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to load big map

Larissa Rose


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to load big map

23.01.2022 2020 for me! Well amongst it being filled with some epic mountain highs and some valley lows, it’s been beyond value adding for me. When I take stock of all the amazing humans, I have come to know this year, and the ones I have begun the journey of cultivating a deeper connection with - my heart is full.... Thank you 2020 for the beautiful humans who have given me space to flourish, who have given me the room and capacity to be challenged and those who have the pure form of ‘creating greater connectivity’ at heart. There are so many of you that I have not had piccy’s with, but we have had insanely value adding conversations with over numerous beverages, long lunches or dynamic zoom calls ! I encourage you to just sit and think about all the amazing new people you have met this year. How many brand new people have you met with and connected with this year? #gratitude #networking #connectivity #strategy #business #relationships

20.01.2022 And here is a cool piece of paper! ....but it is a cool piece of paper for planning out some intentionality around your mindset and direction of focus. But the real focus here is a big thank you to @chrishoges the Director of @me_media and his teammates for producing this video for my live speaking gig a few weeks back! ... The MeMedia studio is perfect spot to smash out some video content or podcast production work! If your keen to get your hands on some of my free mindset work sheets, jump onto my website and fill out the connect form and I’ll send them to you! Now is definitely the time to hone in on what you want to be super intentional about now and for next year! DM me if you need any help or a nudge and happy to do a 15min Discovery call with you #memedia #mindset #purpose #intentional #business #video #studio

17.01.2022 Value and impact goal achieved for seeing out 2020 I’ve officially mentored and taken 30 interns in 4 years, under my company @glowinggreen_aust And yes my impact and value goal is so much more then the ‘number of students’ I’ve had the pleasure working with! ... Giving, guiding, supporting and nurturing their career journey is such an honour. And making them ‘employable’ with strong mindsets is such a value add! It elates me and aligns me to one of my 3 biggest overarching life missions...... TO BE BUILDING THE LEADERS OF THE FUTURE #women #leadership #business #mentor #internship #mentoring #strategy #mentee #environment

15.01.2022 Sometimes my waking up at 4am to work isn't just to ensure my company delivers the impact on the projects and our client's's about something else. Meet Ellen Makaryan My early morning hustle (if you follow me on insta you will know about my early morning productivity sessions ) is also about how I can plan out to add value & impact throughout the day, week & month - not just for business but.... ... .......for the Leaders of the Future! So far my company Glowing Green Australia has taken, mentored, guided, & supported 28 university students in 4 years! Each one of them I have engaged with & taught a multitude of skillsets that measures beyond doing your 'normal style of internship'. I'm proud of what I have built, and the reason I am proud isn't just the number of students I have supported, but the IMPACTFUL VALUE I know I have embedded into their minds, self esteem, self worth, confidence & capabilities to deliver on tangible skillsets - all ENVIRONMENTALLY ALIGNED. I encourage Ellen to get out and start networking not just in the enviro sector, and to expand her connectivity on the GC! So she committed to it with me. Looking forward to supporting you Ellen & your amazing journey to become the enviro leader you deserve! Ellen & I at the Future Females Gold Coast event last week! #leadership #mentor #mentee #study #university #business #mindset #leadershipdevelopment #communityimpact

14.01.2022 The power in the pen and what it does for the mind! Just finishing off the final reflections and mapping out work on my... In 2020, what did my business and what did I achieve reflection work. ... Been mapping it out on a huge piece of brown paper with 12 massive rectangles on it, one for every month so I can be present and take stock of what: goals were achieved what random out of left field bonus goals were achieved what didn’t make it to fruition what rad humans I met and have built great connectivity with what new companies and clients I made what new opportunities came from my current clients what community based work we or I did holidays, events, speaking, family goals what was fun and what wasn’t fun I encourage you to do some pen and paper work mapping out what you did this year in your life personally and what you did business/career wise! Get that pen and paper out! Or laptop and a blank doc! #business #strategy #mindset #leadership #reflection #goals #gratitude #2020 #accountability

10.01.2022 The highs and lows of environmental management assessment work. Grateful for my job, grateful for my career and 2021 has exploded immensely with new clients and new contracts! January’s activity is just a flow on effect of work that was embedded and set up in 2020!... Make sure you keep mapping out your targets, goals and backing it up with some data. Ps. Anyone lost their keys #environment #consultant #leadership #sustainability #environmentalmanagement

09.01.2022 I had a very, very transparent and dynamically open conversation with Rebecca Neale Podcast, sharing the truths on building a business model while sharing with her about an experience where I had to admit defeat! Thanks Rebecca for a reflective conversation, where you added so much value as a business coach! #womenleadership #leadership #business #podcast ... See more

08.01.2022 Sustainability: Purpose v Profit in your business! Such an integral aspect of your business model, right? Big yes! If your keen to know what that means in terms and relation to your business, grab your tickets for the upcoming @futurefemalesgoldcoast event on 19th February! ... I’ll be discussing all this with Dr Alina Dini and @jim.chapman9 in a intimate panel session event! Tickets link in my bio! Hope to see you there! #sustainability #purpose #profit #business #speaking #environmentmanagement #wastemanagement

06.01.2022 There is so much capacity to lean in and gain support, but give support when you connect with like minded business leaders. This lovely powerhouse leader Lucy Johnston, founder and owner of TCLH is someone I admire and take significant value from regarding building a business!

05.01.2022 Looking back I’ve taken an even deeper dive of lately, then the usual ‘looking back’, at your life mode, and taken stock of my personal and business worlds. Taking full ownership and accountability takes guts, vulnerability and transparency! ... My goal through this process of looking back has been to: 1. Reflectively looking if a certain process, behaviour trait or tendency, or for business certain systems, processes, does not serve me well with my 2021 and beyond goals. if it doesn’t, I’m eliminating it ! Fair and square... it’s got to go, it’s got to be stopped and be removed. This step has been liberating but in my face too 2. Identify with what really complements and serves me, my family, my relationships and my business goals - better, healthier and more intentionally aligned! How I lead my team? How I spend my spare time? Who I align and associate with? And ultimately connected to this question is..... What is its purpose, how does this serve me well, and how does this align to my future plans and vision? Being ruthless and brutal as all hell is needed at times on yourself to help take stock of the shit you know doesn’t serve you well.... BUT more importantly identifying with preconditioned behaviour traits and default behaviours we all slide into and do daily, is the real victory. Taking ownership on them and saying ‘no this can’t operate in my world anymore, is amazing’. I encourage you to do your version of taking stock of your past, having a little deeper dive looking back and see what magic you can bring with that change into your 2021 and beyond! #sustainingyourself

05.01.2022 Don’t you love how you can reconnect with someone so many years later in your life! I randomly a few years ago reconnected with one of my oldest friends I’ve known since (grade1) Karen ! We practically grew up doing primary school together! ... Drifted apart post high school and reconnected again many many years again later as big humans. We were both into triathlons at the time and I proposed we randomly do the Julia Creek ‘DirtnDust’ triathlon together, plus do the epic road trip (whoop whoop outback Qld) Was such a hoot and I cherish that 10 days away and reconnecting with someone who I have so many fond childhood memories with! We finished the triathlon so dam well, we partied, went to rodeos, met random cowboys and danced till 5am! It’s so important to create these memories and navigate your life. This was definitely a memory that was created from taking ownership of your life and curating how you want it to be and feel like. Here’s to plotting in 2021’s memory making holidays ans events. I’m aiming on one killer memory maker every quarter for next year. Something super exciting to always be looking forward too. #memories #mindset #intentionality

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