Latrobe River Irrigators | Other
Latrobe River Irrigators
Phone: +61 419 184 968
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23.01.2022 Mine Rehabilitation and water availability facts: * The three mines require more then 3,000,000 ML of water to fill the three mines voids. This is approx 6x the volume held in the Sydney Harbour. * Over 21,000 ML annually to counter the evaporation from the three mine ‘pit lakes’.... * It will take more than 80 years to fill all three mine voids. * Studies show that surface water runoff has already reduced by 25% in the past 20 years. Climate models show that by 2060, stream flows are predicted to reduce by a further 25% to just 400GL annually. LRI are deeply concerned that there is simply not enough water to fill the mine voids, support farmers grow crops along with maintain healthy environmental flows. In this drying climate, water cannot be wasted. Alternate water sources and rehabilitation methods need to be prioritised for these mines. Fresh water needs to be reserved for humanity, food production and environmental health. #justaddwater #minefacts
22.01.2022 Latrobe River Irrigators Inc shares the concerns voiced by the FLoW group. The mines requires more then 3,000,000 ML of water to fill the three mines voids (6x the volume of the Sydney Harbour) and a further 21,000+ ML annually to counter the evaporation. It will also take more than 80 years to fill all three mine voids!... Studies show that surface water runoff has already reduced by 25% in the past 20 years. Climate models show that by 2060, stream flows are predicted to reduce by a further 25% to just 400GL annually. LRI are deeply concerned that there is simply not enough water to fill the mine voids, support farmers grow crops along with maintain healthy environmental flows. In this drying climate, water cannot be wasted. Alternate water sources and rehabilitation methods need to be prioritised for these mines. Fresh water needs to be reserved for humanity, food production and environmental health. #justaddwater #minefacts
21.01.2022 We are pleased to announce that Environment Protection Authority Victoria will begin a priority investigation into coal ash contamination at Hazelwood. Our comm...unity has powered the state for generations, we deserve a proper clean up and piece of mind. Big thanks to Environmental Justice Australia for their support. See more
20.01.2022 Watch the Webinar from the mine rehabilitation commissioner. At 34 minutes 20 seconds, Ray McKay is ask the question If you had your time again, what would you do differently? ... it is very interesting to see that even the commissioner himself would have liked to have seen alternate, non-water based rehabilitation options explored from the beginning.
19.01.2022 Bumper stickers are back! #justaddwater
17.01.2022 Social membership is now available! $150 for 12month membership. - free bumper sticker, - free banner to display with each membership. ... We are also looking for major sponsors. By supporting the Latrobe River Irrigators group, you support job opportunities and economic opportunities for all Gippslanders. The development of irrigation infrastructure in Gippsland will benefit the whole community including coffee shops, cloth shops hair dressers, Ag service businesses, trucking and freight businesses and create opportunities for generations to come. PM me for further information today. #justaddwater #gippsland
17.01.2022 Looking to the future, water will play a vital role in growing industry in Gippsland. Let’s look at all the possibilities for our great Latrobe River, before we commit the fresh water from it to being just a pit filler. #waterforageiculture... #justaddwater #gippsland ABC Gippsland
14.01.2022 Stream flows in the Latrobe River are forecast to drop by as much as 50% by 2060. How will there be enough water for the Enviroment, Agriculture, and the Mine Rehabilitation... Alternative sources of water for rehabilitation purposes need to be further explored and the fundings made public.
12.01.2022 Thank you Nutrien Ag Solutions_Au Traralgon for supporting our farmers. Nutrien Ag understand that their business will grow and potentially be able to employ more Gippslanders if Gippsland Ag sector grew off the back of additional water being made available for farmers along the Latrobe River. Latrobe River Irrigators Inc has a plan for growth and job opportunities that will benefit all of Gippsland. We are working with our partners The Committee for Gippsland and Agribusin...ess Gippsland on the development of a white paper that will lay the foundations for what we hope will be the next stage in transforming Gippsland from mining being the major employer, to Agriculture as being the major employer. Support our farmers. Like and share our posts. Tell your friends and networks. Now is the time for transformation. Let’s get serious about water and what this prescious resource can create for our region. It is more than just a mine filler. #justaddwater
08.01.2022 New $500,000 irrigation expansion study announced for central Gippsland including the expansion of the Latrobe River irrigation network. Latrobe River Irrigators inc (LRI) welcome today’s announcement by the Victorian Water Minister. Having been part of the discussion in highlighting the opportunity for economic growth and job creation for Gippslanders. ... As a result of expanding the Latrobe River irrigation network with water no longer used for coal power generation as the next best and highest use, our already thriving agricultural industry in Gippsland will again step forward and create jobs to replace ones lost from mine closures. This is a very positive announcement and a great time to be in the Agriculture industry. LRI look forward to working with Southern Rural Water on developing the guidelines and direction for the new study. ABC Gippsland #justaddwater Southern Rural Water
07.01.2022 A new Desalination Plant for the Latrobe Vally could be a solution for mine rehabilitation. The construction of a new desalination plant to convert sea water or b-class water into quality water for mine rehabilitation is a viable option. This water source could supplement water sourced from ground and surface water reserves, which would reduce pressure on Latrobe River system and ultimately on agricultural irrigation licences and environmental flows. Why has no study been c...ommissioned into the viability of this idea? If it has why is it not publicly available?? LRI are calling for more information to be released publicly on the topic of alternate options for safe, sustainable mine rehabilitation. Let’s not rush into a solution that is not the best option for Gippsland long term. #desalinationplantforgippsland #desalinationplant #justaddwater #jobs #agriculture #gippsland #waterforourfuture
05.01.2022 Expanding irrigation area in central Gippsland just makes good sense. It will create economic opportunities and jobs for all Gippslanders. It will also help turn Gippsland into the most secure food production region in the country. #australianagriculture #agriculture #gippsland... #irrigation #foodproduction
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