Lashes by Eleni in Adelaide, South Australia | Hair removal service
Lashes by Eleni
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 478 662 772
Address: Fulham Gardens 5024 Adelaide, SA, Australia
Likes: 191
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25.01.2022 Dermatologist developed, exclusive #Luminesce line helps you maintain younger, smoother and softer looking skin also available from Lashes & Beauty by Eleni #luminesce #beautifulskin #flawless #chemicalfree #phylatefree #veganfriendly #hypoallergenic #organic #beauty #skincareroutine #youthful #adelaidebeauty
24.01.2022 Full set of C Curls 9-11mm #fullset #silkextensions #adelaidelashes #adelaidelashextensions #beautyadelaide #eyelashextensions
24.01.2022 Replenish & Restore your skin while you sleep with #luminesce advanced night repair Wake up looking rested and refreshed #luminesce #lashesandbeauty #skincareroutine #nighttimebeauty #restandrepair #flawless #jglobal #chemicalfree #phylatefree #organic #noanimalcruelty #youthful #youthenhancement #hypoallergenic
24.01.2022 Classic Silk C Curls . . Hybrids & Volume sets also available Bookings essential ... #adelaidelashes #lashesofadelaide #lashes #adelaidebusiness #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashextensions #adelaidelashtech #classiclashes #hybridlashes See more
24.01.2022 Need I say more
23.01.2022 You've asked for it, and I've listened. Coming soon... new services for Lashes & Beauty by Eleni #watchthisspace #lashesofadelaide #lashextensions #lashesofadelaide #eyes #beauty #beautyadelaide #staytuned
23.01.2022 Loved doing this beauty's lashes today! #adelaidelashes #lashesofadelaide #lashes #adelaidebusiness #adelaidebeauty #lashesonpoint #lashextentions #blueeyes
23.01.2022 Mixed set . . #lashesofadelaide #mixedsetoflashes #silklashes #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty #lashextensionsadelaide #lashesandbeautybyeleni
21.01.2022 R E F I L L S #lashes #adelaide #eyelashes #lashextensions #lashesofadelaide #salocal #follow #likesforlashes #eyes #lashartist #curl
21.01.2022 Classic set for this gorgeous soul Sometimes life has a funny way of bringing people to share their life experiences, and of course their beauty with you! Thank you @bygabrielle & @angie_giustozzi for referring #adelaidelashes #adelaide #beauty #lashesandbeauty #lashes #eyelashextensions #lashes&beautybyeleni #weekend #eyes
21.01.2022 We lash on Saturdays #lash #beautiful #beauty #lashes #lashaddict #adelaide #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashes #hair #makeup #lashextensions
21.01.2022 Don't forget to book in for your lashes ladies open this weekend over the Easter long weekend Xxx current special $70 full set classic silk xxX
21.01.2022 Have a few appointments left for this weekend ladies $70 full set classic silk lashes! Inbox for times available
20.01.2022 Long lush lashes #fluffylashes #fullset #beauty #lashesofadelaide #lashes #eyelashextensions #eye #eyelashesextension #adelaide #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashes
20.01.2022 Available spots: Monday 11am, 1230pm, 2pm Tuesday 630pm Thursday 645pm #adelaidelashes #beauty #lashes #adelaidebeauty #appointmentsavailable #adelaide
20.01.2022 V O L U M E S E T - - #lashes #lashextensions #volumelashes #adelaidelashes #lashesofadelaide
20.01.2022 Half way through a volumes set How fluffy! New service to Lashes&Beauty by Eleni #lashes #volumelashes #silkextensions #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty #adelaidebusiness #adelaidelashextensions
20.01.2022 From Bs to Cs . . #lashes #lashesonpoint #lashesonlashes #adelaidelashes #lashesofadelaide #beauty #adelaidebeauty #weekendlashes
19.01.2022 Incredible!! The secrets out, the future in make up is here!! with its launch in Australia just around the corner! FIRST of a KIND! UNISEX! REVOLUTIONARY! TALC FREE! PARABEN FREE! WATER PROOF! SWEAT PROOF! WATER BASED SKINCARE! EXCLUSIVE TO JEUNESSE!! This product has blown me away!! Professional air-brushed look on your skin that also has the Stem Cell Growth Factors to rejuvenate and nourish your skin at the same time. All in 30 seconds. Like all Jeunesse products, it is... unique, it works better than any products on the market today and it is exclusive! 9 different shade to choose from and includes a Primer & Bronzer! Get in touch to be the FIRST to get on my Pre-Sale list! #NV #BeTheEnvy #PerfectingMist #Unisex #NineShades #AllSkinTypes #apt200 #AntiBacterial #Primer #FoundationSpray #SunkissedBronzer #Revolutionary #LatestTechnology #flawless #getmesomenow #ExclusiveToJeunesse #Chemicalfree #veganfriendly #hyperallergenic #AdvancedPolypeptideTechnology #loveyourskin
19.01.2022 Lash Inspo #eyelashextensions #lashaddict #lashextensions #lashes #beauty #makeup #salocal #adelaidelashes #westernsuburbs #lashartist #bookings
18.01.2022 NV BB Mist Foundation taking the world by storm and available at Lashes & Beauty by Eleni inbox to find out your shade - 8 shades available #betheenvy #apt200
18.01.2022 another refill on this fine day #refills #adelaidelashes #lashes #lashesbyeleni #lashesofadelaide #longlashes #classicset #lashextensions #fulhamgardens #salocal #sabeauty #sundaylashes #fulhamgardens
18.01.2022 Feeling generous and loving the support lately from my beautiful clients I've decided to run a small competition Like, Share & Tag a friend to win $20 each off your Full Set of lashes! Winners announced 12th June Conditions apply ... #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashes #fluffylashes #eyes #beautiful #lashaddict #lashextensions #lashesofadelaide #lashesbyeleni #salocal #beauty #adelaide See more
18.01.2022 Happy Saturday #beauty #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashes #lashesandbeauty #weekendvibes
17.01.2022 P R I C E S #lashes #eyelashextensions #beauty #longlashes #classic #lashesofadelaide #long #eyes #adelaidebeauty #adelaide #salocal
17.01.2022 Want to smooth out fine lines & wrinkles?? Left - before, Right - After no injections here #youthenhancement #instantlyageless #youthful #beauty #sabeauty #salocal
16.01.2022 Last week to #repost #share #tagyourfriends and win Who knows ladies, I may be feeling even more generous and might choose more than 1 winner
16.01.2022 C O M P E T I T I O N Ladies don't forget to repost my last post, tag your friends and to go in the running to win a prize for you and your gf conditions apply Winners announced 12th June #lashesofadelaide #lashextensions #lashesandbeauty #beauty #eyelashes #competition #repost #share #adelaide #adelaidelashes
16.01.2022 Client Beauty each set of lashes are different each time #lashes #beauty #lashaddict #lashextensions #lash #beautiful #eyes #makeup #supportsmallbusiness #salocal #adelaide #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty #eyelashtransformation #eye
16.01.2022 Ladies- the above image is NOT my work this poor girl had NO idea how bad the condition of her lashes were until I got her under the light. They were so clumpy, there were lashes placed on top of other lashes and the glue was so thick it was VERY hard to remove. This was only meant to be a refill but i insisted to start fresh. I don't want to name and shame the lash technician but it's important that you are consulted about the technique, the thickness of your lash, and... the length. You may want the longest lashes and the thickest lashes but sometimes that's not what you can have. We have been taught the technique and the application so we maintain healthy lashes. We show you aftercare of your lashes and if you follow these steps you will have beautiful lashes. Please ladies do not wear mascara on your lashes, brush your lashes, make sure they are cleaned, and book your refills every 2-3 weeks. Ps the second photo is my work #eyelashtransformation #lashes #lashaddict #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty #lashextensions #lashesofadelaide #eye #beauty #beforeandafter #fullset #fluffylashes See more
15.01.2022 Happy Monday to all my beautiful clients I've got a couple of spots available this week! For times and dates available please feel free to send me a msg
14.01.2022 Full set for this beauty #lashes #lashextensions #fluffy #eyelashextensions #lashesoftheday #lashesofadelaide #lashesandbeauty #lashesonpoint #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty #instalashes #salocal #beauty
14.01.2022 My beautiful client today with Classic C Curls each person is different as it depends on your natural lashes, the amount you have and the length! This beauty had so many lashes and so thick #lashes&beautybyeleni #beauty #adelaidebeauty #lashes #salocal #lashextensions #beautiful
14.01.2022 H A P P Y M O N D A Y L A D I E S This week is booking up fast! Few appointments left for Saturday now & one spot available tomorrow night at 545pm . #lash #lashextensions #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty #skincare #youthenhancement #serum #lashes #eyes #skin #face #beautiful #youthful #adelaide
14.01.2022 F R I D A Y N I G H T L A S H E S Ladies I do late night appointments for those who want them done after hours. #fridaynight #beauty #adelaidebeauty #adelaide #eyes #beautiful #beauty #lashes #lashextensions #lashaddict
14.01.2022 full set of lashes for this beauty #lashes #lashextensions #lashaddict #salocal #beauty #beautiful #eyes #fluffylashes #happyfriday #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty
13.01.2022 Classic refills for this beauty #sundaylashes #lashes #refills #thick #longlashes #fluffy #beautiful #client #beauty #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashes #lashextensions #lashesofadelaide #salocal #fulhamgardens @black_inc_hair_lounge
12.01.2022 Happy Wednesday ladies Few spots available for Saturday bookings #lashes #beauty #salocal #adelaide #classic #eyelashextensions #beauty #lashesofadelaide #beautiful #silk
12.01.2022 R e f i l l s #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty #adelaide #eyelashesextension #eye #lashextensions #lashaddict #lashesofadelaide #beauty #long #longlashes #thick #fluffy #refills
12.01.2022 -- A F T E R C A R E -- Ladies it's important to look after your lashes Here are some tips to look after your lashes and keep them healthy do not get lashes wet for the first 24hrs do not use oil-based eye products, creams or waterproof mascara use only water -based make up &a make up remover remove make up around the eye with a cotton swab do not perm, tint or use and eyelash curler be careful to avoid pulling extensions or rubbing eyes please see a trained technician to have your extensions removed To extend the life of your lashes, please schedule touch ups every 2-3 weeks #lashesofadelaide #lashes #beauty #eyelashextensions #classic #longlashes #lashextensions #adelaide #salocal
11.01.2022 D Curls #lashes #beauty #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty
10.01.2022 D Curl Refills #silkclassiclashes #lashes #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashes #eyelashextensions #lashextensions #lashesofadelaide
10.01.2022 All @katewillson87 wanted was to be insta famous and so I said sure!! I couldn't help but notice her absolutely flawless skin!! Oh and her lashes were alright I guess #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty #eyelashextensions #silk #classic #curl #adelaide #salocal #eyelashes
10.01.2022 ** I N S T A G R A M ** Head over to my Instagram page to see more of my work & while you're there give it a like or two X O X O ... Eleni See more
09.01.2022 Curls for Ju #lashes #lashesofadelaide #classic #silk #eyelashextensions #adelaide #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashes
08.01.2022 C L A S S I C S - V S - V O L U M E S both services now available Bookings essential . . #lashes #lashesonpoint #lashesofadelaide #adelaidebusiness #adelaidebeauty #eyelashextensions #eyelashextensionsadelaide
08.01.2022 F U N F A C T F R I D A Y Keep your lashes full & beautiful Bookings are essential - contact details in bio ... #lashextensions #classic #eyelashextensions #beauty #lashes #adelaidebeauty #longlashes #lush #beautiful #funfacts #weekendvibes
08.01.2022 Ladies I will now be doing my lashes at @blackincbhb Bookings are essential Exciting times ahead #lashesbyeleni #eyelashextensions #classic #silk #beauty #salocal
08.01.2022 Thank you for all the ladies who took the time to enter my little competition! I have chosen my winners and I'll send you a private message shortly #feelingthelove #winner #supportsmallbusiness #beauty #lashes #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty
07.01.2022 C L I E N T B E A U T Y I love receiving selfies from my beautiful clients especially gorgeous ones from this gal #adelaide #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashes #lashextensions #lash #eyes #beauty #beautiful #stunning #supportsmallbusiness #beautiful #makeup #business #youthful
07.01.2022 D C U R L S #gorgeousclient #longlashes #eyelashextensions #lashesbyeleni #lashesofadelaide #lashextensions #curl #dcurl #length #thick #salocal #beauty #beautiful
07.01.2022 Long Lush Lashes for Stefania today
07.01.2022 Hybrid Set D Curls . . #mixedsetlashes #hybridlashes #adelaidelashes #lashesofadelaide #lashes #adelaidebusiness #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashextensions #dcurllashes #silklashextensions
06.01.2022 Classic C Curl Full Set #lashesofadelaide #business #silk #classic #eyelashextensions #salocal #lashesbyeleni #beauty
06.01.2022 Ooohhh look what arrived ladies 7 Shades of perfect! Want to find out what shade you are!?? Inbox for details .... . #betheenvy #NVbbmistfoundation #apt200 #youthdefining #HDlook #flawless #beautyadelaide #adelaidebeauty #adelaidebusiness #oilfree #phylatefree #nongmo #veganfriendly #chemicalfree #bronzer #primer #foundation See more
06.01.2022 New services to Lashes & Beauty by Eleni Volume Lashes Mixed set (mixture of classics & volumes) BB Perfecting Mist Foundation ... Bookings essential #adelaidebeauty #adelaidelashes #adelaidebusiness #beauty #lashes #lashesofadelaide #silklashes #volumelashes #classiclashes #lashextensions
05.01.2022 Nice long lashes #lashes #lashextensions #sabeauty #salocal #afterhours #business #lashaddict #salocal #eyelashes #eyelashextensions
05.01.2022 How gorgeous is my client!? #lashextensions #curl #lashesofadelaide #lashesbyeleni #eyelashextensions #beauty #beautiful #eyes #darkfeatures #adelaide #adelaidebeauty #natural #followbeauty
05.01.2022 Classic C Curls #eyes #weekend #lashes #eyelashextensions #lashesandbeauty #lashesandbeauty #beauty
04.01.2022 H Y B R I D S E T S . . Also known as mixed sets, combination of classic & volume lashes Bookings essential ... #lashes #hybridlashes #lashesofadelaide #adelaidelashes #adelaidelashtechnician #beauty #eyelashesofadelaide #lashesandbeautybyeleni See more
03.01.2022 C curl silk classics tonight . . #lashes #lashesofadelaide #classiclashes #silklashes #silkextensions #adelaidelashes #adelaidebusiness #adelaidebeauty
03.01.2022 Pretty Green Eyes
03.01.2022 Classics for this gal Lash thickness suited to her fair lashes giving her the natural look she asked for #adelaidelashes #lashesofadelaide #lashes #adelaidebusiness #adelaidebeauty #classiclashes #blueeyes
02.01.2022 NOW AVAILABLE @lashesandbeautybyeleni Absolutely LOVING the new NV BB Mist Foundation Fast, Simple & Easy to use! No filter has been used.. just my beauty light ... Phthalate, Paraben, Sulfate & Talc Free Vegan Friendly Youth Enhancing APT 200 TM For ALL Skin Types & Tones High Definition Moisturising & Hydrating Oil Free Sweat Proof - Especially if you wear foundation to the gym! It doesn't come off Water Proof Available in 7 shades! Inbox me to find out your suitable shade. Bookings essential . . #betheenvy #nvbeauty #airbrushfoundation #beauty #coverage #flawless #nofilter #beautyadelaide #adelaidemakeup #makeupglobal #makeup #beautyofadelaide #jeunesse #veganfriendly #crueltyfreefoundation #skincare #cosmetics
02.01.2022 Ladies I have one appointment left this week for a full set 6pm Thursday night. Silk classic Extensions inbox to secure this spot
01.01.2022 Hybrids mixed set of volumes and classic lashes using a D curl #hybrids #mixedset #adelaidelashextensions #lashesonlashes #lashesofadelaide #silkextensions #lashextensions #adelaidelashes #adelaidebeauty #adelaidebusiness
01.01.2022 Happy Sunday ladies #lashes #eyelashextensions #classic #silk #beauty #salocal
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