Lara Yoga Life in Lara, Victoria | Medical and health
Lara Yoga Life
Locality: Lara, Victoria
Phone: +61 423 817 778
Address: Bisenella Community Centre 3212 Lara, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Yoga by Candlelight, every Wednesday evening. This month expect a grounded, gentle and mindful practice. All good things come in threes Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30pm Mats and props provided... Gentle flow also on Saturday 9:30am. $15 Casual $12 regular $120 ten class pass (no time limit) $10 concession Free - school aged children (must be able to participate, no screens, toys, distractions) Address; Bisenella Community Centre, 73 Buckingham St, Lara
25.01.2022 Dear Lara Yoga Community, as many of you already know, I had just 3 lessons left to teach for this term, these were the final classes to conclude my teaching practice indefinitely, (due to family commitments). I was so looking forward to our final gathering together and sharing my favourite teachings with you along with a few things that Id not yet taught. As it is though with the risk of Covid - 19 these final classes will be suspended. Whilst some people are concerned (of... Covid or the flu in general) and others are not, Id rather not put anyone in a compromised position feeling that they either have to risk their health, or give up their last few class credits. So please, hold onto your class credits, because Ill be back! Back to teach a few classes before Mim takes over my usual teaching schedule. In the meantime remember your teachings and please keep going with your practice! Practise the postures, the breathing techniques, most importantly the meditations and the Yoga Nidra, and fundamentally practice ahimsa (non harming) Ive always promoted a daily home practice alongside visiting a teacher, for as Sri Dharma Mittra himself says "constant practice alone, lights the divine flame within." Ill post a few things for guidance over the next few wks. Stay safe, be well and Many OMS to you Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu OM shanti, shanti, shantih (May all beings everywhere be happy and free, OM, peace, peace, perfect peace)
23.01.2022 Yoga is back on! Yay! I'll be teaching my final 2 classes this Saturday the 4th July and next Saturday the 11th. 9:30 - 10:30am. For those of you who were unsure if you could make it or not, the space is booked, there is plenty of room for social distancing and there is as always, no need to pre book, just come along and enjoy Doors open 9:15.... Hand sanitizer provided. Mat sanitizer provided. All mats and props provided are cleaned but please bring a towel to cover bolsters and blocks if using. Alternatively I'll have mats and any props you like to use for purchase on Saturday. Cash or bank transfer Looking forward to seeing you all! It's been a while! You've done a great job continuing your home practice and discovering what works for you online, but ahhh yessss I hear you, it's not quite the same. It will be totally amazing to practice together again - as one blissed out group See you soon $12 regulars, you know who you are $15 casual $10 concession Bisenalla community centre, 73 Buckingham St, Lara
23.01.2022 CELEBRATING our first year together! A flower or two for you to take home from this Saturdays class A big THANKYOU to all the wonderful students who have passed through the doors in the last year since opening Lara Yoga Life Whether its been one class taken or only one class missed you have all inspired the continuity of the classes on offer and most importantly, the teachings that I share Teaching is one of the most humbling of practices. Deep gratitude to you all for allowing me to continue to learn, and to teach what I learn. Namaha (" Namaha; a gesture of humility, lessening of ego, of letting go. When we achieve Namaha we may achieve peace")
20.01.2022 Class is cancelled for today. Sorry for the change to routine. See you all on Wednesday and next Saturday at the usual times
20.01.2022 Last class for the year is on tonight! Lets celebrate all of your efforts for this term with a SUPER RELAXING Yin Yoga class Address: Bisenella Community Centre, 72 Buckingham St Lara $15 casual... $12 regular $10 concession See more
19.01.2022 If you know anyone with teenagers interested in Yoga or who might like to attend this event, please forward it onto them/tag them the post. Bookings through Yoga Dojo, a great studio in Drumcondria not far from Lara
19.01.2022 Reminder: Saturday's class is not on tomorrow, the 7th of December. Saturday's class is now finished for term 4. Wednesday's class however, has one week left. Last Wednesday class is on the 11th December, 7:30pm
19.01.2022 If anyone would like to buy the props we use in class at discounted prices please message me. You do not need to be attending class atm to purchase the props. They are on offer to anyone who is wishing to continue their practice whether that be at home or in class. Atm due to COVID -19 restrictions, if you are using props supplied during class they must be covered by a towel and sanitised before and after use. As an example of the discount, large bolsters usually sell for $7...0. The bolsters I have on sale are from Iyoga props. They have an eco friendly filler and an organic cotton exterior. Any specific questions or interest please message or phone me directly. Happy practice
19.01.2022 Reminder: Saturdays class is not on tomorrow, the 7th of December. Saturdays class is now finished for term 4. Wednesdays class however, has one week left. Last Wednesday class is on the 11th December, 7:30pm
19.01.2022 Last class for the year is on tonight! Let's celebrate all of your efforts for this term with a SUPER RELAXING Yin Yoga class Address: Bisenella Community Centre, 72 Buckingham St Lara $15 casual... $12 regular $10 concession See more
19.01.2022 Anyone interested in FREE ONLINE YOGA and PILATES classes join this group, see below! It is run by my teacher and offers a variety of great practices. She started it just over a week ago in response to the restrictions due to COVID-19. Practices thus far include; ... Dharma Gentle Dharma Open Vinyasa Yin Yoga Nidra Pranayama And she is adding more practices to this every day/week, alongside some insightful tips and contemplations. Please share with your own friends, on you FB page if you like. As she said, the more the merrier! If youve not practiced before then this would be a great way (and time) to start. Linda gives lots of tips to help you remain steady and comfortable throughout - for beginners and experienced practioners. Goodluck! Yay!
17.01.2022 There will be no class this Saturday the 18th of May due to voting at Bisenella Community Centre. See you next week Yogis There will be no class this Saturday the 18th of May due to voting at Bisenella Community Centre. See you next week Yogis
17.01.2022 Enjoy the stillness. Yin Yoga tonight, 7:30 - 8:30pm
16.01.2022 Yin Yoga on this Wednesday 7:30pm. Gentle Yoga on this Saturday 9:30am. Once every 5 wks experience a gentle, reflective approach to your practice. ... We spend 4 weeks progressing through a Hatha Flow class on a specific theme (eg. Back extensions/heart opening) committing the sequence and skills learnt to memory. Memory in the muscle tissue, memory in the nervous system, the subtle bodies..... With repetition the magic may be released. This 5th week is a chance to reflect and rejuvenate, to rest. It is like a bridging class, to conclude the previous 4 weeks of efforts before beginning the next 4 weeks. Integrating and bringing balance as we move from one theme to the next. Perhaps you will even begin to formulate intentions and dedications for your next 4 wks of practice as you reflect in these slow moving, deeply mindful classes. Looking forward to seeing you all for this week of rest and relaxation $15 casual $12 regular $10 concession, pensioners, uni/college students $120 ten class pass (no time limit) $Free; school aged children (must be able to participate, without distractions.) Please note Yin Yoga is generally too slow and boring for children. The younger the child, the harder it is to stay engaged. I would not recommend this class to primary school children. Address; Bisenella Community Centre, 73 Buckingham St, Lara.
15.01.2022 Last months theme was SLOW. Alongside, slowing down the physical practice during the windiest Autumn month, (grounding elements) I noticed at home that I started making more chai tea, another slow practice Heres my promised recipe (with a couple of variations) I highly recommend making double mixture when you know youll be drinking it all day/night. The longer it brews the richer the flavours! Below makes 2 mugs Ginger. Thumb size, chopped up fine.... Cinnamon. 1 to 2 sticks Cardomon. 6 pods. Cloves. 6. Star anise. 1.5 or 2. Fennel. A pinch. Black peppercorns. 2 or 3. If want it warming, add the pepper, otherwise you might like to omit it in favour for the fennel. I often have both ingredients. Crush all the ingredients except the ginger and peppercorns in a mortar and pestal. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and add 500ml of boiled water. Let it sit in saucepan until ready to drink brewing the flavours! (or if you cant wait simmer for approx 10mins) When ready to drink heat the mixture, bringing it to a simmer and add 1 mug of your chosen milk (and 2tsp of black tea leaves if you like). When you see steam, its time to take it off the heat and strain into mug(s). Any leftovers can sit in saucepan until youre ready to reheat for your next cuppa Serve with your choice of sweetener. If following Ayervedic principles then maple syrup is cooling and honey is warming. Maple syrup or coconut sugar is best choice for a Vegan diet. Enjoy!
14.01.2022 S.L.O.W. this months theme at Lara Yoga Life. Starting this Saturday 27th April, 9:30am. What happens when your body moves from air to moving through water? Penguins will soar as if they can fly, the water becoming "The Second Sky" but for you, what happens?... Perhaps all sensory perception will change; sound, breath, vision, temperature. Perhaps a sense of weightlessness or sinking... These affects change the relationship of your body in space and thus also your experience ...of self. Inspired by these thoughts and my personal rehabilative work at home we will be slowing down and fine tuning our attention; attention on the breath, details of the body, attention to thoughts/feelings that may arise... What a nice way to welcome in Autumn When slow and steady we can sense the changes and watch the body move by itself Open Class: Saturday 9:30am & Wednesday 7:30pm Yin Yoga: Thursday 7:30pm $15 casual $120 ten class pass (no time limit) $10 students, concession/health care card holders, pensioners. Bisenella Community Centre, 73 Buckingham St, Lara.
13.01.2022 Welcoming Ching to the Lara Yoga Life community! Ching has a passion for the traditional teachings of Sri Dharma Mittra and Sri Krishnamarchrya and will continue to offer you dynamic flowing classes of depth and integrity. You will find her warmth, laugh and love of people uplifting Ching will now be teaching the Wednesday night classes for term 3 starting this Wednesday the 17th of July, 7:30 - 8:30pm. Come along and witness her love of teaching, as I quote her saying; te...aching yoga is my me time yes, you heard it here first! She looooves to teach! Term 3 offers Open classes Wednesday night, 7:30pm and Saturday morning, 9:30am. And Yin Yoga Thursday night, 7:30pm. Hope to see you there, Namaha See more
13.01.2022 Wishing you all a lovely spring holiday! Last class for the term is on tomorrow at 9:30am. Classes resume after the 2 wk break on Wednesday the 9th of October. See you then
13.01.2022 Saturday mornings for the next 3-4 wks are themed: SPRING VITALITY! Structured as a PRANA FLOW class; Physically we will be moving the body in rhythm to the breath as we gently build strength in the back body, stretch out the front body and open the chest. Its good for the spine, the lungs, and as we say in yoga, opens the heart space, (the spiritual heart at the centre of the chest) When our prana, our vital energy is able to flow more freely we may feel invigorated and m...ore at ease, presenting our better self. Warning: you may float out of class with the renound YOGA GLOW ........................................................................ WEDNESDAY evenings Continues for the next 2-3 wks looking structurally at shoulder stability and shoulder openings. Works really nice with the back extension class on Saturdays Saturday 9:30am Wednesday 7:30pm $15 casual $12 Regular $10 Concession $120 Ten class pass (no time limit) $Free school aged children (must be able to participate without distractions) Address: Bisenella Community Centre, 73 Buckingham St Lara
11.01.2022 Dancing Shiva and Sarasvati on a surprise tour in our littlens room, playing dolls. Life of a householder Yogi everything sacred belongs everywhere and with you Children are angels
10.01.2022 Just a bit of last weeks prep for Yin Yoga Looking at the Kidney and Urinary bladder meridians. What will tonight have in store?! See you there! 7:30 - 8:30pm. Bisenella community centre. 73 Buckingham St, Lara
10.01.2022 Hatha Flow Yoga on tonight! Next Wednesday is the last class for the term and will be Yin Yoga. Please note that Saturdays class has finished for this term and will recommence mid January 2020. Hope to see you all tonight ... Casual $15 Regular $12 Ten class pass $120 (no time limit) Concessions/pensioners $10 Children $free Address: Bisenella Community Centre, 73 Buckingham St, Lara
09.01.2022 I've been keeping my young family home. We're all enjoying the rest. Hope you are too
08.01.2022 Reminder last class for Term 1 is on tomorrow! Saturday the 6th of April. 9:30am Reminder last class for Term 1 is on tomorrow! Saturday the 6th of April. 9:30am
08.01.2022 It's been a fabulous holiday spending all my time with family Now it's time to again, share my practice and help guide your Yoga experience! Term 1 starts this Saturday! Saturday 9:30 - 10:30am ... Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30pm $15 casual $12 regulars $10 concessions $120 ten class pass $Free school aged children All classes are a 3 part practice consisting of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation. Classes include a dynamic flow of physical postures including salutations, and longer held postures working on balance, strength and flexibility. Finishing with either Yoga Nidra or relaxation followed by breath work and Meditation. Yin Yoga is held once every 4/5 wks on a Wednesday night. It is often described as a slow and mindful practice, consisting of longer held passive stretches. Mostly practiced laying down or seated. Any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to make contact via phone, text or messenger Address: Bisenella Community Centre, 73 Buckingham St, Lara
06.01.2022 Yin Yoga on a Thursday night is now cancelled (indefinitely) due to family commitments. Thankyou to the regulars who kept this class going for the last few months and sorry I can no longer offer this class to new students and those still enquiring about Yin. Open level Hatha classes inspired by the teachings of Sri Dharma Mittra, continue at the usual times on Wednesday night (with Ching) and Saturday morning (with myself). Many OMS
06.01.2022 Gentle Yoga this Saturday. Expect a nice slow flow, structurally focussing on opening the shoulders in a variety of ways. Note; I dont wear a microphone or a crop top but this pic does represent one way of working the shoulders. And, we will be doing soooo much more than this and it will be sooooo much more interesting and therapeutic then just a bit of stretching
05.01.2022 Mim is getting ready to take over my classes for T3, see the attached event . (Saturday 9:30am and Wednesday 7:30pm) In the meantime if there are enough people interested, Im offering 2 classes over the holidays, now that restrictions have eased. Please DM me if youd like to come along and Ill book the space. Saturday 4th and 11th of July. 9:30am. ...
05.01.2022 Yoga is back on! Yay! Ill be teaching my final 2 classes this Saturday the 4th July and next Saturday the 11th. 9:30 - 10:30am. For those of you who were unsure if you could make it or not, the space is booked, there is plenty of room for social distancing and there is as always, no need to pre book, just come along and enjoy Doors open 9:15.... Hand sanitizer provided. Mat sanitizer provided. All mats and props provided are cleaned but please bring a towel to cover bolsters and blocks if using. Alternatively Ill have mats and any props you like to use for purchase on Saturday. Cash or bank transfer Looking forward to seeing you all! Its been a while! Youve done a great job continuing your home practice and discovering what works for you online, but ahhh yessss I hear you, its not quite the same. It will be totally amazing to practice together again - as one blissed out group See you soon $12 regulars, you know who you are $15 casual $10 concession Bisenalla community centre, 73 Buckingham St, Lara
05.01.2022 Im baaaack!! After having a break from teaching the night classes last term Im excited to see you all again and guide your yoga experience WEDNESDAY Candlelight Yoga 7:30pm (will we even need candles? Lets watch the sunset!) SATURDAY 9:30am, all welcome ... SUNDAY 6 wk Beginners Course starting November 3rd. 10am. Now taking interest/sign up. $100 for the course. Wed/Sat class price: $15 casual $12 regular $120 ten class pass (no time limit) $10 pensioners, concession card holders. $Free - primary aged children (practice alongside their carer) and secondary aged children (practice with or without guardian, parents discretion) Address; Bisenella Community Centre, 73 Buckingham St, Lara
05.01.2022 Yoga shapes - there are as many, as there are us! Come explore as we offer GENTLE YOGA until the end of term. A slower paced, nurturing practice that is a great entry point for those new to Yoga. Ideal for Beginners! Ideal for those returning to their practice after a break! Ideal for those who would like to slow down!... Wednesday night 7:30pm (with Ching) Saturday 9:30am (with Melinda) All classes run for 60-70mins. $15 casual. $12 regular. $120 ten class pass (no time limit). $10 concession card holders. Children welcome to practice for FREE whilst their parents/carers practice. Address; Bisenella Community Centre, 73 Buckingham St Lara.
03.01.2022 Come and unwind with the slowest practice on offer at Lara Yoga Life; YIN YOGA. A mindful practice where passive stretches are held for long periods of time, allowing time to slowly work the joints and release fascia. Slowly releasing body and mind.... Thursdays, 7:30-8:30pm. ... $15 casual. $120 ten class pass (no time limit). $10 students, pensioners, concession card holders. At Bisenella Community Centre, 73 Buckingham St, Lara.
02.01.2022 7:30 class is on tonight!! It could be the perfect end to your midweek holiday and what amaaaazing weather
01.01.2022 YIN YOGA tonight. Delivering a slow, mindful practice that will work into the fascia as deeply or as lightly as you choose. Releasing physical, mental and emotional tensions is just the beginning of what you might experience Hope to see you there 7:30 - 8:30pm at Bisenella Community Centre, Buckingham St. $15 casual... $120 ten class pass (no time limit) $10 students, concession card holders, pensioners See more
01.01.2022 Ive been keeping my young family home. Were all enjoying the rest. Hope you are too
01.01.2022 Its been a fabulous holiday spending all my time with family Now its time to again, share my practice and help guide your Yoga experience! Term 1 starts this Saturday! Saturday 9:30 - 10:30am ... Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30pm $15 casual $12 regulars $10 concessions $120 ten class pass $Free school aged children All classes are a 3 part practice consisting of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation. Classes include a dynamic flow of physical postures including salutations, and longer held postures working on balance, strength and flexibility. Finishing with either Yoga Nidra or relaxation followed by breath work and Meditation. Yin Yoga is held once every 4/5 wks on a Wednesday night. It is often described as a slow and mindful practice, consisting of longer held passive stretches. Mostly practiced laying down or seated. Any questions or concerns please dont hesitate to make contact via phone, text or messenger Address: Bisenella Community Centre, 73 Buckingham St, Lara
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