create a conscious income online that does good for you, others and the planet The new earth business vehicle that’s creating huge impact across the planet How to create a legacy that pays you each month for life The 3 keys to creating success online (High Impact - High Income Business Model, Social Media Skillset, Automation) DM me for the link to register xx Happy Friday my friend

15.01.2022 100 Days of watching. 100 Days of procrastinating. 100 Days of What if’s... 100 Days of listening to advice from others don’t do it, focus on one thing at a time 100 a days of saying to myself don’t chase shiny objects 100 Days of watching a legend in my high ticket business ALSO become a legend in the Crypto space. 100 Days of watching her win over and over again. 100 Days of scrolling past her feed so I don’t get tempted . In 120 days she has made $72 k and grown a team of 30+. In that 100 days my entry cost went up 10 fold and the investment has tripled in value. So today.... I’m IN. My heartfelt advice to you my friend is .... Don’t be a Lara. Join me TODAY in adding another revenue stream to your life. You don’t need experience. It’s not rocket science And it doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what you’re doing. I won’t be. I’ll keep building my brand. It’s what gives us the ability to diversify That’s the purpose of building your BRAND. Freedom to create the life you want. It means you have options. I actually laugh now when I think about how LONG it took me to jump into this cryptocurrency space. Because ... when I think about it ... I have bought investment properties in a matter of hours. I have invested in shares in a matter of minutes. I’ve bought gold and silver overnight. I have started traditional bricks and mortar businesses over a beer! You see real estate, shares, hard currencies,traditional business were understood .. acceptable.. trusted ... And NOBODY EVER said don’t buys shares, just focus on your real estate !! Or dont buy gold focus on your shares !! It was all about diversifying your portfolio. And it still is. The portfolio options online now are so exciting . Why did it take me so long to invest in crypto currency ??? Well it scared me . Because I didn’t take the time to learn about it . I wasn’t open . I let fear, worry and doubt prevent me from taking an opportunity that was offered to me by a trusted colleague. But Crypto isn’t so cryptic anymore!! This space is hot. It’s not a matter of maybe you should get involved, it’s a matter of when . DM me to get started . I have two options to choose from. The entry is super affordable.

15.01.2022 It was school holiday bliss today for these cherubs. Why ? Mum is happy and hungry after her big run yesterday ... it’s ALL good Seriously , could the day be any nicer ?! We are so blessed to live in this beautiful city . ... Happy holidays mums . Enjoy the good days .. we all know they are NOT everyday ! Lol

15.01.2022 5 GETI EIE TT I GET YO OT OTIE !! Headline #1: The First (number) Hours- How to ( results) eg. The First 24Hours- how to set up our online store for results ... Headline #2: (Number) Techniques to Become (desired outcome) eg. 6 techniques to become a speaker Headline #3: How to Build (something of value) That You Can Be Proud Of Headline #4: (Do something) Like (Famous Persons Name ) eg. Plunge into freezing water every morning like Tony Robbins Headline #5: What to do after (a phase in your life / business) eg What to do after university Happy Friyay my friend !!

15.01.2022 You’re not the only Network Marketer who struggles keeping customers onboard month after month. It’s called attrition and it’s why Network Marketers have to Hustle SO hard - always trying to get new customers as well as make up for those that drop off As a mum of 4 , I had to find a solution to the constant hustle of my Network Marketing business. ... I learnt how to brand myself and attract people to me. I’ve also learned that you can supplement your Network Marketing income with a completely passive income stream. I’m so excited to be able to show other mums (who have enough Hustle managing their families ) another way to earn online So if you love what you do but would LOVE some extra passive income, DM me for more details xx PS: who else is starting school holidays with cartoons and cuddles on the couch ?!

14.01.2022 So we hear all the time that facts tell and stories sell, but how do we tell a story ? Here's a FRAMEWORK that the experts like Tony Robbins and Russell Brunsen use all the time. ... , , & The goal is to get across what you are offering that everyone will understand. This is a simple story. It's short, to the point and the framework can be applied to many times./situations. ? eg. "Hey, it's ( insert your name ) and .... ? eg "I have a really cool program I am launching I want you to apply for, its called ( insert name of your offer) ? eg. "You need to apply because if you have a message you want to share, or an expertise you want to monetise, or you want to make a bigger impact, you need to apply " ? eg "Click the link in my bio, fill out the application and submit your details and i will see if you are a good fit and then i will follow up with you" Call To action . Ask them to send you a message Engage with them on messenger.

11.01.2022 My sons teacher said to me it often seems like he’s having a party in his head and nobody else is invited ! Cool. Lucky kid.... That’s just like mummy, especially at the gym. You see the world around you doesn’t need to affect your thoughts and feelings. You can be happy if that what you choose. You can be miserable too if that’s what you choose. Fill your mind with positivity and block, ban, delete all the rubbish. Listen to , read, think and feel all the good stuff xx When your living your day to day and you find yourself dwelling on negative things, sing a happy song in your head, pray for joy or pray giving thanks for all you have, say some affirmations, recall happy events or memories, focus on your goals and dreams feel as though they are done . Have faith that everything always works out for you Choose peace, joy, calm, control, patience, fun, health, vitaity Have a beautiful day my friend. You are awesome, loved and appreciated .

10.01.2022 ETTIG TE TGE : E EETIO Self reflection is a powerful way to identify what is actually holding you back. Allow your stream of consciousness to flow as you fill in the blanks below... ... What do you feel is holding you back from your major breakthrough ? What are the common fears that continue to linger in your situation ? Who would you be, without the fears crippling you from succeeding ? What feelings arise as you visualise the ideal version of you ? Where else do you think it's showing up in your everyday life ? Why do you think limiting beliefs are holding you back ? Historically, what evidence supports the fact that you can be successful ? What is the real reason why you want to be successful ?

05.01.2022 I just got abused at the supermarket for talking to the checkout lady while she should have been concentrating ! This woman was behind me in the line and grunted at me that she was in a major rush and she didn’t need this ( she believed me talking to the checkout lady was making her go slow I think ) Really ? ... So I’m tired after working late last night and then breastfeeding till dawn. A previously not so calm version of me would have burred up and scratched her eyes out ( not literally , but I would have given her a piece of my mind ) But... I remained calm, told her to take a breath and that every thing would be ok. So...that didn’t go down well. I tell you, If I didn’t have God on my side I’m sure she would have punched me. But I just prayed in my mind... please help this woman deal with whatever she’s going through Because I’ve been there, where she is. Tired, cranky, stressed. ( she probably had way too many coffees this morning too ) We all have crappy days. Who knows what’s she’s going through. So although I was shocked at her behaviour, I responded instead of reacted and I’m glad I did . My day will continue to be magical Happy Friday my friend xx

04.01.2022 THIS WEEK’S MASTERCLASS Get excited my friend, because we have a fresh new face and epic soul joining us in this week's masterclass! Get ready and pumped up to welcome the beautiful Nicole Gibson this week!... Catch her live as she shares how "Love is the Ultimate Strategy in Business." In Nicole's first masterclass: - Learn what it means to create powerful culture in your business - What it means to lead with love (practical steps and challenges for implementation) - How to create shared ownership amongst your community - Integrity in leadership She will be live here or via Zoom It will be on: - 25th February (Thursday) at 11 am AEST - 25th February (Thursday) at 12 pm AEDT - 25th February (Thursday) at 2 pm NZST - 24th February (Wednesday) at 5 pm PDT - 25th February (Thursday) at 1 am GMT - 25th February (Thursday) at 2 am CET See you there, legends! (if you haven't jumped onboard the platform yet, hit me up for the link to join xx)

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