La Trobe Sport & Exercise Medicine Research Centre in Bundoora, Victoria | Medical and health
La Trobe Sport & Exercise Medicine Research Centre
Locality: Bundoora, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9479 3902
Address: Level 5, HS3, La Trobe University 3086 Bundoora, VIC, Australia
Likes: 752
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25.01.2022 #FITNESSFRIDAY #LTUWFH This week we accumulated 1500km by bike and feet - great effort LASEM move team. This take us from Sao Carlos to the sea - checking our Rio De Janeiro before heading back inland the capital of LASEMS Danilo De Oliveira Silva's ( home state - Belo Horizonte. Whilst there we popped in to say hi to the EIC Rafael Zambell of the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy. Next stop the USA!.
24.01.2022 #TEAMTHURSDAY #LTUWFH Please meet Pete Lawrenson who in 2019 completed his PhD titled Muscle activity and morphology in hip-related pain, as part of the FORCe prospective study. Pete is currently an Adjunct Research Fellow at La Trobe University, and a lecturer in Physiotherapy at the University of Queensland. Pete’s research is focused on muscle structure and function in hip/groin pain and is currently leading a large multi-national survey of physiotherapy practice in the ...diagnosis and management of Femoracetabular impingement. FUN FACT Pete has been stuck in New Zealand throughout the COVID pandemic due to the Australian border restrictions. Maybe being denied entry to Australia was karmic payback for the years Pete spent turning people away from night clubs in his previous job as a bouncer. Thankfully these days the only security work Pete does is as part of Professor Kay Crossley’s traveling security detail.
24.01.2022 #MOTIVATIONMONDAY #LTUWFH Lets get motivated this Monday to complete the perfect arabesque - great for your balance, core, glute and hamstring control. Standing on one leg with your knee slightly bent, slowly bring chest towards floor, extending the opposite leg and keeping the back in a neutral position and the hips level. Slowly return to an upright position. See if you can complete 10 on each side!
23.01.2022 #TUESDAYTIPS #LTUWFH Sitting down for long periods has a big impact on our health and is associated with an increased risk of various diseases. This Tuesday check out these great tips from the Australian Physiotherapy Association to help reduce your screen time.
23.01.2022 #TUESDAYTIPS #LTUWFH This Tuesday let's all try a wall sit to engage those quads, glutes and core. Have you tried a single leg wall sit? Stand comfortably with feet approximately shoulder width apart, with your back against a smooth vertical wall. Slowly slide your back down the wall to assume a position with both your knees and hips at a 90 angle. Move the feet position if required. The timing starts when one foot is lifted off the ground and is stopped when the subject ca...nnot maintain the position and the foot is returned to the ground. After a period of rest, the other leg is tested. Males > 100 seconds hold and Females > 60 seconds = excellent! How long can you hold a single leg wall sit for?
23.01.2022 Delighted to introduce Ben Mentiplay who is a lecturer in Biomechanics and Human Movement in the Discipline of Sport and Exercise Science at La Trobe University. Ben is an essential part of the FORCe team investigating young active adults with hip-related pain. Ben has a strong interest in clinical biomechanics and applies his knowledge in a range of populations including musculoskeletal, paediatric, and neurological cohorts. FUN FACT Ben recently adopted a Border Collie puppy named Dougie. Great timing with the COVID-lockdown meaning lots of time for playing and teaching him new tricks!
22.01.2022 HELP US understand injury and illness burden in female Australian football. Please share and encourage female footy players to sign up!
21.01.2022 #FITNESSFRIDAY #LTUWFH After a little break visiting friends we are back on the road taking the scenic route to meet with Assoc Prof Mike Reinman at Duke university We have moved another 1000+Km this week - awesome work LASEM Move
21.01.2022 #TEAMTHURSDAY #LTUWFH Introducing Sally Coburn who is a physio, and after many years of brilliant work as a Research Officer at LASEM was finally convinced to complete her PhD! Sally is a recipient of a PhD scholarship from the NHMRC and her PhD project is titled: Effects of load and role of muscle strength as a mediator in joint cartilage health. FUN FACT Sallys favourite things are family holidays, bushwalking and cycling anywhere cars are not allowed. She likes gardening and likes to feed the local wildlife by trying to grow fruit and veg. She also likes sewing and knitting.
20.01.2022 #TUESDAYTIPS #LTUWFH Women's Health Week continues; The WHW initiative was started by the Jean Hailes Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving womens health through advocacy, education and care. Theres no doubt about it, 2020 has been a year of challenges and constant change. This Tuesday join Rosie for a lunchtime stretch and chat to learn tips on how to manage anxiety but understanding your sleep patterns and uncover ways to wind down the nervous ...system. Midday Zoom ID: 789 6798 6050 password: whw2020
20.01.2022 #MOTIVATIONMONDAY #LTUWFH #MOVEMBER Are you making a MOVE for MOVEMBER? Run or walk 60km for the month of November. That's 60km for the 60 men we lose to suicide each hour, every hour across the world.
19.01.2022 #WORKOUTWEDNESDAY #LTUWFH This Wednesday lets get to work on a simple full body mobility regime. Take a break from the desk and feel great!
19.01.2022 #FITNESSFRIDAY #LTUWFH This week the LASEM move team left Brazil and landed in Los Angeles. Straight off the plane and back onto our bikes and feet after a short trip we dropped into visit A/Prof Susan Sigward & Prof Chris Powers at the University of Southern California and then we headed north to San Francisco to see Prof Rich Souza at the University of California
19.01.2022 #FITNESSFRIDAY #LTUWFH A big week on the bike and foot this week as the LASEM Move teams travels through the USA. We have covered 1181km this week and passed through Nevada and now Idaho stopping at in the Payette National Forest on our way to catch up with our next collaborator - guess who?
19.01.2022 #MOTIVATIONMONDAY #LTUWFH How are you Moving for Movember? Go the distance to help stop Men dying young.
19.01.2022 #FITNESSFRIDAY #LTUWFH How are you going with maintaining your fitness routine?. The team at LASEM have been remarkably consistent over the long months of lockdown - clocking up at least 1000km each week on the bike, running and walking since we started measuring way back in March. Clocking up more than 40,000km we have made our way around Australia, Brazil and the USA - Well done team LASEM a great effort !
18.01.2022 #TUESDAYTIPS #LTUWFH Feel like your pet is getting more sleep that you? This Tuesday check out some tips and tricks for a better night's sleep.
18.01.2022 #TUESDAYTIPS #LTUWFH Starting to enjoy the warm weather getting out on the bike? check out these great tips to avoid knee pain
17.01.2022 #MOTIVATIONMONDAY #LTUWFH It's another Monday in Lockdown for Victorians - what is going to motivate you to move this week? We know that too much sitting can have a big impact on our health. Let's get motivate this week to try something new; Think fitness videos, dance to music on while you do the housework, try out a new recipe, wash your car or play with the kids in the backyard.
16.01.2022 #WORKOUTWEDNESDAY #LTUWFH Changing up our Wednesday workout this week with a 10 minute full body workout by Pamela Rief
16.01.2022 #TUESDAYTIPS #LTUWFH This Tuesday lets break up your desk routine with a simple see-saw lunge - a great way to get your heart rate up while activating your glutes, quads and hamstrings. T
15.01.2022 #FITNESSFRIDAY #LTUWFH The LASEM Move team continue to march and wheel across the USA heading towards Illinois. This week we have left South Dakota, travelled through Nebraska and are now deep into Iowa! Great moving team. Next week we will visit another great collaborator, who will it be?
14.01.2022 #MOTIVATIONMONDAY #LTUWFH A healthy body = A healthy mind What are you doing to keep moving in ISO? Lets get motivated this Monday to focus on what we can do, not what we cant ...
13.01.2022 #MOTIVATIONMONDAY #LTUWFH Lets get motivated this Monday to find our 30! Find Your 30 is all about finding practical ways in which we can work half an hour of activity into their day. There are simple solutions, like walking the extra block to work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and getting the whole family active together.
13.01.2022 #WORKOUTWEDNESDAY #LTUWFH This wednesday get the heart rate up with another great workout from LaTrobe Sports #activationinisolation series
13.01.2022 #MOTIVATIONMONDAY #LTUWFH This week is women's health week - the pandamic has seen a 25% drop in women visiting their GP, females lets get motivated this Monday to check in.rselves and schedule that health check
12.01.2022 #TUESDAYTIPS #LTUWFH Lacking motivation with your running routine? Knee Pain getting in the way? Check out these tips for managing running related knee pain in this great piece from LASEM staffer Dr Christian Barton
12.01.2022 #WORKOUTWEDNESDAY #LTUWFH Ramping up your running in Lockdown 2.0 - check out this runners warm up from LaTrobe Sports #ACTIVATIONINISOLATION series
12.01.2022 #WORKOUTWEDNESDAY #LTUWFH This weeks Wednesday workout is an online option provided as part of women's health week by Monash Sport. Join us in real-time energetic, at home workouts to keep your mind vibrant and your body active. All you need is ample space to move around, a towel, drink bottle and a positive attitude! Monash Sport is here for our entire community.
11.01.2022 Delighted to introduce Dr Richie Johnston who is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at LASEM and the lead investigator of the TRAIL running study Richie completed his PhD in 2018 through the University of Limerick, Ireland on training load and injury associations within Endurance sport. He also has a Master of clinical musculoskeletal physiotherapy and vast clinical experience working with various sporting codes, but mostly rugby union. FUN FACT An avid and talented distance runner, Richie competes regularly across multiple distances and is a member of Hunter Athletics & Recreation and RunStrong, Melbourne. He completed his first marathon in 2017 in Paris and ran the 2019 Melbourne marathon in a time of 2:40. Richie is also a talented dancer as can be seen from this video!
10.01.2022 Please meet Katia Ferrar who is the first dedicated Research Fellow appointed to coordinate the research activities of the La Trobe University and The Australian Ballet Partnership. Dr Katia Ferrar joined the partnership during the COVID lockdown in March 2020. Katia is a musculoskeletal physiotherapist who completed her PhD in 2012. Her research is focussed on physical activity, exercise and wellbeing. FUN FACT Katia is partial to red wine and Haigh’s chocolate and loves walking her two gorgeous dogs.
09.01.2022 Injury surveillance in community women's footy project- register here
09.01.2022 #TUESDAYTIPS #LTUWFH This Tuesday lets make use of that foam roller and release some tension. Foam rolling is a great way to self massage and relieve those tight spots .
08.01.2022 Introducing Eliza Roughead who is one of the invaluable Research Officers at LASEM and works clinically as a physiotherapist at Symmetry Physio. Eliza mainly works on Womens Health in Sport and Exercise research projects but also assists with Trail and LASEM hip projects. FUN FACT... Eliza loves the fact that she grew up on a farm and is very proud of her new kid goat called Pepe. Not surprisingly with that famous surname, Eliza is also an avid Aussie Rules Football player and has been honing her skills throughout the COVID lockdown! See more
06.01.2022 #WORKOUTWEDNESDAY #LTUWF Lets get dancing this Wednesday try this fun 15 minutes dance routine - incorporating strength and cardio, have fun!
04.01.2022 Another big week for LASEM move with 1092.43km - 403.6km on the bike, 474.33km running and 214.5km walking. After just 74 km we made it to The University of Montana to visit Rich Willy to have a quick chat about patellofemoral pain & running. We are now heading East passing through IDAHO the top of WYOMING and have just entered SOUTH DAKOTA.
04.01.2022 #FITNESSFRIDAY #LTUWFH The LASEMMOVE team has had a busy week this week clocking up another 1200km + on the bike and on foot. This week we have taken in a few sights in the USA checking out Milwaukee and Chicago before dropping in to see the lovely Mariana Kersh ( at the University of Illinois before ending up at Indiana Uni to visit LASEM team member Stu Warden
04.01.2022 Introducing Michael Girdwood who is one of the invaluable Research Officers at LASEM. Mick has worked at LASEM for four years, across numerous projects including FORCe and tendon studies. He is a recipient of a PhD scholarship from the NHMRC and will commence a project investigating neuroscience outcomes in people with knee injuries. FUN FACT Mick is multi-lingual having been born in Hungary, recently lived in Tokyo and is a very keen skier and surfer!
03.01.2022 #MOTIVATIONMONDAY #LTUWFH Motivation can difficult, let's have some fun in the school holidays and this Monday get motivated to work out like a pirate. Get the kids moving with these pirate exercise tips for the kids from the Australian Physiotherapy Association.
03.01.2022 #WORKOUTWEDNESDAY #LTUWFH Let's have some fun with our workout this Wednesday. Check out MKFits dance workout - to songs from the 2000's.
03.01.2022 #TUESDAYTIPS #LTUWFH With the continued work from home situation and lockdown fatigue becoming a big factor - today is a good time to check back in with your workstation set up.
02.01.2022 #WORKOUTWEDNESDAY #LTUWFH Workout Wednesday bought to you by the La Trobe Sport team - lets focus on your shoulder blades today and relieve the strain of long ours at the desk!
02.01.2022 Please meet Zuzana Machotka who works at LASEM as a Research Officer on the GLA:D and FORCe projects and as a physiotherapist at Complete Sports Care. Zuzana is a current recipient of a PhD scholarship from the NHMRC and commenced working on her PhD project titled Muscle size & quality in active young adults with hip-related pain just before COVID hit. FUN FACT... Zuzana has many talents including; karate, piano playing, mountain climbing and she has even worked as a ski instructor in Colorado! See more
01.01.2022 #WORKOUTWEDNESDAY #LTUWFH Let's get the heart rate up this Wednesday with a skipping challenge from La Trobe Sports #activaitoninisolation series
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